The CDC says people who are fully vaccinated can go outside without a mask, but the important caveat here is except in certain crowded settings and venues,'" senior study author Martha M. Werler, DSc, professor of epidemiology at Boston University School of Public Health, tells Verywell. But there are still settings where wearing your mask is crucial. The Archdiocese also cited declining rates of Covid-19 transmission in its decision to relax masking rules. In their pre-Covid planning strategies for a pandemic, neither the Centers for Disease Control nor the World Health Organization had recommended masking the publicfor good reason. (Though todays ruling by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa, declaring the Biden administrations mask mandate for public transportation unlawful, comes as welcome news.) Study: States With Mask Mandates Saw Fewer Summertime COVID Cases. But as Miller shows in his book, the policies made no discernible difference. Little attention was paid to more rigorous research, like a review of the literature that found little or no benefit from masks, or a study that compared infection rates with mask policies and with rates of mask use in all 50 states over the first year of the pandemic. Theyre not looking at masks in and of themselves," Josh Petrie, research professor in the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, told USA TODAY. R-0 may be the most important scientific term youve never heard of when it comes to stopping the coronavirus pandemic. A recent study shows that states with high levels of mask-wearing reported fewer COVID-19 cases last summer. Our analysis suggests high adherence to mask wearing could be a key factor in reducing the spread of COVID-19. If youve been vaccinated and still feel mortally threatened by the virus, please read this. Copyright The county in the spotlight right now is Los Angeles County, where cases have spiked over the past few weeks with more than 2,700 new COVID infections per day, which is a 180% increase since Nov. 1. New Zealands prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, called it a validation of the countrys go hard, go early strategy, in which the country reacts rapidly to signs of community spread. They continued to fall over the 100 days analyzed in the study. "Nearly a year after California Gov. States and D.C. were categorized as having policy if it was issued for at least one day of a given month. She finds that mask-wearing is still the best course of action for mixed-vaccination status gatherings. "The states with mask mandates haven't fared significantly better than the 35 states that didn't impose them during the omicron wave. States and cities are reinstating restrictions and implementing new ones: In recent days, the governors of Iowa, North Dakota and Utah imposed mask mandates for the first time since the outbreak began. Now, nearly one in 10 North Dakotans have tested positive about a third of those in the past two weeks and one in 1,000 have died of the virus. Yes We utilized the COVID-19 US State Policy Database, created by Dr. Julia Raifman at Boston University School of Public Health [14], for policy and demographic information. In contrast, just one state in July, August, and September and three in October in the high quartile had high COVID-19 rates in the subsequent month. We abstracted daily percentages of the population who say they always wear a mask in public. Jocelyn Solis-Moreira is a journalist specializing in health and science news. Of the 15 states with no mask policy from April through September, 14 reported high COVID-19 rates in at least one month from May to October. + Caption. No, Is the Subject Area "United States" applicable to this article? broad scope, and wide readership a perfect fit for your research every time. Without strong national guidance, states containment policies have varied widely. That's not nothing, but it's a pretty modest effect, and it was achieved with surgical masks worn by adults in conditions that encouraged proper and consistent use. The announcement comes one day after Joe Biden pleaded with state and local leaders to maintain or reinstate mask mandates, due to recent alarming trends in US coronavirus case numbers. PLOS ONE promises fair, rigorous peer review, But the study did not take into account other policies or voluntary safeguards that may have differed between jurisdictions with and without mask mandates. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Eight states were reported to have at least 75% mask adherence in any month between June and September (AZ, CT, HI, MA, NY, RI, VT, VA); none reported a high COVID-19 rate in the subsequent month. In the United States, policies on mask wearing have varied from state to state over the course of the pandemic [6]. They looked at data from April to October 2020. Mandating masks gave the illusion of doing something against the virus. Mean COVID-19 rates for states with at least 75% mask adherence in the preceding month was 109.26 per 100,000 compared to 249.99 per 100,000 for those with less adherence. The rationale for those policies was that they would help reduce COVID-19 transmission as the highly contagious omicron variant became dominant in the United States, causing an explosion in newly reported cases. It found that mask mandates were associated with "statistically significant" decreases in daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates within 20 days of implementation. By Lauren Leatherby and Rich HarrisNov. Given the situation during the omicron surge, there are additional reasons to doubt that mask mandates, even with perfect compliance, had much of an impact. We were not able to measure statistical interactions between mask policy and adherence due to instability arising from small numbers. But in each state, as Miller shows, infection rates remained lower in the counties that did not mandate masks. The study also did not measure compliance with and enforcement of mask mandates and prohibitions on dining at restaurants. Ashish Jha, dean of Brown University's School of Public Health, notes that the graph for California, which required masks in indoor public settings beginning on December 15, is "strikingly similar" to the graph for Florida, which had no mask mandates. No, PLOS is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, #C2354500, based in San Francisco, California, US, Corrections, Expressions of Concern, and Retractions,,,,,,,,,,,, A quarterly magazine of urban affairs, published by the Manhattan Institute, edited by Brian C. Anderson. No, Is the Subject Area "Pandemics" applicable to this article? Writing original draft, Some reopened quickly and saw cases rise. How Are States Responding to CDC Mask Guidelines? Overall, there is no obvious difference between states with mask mandates and states without them. The researchers found that 14 of the 15 states with no mask mandates had high COVID-19 rates for at least one month during the study period. High COVID-rates were less frequent in states and D.C. with strict mask wearing policy than in states with recommended policy. Yes Laboratory studies indicate that masks, especially N95 respirators, can help reduce virus transmission. PLoS ONE 16(4): Gavin Newsom ordered the nation's first statewide shutdown because of the coronavirus, masks remain mandated, indoor dining and other activities are significantly limited, and Disneyland remains closed. Writing review & editing, Roles Charlie B. Fischer, Former Arizona AG Found No Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud. This association between high mask adherence and reduced COVID-19 rates should influence policy makers and public health officials to focus on ways to improve mask adherence across the population in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Our study was also limited by the lack of information on accessibility of COVID-19 testing; if less accessible testing is associated with less mask adherence, the associations we report here may be under-estimates. | Sources: Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker, closing bars, restaurants, gyms, theaters and schools, one in 10 North Dakotans have tested positive. Yes The mandate will still require masks where . The list of states with high COVID-19 rates by month shows the initial wave in northeastern states in May, followed by a wave in southern states, and then spreading across the U.S. over the next four months (Table 2). Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, United States of America, Roles He adds that the two states "had nearly identical infection rates.". Even if masking works, that does not necessarily mean mandates do. Terms Of Use, DeSantis' Disney Drama Turns Culture War Into Political Gains. Masks make no difference in reducing the spread of Covid, according to an extensive new review by Cochranethe gold standard for evaluating health interventions. The study used county-level data from March 1 through Dec. 31 of last year, comparing data from before mandates tookeffect to the time period when they were in place. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recently relaxed their COVID-19 guidelines, allowing fully vaccinated people to forego masks outside. "This was more of an epidemiological study looking at cases and deaths and with and without mask mandates. Investigation, And in the Germancity of Jena, first in the country to implement public mask wearing last April, masks led to a 75% decrease in new COVID-19 cases in little under three weeks, one December study found. The United States, as of Friday, posted a seven-day moving average of 62,555 new COVID-19 cases reported daily, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.The last time . Start the day smarter Notable deaths in 2023 The world's largest war . For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Over a third of states are ending COVID-19 mask mandates. For the period of April 1 through October 31, 2020, less than half of states had issued a mandate for mask wearing in public and nearly a third had not made any recommendation. here. COVID-19 death rates dropped by 0.7 percentage points in the first 20 days after masks were required. Even as states begin loosening COVID-19 restrictions, experts say masks are still the country's best line of defense against the virus. We show that mask mandates are associated with a statistically significant decrease in new cases (-3.55 per 100K), deaths (-0.13 per 100K), and the proportion of hospital admissions (-2.38 percentage points) up to 40 days after the introduction of mask mandates both at the state and county level. Public health policy-making requires navigating the balance of public good and individual rights [10]. Based on data from various countries and U.S. states from May to September 2020, a preprint study published last June found that general mask wearing was associated with a reduction in virus transmission. Even as more and more states encourage mask wearing [7], many citizens still resist the notion [8]. At the beginning of November, most states were scoring in the 40s and 50s. Adherence to public policy is influenced by a complex interplay of factors such as public opinion, cultural practices, individual perceptions and behaviors [11], which are difficult to quantify. Virginia. Our study accounted for temporality by staggering COVID-19 outcome data after adherence measures. Over the course of the pandemic, the scientific evidence and our understanding of masks have grown. Five states are rolling back mask mandates. Note: Cases and hospitalizations are data from Nov. 16. Even Greenpeace now admits the obvious: recycling doesnt work. Its Legacy Is Disastrous. Read on to find out whyand to ensure . The study referenced in the One America News Network report says the opposite, noting. Air travel is finally poised to recover its pre-Covid passenger numbers, but environmental groups want to slow down the industry. Despite an early outbreak, South Korea flattened the curve with aggressive testing and contact tracing, as well as widespread mask wearing. Czech Republic Has Lifesaving COVID-19 Lesson for America: Wear a Face Mask, USA Today announced early in the pandemic, but since then the Czech death toll has been one of the worlds highest. The same study found that cloth masks did not have a statistically significant effect. For a while, the residents were spared. States in COVID-19 high-risk categories are listed in Table 1. More detailed message would go here to provide context for the user and how to proceed. Some countries that implemented fast, early restrictions and robust test-and-trace programs have seen the most success. A relationship between policies and the outbreaks severity has become more clear as the pandemic has progressed. But the "reference period" is defined by the report as the 20 days before mask mandates started. Meantime, the medias favorite experts kept predicting doom for states that never mandated masks, like Florida, or that ended the mandates early in 2021, like Iowa, whose policy shift was denounced as reckless and delusional in a Washington Post article headlined, Welcome to Iowa, a state that doesnt care if you live or die. Iowas Covid death toll plummeted right after the article appeared. In August 2020, the Congressional Research Service also wrote that federal constitutional precedents made it unlikely that the federal government could issue a national mask wearing mandate that applies to the states. Only eight states reported that 75% or more people wore masks between June and September, leading to fewer COVID cases: States with a 75% minimum mask adherence reported about 109.26 COVID-19 cases per 100,000 residents compared to the average of 249.99 per 100,000 residents in states with low mask adherence. For example, in Arizona, 79,215 cases were recorded on June 30 and 174,010 cases were recorded on July 31, resulting in 94,795 new cases in July. Our research examines mask wearing policy and adherence in association with COVID-19 case rates. It compares Germany with Sweden, the medias Covid villain for refusing to lock down or mandate masks. California's state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic is finally over, ending on Tuesday after nearly three years in place. That section finishes:"Daily case and death growth rates before implementation of mask mandates were not statistically different from the reference period.". California tested a larger share of its population at the peak of its omicron surge than Florida did, and Florida's positivity rate was higher, which suggests that Florida missed a larger share of infections than California. It also examined the link between allowing on-site restaurant dining and the number of coronavirus cases and deaths. 2021;325(10):998-999. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.1505. Methodology, Instead, it links mask mandates to statistically significant decreases in county-level daily COVID-19 case and death growth rates within 20 days of implementation.. For policies on physical distancing, we recorded whether a stay-at-home order was issued and, if so, when. Though demographic factors were measured as proportions of the population, even if they were considered to be indicators for individual level characteristics, they do not denote an inherent biologic association with the outcome and more likely reflect structural inequities that lead to higher rates of infection in minoritized populations. A new study finds that states with high rates of mask-wearing experienced fewer COVID-19 cases. In fact, the researchers calculated that for every 1% increase in wearing a mask in September, the odds of having high state-wide COVID-19 rates dropped by 26%. "The probability of becoming a rapid riser county was 43% lower among counties that had statewide mask mandates at reopening," the researchers reported. But as Flam notes, "the benefits of universal masking have been difficult to quantify" in the real world, where cloth models predominate and masks may not be clean, well-fitted, or worn properly. In the United States, policies on mask wearing have varied from state to state over the course of the pandemic. Variants of COVID-19 Are Spreading Across the U.S. How to Plan a COVID-Safe Summer Vacation in 2022. Conditions in bars and restaurants are more conducive to virus transmission, since customers spend more time there in closer proximity to each other, often while talking. Latest news. In contrast, 25% or fewer states with a mask wearing policy had high COVID-19 rates, except in September when over half experienced high rates. If you've seen pictures of those kids, you know they are not necessarily using masks as intended. Jha thinks vaccination rates areanother important factor: While "only 59% of eligible Florida seniors have gotten boosted," he notes, the rate for California is 70 percent. OAN spokesman Charles Herring said the outlet linked to the study "so viewers could read the CDC report in its entirety. Massachusetts. Mask mandates are associated with reductions in COVID-19 case and hospitalization growth rates (6,7), whereas reopening on-premises dining at restaurants, a known risk factor associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (2), is associated with increased COVID-19 cases and deaths, particularly in the absence of mask mandates (8). 3.1.2023 2:50 PM, David McGarry He Kept Quiet. But state-level policy choices do not explain everything: New Mexico and Rhode Island have maintained some of the countrys strongest containment measures, according to the Oxford index, yet both states are battling serious outbreaks now. Indeed all 13 states in the low mask adherence group in September had high COVID-19 rates in October. | Sources: Note: State containment measures are shown from two weeks prior, to account for a lag between policies and outcomes. It is also possible that survey respondents misreported their mask wearing adherence; whether they would be more or less likely to over or under-report is open to speculation, but residents in states with mask wearing policy might over-report adherence to appear compliant. "Arizona surprised me because they went from having the second-lowest mask adherence in May and June [less than 22%] to the highest level in July and August [greater than 80%]. No, Is the Subject Area "Hispanic people" applicable to this article? The difference in mean COVID-19 rates between states with 75% and <75% mask adherence was 140 cases per 100,000. After the pandemic, a survey of gains and losses. All reviews and studies included in this document report on data collected in a time period prior Rhode Island, where I live, has had a mask mandate since mid-December; nonetheless, we saw our January surge rise far higher than any other state. e0249891. Formal analysis, Currently, patients, visitors and staff members at UCHealth are required to wear a mask at all times. "At first blush," Jha says, it "looks like their different COVID strategies did not end up mattering much." Their cumulative rates of Covid mortality were virtually identical, too (in fact, there were slightly more deaths per capita in the states with mask mandates). This pattern of magical thinking persisted throughout the pandemic, as Miller demonstrates in dozens of graphs contrasting conventional wisdom with cruel reality. Gov. The CDC's report is the latestin a growing body of evidence establishing mask mandates as an effective strategy in curbing the virus. If youre fully vaccinated, the CDC says its safe to engage in certain maskless activities such as gathering with other vaccinated people. But even allowing for differences in testing rates, the similarity in case trends is striking. Decreases in the rate of new infections and deaths from the virus were statistically significant, the studys authors found. According to Werler, Arizonas data was unexpected. It is important to note that state level distributions of demographic factors do not account for concentrations or sparsity of populations within a given state. If you add up all the numbers on those two lines, you find that the mask mandates made zero difference. While mandates required shoppers to don masks before entering supermarkets, for example, the risk of transmission in such settings is low, given the amount of time customers usually spend in them, the size of the air space, and typically wide distances between patrons. If Florida's case numbers understate the true number of infections more than California's do, that could partially explain the difference in COVID-19 deaths per capita. One state is the lone holdout. Beyond the question of how effective masking is in practice, there is the question of what impact mask mandates have on behavior. These results were suggestive of an effect with a permutation-based P -value of 0.094. The CDC received some criticism for its junk science on masks, particularly for its false claims about the benefits of masking schoolchildren, but the press mostly promoted the agencys narrative. Both mask policy and mask adherence for states and D.C. were cross-tabulated with high case rates in the subsequent month. ", More: Fact check: Masks and vaccines are effective at combating COVID-19 spread, Reed said the CDC's reportdid not examine the effectiveness of masks.. 3.1.2023 9:30 AM, Damon Root Privacy Policy | In the summer of 2020, Politico praised Rhode Islands wear-your-damn mask policy in an article headlined, How the Smallest State Engineered a Covid Comeback. A survey in the autumn found that 96 percent of Rhode Islanders were wearing masks, the highest rate in the U.S., yet that winter the state went on to suffer one of the nations worst Covid surges. 18, 2020. The graph for New York, which also had a statewide mask mandate, looks very much like the graph for California, but with an earlier peak. We abstracted data on whether the state issued a mandate of mask use by all individuals in public spaces, and if so, the dates of implementation and whether the mandate was enforced by fines or criminal charge/citation(s). | Data released by the agency in November looking at COVID-19 incidence in Kansas after a statewide mask mandate also found the measure resulted in a drop in infectious cases. Note: Measurements of government response come from the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Trackers Containment and Health Index, which is the organizations index focused on virus containment and protecting citizen health. As of Aug. 3, Louisiana is under a temporary statewide mask mandate required of all people, including those who are vaccinated, when indoors. For example, mask wearing in the two weeks before rates begin to rise might be a more sensitive way to measure the association. Note: State containment measures are shown from two weeks prior, reflecting what experts say is a lag between new policies and results. Mr. Hale said the Oxford data makes it clear that acting quickly and forcefully is the best shot governments have to combat the virus. If you compare California to Texas, another populous state that had no mask mandates, the case trends are also very similar, although the increase was steeper in California, where the seven-day average peaked a few days earlier. The worst outbreaks in the country now are in places where policymakers did the least to prevent transmission, according to the Oxford index. We infer that mandates likely did not affect COVID-19 case growth, as growth rates were similar on all days between actual or modeled issuance dates and 6 March 2021. This protective effect of mask wearing was evident across four months of the pandemic, even after adjusting the associations for mask policy, distance policy, and demographic factors. Though many have taken fresh steps to contain the virus since then, the Times analysis compares cases and hospitalizations for a given date to a states index score from two weeks before, since researchers say it is reasonable to expect a lag between a policy's implementation and its outcome. | Higher mask use (rather than mandates per se) has been argued to decrease COVID-19 growth rates. Looking more closely at October when COVID-19 rates increased across the US, we found average adherence was only 47% in September for the 11 states without a mask policy and high October COVID-19 rates. Cases dropped in late July, but since then Texas has eased efforts to contain the virus, and cases are rising again. Conceptualization, Its been piecemeal, Dr. El-Sadr said. We show supporting evidence for reducing the spread of COVID-19 through mask wearing. Exhibit 4 Sensitivity analysis: ratios of daily COVID-19 case incidence per 100,000 people between matched counties with and without masking mandates, overall and by county type, among a subset of . The black line on the graph shows the weekly rate of Covid cases in all the states with mask mandates that week, while the orange line shows the rate in all the states without mandates. Of states with high COVID-19 rates that at some point did not require residents to wear masks -- including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire,. But there is little evidence that mask mandates had much to do with that drop. February 28, 2023. 3.1.2023 11:20 AM, Elizabeth Nolan Brown The wave of new restrictions in the United States follows national and regional lockdowns in Europe, where outbreaks surged past their spring peaks but cases per capita remained lower than many Upper Midwest states. Yes For now, relaxing some mask guidelines while staying vigilant is the government's compromise. The pandemic planners at the United Kingdoms Department of Health had reached a similar conclusion: In line with the scientific evidence, the Government will not stockpile facemasks for general use in the community. Anthony Fauci acknowledged this evidence early in the pandemic, both in his public comments (Theres no reason to be walking around with masks, he told 60 Minutes) and in his private emails (I do not recommend you wear a mask, he told a colleague, explaining that masks were too porous to block the small Covid virus). Swedens initial Covid surge was blamed on those lax policies, but Sweden stuck to them and actually discouraged masks in most situations. Where wearing your mask is crucial how effective masking is in practice, is... Obvious difference between states with high case rates in October report is the Subject Area `` Pandemics '' to... 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