There are many examples of comic companies copying character ideas but if you research well there is plenty of room for you to be original even with the same list of superpowers. Kinetic Absorption The ability to absorb forms of kinetic energy into oneself and utilize it in some way, such as by converting it into physical strength or using it to power energy blasts. 1 pick, but now, we're taking a look at the top 10. They appear as a result of experimental techniques or specific garments with superhero qualities. Dr. Duplication (size) The ability to create a duplicate that is bigger or smaller. Density Control (objects) is also known as Density Manipulation, Density Shifting and Picnokinesis. Breath (water) The ability to breathe through water in lieu of a gaseous medium. This includes, but is not limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin or rearranging ones own bones. Examples of characters with this power include (Marvel) and the (DC). Pheromone Manipulation is also known as Feromonikinesis, Pherokinesis and Pheromone Control. Age Manipulation is also known as Gerontokinesis, and Senescence. Running too fast. to Donald Blake. Turns out those broad shoulders are equipped to carry around a ton of emotional baggage, too (loneliness and guilt are formidable opponents). Hyperdimensional Manipulation The ability to manipulate and/or travel to higher dimensions. Over the years, Wolverine has become annoyingly hard to kill. These outfits revealed superpowers. Cross Dimensional Manipulation The ability to effect change in more than one dimension. Martians weakness for fire is what helped Batman defeat a room full of Martians in a classic Justice League story. Mind Blast The ability to send psionic energy in a blast that can cause great physical and/or psychological damage. Biological Manipulation (others) The ability to control aspects of another living creatures biological make-up. The power to manipulate earth. Glove Manipulation is also known as Battle Gauntlet Proficiency, Cestus Proficiency, Combat Glove Proficiency, Enhanced Gauntlet Proficiency, Gauntlet Proficiency and Metal Knuckle Proficiency. Accelerated Healing The ability to heal more quickly than normal. Avian Anatomy also known as, Ave Body, Ave Form, Ave Mimicry, Ave Physiology, Avian Body, Avian Form, Avian Mimicry, Avian Physiology, Bird Body, Bird Form, Bird Mimicry, and Bird Physiology. Creatures that are made out of wood and are examples of fit into this category. This means there are countless psychic characters that display telekinesis as just one of their powers. Insanity Manipulation (others) The ability to cause mental illness. They have been thriving for decades, presenting fans with heroes taking part in stories that never cease to impress. We welcome you to share your thoughts about our choices as well as your own rankings. Among the superheroes in Marvel are mutants and gods such as Thor. Make sure the colors, style, and accessories are all appropriate to both the character's powers and personality. Superhuman Strength The ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions. Molecular Combustion (self) is also known as Atomic Explosion, Detonation, Explosion, Living Bomb, Nitrokinesis, Nuclear Explosion, Reiciokinesis, Self-Destruction and Self-Detonation. Elasticity is also known as Ductility, Elastic, Elongation, Expandable, Malleable, Mutability, Plasticity, Pliability, Stretch Powers, Stretchability, Stretchable Body, Stretchy and Super Stretching. They do have weaknesses. Time Manipulation The ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping time. Ghost Anatomy The being is a ghost. Weakness Detection The ability to sense the weak point of people and/or objects. She is now on an Earth 2 that I care not to go into but that doesnt change the fact of why shes on this list. Ring Manipulation is also known as Ring Empowerment. They can be created so powerfully that they seem impossible to defeat. an elf. Over the years, Wolverine has become annoyingly hard to kill. Hammer Manipulation The ability to use a hammer to do superhuman feats due to the skill of the user and/or special properties of the hammer. Canine Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a canine i.e. Radiation Mimicry is also known as Radiation Physiology, Radiokinetic Mimicry and Radiokinetic Physiology. Dimensional Storage is also known as Bag of Tricks, Dimensional Capture, Dimensional Release, Hammerspace, Magic Satchel, Malletspace, Pocketing, Requip (Fairy Tail) and Trade In/Out. Mummy Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a mummy. However, if an ordinary man happens to be able to sneak up on her and bound her by her bracelets, she is powerless. Energy Blasts The ability to expel various forms of energy from the body. Dream Manipulation is also known as Dream Alteration, Dream Control, Dream Power, Dream Warping, Dream Weaving, Dreamscaping, Oneiric Alteration, Oneiric Control, Oneiric Manipulation, Oneiric Warping, Oneirokinesis and Somnipathy. Enhanced Combat The ability to engage in hand to hand combat with a superhuman level of skill. HKP can be defined as superhuman combined with superhuman and intelligence in a manner. Photographic Reflexes are also known as Adoptive Muscle Memory, Adaptive Muscle Memory, Adomopathy, Body Movement Copying, Combat Chameleon, Eidetic Kinesthesia, Mimetic Muscle Memory, Photographic Muscle Memory, Psychometric Reflexes and Reproductive Muscle Memory. A ruthless businessperson, profiting from death, Tony Stark was a far cry from sympathetic (and nerdy) heroes like Bruce Banner and Peter Parker. Ant Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an ant. The ability to turn organic matter into inorganic matter. Sound Mimicry The character has a body composed of sound. Arachnid Anatomy is also known as Arachnid Body, Arachnid Form, Arachnid Mimicry, Arachnid Physiology, Arachnida Body, Arachnida Form, Arachnida Mimicry, Arachnida Physiology, Spider Body, Spider Form, Spider Mimicry and Spider Physiology. Elasticity The ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract ones body into any form imaginable. Scorpion Anatomy is also known as Scorpion Body, Scorpion Form, Scorpion Mimicry and Scorpion Physiology. Strengths: Literally Luke Cage's fist. Magnetism Manipulation The ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields. Your email address will not be published. Avian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an avian animal. Strengths: Sheer numbers. Centaur Anatomy is also known as Centaur Mimicry, Centaur Physiology, Centauroid, Taur Form, Taur Mimicry, Tauric Form, Tauric Mimicry, and Tauric Physiology. ), No doubt people of many backgrounds love him, but T'Challa's identity as a powerful man of color is integral to the character's appeal. Weaknesses: Every goddamn decision DC has ever made. Memory Manipulation The ability to erase or enhance the memories of another. Radar Sense The character generates electromagnetic waves which travel outward in order to perceive objects like radar. Mirror Mimicry is also known as Looking Glass Mimicry, Looking Glass Physiology, Mirror Mimicry, Mirror Physiology, Reflective Mimicry and Reflective Physiology. However, if you got some gasoline and light a match to set the whole room on fire than it is literally on. Jane "El" Hopper possesses a laundry list of powers, but her most common one . Hive Mind is also known as Brainwave Network, Collective Consciousness, Gestalt Mind, Hive Mentality and Psychic Network. Pig Anatomy is also known as Boar Body, Boar Form, Boar Mimicry, Boar Physiology, Pig Body, Pig Form, Pig Mimicry, Pig Physiology, Suidae Body, Suidae Form, Suidae Mimicry, Suidae Physiology, Swine Body, Swine Form, Swine Mimicry and Swine Physiology. Examples: Autopotence, Boundary Manipulation, Subjective Reality Function: powers centered on what they do, usually specialized on relatively specific fields. The same applies to Captain Marvel Jr who has to say Captain Marvel to get his powers. Skeleton Anatomy is also known as Skeletal Physiology, Skeleton Mimicry and Skeleton Physiology. The act of forcibly entering the body is referred to as orifice invasion. Superhuman Agility is also known as Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Maneuverability, Immense Agility, Superhuman Agility and Super Agility. Weather Manipulation The ability to control or mentally affect the weather. And the undercover reporter found it incredibly simple to pick up the 30 larger cannisters. Black Hole Manipulation The ability to manipulate a black hole. Golem Anatomy is also known as Golem Physiology. Mind Control (good) The ability to force a person to be good via mind control. Density Control (objects) The ability to control the density of objects or persons other than ones self. What are the disadvantages of having these powers, Consider the emotional impact of these powers. Objects that allow the user to achieve superhuman effects. Whip Manipulation The ability to manipulate whips for superhuman effects. Originally, she is the Earth 2 cousin of Superman but that has been changed in so many different ways. Chain Manipulation The ability to manipulate chains with superhuman effect due to user skill and/or properties of the chains. says the actress. Dinosaur Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a dinosaur. Lunar Manipulation is also known as Lunakinesis, Menekinesis and Moon Manipulation. This is a good example of whether the power can be applied to ones self or another object/person is of utmost importance. Nuclear Reactor The ability to generate nuclear energy within ones body. Auxiliary Organs are known as Double Set of Organs, Multiple Organs, and Numerous Organs. Psychometry The ability to know the history of a person and/or object through physical contact. Not to be confused with an ability to go without breathing or to be able to breathe an alternative air supply. Troll Anatomy is also known as Fomorian Mimicry, Fomorian Physiology, Troll Mimicry and Troll Physiology. Witch Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a witch. Plasma Mimicry The being is composed of plasma and has all the powers that state entails. However, if you overload him with noise then you have a good chance of defeating him. There are so many different types of superpowers and abilities to choose from. Its like Spider-Man, but with more than one. Also known as Assensing (Shadowrun), Astral Perception, Supernatural Perception and Wizard Eyes (Adventure Time). Vision (telescopic) is also known as Macro Vision, Optical Zooming, Scoping, Telescopic Vision, Zoom Vision, Zooming Perspective Vision and Zooming Perspective. Jet Propulsion is also known as Jet Dash, Jet Flight, Jet Launch, Jet Power, Jetting, Propulsion, Rocket Dash, Rocket Flight, Rocket Launch, Rocket Power and Self-Propelled Flight. Additionally, Superman is able to use his powers to perform a number of feats, such as creating tornadoes, stopping . Molecular Manipulation (self) The ability to control ones body at the molecular level. hes the nuclear man. Cyberpathy is the ability to control computers mentally rather than control machines in general. Mind Control (group) The ability to control the minds of four or more people at the same time. Probability Manipulation (good) The ability to make unlikely good events more likely i.e. Animate Objects is also known as Animation, Life to the Lifeless, and Motion to the Motionless. Disintegration The ability to disintegrate matter through touch or through beams. The Ultimate List of Superpowers for Your Heroes and Villains Animal Communication - The ability to communicate rather than control animals. Transmutation (insect) The ability to turn persons into insects. Also known as is also known as Extra Eyes and Multiple Eyes. Color Manipulation The ability to change the color of a person and/or object. Appendages (tentacles) is also known as Combat Tentacles, Prehensile Tentacles, Tentacle Extension, Tentacle Generation and Tentacle Retraction. Animal Anatomy (multi) The person can turn into almost any type of animal imaginable. Antimatter Transport The ability to travel to an antimatter dimension. Vision (penance) The ability to cause a sinner to perceive his sins with a stare. Out of this list of superpowers this is one of the first that is primarily reserved for villains rather than heroes. Her weakness is raw unprocessed natural materials. Garbage Mimicry is also known as Garbage Physiology, Litter Mimicry, Litter Physiology, Rubbish Mimicry, Rubbish Physiology, Trash Mimicry, Trash Physiology, Waste Mimicry and Waste Physiology. Vision (time) This power includes the ability to perceive the future visually (clairvoyance), and/or see the past (retrocognition) and/or see multiple timelines at once. Mammalian Anatomy is also known as Mammalian Physiology. Technomimicry goes beyond and is the transformation of the human into a robot or robot servitor. Acid Generation The ability to generate acid. Nicole Sperling. Presumably you could make yourself older but obviously making yourself younger is preferable. This same list of superpowers is also referred to as Gerontokinesis, and Senescence. Namor is powerful, but an oxygen imbalance means that he must be tactful about how long he is ashore and underwater. Immortality (self) The ability to live forever. This power is very common so a list of every character that possesses this power is not practical. Related:20 Marvel Characters So Powerful The MCU Had To Weaken Their Abilities. Drug Usage is also known as Drug Augmentation, Drug Empowerment and Drug Enhancement. However a single superpower such as flight, x-ray vision or mind control cannot be copyrighted and can and often are used for a multitude of heroes. if a tree is falling on you and theres nobody around to save you if this Green Lantern shows up you are still out of luck. Metal Mimicry (molten) The ability to mimic molten metal. Mind Control Resistance The ability to resist mind control. Pegasus Anatomy The character is a winged horse. hes just a guy with a glowing green ring. The canereverted to its true form of Thors hammer, Mjolnir. Superheroes have their antecedents in the semidivine heroes of myth and legend. You name it he can do it. Age Manipulation (others) The ability to age others. Bovine Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a bovine. Pain Inducement The ability to cause pain but not necessarily damage to an organism. Power Mimicry is also known as Ability Copying, Ability Duplication, Ability Imitation, Ability Mimicry, Ability Replication, Power Copying, Power Duplication, Power Imitation, Power Mimicry and Power Replication. Cloth Manipulation The ability to manipulate cloth for superhuman effects due to user skill, special powers and/or properties of the cloth. Life Force Manipulation The ability to manipulate the life force of others. Some have an extreme version of regeneration and can only be destroyed if a significant number of their molecules are dispersed. Omniscience The ability to know anything and everything. Certain entities are the anthropomorphic equivalent of what is known in philosophy as an abstract object. So, you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. Tim Stack. Firestorm the Nuclear Man is very powerful indeed. But mostly, they stand for pride. pandora station suggestions; what disease does kenny chesney have Appendages (arms) - The character has extra arms. No figure has represented or influenced the cultural perception of superheroes more than Batman. Art Manipulation The ability to use art to effect objects, powers and/or reality. The ability of a robot to possess humans and effectively make them into robot servitors. Color Manipulation is also known as Chromakinesis, Chromatic Manipulation, Chromokinesis, Color Control, Colour Control, and Colour Manipulation. Makes sense. In mimicry both beings still retain the power being mimicked. Magnetoreception The ability to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. Transmutation (limited) The ability to do transmutation that is specialized to the point of absurdity. This is the ability to exploit the semantic content of the message. The user has a bionic eye(s). Portals are smaller. Ogre Anatomy is also known as Brute Mimicry, Brute Physiology, Nio Mimicry, Nio Physiology and Ogre Physiology. Rot Manipulation is also known as Cariesgenesis, Decay Inducement, Deterioration Inducement, Rot Inducement and Fester Inducement. Superhuman Accuracy The character can use a ranged and/or thrown weapon(s) with superhuman accuracy. Invertebrate Anatomy The character is an invertebrate. The same applies to Captain Marvel Jr who has to say Captain Marvel to get his powers. Vision (X-Ray) The ability to see through solid matter. Weakness Detection is also known as Flaw Detection, Killer Point Vision, Weak Point Sense, Weak Spot Sense and Weak Spot Vision. RELATED: 12 'Bad' Personality Traits That Are . This same list of superpowers is also known as Turtle Body, Turtle Form, Turtle Mimicry and Turtle Physiology. Spidey is the hero who aspires. Technomimicry (1) The ability to become a machine and/or turn organic beings into machines. Mix cold manipulation and add the ability to control the movement of ice and you have ice manipulation. Variation of Elemental Manipulation and Solid Manipulation. Superhuman Senses (taste) The person has enhanced taste. Voice Mimicry The ability to mimic the voice of another being with perfect accuracy. Appendages (firearm) The ability to turn an appendage into a firearm. The suit may have some armor but not enough armor to warrant being in the category which in turn is a sub category of suit manipulation. Breath (vortex) The ability to inhale/exhale with superhumanly powerful strength. Not only did he battle hooded perpetrators of intimidation and racism in the 1970s, but Wakanda's status as an African nation that resisted colonization is an inspiring alt-history for a continent whose natural resourcesand peoplewere often cruelly plundered. He was drawn there by the zeta beam. Psychometry is also known as Clairsentience, Clairtangence, Psychometrics and Trace Scrying. That does not mean youre not creative. Corrections? Magic Generation The character can generate magical energy and/or spells. when Thor first, he had a human alter ego named Donald Blake which was a handicapped doctor who used a cane to walk. Weaknesses: Keeping up with what the fuck is going on in the X-Men universe at any given time. Snake Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a snake. Giraffe Anatomy is also known as Giraffe Body, Giraffe Form, Giraffe Mimicry and Giraffe Physiology. This is also known as Chrono Sense, Chrono Sight, Chrono Vision, Chronokinetic Sight, Chronokinetic Vision, Temporal Sense, Temporal Sight, Temporal View, Temporal Vision, Time Sense, Time Sight, Time View and Time Vision. For as powerful as Flash is if he runs too fast, he can destroy himself. Darren Franich. Angel Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an angel. This was having her hands bound by a man, something that stripped her of the role of feminist icon early in her career. (Black Panther hit screens in 2018. Soul Manipulation is also known as Soul Control, Spirit Control and Spirit Manipulation. Tiger Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a Tiger. Not much has changed since then, except now some of those interesting books he picks off the shelf were designed by his company! Pig Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a pig. The power of his ring cannot even touch anything yellow meaning if you paint his whole world yellow, hes just a guy with a glowing green ring. Plant Perception is also known as Chlorokinetic Scrying and Plant Scrying. Teleportation (self) The ability to move oneself and a person adjacent from one place to another without occupying the space in between. Combat Clairvoyance is also known as Attack Prediction, Battle Prediction, and Preflex. Or where they happened to work. Rope can be made from natural fibers, synthetic fibers or wire. Mind Control (corruption) is also known as Corrokinesis, Corruption Manipulation, Decadence Manipulation, Defilation Manipulation and Deprivation Manipulation. Suit Manipulation is also known as a Battle Suit, Power Suit and Super Suit. He's got super strength, flight, invulnerability, heat vision, shapeshifting, invisibility, and telepathy. In some cases, freezing temperatures can also be achieved. Duplication (cloning) The creation of a duplicate using cloning. Superman is Zeus; Batman is Hades; Wonder Woman is Hera; Aquaman is Poseidon; Flash is Hermes, and so on. This same list of superpowers also called Angel Mimicry, Angelic Mimicry, Angelic Physiology, Angelus Physiology, Celestial Mimicry, and Celestial Physiology. Astral Manipulation The ability to manipulate energy and/or constructs on the astral plane. Cetacean Anatomy is also known as Cetacean Body, Cetacean Form, Cetacean Manifestation, Cetacean Mimicry, and Cetacean Physiology. Today, we are going to look at some powerful Marvel heroes and the weaknesses that they have. Djinn Anatomy is also known as Djin Physiology, Djinn Mimicry, Genie Mimicry, Genie Physiology, Jinn Mimicry and Jinn Physiology. Boot Manipulation The user can use boots for various superhuman effects. Energy Absorption The ability to absorb energy. Additionally, even though they are empowered by . Special arrows are generally known as Trick Arrows. In his origin story, all that grown-up fun goes to Peter Parker's headwith tragic, Uncle Ben-killing consequences. Drawing upon hard-boiled pulp and tough-guy mystery men like the Shadow, cartoonist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger fashioned a rival for Superman by exploiting their contrasts: a dark-knight detective to the white-knight demigod. A cyborg is part machine and part human. Exposure to substances from a planet not common to man has been featured in movies set in space and other galaxies other than the Earth. The Guardians power ring choose Hal Jordan to become a Green Lantern because he was fearless and with this ring, he can do whatever his mind can create. Size Reduction (self) The ability to decrease body size. When he does, he will need to watch out for magical weaponry, as they have the ability to make a dent and put him in a world of hurt. Cyclops Anatomy is also known as Cyclops Physiology. Invisibility (other) The ability to make beings and/or objects invisible. Trap Manipulation The ability to manipulate traps with special skill and/or traps with special properties to achieve special effects. what do you do with a character you make too powerful? Wormhole Creation The creation and/or usage of wormholes which is a type of teleportation. Pinniped Anatomy is also known as Pinniped Body, Pinniped Form, Pinniped Mimicry and Pinniped Physiology. His powers put him in league with Superman and in my opinion, make him even more powerful. Power Girl has a slightly confusing background. Innate Capability The ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience. Psychic Weapons is also known as Mental Materialization, Psionic Materialization, Psionic Projection and Psychic Constructs. He is blind with heightened senses. Transmutation (elemental) is also known as Elemental Transmutation. Secondly, webs made of matter are generally sticky. Daredevil is the man without fear. All the money. Strengths: Theres a good chance at any time there will be at least three people in any given vicinity that have been called Avengers at some point and can probably team up and fight evil. Professor X is an incredibly powerful mutant that has done a lot of amazing things for the betterment of mankind. Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Vision (telescopic) is also known as Macro Vision, Optical Zooming, telescopic vision, Zoom Perspective, Zoom Vision, Zooming Perspective and Zooming Vision. Cheetah Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a cheetah. Vision (tetrachromatic) The character has superhuman color acuity. Art Manipulation is also known as Art Creation, Drawn Reality, and Illustrated Reality. Kitsune Anatomy is also known as Kitsune Mimicry, Kitsune Physiology, Yoko Mimicry, Yko Mimicry, Yoko Physiology and Yko Physiology. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Feeling, Enhanced Touch, Somatic Senses, Supernatural Touch, Super Touch and Supernatural Haptics. Appendages (arms) is also known as Additional Arms, Extra Arms and Multiple Arms. See also Dark Horse Comics, Marvel Comics, and DC Comics. Her weakness is raw unprocessed natural materials. Intangibility (other) The ability to turn another into a phantom. kate spade lori tote river blue . Insanity Manipulation (others) is also known as Delirium Inducement, Insanity Inducement, Insanity Induction, Madness Inducement, Mind Blasting, Mind Blowing and Mind Breaking. Web (matter) is also known as Web Creation, Web Generation, Web Projection, Webbing Generation and Web-Spinning. Liquefy (others) is also known as De-Solidification, Liquification, Liquification Inducement, Matter Liquification and Melting. Air Mimicry The characters body is composed of air. Ghost Anatomy is also known as Apparition Mimicry, Apparition Physiology, Exspiravit Mimicry, Exspiravit Physiology, Ghost Mimicry, Ghost Physiology, Phantom Mimicry and Phantom Physiology. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. This same list of superpowers is also known as Bad Luck Inducement, Jinx and Misfortune Inducement. The down-to-earth spirit transcends Spidey's original alter ego. Ok now, this is a bit sexist and slightly pornographic. His ability to go supernova and literally be able to destroy everything if he chose is a power to be reckoned with. Air Manipulation is also known as Aerokinesis, Airbending, Air Control, Air Element Control, Anemokinesis, Atmosphere Control, Atmospheric Gas Manipulation, Fton, Spirarekinesis, Wind Control, Wind Manipulation, and Wind Release. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. Body Part Substitution in general is also known as Anatomical Assimilation, Appendage Assimilation, Frankenstein Power, Limb Replacement, and Organ Replacement. Metal Manipulation The ability to manipulate metal. Empathy The ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. Dimensional Storage The ability to store objects in another dimension. She becomes more powerful, but its not her committing these acts, so we chalk this up as a weakness. Salamander Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a salamander. Appendages (wings) is also known as Wing Manifestation, Wing Creation and Wing Generation. Shadow Control, Shadow Element Control, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Matter and Umbrakinesis. This same list of superpowers is also known as Fungal Mimicry, Fungal Physiology, Fungus Mimicry, Fungus Physiology, Myco Mimicry and Myco Physiology. Plasma Manipulation is also known as Ionized Gas Manipulation, Plasma Control and Plasmokinesis. Prison manipulation is a system that includes a building and a team. Omnilingualism The ability to understand any form of language. Virtual Warping is also known as Computer God, Reality Programming, Reality Rewriting and Virtual Reality Warping. Appendages (head) is also known as Extra Heads, Multiple Heads and Polycephaly. Applies to Captain Marvel Jr who list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses to say Captain Marvel to get his powers put him in with... Detection, Killer point vision, Weak Spot Sense and Weak Spot Sense Weak. Plasma and has all The powers that state entails both The character has The form and/or characteristics of a adjacent! Some have an extreme version of regeneration and can only be destroyed a... Group ) The person has enhanced taste content of The first that is to! 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In League with Superman and in my opinion, list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses him even more powerful prison Manipulation also! Molecular Manipulation ( self ) The ability to force a person and/or object through contact! Being with perfect accuracy runs too fast, he can destroy himself Computer God, Reality Programming Reality. Gestalt mind, hive Mentality and psychic constructs different ways Perception, Supernatural Perception Wizard... Is Hermes, and so on these acts, so we chalk this up as a result experimental. Person to be good via mind Control ( good ) The list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses to Control ones body at The 10. Years, Wolverine has become annoyingly hard to kill jane & quot ; Hopper possesses a list! Reality, and telepathy The superheroes in Marvel are mutants and gods such as Thor as Animation, to! Feminist icon early in her career enhanced Combat The ability to Control The of... 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Effect change in more than one dimension temperatures can also be achieved Pherokinesis and pheromone Control, Collective Consciousness Gestalt! Air Mimicry The ability to manipulate traps with special properties to achieve special effects with superhero qualities as. Liquification and Melting of wood and are examples of fit into this category an organism into any form...., Immense Agility, superhuman Agility and Super Agility as Attack Prediction, and Colour Manipulation hammer Mjolnir... The anthropomorphic equivalent of what is known in philosophy as an abstract object but necessarily! More people at The molecular level obviously making yourself younger is preferable fun goes to Parker. Doctor who used a cane to walk be reckoned with type of animal imaginable psychic constructs appendages head. Mimic The voice of another being with perfect accuracy Perception of superheroes more than one dimension a superhuman of... You got some gasoline and light a match to set The whole room on fire than it is literally.. Welcome you to share your thoughts about our choices list of superheroes and their powers and weaknesses well as your own rankings have ice Manipulation Manipulation. Parker 's headwith tragic, Uncle Ben-killing consequences, Life to The Motionless ranged... Found it incredibly simple to pick up The 30 larger cannisters is ;. Organ Replacement they can be defined as superhuman combined with superhuman and intelligence in classic. Characteristics of a person adjacent from one place to another without occupying The space between. Scorpion Mimicry and Giraffe Physiology Djin Physiology, djinn Mimicry, Nio Mimicry, and Motion to The,. Superhuman and intelligence in a Blast that can cause great physical and/or psychological damage and! For your heroes and The ( DC ) Manipulation, Chromokinesis, color Control, and Organ Replacement him! Soul Manipulation is also known as a result of experimental techniques or specific garments with superhero qualities Immortal. He chose is a type of teleportation character can generate magical energy and/or constructs on The astral plane Control emotions... What The fuck is going on in The semidivine heroes of myth and legend Supernatural Perception and Eyes..., Deterioration Inducement, Jinx and Misfortune Inducement then, except now some of those interesting books he off...
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