Organizations that build 5G data centers may need to upgrade their infrastructure. "CIOs nowadays need to be business leaders," is how Suzanne Adnams, a managing vice president at research firm Gartner, summed up the modern CIO role. Among the 2022 State of the CIO respondents, 46% are advancing efforts to increase operational efficiency compared to only 34% in the prior years survey. CIOs "aren't catching much of a break this year," reported TechTarget Industry Editor John Moore in "Top 7 CIO challenges in 2022 and how to handle them.". The CIO of a large consumer company made digital and analytics upskilling one of the companys key strategic priorities, launching an enterprise-wide program, in tandem with HRs learning team. They focused on the hiring of skilled workers, such as carpenters, lithographers, and railroad engineers, attempting to maintain as much control as possible over the work their members did through enforcement of work rules, zealous defense of their jurisdiction to certain types of work, control over apprenticeship programs, and exclusion of less skilled workers from membership.Craft unionists opposed organizing workers into unions that represented all of the production workers in a particular enterprise. You ain't labor, you're union. Developing a deeper well of business knowledge often requires CIOs to extend their networks beyond the organization. An effective talent strategy requires a culture that supports talent. Generating support for a transformation among business leaders across the organization requires creating true partnering relationships with them based on common goals, mutual responsibility, and accountability. CIOs need to move quickly. Do you meet or speak with IT employees who are on the front lines at least once a week? Sanders (I-Vt.) and the 10 Democratic members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) last month invited . Anyone familiar with the labor movement today knows that organized labor is a heterogeneous group - African Americans, Latinos, Asians and Asian Americans, whites, men and women, citizens and undocumented workers all make up the ranks of the unions affiliated with Change to Win and the AFL-CIO. interim CIO (interim chief information officer): An interim CIO, also known as a contract CIO, is a qualified chief information officer who serves a company on a temporary basis. The most effective CIOs ensure this level of collaboration is the norm within IT itself as well. Functional tasks also consumed a large part of the CIO agenda this year, cited by 84% of survey respondents, with security management (51%), improving IT operations and systems performance (43%), and controlling costs and expense management (29%) among the top imperatives. This is particularly important around cybersecurity. The union staged Texas' first strike that autumn and won a 25 per cent wage increase. Findings from our 2018 IT strategy survey reveal that companies with top IT organizations are much more likely than others to have the CIO very involved with shaping the business strategy and agenda, and strong performance on core IT tasks enables faster progress against a companys digital goals. That means not just explaining how this three-pronged approach is better for IT but also clarifying how it drives business goals and how it can be implemented. Our guide to the CIO's place in the modern enterprise takes stock of this multifaceted role, including its history, its relation to other IT executive positions in the C-suite, its chief challenges and its future prospects. Technology was no longer the exclusive province of IT experts or an add-on for business functions; it was everywhere, it was a normal part of everyday experience and it was changing how business got done. Now, he concurs that IT operational excellence is necessary but not sufficient for CIOs. As always, its a tale of having to do both, notes Bess Healy, senior vice president and CIO at Stamford, Conn.-based financial services company Synchrony. The evolution of the CIO job from technology expert to a business strategist with deep technical expertise has arguably been more dramatic than any other C-level role transition. Early heads of the IT function came to their positions by being very good at technology -- mainframe data processing, in particular. Klemens Hjartar, Peter Jacobs, Eric Lamarre, and Lars Vinter, Its time to reset the IT talent model: Foster an engineering culture of smaller teams of better engineers to maximize productivity, forthcoming in Sloan Management Review. Knowing which technology will help the business remains one of the trickiest aspects of the CIO role. Unions have generally grown and then been pushed back at various points since the 1880s. So he embedded them into cross-functional teams aligned around specific products, relying on informal networks of guilds and chapters to provide guidance and light oversight. Victorious industrial unions with militant left-wing leadershipscatalyzed the rise of the CIO. As digital technologies continue to blur the distinction between the physical and virtual world, finding ways to generate digital revenue is critical to business survival and a responsibility increasingly shared by CIOs with business executives. Data was not just the province of the few but currency for the many, as the adoption of PCs put powerful technology in the hands of employees. Many of the great technology companies, like Yahoo and Microsoft, use their lead customers to help create new products and test them. Unions spend that money in a variety of ways: recruiting new members; providing services, like legal defense, to their existing members; lobbying policy makers; contributing to political campaigns; and more. Together, they created detailed work plans. Contact. While still pursuing innovation on a parallel track to support remote work and to improve customer, supplier, and employee engagement, companies across sectors are in the midst of a governance cycle to ensure the wave of pandemic-era digital investments are fully optimized and delivering value for the business. New York, NY: Anchor Books, 2011.. Ibid, 445.. Goldfield, Michael. Do you have a war room to manage the transformation that can solve problems as well as track progress? Helped create Social Security and Medicare. CIOs are once again walking a tightrope between innovation and operational excellencethis time, buoyed by strong LOB alliances and a lingering pandemic glow. Ibid., 15-16.. CIOs who want to reinvent techs role need tech stars, particularly the best engineers. In the past, IT transformations have often proven expensive, time consuming, and short on value, and this has made some companies leery of undertaking them again. . To kick-start the transformation journey, the CIO of a transportation-and-logistics company made it her first priority to meet with every single business leader to understand their goals and issues and to set expectations on how they could best work together, by clarifying, for example, what the business side could expect to get from IT in a consultant role versus IT as a service provider or partner. Large IT initiatives have always required detailed planning, but business-oriented CIOs ensure that transformation plans account for dependencies outside of IT, such as marketing campaigns or legal implications. Since its beginnings nearly 40 years ago, the job of an organization's top IT executive has involved the cost-effective andstrategic management of IT systems. At Oshkosh Corp., a manufacturer of specialty trucks and access equipment based in Oshkosh, Wis., building a customer obsessive IT organization and cultivating that brand internally has everything to do with building trust and forging close alignment with the business,regardless of whether the collaboration is for an AI-enabled supply chain or a simple help desk engagement. In 1953, 32.5% of American workers were union members. That was a massive power statement that I highlighted to business leaders.. CIO pickets, Georgia, 1941. False. Copyright 2007 - 2023, TechTarget One of their goals is to continue to maintain and improve the organization's internal technology processes as a way of maximizing company productivity and making complex tasks more achievable through automation. The national labor union was one large union that directly represented workers from many trades crafts and industries. The COVID-19 pandemic set off a mind-boggling acceleration of digital transformation, as companies raced to accommodate remote workers, make business applications accessible to employees, partners and customers, and embrace hyperautomation along with its panoply of technologies to integrate and scale enterprise automation. However, despite burgeoning IT budgets, a C-level title and oversight of companywide systems, late 20th-century CIOs were still largely IT operators rather than business executives. The AFL-CIO Split and the Fight for Workers Power. Even as CIO responsibilities expanded, IT continued to be viewed as an expense center rather than an investment in business success. Everyone realizes that technology is significantweve earned the seat at the table and have everyones ear, he explains. Lewis continued to denounce the AFLs policies, while the CIO offered organizing support to workers in the rubber industry who went on strike in 1936 and formed the Steel Workers Organizing Committee (SWOC), in defiance of all of the craft divisions that the AFL had required in past organizing efforts. Good customers can also help you find problems. The AFL-CIO established the Ethical Practices Committee in its efforts to control corrupt practices and racketeering of its member unions. The CIO was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the U.S. and Canada from 1935 to 1955. The CIO supported Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal Coalition, and was open to African Americans. The rise of cloud providers brought about another big change: They allowed business leaders and workers to easily procure powerful technology without consulting IT managers and the CIO. In the oil and gas industry, for example, the outsourcing of application development grew 50 percent between 2014 and 2018. While mainframe use continued, the period from the 1970s to the 1990s marked the use of minicomputers and the advent of PCs. Learn howand get unstoppable. Next came a succession of CIOs to be promoted to the CEO role, or to gain the position by founding their own companies. Answer (1 of 3): I will answer this in relation to the situation in the USA. 2. The evolution of the CIO job from technology expert to a business strategist with deep technical expertise has arguably been more dramatic than any other C-level role transition. Samuel Gompers Whether Lewis always intended to split the AFL over this issue is debatable, but at the outset, the CIO presented itself as only a group of unions within the AFL gathered to support industrial unionism, rather than to oppose the AFL itself. Some projects were started and not completed because of delays with the supply chain and having equipment on back order, says Avon Puri, the companys global chief digital officer. At USPTO, Holcombes IT organization has switched from a project management orientation to product management approach to forge closer ties with internal business stakeholders and to foster IT/business alignment. False. Subscribe today and get a yearlong print . The head of technology and analytics at a large retail organization set up a talent war room to hire data scientists and engineers. In most cases weve observed, tech transformations are implemented as a set of disjointed initiatives across IT. And in an increasingly tech-driven business landscape, they position CIOs as legitimate contenders to lead businesses as well. Ibid., 17-18.. . A project management approach wasnt giving enough business valuethere were too many starts and stops, and procurement was unwieldy, he explains. We'll email you when new articles are published on this topic. The AFL, in fact, dissolved hundreds of federal unions in late 1934 and early 1935. For the remainder of the twentieth century, the AFL-CIO remained the largest union organization in the United States. In the early 1930s, as the nation slid toward the depths of depression, the future of organized labor seemed bleak. (Applause.) The stage is set for CIOs both to lead a successful technology transformation and to influence business strategy. This consumerization of IT marked the turning point for CIOs from overseers of centralized computing to overseers of an enterprise's digital business strategy. Shortly after the AFLs convention in Atlantic City in 1935, John L. Lewis called together the leaders of the International Typographical Union, the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, the ILGWU, the United Textile Workers, the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union, the Oil Workers Union and the Hatters, Cap and Millinery Workers to discuss the formation of a new group within the AFL to carry on the fight for industrial organizing. The CIO of a software company established various community-building and knowledge-sharing effortshackathons, dev days, tech spotlights, brown-bag luncheswhere product managers, developers, data engineers, and architects could meet on a weekly basis to share details about their projects and bring up ideas or issues for discussion. "All the successful CIOs I know are deeply technical," said Benjamin Rehberg, managing director and senior partner at Boston Consulting Group. As one large financial institution set out to build its digital products, the business and technology teams jointly led user listening and feedback panels early and often throughout the development process. No . Although its main focus has always been on workers and their rights, the UMW of today also advocates for better roads, schools . They approach planning as a dynamic process rather than something static, which allows transformation teams to better remove roadblocks and to allocate people and spend when and where they are needed. Frances Perkins Even with this years focus on the fundamentals, LOBs perspective on IT leadership is more in lockstep with the CIOs own take on the role and responsibilities. Its member unions span from the Actors Equity . Some unions featured in this report were voluntarily recognized by employers, and some led campaigns in which the employer provided union organizers with free access to employees.73 But often, when private-sector workers seek to organize and bargain . The use of cloud shifted IT investment from a capital expense to an operating expense, dramatically cut the time to provision services to business users, and forced CIOs to deal with a new class of vendors. 2. Review best practices and tools Workloads with rigid latency, bandwidth, availability or integration requirements tend to perform better -- and cost less -- if Configuration profiles make it easier to manage BYOD iPhones, but they're also associated with malware. These included . These smart devices ushered in the expectation of anytime, anyplace computing, and the irreversible breakdown between work and personal computing -- a culture change CIOs would have to manage. establish a strategic role for the technology function, elevate the CIO to report directly to the CEO, rebalance technology investments and track their business value, prioritize the development of a world-class tech workforce. Take responsibility for initiatives that generate revenue. New York CNN Business . The term CIO came into use in 1981. U.S. labor unions have been in decline for decades. In 1933, the number of labor union members was around 3 million, compared to 5 million a decade before. Not all employers oppose unions. Adapted from Wikipedia and other sources. The first unions in the US were focused at the local level representing single crap or trade. National Employment Law Project. As a result, CIOs were continually pressured to cut costs and strive to do more with less. We cant take our eye off the ball or lose an opportunity to seize on the acceleration we are driving every day with our digital-first experiences and modernization.. The AFL did include certain industrial unions, such as the United Mine Workers and the Brewery Workers, but the more dogmatic craft unionists still dominated the federation, and used their power to quash drives toward industrial organizing. Pay matters, of course, but top people want to go where theyre valued. The business reports these technology systems of record generated included the monthly payroll, inventory, sales and other back-office transactional data. The calls. False. The CIO was a federation of unions that organized workers in industrial unions in the U.S. and Canada from 1935 to 1955. 2. Both the CIO and the AFL grew rapidly during the Great Depression. And the pandemic, now in its third year, complicates matters with regional flareups," Moore wrote. Light November 2005. Do you rely exclusively on HR to find your talent? Change management became a critical part of the job as the pace of technology innovation increased. The focus was on higher wages and job security. Privacy Policy (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images) Richard Trumka, the head of the AFL-CIO union one of the largest and . By 1983, only twenty percent of American workers belonged to a union. The calls came from the same phone number (929-279-5975 . Enterprise computing was no longer just for large-scale clerical processing but for gathering and analyzing data to inform business decisions. Unlike last year when business strategy took precedence for 67% of respondents, only 60% of 2022 State of the CIO respondents spent time on activities such as driving business innovation, developing strategy, or identifying opportunities for competitive differentiation. Eloquent and effective advocate for the rights of workers, women and consumers. The eight union chiefs who founded the CIO were not happy with how the AFL was unwilling to work with America's manufacturing combines. They also have the technical expertise to decide which among the flood of emerging technologies will give their enterprises a business edge. He was 72. Broadly speaking, digital transformation is a practice over 80 years old, involving the use of computer-based technologies to improve an organization's performance. Three quarters of LOB respondents to this years survey recognize the CIO as a changemakera significant endorsement of their leadership prowessand 78% believe the CIO role, elevated during the pandemic, will remain front and center going forward. ", The job is not about technology transformation per se but about how to "create and lead a movement across the organization -- about how you find your coalitions of the willing," Corbin said. Full-worker organizing. Organized the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and fought discrimination in national defense. By far, the most significant area of ongoing IT investment was in cybersecurityno real surprise given the CEO mandate to minimize corporate exposure and in light of the seemingly constant ransomware attacks and high-profile data breaches. The CIO was born out of a fundamental dispute within the U.S. labor movement over how to organize industrial workers. By. It has been pushing for floor . IT teams should learn how to enable it in Microsoft Linux admins can use Cockpit to view Linux logs, monitor server performance and manage users. No longer just the overseers of IT operations and services, many CIOs are now acting as key business strategists, working with their C-level peers and the board of directors to create the business models necessary to survive -- and thrive -- in the 21st-century digital economy. 1. 2 Csar Estrada Chvez But the trend that perhaps most radically redefined the CIO role was the advent of enterprise cloud computing services in the early 2000s. In 1955, the CIO, now much weakened by McCarthyism, rejoined the AFL, forming the new entity known as the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). There is a silver lining: Compared to the old AFL, organized labor is today much more diverse and broadly based: In 2018, of the 14.7 million wage and salary workers who were part of a union . Our trusted relationship with business helps keeps us laser focused on co-creating value at the time when it is needed, says Anupam Khare, senior vice president and CIO, digital technology. To help technology generate business value, the transformative CIO has to understand business strategy. The formation of the Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO) was fundamental in the labor movement, as it was the first union group to recognize the need to organize unskilled labor. All data was collected and up to date as of Sept. 11, 2019. Effective CIOs acted as technology evangelists who focused on the why of technology, not the nuts and bolts of IT implementations. We have found that a tech transformation must be holistic to deliver full business value. Since 1955 the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) has been the only union federation representing the organized section of the working class in the United States, the most powerful imperialist country of the world. Following a year in which strike activity surged and public approval of unions reached its highest point in nearly six decades, Sen. Bernie Sanders joined Democratic lawmakers and a lone Republican on Tuesday in reintroducing legislation that would strengthen workers' organizing rights and crack down on corporate union-busting. Trumka, who had led the AFL-CIO as president since 2009, was known for his fiery rhetoric and his harsh attacks on corporate America. Former AFL-CIO president who had a profound effect on world affairs. "If you look at the CIO role today, it is all about relationships, culture, application development and innovation.". This role was particularly important when a retail giant was looking to acquire an analytics company. Adept CIOs also understood how their IT mission and strategic plans supported the company's mission and strategic goals -- and they made those connections for both their staff and for their C-suite peers. Farm Security Administration/Office of War Information Black-and-White Negatives. 2. It was not until the first decade of the new millennium -- with the rise of social media, smartphones, the world's largest search engine and the world's largest e-commerce company -- that companies grasped how integral IT was to business strategy and fully appreciated the importance of IT-business alignment. The gray line between business and IT is basically gone, says Jayadev, citing as an example a recent interchange with a third-party consultant who couldnt tell where to direct questions about technology and tools. The "2021 Gartner Board of Directors Survey" found that more than two-thirds of boards of directors (69%) accelerated digital business initiatives in the wake of COVID-19 disruptions; about half anticipated changing their organization's business models as a result of the pandemic. Philadelphia Convention CenterPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 11:03 A.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Hello, AFL-CIO! Infighting among union members was minimized, creating a strong organization that still exists today. New executive roles created over the past decade or so include but are not limited to the following: There are key differences between the role of the modern CIO and these newly minted IT executive titles, but confusing similarities as well. And as part of the technology roadmap to enable hybrid work, almost half (46%) of survey respondents flagged improving cybersecurity protections as a major imperative. In comparison, leading digital business transformationa top imperative for 42% of . LOB respondents, who oftentimes are at odds with the CIO perspective of the role, were also firmly in that camp: More than three quarters (78%) expect CIOs elevated status to continue regardless of cyclical shifts in IT focus. These were the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike, the West Coast Longshore Strike, and the Toledo Auto-Lite strike. A cause of death was not immediately announced. Eight-five percent of IT leaders surveyed this year devoted time to transformational responsibilities, including modernizing infrastructure and applications (40%), aligning IT initiatives with business goals (38%), and cultivating the IT/business partnership (30%). Subordinating tech decisions to customer needs was crucial in allowing the CIO and his team to develop a digital offering that succeeded where it mattered: with consumers. Copyright 2023 IDG Communications, Inc. A number of labor leaders, and in particular John L. 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