Another aspect of human survivability on the planet is connected to access to water. In Maybe One, Bill McKibben argues that the earth is becoming dangerously overcrowded, and that if more of us chose to have only one child, it would make a crucial difference toward insuring a healthy future for ourselves and our planet. Dee decides to change her name to Wangero because ________. Maggie and Mama put the everyday objects of their lives to use. Some are good and some are bad, but most of them are bits of both. --Kelly Winters, "Critical Essay on Sula," database article with no page numbers With every product having a byproduct, our ability to extract and consume an immense bounty of natural resources has generated a correspondingly monstrous amount of waste in the form of physical garbage, atmospheric pollution, and other forms of environmental degradation. Gardner explains that few tasks in life require being able to read passages quickly or solve math problems quickly (23). Bill McKibben. Not Lavender."). The concept of Kairos has to do with using the best argumentative approach, given the historical and social moment in which an argument is made. He is the founder of the environmental organizations Step It Up and, and was among the first to warn of the dangers of global warming. (Check all that apply): (1) specific examples (2) descriptions (3) analogies (4) quotes from sources. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 --Nelly McKay, "An Interview with Toni Morrison," database PDF article, page 420 The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: What are some questions the text says you might consider in analyzing a character? (Remember the guidelines for writing good thesis statements that you have studied in this lesson). --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. In the first part of the story, the father tells the son far too often and always in the same way ________. The following thesis statements are for an argument essay on the Keystone pipeline. (Choose all that apply): (1) Through personal experience that makes him or her an expert on the topic (2) Through education and other certifications (3) By citing other experts. But this is not the first time nature's meaning has changed. Coherence refers to establishing clear connections between ideas in a paragraph and between paragraphs. The Bottom refers to the joke of a white farmer who says the town is the bottom of heaven. Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. What are ways to logically support a position? This question is difficult to answer because rising temperatures are also affecting the places where human beings can live. is set in a cemetery where Nel Wright Greene is finally beginning to mourn the death of her friend Sula Peace, twenty-five years after the fact. By his way of dressing, Arnold Friend seems to be attempting ________. University of Michigan provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation US. "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. Pay close attention to punctuation. The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. What could be derived from the author's naming of the character Arnold Friend? In a coordinated move, the McKibben-founded climate advocacy group launched its Go Fossil Free: Divest from Fossil Fuels! Exhibiting a phenomenon in the social sciences called the radical flank effect, McKibben and have dramatically altered the climate change debate in the United States. Auden's poem "Musee des Beaux Arts" accurately interprets the theme of Brueghel's painting Landscape with the Fall of Icarus. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Pay close attention to punctuation. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Which is the better thesis? the attitude or point about specific subject that the work deals with. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number a 100-page letter detailing his grievances to his father. (Select all that apply): (1) The novel's title is fitting because several characters undergo change or metamorphoses. However, scholarship in the 2010s showed that, while climate events do affect climate-induced migration, they are not the only factor: sea-level rise, higher temperatures, and disruption of water cycles, known collectively as "climate processes," are perhaps more significant push factors than climate events. PDF article, p. 189 Expert Answer 100% (4 ratings) crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away me View the full answer Transcribed image text: McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. . 12). It is these "processes" rather than the "events" that cause people to migrate (Skinner, 2018, para. The sentence that follows was taken from the original text below: Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? We know the nature of Kafka's difficult relationship with his father because he wrote ________. all of the details in the paragraph relate to the main point of the paragraph. However, the ending seems more hopeful for Sylvia of "The Lesson" than for Rosaura of "The Stolen Party.". . Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, p. 23 "Morrison's novels combine psychological realism, social critique, symbolism, and the mythopoetic, resulting in a style similar to Magical Realism. he feels guilty about Ted Lavender's death. Pay close attention to punctuation. to read this seminal offering first published over a decade ago when the phenomenon of global warming was a hotly argued and angrily debated issue. Painful events from the past can be understood in different ways that can help people heal. Want to read all 4 pages? Using the quotation above from Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. While the stated purpose of the dogs in Disgrace is the protection of the farm, the dogs are representative of several characters and symbolize Lurie's disgrace. Socialist policies are against our democratic values (4) Ad-hominem: The president says global warming is not occurring, but how can we believe him when he eats McDonald's burgers for lunch every day? For example, he says that (check all that apply): (1) crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away (2) ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves (3) hurricanes which have destroyed towns leave people unable to rebuild (4) certain coastal towns are preparing to relocate residents because of rising sea levels (5) areas that were not flood zones 30 years old have become flood zones. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: her belief that Plum is regressing to babyhood and she is not willing to raise him again. Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. The publication of this new 10th . With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in 2012. These deaths, as Nel's thoughts about the grave markers suggest, are linked to wider scenes of death, to war and to the longing for peace, and, significantly, to freedom through the formal structure of the novel." Javi's mother has done many jobs, including (check all that apply): (1) selling water bottles by the side of the road (2) taking care of children. --Howard Gardner, "Test for Aptitude, Not for Speed" Reprinted in Current Issues and Enduring Questions, Ed. Question 5 "McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. Some strategies for achieving coherence in a paper include (check all that apply): (1) repeating keywords from the thesis (2) using transition words and phrases (3) using pronouns that clearly refer to the characters being discussed (4) ordering paragraphs and details within paragraphs in a logical way. (2) Relevance: How closely related to your topic is the text and how well does it clarify your topic? Their success on this dimension offers important insights relevant for all social activists to consider. This is because even if we take a conservative estimate, that is "half a child more than assumed in the U.N.'s medium projection," world population will grow to 10.5 billion by 2050 (Cohen, 2010, p. 173). (1) Sula: leaves the Bottom and comes back 10 years later (2) Nel: gets married and has children (3) Helene: Nel's mother (4) Hannah: Sula's mother (5) Eva: Sula's grandmother (6) Shadrack: WWI veteran who founds National Suicide Day (7) Ajax: Sula's lover (8) Jude: Nel's husband. But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Which is the better thesis statement? "Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. . Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: How do the teenage girls dress when they go out together? Once leakage of methane (CH4) from natural gas is taken into account, he says, there is "no net effect on our total . What individual items carried by the soldiers reveal their personalities? The sentence at the end of this question is connected to the passage below. We need to view the fossil-fuel industry in a new light. For example, he writes that (select all that apply): (1) rising temperatures are increasing the number of heat-related deaths (2) in some places, temperatures are staying in the three-digit range, even at night (3) the amount of work people can do outdoors has been reduced by ten percent (4) heat waves that used to happen once in a generation are predicted to occur for several weeks yearly, leading to mass migration and famine (5) employees have walked away from work because it was too hot to continue. With these words, environmental activist Bill McKibben launched a radical and moral broadside against the fossil-fuel industry and its contributions to climate change in Rolling Stone magazine in. "Yes, the wind still blows - but no longer from some other sphere, some inhuman place" (41). Before his death, Kafka instructed his friend Max Brod to ________. For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. McKibben argues that the reality of climate change is too far gone and that there is little hope that the human species will survive. The book focuses on two friends, Sula and Nel, but both have been shaped, and continue to be shaped, by their experiences with their families, particularly their mothers. McKibben writes of our earth's environmental cataclysm, addressing such core issues as the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and the depletion of the ozone layer. --Jonathan T. Park, "Climate Change and Capitalism," 2015, database Javi and the painter are similar in terms of ________. while Aristotelean arguments focus on the validity of their point while addressing counterarguments, Rogerian arguments focus on compromise in order to establish common ground, Matching questions on Chapter 7 - Argument. Few tasks in lifeand very few tasks in scholarshipactually depend on being able to read passages or solve math problems rapidly. The endless debates and delays with regard to Miami's traffic gridlock may be related, at least unconsciously on the part of authorities, to the anticipation of what is coming. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 31 When Sula dons a green ribbon, however, Ajax reads this as a sign of her burgeoning dependence on him. I try to burrow as deeply as I can into characters. Pay close attention to punctuation. Body paragraphs in an essay must be unified, which means that ________. For those few jobs where speed is important, timed tests may be useful. Pay close attention to punctuation. What kind of relationship does Gregor have with his boss? Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: The novel presents characters who each signify an adaptation to this community, a community divided by class." She was completely free of ambition, with no affection for money, property or things, no greed, no desire to command attention or compliments--no ego. However, despite this self-confidence, their futures are likely to be very different because of their attitudes toward the events that occur, their reactions to their discoveries, and the influences of the female figures around them. As a novel Sula is concerned with the ways African American communities both include and exclude those members who have violated community mores (McLaren). McKibben's place in the canon is in addressing this new nature. McKibben's argument is that human beings have endured wars, famines, terrorism, tyrants and, in the same way, they will endure climate change. Radical positions can go so far that they have limited effects on the mainstream, which appears to be the case for Naomi Kleins book This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate. On appeal, Fred McKibben argues only that the Kansas proceedings were inadequate because the charges of undue influence in the drafting and execution of the will were "overshadowed by discussion concerning the inability of appellant's counsel to appear at the initial . Confirmation bias is defined as an approach to research that is meant to reinforce the writer's world view rather than to discover answers to a question with an open mind. The higher ups in Miami and in state government do not like to talk about it. Sula's beginning and ending are circular: The opening chapter tells about the death of a neighborhood, the Bottom while the ending finds Nel in a cemetery finally dealing with her grief for Sula (Reddy 29). He makes it so easy for the rest of us to be reasonable. Brower, the first Executive Director of the Sierra Club, was a controversial figure who pushed the environmental movement to take more aggressive actions. are insulted by Gregor's presence and give notice they will leave. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 31 His new book, which offers some dark visions of the future and hope for real change, is called. It is Public Enemy Number One to the survival of our planetary civilization.. While capitalism has produced a plethora of socioeconomic benefits over its relatively brief history, it has also instigated unforeseen and undesirable consequences. The United States should be investigating ways of minimizing the use of fossil fuels instead of focusing on building a pipelines, such as the Keystone pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline that will produce greenhouse gases, harm residents along the pipeline's route and fail to bring in the number of jobs the projects promise to create. McKibben argues that, starting with coastlines, parts of the planet are becoming inhabitable for humans. McKibben quotes a 19th century environmentalist who believed that even though human beings believe the planet was made especially for them, the facts do not support this belief. Because the United States is one of the leading polluters in the world, it must lead the fight against climate change. (p. 176). McKibben's argument that the survival of the globe is dependent on a fundamental, philosophical shift in the way we relate to nature is more relevant than ever. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers comparing the characters in the short stories "Pillow Talk" by Alisdair Gray and "Everything is Green" by David Foster Wallace. with no page numbers, quote is from paragraph 14 McKibben is a mighty orator on the page here, just as he was in The End of Nature (1989) and Eaarth (2010), and his call for creating more compassionate and equitable societies is inspiring." -- Pacific Standard " Falter is McKibben''s most powerfully argued book, and maybe his most important since The End of Nature 30 years ago. he realizes that he will probably never see his mother again. Which is the better thesis statement? --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number Carefully compare the sentence with the original passage and decide whether it is plagiarized, inaccurate, or acceptable. Using the quotation above from an article about Sula as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. a yearly report of the president on the condition of the country original jurisdiction the power of a court to hear a case from its beginning extradition states must return an accused criminal to the state where the crime was committed judicial review the power of courts to declare laws unconstitutional (federal courts; supreme court) . This is a story about intergenerational trauma because (check all that apply): the children in the second part of the story are abused because of their father's trauma. (Change the second sentence to a participial phrase that begins with discouraging.). For example, some may think that all environmental groups should be judged by the tactics of those who spike trees to prevent logging or ram whaling ships. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: What does the father in the second part of the story carry in his pocket? (1) Currency: How recently was the text published and how does that affect its accuracy and content. Her novels reflect the workings of communities, the dilemmas faced by these families, and the problems encountered in their relationships. First introduced by sociologist Herbert Haines in 1984, the radical flank effect refers to the positive or negative effects that radical activists can have on more moderate ones in the same cause. She also has addressed historical issues such as nineteenth-century slavery. The authors do not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and have disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. "Sula, however, is not primarily concerned with the social conflict between the white and the African American communities of Medallion. When the mother, Aanakwad, leaves with the sister in the first part of the story, the young boy ________. For example, he says that (check all that apply) A, crop fields polluted with salt can no longer be cultivated and people have had to move away B. ice melting in the coasts leaves towns, cities, and villages without protection from ocean waves They are suspicious of each other; the boss is reproachful. We also have to keep a whole lot of wild birds alive right now. --Maureen T. Reddy "The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula" PDF article, page 29 Example: Most sports have rules of conduct. --Joseph McLaren "Masterplots: Sula" online article, no page number --Joel E. Cohen, "Population and Climate Change," 2010, database PDF A good place for students to begin their research process is the college's library and database archive. As one critic explains, "The story of Nel and Sula is inscribed within the other, equally sorrowful stories of the Bottom. Shadrack institutes National Suicide Day in order to ________. Is the following sentence, which uses the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? Is the following sentence, taken from the excerpt above, plagiarized or acceptable? In each pair of sentences below, one of the sentences adds detail to the other. Conversely, the positive radical flank effect is when members of a social movement are viewed in contrast to each other; extreme actions from some members make other organizations seem more palatable or reasonable. McKibben argues that the economic expansion of the last several decades has been misinterpreted by politicians on both the left and the right, and by a lot of economists to boot . is ________. For example, football teams whose players taunt opposing players or criticize officials are penalized 151515 yards. (Choose all that apply): (1) The fog comes/on little cat feet (2) my boss Rob was waiting for me when I showed up for work five minutes late todaythe snake! The story captures (check all that apply): (1) the long-term effects on identity posed by the forced displacement of Africans from their homes during the slave trade (2) the integrity and worth of Mama and Maggie's way of life (3) the yearning of young African Americans in the 1960s for their ancestral roots. In summary, McKibben argues that the inhabitable planet is shrinking because (select all that apply): new species are taking over the places where humans used to live consistently higher temperatures will likely make certain areas uninhabitable desertification will reduce the amount of harvestable land coastlines are being lost to sea level rise But getting into college, or doing satisfactorily once there, is not in that category. The most likely reason Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters is that ________. Here is the original text from which the quotations in the options below are taken: probate hearing." Brief of Appellant, at 10. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. (3) Accuracy: How valid and true is the information in the text? Because it is poorly regulated, big game hunting is responsible for the decline of endangered species and congress should ban the importation of big game trophies into the United States. Question 20 5 out of 5 points McKibben's argument is that human beings have endured wars, famines, terrorism, tyrants and, in the same way, they will endure climate change. . The radical flank effect and our findings offer some critical insights for social activists. Her approach to life is one of discovery. Similes and metaphors establish comparisons between two dissimilar things. Using the quotation above as reference, choose the correctly quoted and cited option below. When Gregor comes out of his room, Gregor's father________. The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Hematologic or Immunologic Dysfunction (Exam, Week 5: Depressive Disorders CHP 25, Cognitiv, NURSING CARE OF CLIENTS WITH DISORDERS RELATE. The following thesis statements are for literary analysis papers about the short story "The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bambara. Pay close attention to punctuation. The most effective way to conclude an essay is by repeating the idea of the thesis. It is often a good idea to include a transition word or phrase in a topic sentence to help readers understand the relationship between the previous paragraph and the new one that has begun. Instead, our analysis shows the value of distinguishing between challenging specific targets and changing the broader public discourse. 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