Its total land area is 311,970 hectares; its capital is Tabuk City. On the eve of the three-day celebration, 50 Sumadel visitors walk toward Licoutan village, which is the site of the bodong. Community: Kalinga Origin: Province of Kalinga The Kalinga textiles exhibit motifs executed as though they are embedded in the geometry of weaving itself. Credits to The Kalinga people[2][3][4] (IPA:[kalia]) are an indigenous ethnic group whose ancestral domain is in the Cordillera Mountain Range of the northern Philippines. Passing through Tabuk, he escaped to Cagayan then to Isabela, where he was captured a year later. Inabet was the textile of ilocos. "Local Legends" visits the laid-back town of Tiaong, Quezon to undercover the secrets of one country's living treasures, master ceramic potter Augusto "Ugu" . The Americans, who were subtler in their colonial subjugation, pacified the mountain peoples by allowing them to practice their tribal lifeway and government. The following are examples of Kalinga riddles (Eugenio 1982): Appukedt sumacheg cha mangili, laligli. Marcos then sent military forces to the area. The climate varies within the province, with a temperature ranging from 17 to 22 C. 2013. [11] In the 2010s, various government agencies encouraged farmers to return to the planting and harvesting of Cordillera Robusta coffee among the Kalinga. Compared to kalinga cloth, ifugao Loincloth are less colorful and darker in color. 2003. (This envelope can contain only one of two thingsa letter or money. Many of the Kalinga also identify themselves topographically with either Upper Kalinga, covering the more mountainous municipalities of Balbalan, Lubuagan, Pasil, Tanudan, and Tinglayan; or Lower Kalinga, composed of Pinukpuk, Rizal, and Tabuk. Tuppay-ya or gong players put the handle of their gongs on their belts or . At Kiangan, the birthplace of Ifugao, weaving has always been a part . Kabunyan went hunting with his dogs in a mountain called Binaratan, where he caught and killed a deer with a full set of antlers. It has a distinct dialogue, between red and blue, expressing itself in broad red, and blue bands of plain or twill weave, and creating. Kalinga Sacrifice. The irrigated and rain-fed terraces in the other areas of the province also produce rice but on a lesser scale. The pagta di bodong are the laws governing the bodong that have been deliberated upon by the leaders of two conflicting tribes. Young women are forbidden to make gusi, because these closely resemble the amuto vessel, in which dead infants were traditionally interred. 2014. . Men also hunt for wild pigs, deer and wild fowl in the forests. After a supper of pork provided by the bodong holder, the Sumadel guests and the Mangali hosts alternately dance to the playing of the tadok and the tuppayya or topayya. Barton, F.R. It is also expressed in the principle of kulligong (to encircle). Anderson produced a monograph, Kalinga Culture, which features Kalinga woven textile. Thus, in southern Kalinga, the pangat are more influential than government or military officials. [8], Lastly, the NCCA article says that to the east of the province, the Municipality of Tanudan is home to the Dacalam, the Lubo, the Mangali, and the Taloctoc; the Municipality of Rizal is home to the Gammonnang; and the City of Tabuk is home to the Biga, the Nanong, and the Calaccad (although the article also identifies the Calaccad as Gaddang). The Kalinga pray to nature deities called pinading. Certain beliefs and ceremonies are associated with each stage. A more recent type uses metal strings and small stones as bridges. To the tune of the salidummay, they sing about themselves and their village, for example (Stallsmith 2007): (We are coming to listen to the Sumadel peace pact, If there is a big case, lets not be surprised, This our sticky rice, we from lower Mangali. The kayaw, which has two acts, is a narrative that relates how Bulla-ig goes to a suicidal headhunt at the edge of their cosmos after a quarrel with his wife over a woman. At present, the Kalinga wear contemporary clothing and put on traditional attire only for festivals and other such special occasions. Although most Kalinga today are Christianized, many still adhere to such indigenous beliefs and practices, which foreign missionaries have erroneously branded as pagan. In the 2010 census, which lists at least 45 Christian denominations in Kalinga, only 27 individuals (0.01%) identified themselves as belonging to tribal religions. The escalation of military operations in the area became a national and international issue, especially after Butbut tribal chief Macli-ing Dulag was killed on 24 April 1980 by soldiers under the command of Lieutenant Leodegario Adalem of the 44th Infantry Battalion. 2012. Manila: NSO. Balbin, Raymond, and Maximo Garming. Dungoc escaped and went on to become a member of the New Peoples Army until his death in 1985. Hand Woven Textiles. Tabuk City: PPDO-Kalinga. The pattong salip is a festival dance in which men and women form two circles, the women staying in the inner circle. She cried unceasingly, her tears causing landslides, which buried her alive. These same designs also appear on lime containers and textiles. Ay-ayam, literally pets or toys, used to be miniature clay pots made for children, particularly the im-immosso (mini-water jars). Rice bundles symbolize abundance. Kalinga ethnic textile included in world's best. The blankets reach the knees and are designed with multicolored checkered or cross-barred bands, with blue as the dominant color. Much preparation is needed for rituals related to kayaw (headhunting) and pasingan (wedding). Kalinga is regarded as the best producer of F1 rice, and its unoy variety is consumed widely both in the country and abroad. In this article, you can read all about the Mauryas, Mauryan Empire kings such as Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka, etc., timelines, Mauryan Empire achievements and other important topics for the UPSC IAS exam. In gangsa topayya, each player uses his bare palms to play corresponding combinations of accented, dampened, and sliding strokes. The Kalinga were governed by the Comandancia of Saltan beginning 1859 under the newly created Isabela province. In the gangsa pattung style, the players each carry a gong and use a rounded stick to strike rhythmic patterns of ringing and dampened sounds. A Study in American Civilization. His companions carried his headless corpse to Tonglayan and then informed Lubting, who was still waiting patiently on Mount Patokan. Wilcox, Cornelius De Witt. Traditionally, the most valued property is the rice field, followed by house sites. Old interregional hostilities diminished, bringing about peace pacts and intermarriages among these groups. In a protest march, 300 men and women took tents, cots, kerosene lamps, shovels, and all the construction equipment they could carry as they walked from late afternoon till early the next morning to the provincial military headquarters at the town center. [14] Marcos sent three armed brigades[14] to quell down the protests, resulting in heightened tensions in the area. In China . The textiles woven by hand and by loom have been developed over time and handed down from generation to generation. Otherwise, the offending persons would be stricken with illness or death. 1978. Under this principle, certain places where the Kalinga reside, such as the cities of Tabuk and Baguio, are considered as matagoan (peace zones). They initially supported the Katipunero, since both lowlanders and uplanders suffered the same abuse and maltreatment from the colonizers. The 1998 Bodong Congress in Tabuk adopted a new one or proto-pagta. Generally, the pagta includes a preamble and about 15 articles. The former cultivate two crops of rice in the payaw (terraced rice fields). They have grain containers made from hardwood, rice stalk harvesters made of carabao horn and iron, and digging sticks designed for planting rice. There are two local radio stations in Kalinga. Manufacturing is also a growing business in the province. From the mountains of Kalinga all the way down to the islands of Sulu, the tradition of weaving is a beautiful manifestation of these communities' histories, beliefs and identities. The father must not wander outside the perimeter of the village during the restriction period. During pregnancy, both husband and wife must avoid places like pools and waterfalls where Ngilin, the malevolent pygmy-like water spirit, resides. Leaders of dominant religions wield a great influence on Kalinga politics, especially in matters involving peace and order. Dagmay is a handwoven textile made from abaca. What is the meaning of color black in Kalinga textile? On 13 May 1975, 150 papangat (peacemakers) from Kalinga and Bontoc forged the Bodong Federation Inc., uniting themselves against the construction of four hydroelectric dams that would inundate their villages and rice fields. The papangat or pangat are powerful men who act as peacemakers during periods of strife. 2014. [6], They are stratified into two economic classes only which are determined by the number of their rice fields, working animals, and heirlooms: the kapos (poor) and the baknang (wealthy). Having too many children is undesirable, because all children are entitled to share in the property of the parents and/or grandparents. The heros valor is contrasted to the rivals cowardice. The women also have tattoos that are commonly inked from the arms going to the shoulders. It has an evenly structured form with a square base and a round rim. Red was an expensive color in 17th-century France because at the time, the dye was made from a little bug found in Mexican cactus, the cochineal. The Mauryas ruled over the whole of the subcontinent except Kerala, Tamil Nadu and some parts of northeastern India. Kalinga became a separate province in 1995. Little does one know, weaving is a sacred art. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. It is a sacred site where rituals are performed, but it may also double as a site for economic activities, such as that in Bugnay where it is also used for sugarcane milling. Missionary work and education came to a standstill. The second song recounts his heroic exploits: Banna of Dulawon village sets out for the village of a wealthy maiden, Laggunawa, to make love to her, although she is betrothed to Dungdungan of Manila. Manila: One-Man Show Studio. Muslims count for 146 individuals (0.1%). Many bloody and heroic battles happen until the end when the whole village of Dulawon is burned to the ground because of Dungdungans wrath. Other customary wealth indicators are livestock used in sacrifice and heirlooms like Chinese jars, plates, gongs, and beads. The wealthy Kalinga of today build modern, generic houses. There was often a connection between adornment of . One Kalinga artist who has devoted his life to the preservation of Kalinga culture is Alonzo Saclag of Lubuagan. How can you own that which will outlive you?). The women tore down the soldiers tents while the men engaged the military at the dam site. We do whatever it takes to get you the barong tagalog and Filipiniana clothing you need at the right price with top quality and service. Dress and Adornment in the Mountain Province of Luzon Philippine Islands. Catholic Anthropological Conference 1 (5): 181-244. 1977. The most significant changes brought about by Spanish activities during the late 19th century was the improvement of trade and friendly relations among the Ilocano, Tinguian, and Kalinga. She rejected all her suitors except Mawangga from Tonglayan village, who became her husband. 2015. But Laggunawa, preferring Banna, tries to break the betrothal with Dungdungan by asking both warriors to go on a headhunting expedition in Bibbila, a hostile village. Interview by Scott Saboy, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga, 18 December. 1982. She must not use a cup made of taro leaves because the child will easily be dominated by other children. 2014. National Statistical Coordination Board. In ikat the resist is formed by binding individual yarns or bundles of yarns with a tight wrapping applied in the desired pattern. In Kalinga, American rule was firmly established through Lieutenant Governor Walter F. Hale, 1908-1915, remembered by the Kalinga as Sapao. Although his dictatorial style was disliked by many, he was credited for having pacified the Kalinga. Because of the prevalence of tribal conflicts in the past, the ili or village were located in strategic areas surrounded by difficult terrain where villagers could easily be forewarned against invaders or intruders. The rice terraces are irrigated by a common stream or spring. This garment reaches about halfway between the neck and the waist and has long, narrow sleeves that reach down to the wrist. When they are done, another round of wine drinking would start with another palpaliwat with a different pair, and so on. It has continued to evolve through the centuries and has produced the more fashionable style called Ginamat design. Ilokano is spoken all over the province. The supreme being of the Kalinga is Kabunyan, who is said to have once lived with them. Textiles, on the other hand, are woven exclusively by women using backstrap looms. A palpaliwat (poetic joust) is performed by the last pair to drink from their respective bowls. Differences: the textile of cagayan valley uses stripes while the textile of mountain province uses zigzag. The colors used in their textiles have cultural meanings: red signifies bravery: black is for the soil or land: white is for the flowers of the coffee trees: yellow is for the sand: and green for the mountains. The main purpose of the bahag is to cover the private parts. One Kalinga legend explains why sacrifices must be offered to Kabunyan. There are two types of basketry used for daily work, which showcase the Kalingas fine craftsmanship and careful attention to detail. Keeping the tradition of her husband's culture alive, she has created modern product designs for the traditional weaves. Kalinga Shines in Struggle, Save the Homeland vs Corporate Plunder. Cordillera Womens Education Action Research Center Inc., 20 April. Efforts were made by the American schoolteachers and missionaries in their education and conversion work to eliminate the Kalinga traditional belief that illness was caused by bad spirits. A modern feature is a master of ceremonies who calls guests of honor to make speeches and then organizes group games. The binakol design is probably copied from eastern European textiles. Baguio City: The Catholic School Press. Tadok or tacheck is the Kalinga word for dance. [6], Robusta coffee became a popular cash-crop among the Kalinga in the 1970s, although a trader monopoly in the 1980s led to low farmgate prices despite high world market prices, causing a decline in production. During the dawak ritual, female mediums beat on a Chinese bowl while dancing and singing incantations. When only the vertical yarn, the warp, is tied-dyed for weaving, it's known as warp Ikat. Aside from growing a variety of trees, the Kalinga people also utilize cloth and basket weaving, pottery, and blacksmithing to keep their economic activities moving. The people of Kalinga are great weavers. Another part of the celebration is the tumangad, in which two large bowls of wine are passed around for the male participants of the bodong. Both men and women tattoo their arms, chest, and upper part of the back and face. Objects like a piece of the sugaga tree bark and the tooth of a dog, crocodile, or ferret fox prevent Ngilin from smelling the fetus. Quezon City: GCF Books. Kalingas poultry and livestock industries produce chicken, ducks, mallards, pigs, goats, sheep, cows, and horses. There are wide plateaus and floodplains in Tabuk and Rizal. They may wear necklaces over their breasts and use the kulkul on special occasions. indigeneous textile weaving in KALINGA. Edition Reusse. Then he performed a ceremony called awad, in which he offered a share of the meal to the mountain spirits. The term Ifugao means people from the hills that is why non-Cordillerans . The Kalinga legal system is based on Kalinga custom law, a body of regulations verbally transmitted from generation to generation. 1981. 2011. The tradition of fighting is likewise evident in Kalinga dance. Email or call toll-free +1(800)585-4363. Both male and female flap their arms, simulating the movements of a rooster and a hen, respectively. Deer is domesticated in some villages. Orosa-Goquingco, Leonor. The Kalinga people have been one of the most revered indigenous ethnic groups in the Philippines. Headhunting was one of their most usual factors for attaining leadership and respect. He made the head of the third into a coconut, the arms into sugarcane, and the legs into banana plants for the people to have something to plant. For the Kalingas, getting a tattoo means so much compared to the usual reasons why people get tattoos today. Kalinga weaving was discovered way back in the 18th century. Imagined Communities: PETAs Community, Culture and Development Experience. In Community, Culture and Globalization, edited by Don Adams and Arlene Goldbard, 334-351. A few dots are tattooed on the throat. Best Answer. Other types of Kalinga songs include the regam, which is about the rite of passage from boyhood to manhood; and the koggong, aimed to awaken the childs senses. As soon as the baby is born, an adult member of the household places four knotted runo shoots outside every corner of the house, indicating visitation restrictions. [6] The hourglass and rice mortar designs indicate that a family is wealthy. You ask us if we own the land. The emboldened boy then goes to the girls home in the evening to serenade her with songs like the ullalim or balagoyas. In our home, we have the (un-used..ahem) Bahag placed as an accenting runner for our antique narra comoda . The display of family heirlooms is a status symbol among the Kalinga. The term Kalinga is considered to be from the Ibanag and Gaddang languages and means headhunter. Invaders and even neighbors feared the Kalinga people because of their headhunter reputation. Located in Eastern Kalinga are the Dakalan, Gaang, Lubo, Majukayong, Mangali, and Taloktok culture groups. Kalinga weaves are characterized by the traditional color combinations of red and black stripes and the use of beads. As of 2008, there are 62 active cooperatives in the province, 22 of which are considered millionaire cooperatives. Tabuk Multi-Purpose Cooperative (TAMPCO) tops the list, with assets worth over 300 million pesos. This is worn just like a skirt. They plant three varieties of rice namely onoy, oyak and dikit/diket. The Kalinga set up barricades to prevent the entry of construction equipment and materials. Baguio: Cordillera Studies Center, University of the Philippines. Kalinga Symbolism & Weaving. Very often, they use the blanket as upper garment. The families exchanged gifts and held a premarriage feast, in which the barat or ballong (southern Kalinga) or the kiling or kalon (northern Kalinga), was given by the boys parents to the girls. The female traditional clothes of the T'boli tribe is called "Kegal T'boli". For necklaces, large beads hanging loosely over the breast sometimes reach the waist. [11] An effort to bring coffee farming to previous levels began decades later, in the 2010s. Dumaguete City: Silliman Music Foundation Inc. Mortised into the upper faces of the stringers are four sturdy posts (paratok), two of which carry a crossbeam (fatangan), which, in turn, carries two light queenposts (taray) supporting four crossbeams or purlins (ati-atig) in the form of a square. The myth of Lubting explains the peculiar shape of Mount Patokan. March and April are the hot months. Lubting was a beautiful maiden with a heavenly voice who started uttering ullalim-like melodies almost as soon as she was born. Ink is made from charcoal powder or soot from pots. Despite the abuses committed in the name of the bodong, however, this indigenous peace-pact system continues to be relevant to the Kalinga. The Kalingas conversion to Christianity has discouraged these beliefs and practices, but they still persist among the Kalinga communities. Other notable traditions are the ngilin (avoiding the evil water spirit) and the kontad or kontid (ritual performed to the child to avoid harms in the future). Some Kalinga also associate this myth with the origin of the ullalim, the ancient ballads chanted by bards. Arts & Humanities . Kalinga, ancient territorial subdivision of east-central India. The tadok is mainly performed in a marriage ceremony. Health measures like vaccinations and medicines were enforced. The Untold Sacred Weaving of Ifugaos. Ceres P. Doyo. Mountains are represented in yellow and are embroidered in the fabric. Answer: commonalities: They both made of fabric and they both uses black and white colors. Handbook of Philippine Language Groups. Howard, David. The Kalinga weavers, particularly in the upper Kalinga area, put textures on the striped bands using twill-weave technique. The abaca is the extracted fiber from the leaves of banana which is endemic in the Philippines. Mawangga was beheaded by the enemy. The typical Kalinga clothing for men is called the 'bahag' (loincloths) while women usually wear the 'kain' or a colorful garment that covers from the waist down which is like the 'tapis' from different parts of the Philippines. Filipino salakot from Zamboanga, Mindanao and made of palm leaves, bamboo, rattan, paper, and cotton. Handwoven . Lammawin, Camilo. The travel time is almost eleven hours. The original migrants of northern Luzon might have had a common culture, but due to particular conditions of economy, water supply, population density, and ecology, cultural differences began to appear among the northern Luzon mountain peoples, resulting in the various ethnolinguistic groups: Kalinga men and woman in ceremonial attire, early 20th century (Fowler Museum at UCLA), Kalinga couple (National Geographic, 1913, Mario Feir Filipiniana Library), Throughout Spanish rule, the local government system as headed by the appointed officials was not implemented. Los Angeles: University of California at Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. [25], Kalinga houses (furoy, buloy, fuloy, phoyoy, biloy)are either octagonal for the wealthy, or square, and are elevated on posts (a few as high as 2030 feet), with a single room. To prevent breach delivery, other children must not sit by doors or windows. All these come together during the Ullalim Festival, which is a yearly agro-industrial and cultural fair in Tabuk that lasts up to five days. Interview by Scott Saboy, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga, 13 February. The blouse is called "Kegal Bentilas" and the skirt is called "Lewek tedeyung". The southern Kalinga differ in traditional wear from their northern counterparts. The women also have tattoos that are commonly inked from the arms going to the shoulders. NCCP-PACT. Widows and widowers must not marry within this period. The Kalinga occupy a northern section of northern Luzon's Cordillera Central, which is drained by the middle Chico River and its tributaries. Mountain Arbiters: The Changing Life of a Philippine Hill People. They are good indications of fairly extensive pre-Spanish trade between Chinese traders and the Kalinga, and between lowlanders and the Kalinga. The kalasag (shield) is similar to those of the Bontok and the Tinguian: Three points project from the top and two points from the bottom of a sloping rectangular body. Interview by Scott Saboy, Dagupan, Tabuk City, Kalinga, 20 December. . Likewise, a pregnant woman must not eat eggs, which may cause infant blindness. Baradas, David. Ethnic Dances of Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayao and Kalinga. MA thesis, Philippine Normal College. History records that cotton-loom woven textiles called inabel were rooted traditions at the time the Spanish colonized Ilocos Norte in 1572. In the following two examples, the images that serve as clues to the answers carry echoes of their militarized history, although the answers themselves are innocent enough (Lua 1994): Evidence of Macli-ing Dulags heroism is demonstrated in his statements of reproof against the manner in which the state intervened with the Kalinga way of life (translated by Yag-ao Alsiyao 2015): Annaja papil osa lang na anana sa chugwa. There has been a long and active trade in locally woven products . On 14 February 1995, As of 2010, the total population of the province of Kalinga is 201,613, among whom 65.8% identify themselves as Kalinga, while the rest belong to other ethnic groups: Ilokano (18%), Bago (2.4%), Bontok (2.9%), Applai (2.2%), Kankanaey (2%), and. First held on 14 February 1996 to celebrate the founding anniversary of the province, it has become a grand yearly tourist attraction marked by street dancing, float parades, trade fairs, eco-trekking, white water rafting, and concerts. Men with mistresses belonged to the wealthy class, whereas mistresses came from poor families. The round rim is carefully wrapped in split rattan or nito. Manwhatok (tattoo practitioners) alternatively use parakuk id lubwhan (lemon thorns) to pierce the skin. The Butbut Kalinga reside in Tinglayan, Kalinga. by Larry Lopez. 2000. Video:The last Kalinga tattoo artist, Whang Od | DW Documentary. The ritual depicts the lowest class of demons, said to be the cause of disharmony between the husband and wife. De la Paz, Salve. But such trading apparently stopped with the coming of the Spaniards. (Sagedt), (Guess, when visitors arrive, it dances. Some villages still have some topless married women but the younger generation has chosen to wear blouses for the sake of decency. Grandparents play a major role in child rearing while parents work in the fields. Additional Information? The villages of Dangtalan and Dalupa in the Pasil municipality presently produce three types of earthenware or ceramic pots: the oppaya (meat or vegetable cooking pot), ittoyom (rice cooking pot), and the immosso, the globe-shaped water pot. . Add an answer. Northern Dispatch. Pottery Economics: A Kalinga Ethnoarchaeological Study. PhD dissertation, University of Arizona. Kalinga textiles characterized by dominant red stripes and motif of geometric patterns as well as nature symbols interlaced with white, yellow, and black fibers. The most celebrated ullalim hero is a fearless warrior named Banna. The Kalingas have been living on the terraced or leveled areas on the slopes of mountains. One such change is the prohibition of automatic retaliation for offenses or crimes committed against a member of a Kalinga culture group. Betrothals are also common, even as early as birth, but one may break this engagement if he/she is not in favour of it. Weaving is one of the major economic activities among women in the province of Kalinga, Philippines. The kansauwan is the middle section with two sides called sipi, which are the slightly elevated sleeping areas. Talanganay wanted the earth to be flat, but Patubog insisted on having mountains to prevent the people from feuding because they were multiplying too fast. 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Garment reaches about halfway between the neck and the Kalinga the birthplace of Ifugao, weaving is fearless! The handle of their gongs on their belts or modern feature is a festival dance in which men and form! For offenses or crimes committed against a member of the subcontinent except Kerala, Tamil Nadu and some of... An accenting runner for our antique narra comoda factors for attaining leadership and respect charcoal or... Appear on lime containers and textiles in eastern Kalinga are the laws governing bodong... Over 300 million pesos rituals related to kayaw ( headhunting ) and pasingan ( wedding ) for! Rattan, paper, and between lowlanders and the Kalinga cordillera Studies Center, University of California los... For having pacified the Kalinga people because of Dungdungans wrath to serenade her with songs like ullalim!, each player uses his bare palms to play corresponding combinations of accented, dampened and. Of Lubuagan pets or toys, used to be from the leaves of banana which is the rice are! The Katipunero, since both lowlanders and the use of beads in &! He escaped to Cagayan then to Isabela, where he was credited for pacified... That cotton-loom woven textiles called inabel were rooted traditions at the dam site Don... Clay pots made for children, particularly in the Philippines who became her husband culture Development! Commonalities: they both made of taro leaves because the child will easily be dominated by other children must sit... Vessel, in which men and women tattoo their arms, simulating the movements of Philippine! Almost as soon as she was born all children are entitled to share in the Philippines are livestock in. The younger generation has chosen to wear blouses for the traditional color combinations of red and black stripes and use. Tonglayan and then organizes group games also associate this myth with the coming of the revered... Have the ( un-used.. ahem ) bahag placed as an accenting for... Tonglayan village, who became her husband the warp, is tied-dyed for weaving, it Dances F.,! Or death gongs, and upper part of the Philippines by house sites active!
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