There are, in addition, other categories such as drugs miscellaneous pharmaceuticals such as Ferries Ammonii Citras. [See rule 26(I)] The Registration Board after getting the said intimation shall take similar action for the same drug available from other sources within the shortest possible time; 7.2 Prevention of cross-contamination and bacterial contamination in production Note 2: The Central Licensing Board may permit the licensee to maintain records in such manner as are considered satisfactory, provided the basic requirements laid down in the Schedule are complied with. 2.5 Tanks (14) The Licensee shall , by the 30th June and the 31st December each year, Whichever is immediately after the annual financial closing of the company. Our licensure programs align with board of pharmacy requirements and streamline processes for pharmacists, technicians, interns, and seeking to practice in additional states, whether it is permanent or in response to a public health emergency. General 9.2.1 Validation of critical processes The more commonly issued license is the "practitioners of the healing . Process to apply for a Drug sales License: 1) Fill a prescribed form-5 in Drug Rules. Certificate of registration: A certificate of registration of drug shall be issued in Form 6. Statement of the Central Research Fund. APPLICATION FORM FOR RENEWAL OF A LICENCE TO MANUFACTURE DURGS BY WAY OF FORMULATION/BASIC MANUFACTURE/SEMI-BA SIC MANUFACTURE/REPACKING 1. Brights disease, cataract, glaucoma, epilepsy, [] lacomotive ataxia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, paralysis, blindness. The room shall be further dehumidified if preparations containing antibiotics are manufactured. 3. 8. of the products for the manufacture of which the quantities have been issued and the particulars relating to the proper disposal of the stocks. (f) side-effects and major adverse drug reactions; WV Board of Pharmacy 1207 Quarrier Street, 4th Floor Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: 304-558-0558 Fax: 304-558-0572 Email: Contact Form | III. 45.00 Initial Fee. [See rule 2 (e)] Pharmacist-in-charge information, including license number. (6) Filtering equipments such as filter press or sintered glass funnel. DOCUMENTATION Proposed shelf life with storage conditions, if any : Post-marketing scientific studies, surveilance and disseminaion of information.- (1) The Registration Board shall be made aware of any post-marketing clinical trials for drugs that are conducted and the results thereafter as soon as possible. Airlock system I enclose :- 57. Contract acceptor APPLICATION FORM FOR REGISTRATION OF A DRUG FOR LOCAL MANUFACTURE (a) "active pharmaceutical ingredient" means a substance or compound that is intended to be used in the manufacture of a pharmaceutical product as a pharmacologically active compound (ingredient); (ii) If the application for renewal is made after the expiry of the period of validity of licence but within sixty days after expiry of the period validity: 10.4.3 Recording packaging operation 7. (f) "batch number (or lot number)" means a distinctive combination of numbers and or letters which specifically identifies a batch on the labels, the batch records, the certificates of analysis, and that permit the production history of the batch to be traced and revived. {4) Heater and exhaust system, where applicable. 23. Sodium Carbonate. Sodium Iodide. Sena. To LOG IN or CREATE a DELPROS (Delaware Professional Regulation Online Services) user account: Go to: There should be no drains at all in plants and in warehouse. 10,000By way of semi-basic Rs. Results of assay. 2. Name of the manufacturer/supplier. 9.2.3 Validation of equipment if materials 1. May include compounding Non-Resident 20. 27. (iv) Validation 46. New processes to be validated Issuance of a drug-sales license or pharmacy license is a procedure given by the Pharmacy council of Pakistan (PCP). QUALITY CONTROL DEPARTMENT Male Female . SCHEDULE C (i)one copy of each issue of such journal or publication is sent to the Drug Administration of the Health Division; and (d) Floors: Floors should be impermeable to liquids, smooth and free from cracks. 4.9 Weighing Area (ao) "reconciliation" means a comparison, making due allowance for normal variation between the amount of product or materials theoretically produced or used and the amount actually produced or used; Sexual importance. Date of commencement of manufacture and date of completion. 6.4 Animal House (l) "clean area" means an area with defined environmental control of particulate and microbial contamination, constructed and used in such a way as to reduce and or eliminate introduction, generation and retention of contaminants within the area; (b) children by age group. Provided further that duration of a licence issued under rule 21 shall be two years unless earlier suspended or cancelled. 8. (7) Liquid filling equipment. Ingredients : Choose a License Type or Permit Pharmacist Licensure by Examination For U.S. and Puerto Rico Graduates Pharmacist Licensure by Endorsement for U.S. (g) precautions, contra-indications and warnings; Using double filter layer [See rule 21(I)] 6, Date of injection, 4, Date of receipt of sample. (a) That licensee shall use the drugs manufactured under the licence exclusively for experimental purposes and shall carry on the manufacture and experimental work at the place specified in the licence. (i) Equipment Manufacturing Area : Explanation: In this sub-rule, "profit" means gross profit before payment of income tax or other tax. Pharmacy Licence Application Form It is among the most prestigious professions in business that requires a minimal staff (Pharmacist, Cashier, and Accountant). (b) The licensee shall allow a member of the Central Licensing Board or of a Provincial Quality Control Board or an Inspector to enter, with or without notice, the premises where the drugs are manufactured and to satisfy himself that the manufacture is being conducted for experimental purposes. Number of rabbits used. Batch number. Name and address of the agent or indentor in case of imported drug - (c) rupees two hundred and fifty for the renewal of the registration of a new or any other drug: 2.3 The contract giver shall ensure that all processed products and materials delivered by the contract acceptor to comply with their specifications or that the product has been released by the authorised person(s). Bio-availability, Bio-equivalence and Pharmacokinetics Analysis (For Dosage Form Introducing first time in Pakistan). 58. Pharmacological group _________________________ Gripe Waters. (b) The licensee shall record in Schedule B-Ill the particulars of manufacture of each batch of drugs manufactured by him and shall retain such records, in the case of a substance for which expiry date is fixed for a period of two years from the expiry of such date and, in the case of other substances, for a period of five years from the date of manufacture. 6. 7.4.8 On-line packaging checks degree from a college accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). Prescribers and dispenses shall not solicit such inducements. 9. Application Module: For pharmacies, drug store owners, and proprietors to apply for a license. In order to apply for a license or submit a service request, you must first have a DELPROS user account. (d) any directions for. (6) The Registration Board shall, before registering a new drug for which the research work has been conducted in other countries and its efficacy, safety and quality has been established therein, require the investigation on such pharmaceutical, pharmacological and other aspects, to be conducted and clinical trials to be made as are necessary to establish its quality and, where applicable, the biological, availability, and its safety and efficacy to be established under the local conditions: 4. While advertisements shall take account of peoples legitimate desire for information regarding their health they shall not take undue advantage of peoples concern about their own health. (h) major interactions; (3) Employers shall be responsible for the statements and activities of their medical, representatives. Pharmacy Services Last Updated on January 4, 2023 Following guidelines are intended to help the industry and other applicants to meet the regulatory requirements related to Clinical trials or bio equivalence centers/ studies and Advertisement of therapeutic goods. Protocols of tests applied: Note:-Strike off which is not applicable (9) If the Registration Board is not satisfied as to the safety, efficacy, quality or economic value of a drug, or where the public interest so requires it may, [ . (1) Jacketed kettle, or equivalent steam, gas or dect1cally heated for preparing solution. Potassium Iodine. from the pre-exposure value indicates that the cause should be investigated. (If bulk lot is divided into various batches and processed separately, a batch number distinctly different from that of the bulk lot should be assigned to each of the processed batch. Both are non-refundable. (a) for adults. 10.1 Documents Records of sterilisation in case of parenteral preparation which are heat sterilised including particulars of time temperature and pressure employed. (D) The following equipment is required for the manufacture of Powders :-- 201 - 208, P.L. Note: Records racer, cling various tests applied (including reading and calculation) should be maintained and necessary reference to these records should .be entered in serial No. (8) Contraceptives. 3.1 General Powers of Registration Board: The members of the Registration Board shall exercise all the powers of Inspector without restriction as the area, and shall have the powers of a Provincial Inspector in relation to Section 30. Provided further that the Central Licensing Board, may, in the case of anufacture of disinfectant fluids, insecticides liquid paraffin, medicinal gases, non-chemical contraceptives, plaster of paris, surgical dressing or chemicals for the manufacture of which the knowledge of pharmacy or pharmaceutical chemistry is not essential, permit manufacture of the drug under the active direction and personal supervision of competent staff who, [..] has in the opinion of the Central Licensing Board, adequate knowledge and experience in the manufacture of the drug (s) to be produced. [See rule 20 (b)] 7.3.8 Equipment calibration (2) Analgesic Balms/Plasters. By way of basic Rs. Application for licence to manufacture drugs and fee therefor: (1) An application for the grant or renewal of a licence referred to in clauses (i) to (iv) of rule 3 shall be made in Form 1 or l-A to the Central Licensing Board addressed to its Secretary. Sale at more than one place .- (1) If a person desires to sell, store, exhibit for sa le or distribute drugs at more than one place, he shall apply for a separate license in [See rule 31 (1A) and (1B)] (at) "returned product" means finished product sent back to the manufacturer or distributor; Quality control 63. Bismuth Carbonate. 3. A Complete Guide for DHA Exam ( For Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacist) DHA stands for Dubai Health Authority Exam. [See rule 5 (2)] (aj) "production" means all operations involved in the preparation of a pharmaceutical product, from receipt of materials, through processing and packaging, to its completion as the finished product; (v) licence to manufacture for experimental purposes. Sodium Metabisuphite. EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION 10.3.1 General 3.3.5 Test Requirement for Finished Products Pharmacy Miscellaneous Permit (Out-Of-State Pharmacies) License. Stability Summary : Hygiene and cleanliness 13. 871(I)/78, dated 8th July, 1978.] Calcium Gluconate. (iii) Name of the drug(s) registered/approved. (f) one pharmaceutical chemist or expert in quality control, to be nominated by the Federal Government; 3.2 The contract acceptor shall refrain from any activity that may adversely affect the quality of the product manufactured and or analyzed for the contract giver. 31. (c) as soon as possible and in any event within fifteen working days of their receipt by him, reports in duplicate of all records respecting the information contemplated by paragraphs (g), (h) and (i) of sub-rule (8). (l-B) An application under sub-rule (l-A) shall be accompanied by the proper fee specified in Schedule F : and The system includes the following modules: Pharma Council Module: Designed for Pharma Council to verify qualified person/pharmacist (s) credentials. Name of drug. Toxicity Test: (6) If after the expiry of three months but within six months of the rejection of an application under sub-rule (4), the applicant informs the Central Licensing Board that the requirements of the rules have been fulfilled, the Board may if after causing a further inspection to be made, is satisfied that the conditions for the grant of a licence have been complied with, issue a licence and no further fee shall be required to be deposited for such an application. Contract production and analysis 17, Actual production and packing particulars indicating the size and quantity of finished packings, Checking integrity of filters 4.1 A contract shall be drawn up between the contract giver and contract acceptor that specifies their respective responsibilities relating to the manufacture and control of the product, and technical aspects of the contract shall be drawn up by competent persons suitably knowledgeable in pharmaceutical technology, analysis, and good manufacturing practices. (2) In addition to approved package inserts and leaflets wherever available the preparation and distribution of booklets and other information material for patients and consumer shall also comply with the ethical criteria enunciated in this schedule. Provided that the conditions of location may be relaxed by the Board in suitable cases for grant or renewal or a licence subject to such conditions as it may deem fit, if the surroundings and the premises, in the opinion of the Board, are satisfactory for the intended manufacture. Zinc Sulphate. 7.1.7 Unauthorized entry prohibited (2) Granulator. Medical Representatives.- (1) Medical representatives shall have an appropriate educational background. 6. Monitoring water supply of sources (7) The licensee shall comply with the provisions of the Ordinance and the rules and with such further requirements, if any, as may be specified in any rule subsequently made-in this behalf or any other condition that may be imposed at the time of grant of a licence in the special circumstances of each case. use to be included in the labelling warnings and precautions in use: symptoms of overdosage should be given alongwith the treatment including antidotes where required. (5) A drug or any substance referred to in clause (ii) of Section 24, may be advertised to the medical, pharmaceutical and allied professions through a documentary film. or the director or manager of the firm or company by which, the drug will be manufactured. Mean initial temperature of each rabbit, MANUFACTURE BY WAY OF FORMULATION (d) Omitted by S.R.O. 18. (a) the name under which the drug may be sold; 7. Provided that where a person possess or applies for a licence to manufacture by way of basic and he also intends to conduct semi-basic manufacture of drugs, he may conduct such manufacture under the same license, subject to the approval of, and under such conditions as, the Central Licensing Board may specify, and 8. Name of drug, under which it is proposed to be sod: 1.2 General.-- Contract production and analysis shall be correctly defined, agreed and controlled in order to avoid misunderstandings that could result in a drug or work or analysis of unsatisfactory quality. Design website 8. 4.8.1 Written programme (10) The Licensee shall, on demand, furnish to the Central Licensing Board or the Provincial Quality Control Board or to such authority as the Central Licensing Board may direct, from every batch of a drug, or from such batch or batches of drugs as it may from time to time specify, a sample for examination and, if required, furnish full Protocols of the tests which have been applied. Researching legal requirements is an important step in learning how to open a pharmacy, and you want to ensure that you have everything properly set-up before opening your business. 3.4.4 Frequency of self inspection (3) Advertisements under sub-rule (2) shall be subjected to the following conditions, namely :-- (e) Testing, Liquid Paraffin Heavy. Fax - (717) 787-7769. Caffein and its Salts. ST-PHARMACY@PA.GOV. 9. Maximum temperature. Potassium Acetate. Precursor substance requirements for the sale of a restricted product. (ay) "starting material" means any substance used in the production of a pharmaceutical product but excluding packaging materials; 15. 19. 11. (y) "manufacture" means all operations of production, quality control, release, storage and the related controls; 6.2 Changing Rooms (3) Sifter or sieve. 145 (I)/76 dated 12th February 1976:- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 41 of the Drugs Ordinance, 1976 (IV of 1976), the Federal Government is pleased to make the following rules, namely :-- Care for biological indicators For efficient operation, the tablet production department shall be divided into the following three distinct and separate sections situated in different rooms, Particulars regarding the precautions taken during manufacture to ensure that aseptic conditions are maintained. (4) If the Central Licensing Board is not so satisfied, it shall reject the application and shall inform the applicant of the reasons for such rejection and of the conditions which must be satisfied before a licence may be issued. 14. 3.3.3 Test requirement for starting and packaging materials Batch number. (ii) Where the usual information on indications and dosage is provided, that advertisement material shall contain information on contra-indications, side effects and other necessary precautions as may be applicable. Duration: 2 years, annual system, NTS based examination Eligibility: Degree or. Apply for insurance 11. Investment Turnover Profit before tax Percentage 1% before tax for Central Research Fund percentage of Profit 11. Islamabad | Karachi | Lahore | Peshawar | Quetta; Phone: 0800-03727 (Mon to Fri 08:00AM to 04:00PM) Website:; 3.4.3 Self inspection team 3.3.6 Production record/batch review SECTION-1 (7-A) The indenter, importer or manufacturer's authorised agent shall issue a warranty in Form 2-A for any drug indented or sold by him for the purpose of re-sale or distribution; and (1) Rolling machine. Aspirin and Paracetamol in tablets and liquid forms. Sodium Chloride. Normal temperature of each rabbit. FORM 1-A You will need to pay a fee of 687, which covers the cost of processing your application. (i) "biological agents" means micro-organisms, including genetically engineered micro-organisms, cell cultures and endoparasites, whether pathogenic or not; (c) "authorized person" means a person responsible for the release of batches of product for sale; (8) Jar or tube filling equipment, where applicable. An area of minimum of 200 square feet is required for the basic installations. 10. Year Investment Turn-over Registration Board 2.6 Filters open lesions or skin infection shall be engaged in production areas. (i) Reference Books Specifications, with details of analytical procedure for each ingredient and the finished drugs (not required in case of a drug for which pharmacopocial standards recognised under the Drugs Act, 1976, are claimed). (2) All claims concerning a drug for the purposes of promotion shall be reliable, accurate, truthful; informative, balanced, up to date, capable of substantiation and in good taste. Kaolin. Guide to Continuing Pharmacy Education Requirements for Pharmacy Technicians. Sodium Bromide. (5) The Registration Board may, while registering a drug under sub-rule (4), approve the details as supplied by the applicant or approve them with amendments as it may deem fit in respect of the following particulars, namely :-- To verify a wholesale drug distributor is licensed in the state (s) where it is. I/We ..of hereby apply for the grant of a licence to manufacture by way ofon premises situated at . 1. 4.4 Manufacturing, analytical and distribution records and reference samples shall be kept by, or be available to, the contract giver, and any records relevant to assessing the quality of a product in the event of complaints or a suspected defect shall be accessible and specified in the defect or recall procedures of the contract giver. Form 1-A you will need to pay a fee of 687, which covers the cost processing. I ) /78, dated 8th July, 1978., paralysis, blindness other categories such as miscellaneous... For Dosage Form Introducing first time in Pakistan ) be engaged in production areas the production a! And exhaust system, where applicable equipments such as drugs miscellaneous pharmaceuticals such as filter press or sintered funnel! In order to apply for a drug sales license: 1 ) Fill a form-5. 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