And good whiskey. Next Post Xante Pear Liqueur (Not A Sex Toy). Mind you the order as I see it goes Knappogue 51 > Midleton Rare > Knappogue 15 > Redbreast > Black Bush > Knappogue 92 > Tullamore Dew (makes for the best Irish Coffee) > Then take your pick of the Jamesons/Bushmills/Cooley offerings. Currently rumored to be building a new distillery, Well, I already put my two cents in well up the thread, but here is some topical good news for the distillery in the North2013 Spirit of the Year: Bushmills, Having just had this discussion with my buddy who was bribed with a bottle of Bush to express his love of it via twitter (which he refused, good man that he is) I have to say the following-. , Do note that the greatest tv show of all time, The Wire, always showed the Baltimore cops ordering Jameson in the bars, and the hero, McNulty, becomes indignant when only Bushmills is available at a partys open bar ( I guess most of the cops were Irish Catholic ), so traditions prevailed. say more. The main differences between Tullamore Dew vs Jameson are: Tullamore Dew is produced in different distilleries, whereas Jameson is produced in a single distillery. I went to the Distillery in Tullamore(now a museum for the whiskey), it is now produced in Middleton, although it is no longer owned by Pernod-Ricard. I said, so youre Protestant? Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general . [7], In 1871, the distillery was expanded and rebuilt in the Victorian style, becoming one of the most impressive sights in Dublin. There were licenses to distill granted in and around the Bushmills area in 1608. I came to mention Powers- it seems my work is done. Bushmills is distilled in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Nostrovia!! The fact is that Jameson is the Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is the Protestant whiskey and this is according to people I know That live in Belfast. Should these facts come into the discussion when considering whether or not to indulge in a pint of the creamy delicious black stuff!? You may see the Co. Offaly whiskey grow even more now that William Grant & Sons owns it, and will be building the new distillery soon. Have a good one. If I was the kind of person who blogwhored, I would An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. Well Kentucky used to be part of the state of Virginia, but that doesnt mean you blame the whiskey for something that happened in that state. This was a long term plan but theyve brought it forward by about 8-10 years. And if you just like something different then Cooleys your distillery (though that Michael Collins stuff is shite). The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. Nice lark, it is my keeper whiskey (special occasion), while Powers is now my everyday spirit. Jameson is always a great go-to, easy and smooth. Irish for the whiskey Found it very smooth to the tongue. Do you have a clue what an ol Yankee could do there for wages? About 5 or 6 years ago they flooeded Irish bars with it just before St. Paddys Day,almost forcing bars to sell off a lot of free stock they received. For the record, despite the Scottish reformation, that doesnt mean Jamieson was a Proddy. Last I was in Ireland, about three weeks ago, I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each. I remember back in my younger days hearing of the Troubles and feeling for those involved and I felt mostly for the Catholics. Mostly only Catholics or the nonreligious drink here. Every time you raise a glass of Bushmills you are in essence raising a glass to an Irishman losing his land (and in some cases his life) to British rule!! These two fine whiskeys should be enjoyed in a glass and not on some pseudo-religious podium. Beaumont Funny, I thought of addressing that as I was wrapping up the post, but then thought, Nah, the chuckleheads who read this website arent smart enough to draw that conclusion. Guess I was wrong. Oh and Bushmills was NOT licensed to distill in 1608Thats marketing Bullshit. The only option is to import a case in through the provincial liquor stores at about $35 CAD per bottle. Tullamore Dew, Powers, Paddy, Midleton Very Rare, Green Spot, and . But in Falls Road and Shankill Road it is not really about religion, is it? The difference between the two has to do with the history of whiskey production in Ireland. The truth is that great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland. I was playing golf in Ireland, and I asked my caddy what was his favorite whiskey. Yes it is a bit heavier than most Irish whiskey, but I appreciate the depth and nuanced flavors. Memories. I took a fifth of Bushmills with me in my checked luggage. One of the best whiskys I have ever drank. I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. And I was not drunk !!! I dont know about Ireland, but in some parts of the U.S there still major problems. Go figure . Hi, I actually know the reason behind the controversy. And I obviously know alot about it being from Ireland and the horrific scenes of the troubles. This must be one of the most pointless debates I have seen in a long time. Having just visited Ireland, I spent time in both the north and the ROI. [1], Historically, Powers Gold Label was the best-selling whiskey in Ireland. 1. However, this is just a rumor, but I did hear it from a pretty reliable source in the industry back in Ireland. Or champagne to protest Frankish aggression against the Gallo Romans. Whoever owns Paddys also owns one of these bigger brands and wont export to the US because they know they would cannibalize their own market share. Why even Arthur Guinness was a prod. In 1966, with the Irish whiskey industry still struggling following Prohibition in the United States, the Anglo-Irish Trade War and the rise of competition from Scotch whiskey, John Power & Son joined forces with the only other remaining distillers in the Irish Republic, the Cork Distilleries Company and their Dublin rivals John Jameson & Son, to form Irish Distillers. Paddy is a brand of blended Irish whiskey produced by Irish Distillers, at the Midleton distillery in County Cork, on behalf of Sazerac, a privately held American company. Whisky is Scotch, followed by Canada. The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including: Backlash against the Weimar Republicand the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s Anti-Communism Nationalism Stick to the booze recommendations, the mixed drink recipes, and the things you have first-hand experience with. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. I think its alot worse than some backward hick town in yankeeville. Colum Egan (Master Distiller of Bushmills) is himself a Catholic. That was over 40 years ago. Besides, Id have to prove I can fill a job where the company cant find a local. Religion and booze dont go well together so its a subject that perhaps should be avoided. mhermher 9 yr. ago I always remark "that's Protestant whiskey" at any mention of bushmills, but no one ever catches the reference. The big difference between the two whiskies has nothing to do with religion, which is silly and, in some respects, rather ignorant. Slainte. Good evening All, 12 years of Catholic school in Queens, NY which is probably why Ive been a Buddhist for the last 35+. Holy moly, I will second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the fire. Catholic and Slovak-American, my personal preference is Jamesons. The Plantation of Ulster is when the King of England gave lands away in Northern Ireland to the English that originally belonged to the Irish. Only if you are an idiot! Cant wait to find out. Bushmills is a great whisky celebrating an important anniversary this year with an updated look that will appear in late 2009. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. The whiskey was originally produced in Tullamore, County Offaly, Ireland, at the . Paid 10 Euro for a shot of it in Dublin, and well worth the price. Support the old sod. Funny thing is, Jeffrey, that at the end of your debunking of the myth, you subtly reassert its validity in rightly noting that Bushmills is owned by Diageo, a company based in a largely Protestant country, while Jameson is owned by Pernod-Ricard, which is based in a predominantly Catholic country. Whiskey has no religion. Nuts. However, some of the buildings have been incorporated into the National College of Art and Design, and are now protected structures. Hi and i take my hat off to Rob Mchardy answer 34..more people should be like you and the world would be a nicer place,anyway there is only one kind of whisky,the answer is in the spelling. When I lived in Providence, there was a lot of Powers drinking going on. I dont give a rip shit about religion and in fact LOATHE the typical evangelical protestant types like Swaggart, Murdoch etc. Help! It wasnt an issue about who owns what. As an American, am I being disloyal to Scotland when I drink Jamesons? In the mean time, the closest I can get to Ireland is my Bushmills and Guinness at night, and Kerrygold butter on toast for breakfast. CATHOLICISM vs PROTESTANTISM!! Dont fall for those expensive effete offerings. [12] However, with many of the Irish distilleries having closed in the early 20th century in part due to their failure to embrace a change in consumer preference towards blended whiskey, Powers were instrumental in convincing the remaining Irish distilleries to reconsider their stance on blended whiskey.[8]. Jameson has distilled fine Irish malt which has been then sold to Bushmills to use as a blend all of the way through the most controversial of times of Irish English relations to current. As a proud Corkonian, I feel the need to set the record straight. And a true story: as a young Dublin barman I was confounded by a true-blue Dubliner who asked for a large Shirley Bassey. and my green on July 12th. I was born in West Belfast and I can tell you, that most Catholics prefer Jamesons. Jameson Is Catholic and Bushmills Is Protestant. Talk about confused. The most traumatic era in the entire history of Roman Catholicism, some have argued, was the period from the middle of the 14th century to the middle of the 16th. As regards the Catholic v Protestant whiskey debate. Although some Protestants continued to make and sell alcohol, and many more consumed it, the pressure was . Oh, by the way, John Jameson was a protestant Scottish planter in Ireland, so shouldnt you be boycotting his whiskey also? Powers' Morte d'Urban, for example, the novel may strike you as the slightly humorous failures of an all-too worldly priest. The new Tullamore Dew distillery is up and running the past 2 years and back in Tullamore town. Heres the real question why does everyone insist on handing us shots of jameson late night in colorado? [9] They were the first Dublin distillery to do so, and one of the first in the world. What a treat. In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. I think Irish whiskey is like Scotch, meant for sipping, not mixing. Tullamore Dew has lemon notes with wood undertones, whereas Jameson has a light . While Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont ever pass up a chance to sample their self-titled Middleton. Polarised. I can guarantee no one here in Dublin or Ireland gives a crap either way. Privacy Policy | Wonderful thread. Usually King James Version. It all comes down to politics in the grand scheme of things, be you Yank or Paddy. Clean, fresh. @Allen: I think it show more the bigoted nature of your tour guide than it does Bushmills. Apparently it is, or was, a thing among certain Irish-Americans to signal their genuine Irishness by refusing Bushmills and drinking Jameson, supposedly the whiskey of Catholics and supporters of the Republic of Ireland. I am not trying to be offensive here, but really, it is just so dumb. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. Im not surprised this thread is still going strong. TRIPLE SEC, 2 shots of BUSHMILLS, This kind of stupidity makes us look like clowns in the eyes of most real Irish. Irish whiskeys like Bushmills, Redbreast, Powers, and Green Spot, amongst others, have arisen on the market with their own distinctive characteristics. @Darby )Gill: What a load of nonsense! I agree with Robert McHardy above. Now I have a different taste preference and enjoy Bushmills in the warmer months and back to Jameson when it gets a chill in the air. When Tug McGraw was interviewed after winning the world series in 1980, they asked him what he was going to spend his series winnings on. Some, like Jameson, are owned by Catholic companies. Hi all, please dont reinforce past troubles by making brand choices based on hatred. The date of 1608 doesnt even specifically relate to that brand but that a license was granted in somewhere in that general area. We were servedcorned beef and cabbage with California wine and a shot of Paddy cut with Baileys after dinner. John Jameson was Pentecostal. The town of Bushmills is a black hole. By far the biggest of this selection. It is a fact that Bushmills is distilled in Northern Ireland, and Jameson hails from County Cork in the Republic. The Catholic and Protestant Reformations established long-lasting effects within the religious world. But generally, if you like it sweet, you like Jamesons products (including Redbreast, 1780, and Powers) If you like it dry, youll prefer the Busmills lineup. @Eamonn: always good to hear from a Dubliner. Well, being of Scots-descent, Ill take one of each. Youd be hard to convince me it is 40 proof, much less 80. Currently, I go though a case of Jameson for every bottle of Bushmills that we sell at our bar. Powers is a brand of Irish whiskey. @Allen: Thats just my point. My post was simple stating that the problem still exists. Me, Ill opt mostly for the great spirits of the independent Cooley Distillery, located just north of Dublin. [4] In addition, Barnard was high in his praise for Powers whiskey, noting:[4]. Catholics represented the unstable Republican persona and therefore the company hired few people from the catholic areas. The Emperor's war against the Lutheran princes put the first Protestant reformers in a difficult bind. Spent the rest of the week getting to know Irish whiskey & came home w/ small bottles of Irish Whiskeys I wasnt sure I could get in the US so I could continue my coyage of discovery at home. Interesting and often amusing reading of so many perspectives. Also, show some class fellas (Burnsy calling me an idiot) my grandfather who is from Tipperary lost friends because of the Black and Tans (you know the English convicts the English government set upon the Irish), in some cases they were beaten to death!! Said to be the favorite of the Emerald Isle too. Historically a single pot still whiskey, the flagship Powers Gold Label brand was the first Irish whiskey ever to be bottled. It is calles an ORANGEMANhas nothing to do with Syracuse University. All appointments are made solely on the basis of merit.. Asked the guide about it. Your grandfather may have lost friends back in the early 20th century to the Black & Tans and im sorry to hear that, but guess what? But It has been my favorite since discovering it at the Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco. This is quite common from what I hear, and yet another argument in opposition of politicizing these two whiskies. Powers is good and inexpensive but 2 Gingers is better then them all and reasonably priced!!! It was a big hit with my fellow pilgrims. Corned beef as it exists today is an industrial product which was created during the British Industrial Revolution, with production centred around Ireland. I can just say Cheers! Yes, plenty of Irish whiskey is ordered as shots or in Pickle Backs, but it also works in a number of cocktails, including, of course, McGarry's The Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee. Up here in Canada (BC) its quite difficult to find. In some ways Im like woof, Thank you, @craftspiritsus for inviting me to give, CALLING ALL NACHOS AND WINGS LOVERS (okay and foot, Menu and blog update! This is excellent. Historically a single pot still whiskey, the flagship Powers Gold Label brand was the first Irish whiskey ever to be bottled. It retails slightly cheaper than Jameson in the US, at $16 a bottle. Powers gold label is absolute shit. Both sides here will gradually realise that they have more in common with each other than they do with folk in ROI or England, thats been my experience. The company has been running since 1780 and has developed and perfected the art of producing the premium quality, top shelf, and smoothest Irish whiskey in the world today. It makes things interesting. For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. It is a distinct and beautiful expression of the craft. Just dont do anything silly like order it on the rocksits way too good for that. Funny. Nose Though Bushmills is the #2 Irish whiskey in the U.S., Tullamore Dew is #2 Irish whiskey (after Jameson) worldwide, so not too surprising that you would see it most places. And, fact fans, the space-age Middleton distillery in the far south makes the neutral alcohol for the blends produced at Bushmills up North. The Roman Catholic church developed its dogma based on the issues brought forth by the . stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . [11], In 1961, a Coffey still was installed in John's Lane Distillery, allowing the production of vodka and gin, in addition to the testing of grain whiskey for use in blended whiskey. . Bourbon distillers only use barrels once, as the liquor gets its distinct flavor and color from the oak. Bushmills isnt produed deep in the heart of protestant country its produced on the north coast which is mixed catholic and protestant, sure the catholic stronghold Glens of Antrim are down the road. Contrary and challenging to the end- does this not sum up the Celtic spirit, whatever its origin or leaning? Just a point, Jameson is traditionally a Dublin Whiskey, originally distilled and blended in Bow Street in dublins Smithfield. Spose its kinda like Rangers (hoik-phew) and Celtic FC really. But my personal preference is Redbreast, a twelve-year pot still Irish whiskey produced at the Old Midleton Distillery and a real delight to sip while enjoying a late-night Irish breakfast of sausage, egg, pudding and soda bread. This works in the same way that Protestants love their Guinness just as much as Roman Catholics in fact, I know a lot of Catholics who never drink the stuff. Tulley Dew 10 Year Single Malt! Jamesons one-time MD (CEO in the USA) was Andrew Jameson. [1] Irish Distillers owned the brand until its sale to Sazerac in 2016. And while the distillery had a larger proportion of Protestants than Catholics, this was down to the demographics of the area in which the town of Bushmills is situated which is largely a protestant area and the employment status reflects that. Was a Proddy well worth the price Irish whiskey is produced in both the north south! Option is to import a case in through the provincial liquor stores is powers whiskey catholic or protestant. Load of nonsense all comes down to politics in the Republic take one of each stuff dont. I am not trying to be offensive here, but really, it is a bit than! All and reasonably priced!!!!!!!!!!!!. True-Blue Dubliner who asked for a large shirley bassey, that doesnt mean Jamieson was a Proddy Protestant types Swaggart! Stared at me, Ill take one of the creamy delicious black stuff! SEC, 2 shots Bushmills! What was his favorite whiskey the horrific scenes of the U.S there still major problems the! 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