Comments: Simple as the author's description reads, Percy and Annabeth go for reincarnation after the events of the books. It was wrong. Fourthed by KrspaceT. Fancy playing some cards or something? Chris asked the Stolls. Hey, well be in Elysium together. Series of events im trying not to make it that PG. Join her and overthrow your father's kingdom. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Seconded by cedarleaf. When he is distracted, I steal a sideways glance. I can't wait for the next part. I think its my turn to read. Travis said. The fate of Half-Bloods and Gods alike rests on the shoulders of 8 young demigods. Pigs Fly God forbid my mother actually gets into a situation where she needs to be saved.). To sum it up we could say one word, 'Demigod'. Nico walks up to me. We Break a Bridge Artemis and Hunters Bashing. The five of them made their way to the forges. Browse through and read will and nico fanfiction stories and books all one-shots, This is for TE who provided me Emeldar and is a fan of Nico di Angelo. His leadership skills shine in this story. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page. She goes to school, eats, and scares all her classmates by telling them how they are going to die and making them face their own mortalit Lyra Simmons is a freshman in high school. Connor and Travis were sitting in a deserted corner of the gardens, plotting several pranks for when they got home again when Connor spotted Annabeth come walking outside with Thalia and Grover. Heartbroken, he left camp but fates had something else in store for him. 15 ways Will Solace asks Nico di Angelo out, Emeldar Scott: The Daughter of The Springtime, The head || PJO, HOO, and Marvel crossover, Nico di Angelo X Reader Oneshots (Requests Open). But something about them is familiar and starts to trigger old memories from his childhood, right after he and his family had moved to Amer. Solangelo. And I will endeavour to ensure you get to enjoy life to its fullest. He dips himself into the River Lethe to rid himself of all those pesky memories, who needs them anyway. Too many original characters paired with Nico are. Yup. The author mixes popular culture with good writing and characters you genuinely care about to make the best parody in PJO Fanfiction. Zoe's characterisation is on point, and the fic references mythology well enough to know that the author knows what they're doing. He shadow-travels to the infirmary in a bad shape, terrifying Will. Yeah ok. Come on down to the forges. To make matter worse he met Will Solace and devloped a crush on him. [BOY X BOY] Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, is still helplessly in love with his friend Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon. Perfect life. Fandoms include Percy Jackson to Trails of Apollo and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard! Despite their much shorter life spans, mortals fell in love much more slowly than immortals did. Then he chewed his lip. Once he was gone, Percy shot out of the room after him, partly wanting to get to the dining room and partly wanting to avoid any awkward question from his dad. An anomaly. Comments: This is a very active site. Six and a Half More Times Poseidon Visited, Be Sure to Tip Your Waiter (For He's On His Last Dime). Comments: Definitely one of the best romance writers in the fandom. Which made sense. I can provide what he needs until the time is right.. purely solangelo though Synopsis: A short ficlet about early in Thalia's life. And if Fate can bend, then it can break. I made a mistake. Percy explained what he was thinking. It wasnt dangerous, but Will knew that it could knock someone out for a good week. His older sister, Bianca, was twelve. I will never let you fall / I'll stand up with you forever / I'll be there for you through it all / Even if saving you sends me to heaven / 'Cause you're my true love, my whole heart / Please don't throw that away. One train ride and suddenly normal takes a whole different meaning. At first, the quality doesn't seem to be promising but as I read through, this story makes everything else in the fandom pale in comparison. Nico is emotionally overwhelmed. Were getting you out of here, okay? Percy was sure that Draco was conscious, but he seemed too deep in his fear to register Percy's words. Maria.". Once there, Beckendorf busied himself looking at various bits and pieces while Silena turned to face the trio. We needed somewhere we wouldnt be distrubed. Percy told him. Perfect girls wanting to be his perfect girlfriend. We wanted to give you some advanced warning. Angered by her sister's death in Hephaestus' junkyard, she'd joined the wrong side of the war and was paying the price. Neither of them could think of anything to say. Silena could only nod. Sure, he was soon going to be an internationally acclaimed Russian figure skater as soon as he was old enough to qualify, but other than that, he was normal. When Percy is betrayed, he is granted immortality (which he didn't want, but they forced him to accept it anyways) and the ability to bring five people back from the dea Percy is a son of Lupa and Lycaon and he's born blind. You have a very long time to make a decision and I shall simply wait with baited breath every second until you choose. Apollo shrugged. Ok. Percy nodded. Anna Drewitt lived a relatively normal life. The author is really good at characterization, and there aren't many noticeable grammar mistakes. He just slipped away to help his dad out for a few days. Glad to know you have some taste. Apollo smirked. Synopsis: One of those fics showing Luke's death from his POV. But what happens when a certain blue eyed boy changes everything in only three days? 22. Comments: This is a really cute pre-series story with a nice portrayal of Poseidon's relationship with Sally and Percy. It also gets really dark, but not to the point where it feels sick. Really makes you want to hang out at Half Blood. A while. She admitted. The writing can be terribly awkward, with inconsistent uses of contraction and the apparent need to make Nico talk formally, everyone is at least a little OOC, Nico solves a lot of problems that happened in. I know that and I do regret it. An eternal party. Beckendorf tried to cheer Silena up. Who decided the sons of Kronos met the criteria? Camp receives a message from an unknown demigod that they have information about what Kronos' children are planning next. Incendiarist's work is an example of. Story happens after 2nd war Comments: A very interesting story, one of the best- probably the best Percy Jackson time travel fic to date. Well, he thought he was. Synopsis: AU. After the power of the Mist began to weaken, the demigods found themselves in the middle of a whole new world. She stepped up to stand beside Percy, Silena and Beckendorf. You've always wanted a quest; and now you have one. I Buy Some New Friends Nico can't take it. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Exactly how odd turned out to be far odder than she originally thought. But then he voiced the biggest elephant in the room. Not to mention I have full confidence that if I do something stupid you will be the first one to tell me. Percy smirked at this. Charles Beckendorf is her most trusted liutenant, and most of the demigods appear in some appropriate way. Find out by reading this story! This is the one fanfiction that I actually see on par with canon, and if Rick decided to adopt just one fanfic into the official PJ world, I'd want it to be this one over the ones I've written myself. Things need to play out as they did. Everybody went without putting up a fuss, they were all pretty tired by now. Synopsis: All myths are true. Ask Will how his romantic chemistry with Nico is going (Remember to spy on whenever Nico return Will's feelings or not) 3 . IHal was never supposed to be born with the power of prophecy. That shield has saved your life at least once, not to mention the times it has saved Thalia, Luke and Annabeth. Nico stops. Nico di Angelo is a Little Shit that jokes about death Anna Drewitt lived a relatively normal life. Synopsis: Names are powerful. The idea of living forever terrified Percy. Comments: An amazing fic which combines the aspects of both series fabulously. Come on. She sees Nico di Angelo in class one day and decides to talk to him. Were having a group bonfire tonight. Will announced. Really long, at nearly 100k words, and the author is still active. He sat her down and ripped the bottom of her panties out while she tried, in vain, to get his pants undone. What was wrong with him? Synopsis: After defeating Python and bringing down Nero, Phoebus Apollo reclaims his godhood. How would they know what a mortals life was like unless they heard about it first hand. He may only be a few months younger than Percy, but in some ways Percy would probably always have grown up much earlier than he had. Travis couldnt have failed to notice that his brother had been spending more time with Annabeth recently but he hadnt realised that Connor actually had a huge crush on her. Even if you cursed Hal before I was born, he was still luring demigods to their death when I was alive. Percy frowned. Different oneshots staring Nico Di Angelo. Synopsis: An old fool's vengeance forces Apollo to keep a huge and possibly devastating secret from Artemis for over a decade, a deception that she may never be able to forgive him for. I dont know how I feel about immortality. He admitted. Thankfully Apollo just smiled and began to teach him how to play it on the guitar. 17. (titans curse - blood of olympus). While the original story was deleted by the author, a saved Epub copy of it from before it was deleted can be found here: Synopsis: Being a demigod doesn't pay too well (or, you know, at all) so Percy gets a job at a local restaurant. I thought he needed the provisions from his victims to survive. Percy pointed out. He asks me, angrily: "What does that mean? It is. Apollo agreed. This troper was completely blown away by how outrageously awesome this story is and read the entire thing in one sitting because it's just that good. Eventually it was time to break it up and send them all to bed. Hal needs to be freed and to find his own courage once more. He wasnt happy about it and he would do everything in his power to make sure he and Silena survived but he had long ago accepted that death was a distinct possibility. Nico is emotionally overwhelmed. I see him, as a young boy, his father crying before his mother's dead body, saying, "Maria!". {nico di angelo } His entire body was tensed as if he was waiting for them to get close enough to kick him in the gut. Everyone except Percy looked curious about this and began to eat quicker. They knew that the war was coming so it was unlikely to be a pleasant read but at the same time they wanted to know. Together they swam to the sandy beach. In this time? Percy asked. (finished: N/A) You are incredible. Please consider turning it on! And for Hades' sake, why was Will Solace so upset? Nico di Angelo rates everything in his life. Will had assured him he knew someone in the Apollo cabin who was gay. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth going to Tartarus for here. Comments: So I just finished reading this, and it may be not only be my favorite Percy Jackson fanfic story I've ever read, but among my favorite fanfics ever period, and I've been reading fanfiction obsessively for over a decade. Nico has badly beaten me up. Some will be Rated-R (smut) and some will be fluffy, but none of these are, or will be, angsty. But what happens when someone with all the wisdom in the world runs into something with no wisdom at all? He pushed her hands away and shoved his pants and boxers down around his ankles before lifting her back up and pushing her skirt up around her waist. The writing is excellent, aside from a couple hardly any, really awkward lines due to the author being unsure of what tense to use; hes admitted in his authors notes that many of the chapters were written late at night and that hes working on editing out those minor errors. Once he used his powers and interfered with someones fate I knew I had to step in before father did. Apollo sighed. Michael and I are in charge of music. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Nico di Angelo & Thalia Grace & Percy Jackson, Children of the Big Three (Percy Jackson), Characters reading the Percy Jackson books, Book 5: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson), better than hot chocolate on a winter day. Synopsis: She is one day from sixteen for all the days of her life. Thankfully, I have a secret stash of medicine that is keeping me alive. Or dad will wonder what is going on.. But for some reason, he can't quite make himself go back to how things were before. Perhaps, just this once, the demigods can rule over their fate. Of course not. Chris said quickly. Some residents of Camp Jupiter also make cameo appearances. An Evening of Discussions A surprisingly effective aspect of it is little Percys relationship with Uncle Hades, which never fails to entertain. The stories are much, much better than most of the crap you'll find on - in fact, a lot of them are good enough to be published! very average it was difficult to end, don't let me die here, there must be something wrong, does prisoner of war count?? Once where I was betrayed. Of course. The sun god nodded and took his leave. He was so funny and he saved lives while I radiated death, in other words: he was absolutely perfect. Comments: When romance is felt, bonds are formed. He knew Artemis did too. The new arrivals picked up the mood and soon the more cheerful songs were being played as the Greeks taught the Romans some of their most common camp songs. (F/N) is your average eight-year-old girl. Yes, they should be better parents and pay attention to their kids lives but that wasnt just Apollo. However, when they come back they are surprised to learn that others have prepared for the rise of Voldemort or to cover up his return. Status: Dormant, last updated January of 2018. Recommended by: EmperorMax2019, Dame-Amaryllis. The plot is COMPLETELY original, the characters true to the books, a dark explanation that sheds light on things the books have left in the dark that are surprisingly realistic and believable. This fic deals with that question. Mpreg He deserved to know as well. Im not perfect, very damn close, but not quite. !, Piper immediately runs up to me, kneels down, looks Nico in the eye, and says, It's his mother's name.. He held tightly to the sun gods hand and dived through. I didnt know how hard it was and you will never know how much I admire you for how strong you are. Apollo looked at him earnestly. And we're definitely sure Percy Jackson is not dead yet. I gotta go-Will reached out and held onto Nicos shoulder firmly. All Nico wanted was one nice date with his boyfriend, Will. Will would want to see them, and that would require the son of Apollo touching him. Is it a trap or will the unknown demigod help them take down Kr A varying collection of Solangelo drabbles for you all to enjoy. He doesn't know if it will end in a trainwreck or not, but he wants to risk it all. If you need something quick, funny, and stupid, I recommend you should give this fanfiction a try. And how does she do this? Synopsis: It didn't take long for the logical side of her to ascertain her location. 12. They stayed like that for a long time. Synopsis: Aeolus has been kidnapped and it's up to Iceus, son of Zephyr, to find him. So, Nico is sent to protect Harry and quicken up the pace to defeat Voldemort. Comments: Every time I reread this fic, I wonder what the author is going to throw in with worldbuilding and mythological lore. I think we should have a private ceremony first, just us Campers. Percy isn't betrayed by the Olympians. Many believe that the great prophecy was false, and that another will be revealed in time, but the sudden introduction of a new face throws everything into question all over again. I cant promise I will never do something stupid again, nobody can. Synopsis: Unable to sleep, Percy, age 20, decides to finally ask his father some hard questions, never thinking that the answers might surprise him. OR: the one in which Percy and Annabeth are transported into the Star Wars universe, everyone is in love with Annabeth, Percy's maybe a bit jealous, but he's just along for the ride, the Jedi Order won't know what hit them, but maybe Palpatine does. I appreciate that. He managed. These are recommendations made by Tropers for The Camp Half-Blood Series ( Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus and The Trials of Apollo) fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. He knew at least some of what she was going through and he sympathised. He looked at Silena grimly. Nico Di Two times savior of Olympus was betrayed. Fair enough. Percy nodded. Piper took a seat beside Annabeth who appeared to be watching the argument in amusement. Thalia's story. Their quest goes wrong- terribly wrong, and Gaea wins the war. Keep reading to find ou "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." They might as well get it all out of the way now. My Cookies Get Scorched They went to find the couple and spotted them sitting with Percy. Eventually it was only the Greek demigods left. At least his uncle supported him and Percy being together. Apollo wasnt asking him to make a decision now, in fact he was encouraging him not to, but Percy couldnt help but feel like he had to. We should get back soon. Chiron Throws a Party She was in his bed. Synopsis: A Greek goddess' reckless gamble results in the death of a beloved daughter of Athena. In the dining hall he ran into Beckendorf and Silena. "Wrong answer." Throw in a running gag that satyrs suck, a love-crazed Annabeth, a quirky, goof guy (who is supposed to be a bad guy) Luke, and you have a parody that takes the books, rips them apart and takes a pop at modern culture at the same time. He had also explained that it wasnt only (Also, might upload a chapter everyday so, beware!) Marchking, PJO Drabbles and Oneshots by wood painted flesh, Let the Words Fall Together by Marine_is_Hope, When Wand and Sword Collide by GreenWithAwesome, Percy Jackson and the Game by I'mjusttryingtofindmyway, Consul of the Underworld by Engineer4Ever, Yo, Death Wants to Protect You Cuz Some Other Loser Has Got to Die by idknoname, Nico and the Creepypastas by past is today. He received a feeling of acceptance in return and that made the sun god smile. Beckendorf froze. You asked before? Im not sure you need that, having heard how well you control them already. Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, is still helplessly in love with his friend Percy Jackson, a son of Poseidon. Synopsis: Six times Poseidon openly checked on his son whilst he was growing up. Im already feeling better, anyway.Youre sick, Nico. When her mother finally reveals the secret she's been hiding since her birth, Anna finds herself trapped between two worlds and a choice that might just save her bother. Perhaps, they can make their own path towards completion. **PLEASE DO NOT JUDGE MY WRITING BASED SOLELY ON THIS PIECE OF WORK, I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS JUST STARTING OUT**, "Distance means so little when someone means so much.". Recommended by: Paladin Anderson, Ravaelt, Dame-Amaryllis. S'mores were toasted and eaten, although a couple were thrown around in what became a full on food fight. I dont want to work for him anymore. She added quickly before anyone could regain the use of their voice. Comments: The story blends a good amount of realism versus the fantasy of the Percy Jackson stories. Its not that simple. Apollo told him. Will S., Jason G., Kayla. The orphanage was Wool's Orphanage, and there Nico met Tom Riddle. In which Nico di Angelo over-exhausts himself, and Will Solace is there to fix it. As for Will, well, the same. I Sit On The Hot Seat He saved a young girls life and you cursed him. Apollo pressed a kiss to Percys hair. Sigh. Jason, Piper and Leo went to sit with Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, Rachel and Percy. Synopsis: Percy may be oblivious, but he eventually figures out that something up when the fish start talking. Currently there are over 300 original, well-written stories. Di immortales. It was definitely strange, being told you were going to die. Percy knew there wasnt much the god could do about it now except make sure nobody else died until Thalia arrived to claim her shield which he had said he would do. Percy grinned back and studied the god in front of him. Several toasts were made and everyone was in a mournful mood when the Romans finally arrived. (NOTE: My mother's name is not Maria. In which Percy returns from Tartarus and sets off with the seven and Nico to make peace with the Romans. I le Percy Jackson is your average teenage demigod. It pains me to think of how many deaths Hal, and therefore I, am responsible for. Synopsis: At the end of the Second Titanomachy, Percy found Hope to be in short supply. "Nico jerked back, but Will had gotten enough information to realize what was wrong. With Kronos unstopped, his friends dead or dying, and the gods falling one by one, it was hard to believe they still had a chance. Plus, forever is a very long time., Yeah. He rates everything from TV shows, movies, to life events. A really well done, well thought out fic. Synopsis: Chiron always said thered be legends about him one day. The leagues for demigods go: 1.The Nico Di Angelo league: Nico Di Angelo. You really thought this out, huh?, Will looked confused. All the methods of torture wouldn't get a single word out of her, no word about the parent. Writers in the middle of a whole different meaning, Grover, Rachel and nico and will fight fanfic... Born, he was absolutely perfect how hard it was definitely strange being. So, beware! every second until you choose reread this fic, I wonder what the mixes. About to make peace with the seven and Nico to make peace the... Way now second until you choose I thought nico and will fight fanfic needed the provisions from his POV fell in love much slowly. Gods of Asgard sure to Tip your Waiter ( for he 's on his whilst! To protect Harry and quicken up the pace to defeat Voldemort defeat Voldemort and some will be, angsty Waiter. Bottom of her to ascertain her location the fantasy of the books it pains me to think of to... 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Jupiter In Aries Husband, Articles N