His singing is very influenced by Gauloise! Oh mon amour. Yes we definitely need music in these times. This is an interesting (and Im sure deliberate) word choice: in this context nue means deserted or barren. In English we would say a desert island to connote an island with nothing on it. System wont accept my subscription due to it being linked to a new blog I set up that does not have the same email that I sent in my comment with here. Sign Up For A FREE Trial French Lesson On Skype And Get Instant Access To My French Pronunciation Crash Course. [11] Others approached included Valrie Lagrange and Mireille Darc. Picasso is a communist, me neither., Its also possible that the male speaker (Gainsbourg) realizes that a woman gasping I love you during sex, doesnt necessarily mean that she loves you. What they heard was an expertly stroked organ, orgasmic groans and a soft-focus melody, the musical equivalent of a Vaseline-smeared Emmanuelle movie. Mais vous avez trop tard, trop jou et quand vous vous tes dcid montrer vos sentiments, cest lui qui sest mis jouer, tre distant. Japprcie forcment cet article puisque lAmour est un sujet de rflexion qui me passionne Je me permets de rajouter quil faut tre extrmement prudent avec les relations entre aims (quelles soient dorigine familiales, amicales ou amoureuses) lorsquelles sont du type fusionnel car elles aboutissent inluctablement des crises de type explosive, voire hystrique. I have loved this song for over 35 years and love Serge Gainsbourgs music but never knew history of the song. En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avec Jane Birkin, une jeune actrice britannique, dans le film Slogan. [13] I am glad I did and glad I found your article. "Je t'aime moi non plus" (French for "I love you me neither") is a 1967 song written by Serge Gainsbourg for Brigitte Bardot. Pour connatre les raisons pour lesquelles ils estiment avoir un intrt lgitime ou pour s'opposer ce traitement de donnes, utilisez le lien de la liste des fournisseurs ci-dessous. Cerca. Je vais et je viens entre tes reins et je me retiens (. With the waves. [5] Birkin had heard the Bardot version and thought it "so hot". Apparently, the recording was played once on Europe 1 radio, and Bardots husband immediately threatened to sue (presumably Gainsbourg). Great insight on this song. Cependant, quelques phrases peuvent vous mettre la puce, Selon Michel Reynaud, La dpendance affective se dfinit comme le stade o lenvie est devenue besoin, avec apparition de la tolrance, cest--dire de la ncessit daugmenter les doses pour obtenir, Jai reu un mail de A qui avait pour objet je suis une perverse narcissique. Car la rgle veut que lon rponde une ngation par une autre ngation. I still love to listen to it, but I only discovered it a few years ago (shortly before I posted this translation). Surely hes singing Mon Anglais? On the date, Gainsbourg was so intimidated by Bardots beauty that he completely lost the wit and charm that he was well known for. Toutefois, Bardot, regrettant de ne pas avoir publi sa version, donnera son accord en mai 1986 pour la faire publier en single[5], mais condition que les ventes du 45 tours soient reverses sa fondation animalire[6]. A problem with his eyes gave Jackson Browne the idea for "Doctor My Eyes," which became a song about a man whose mental health suffers when he sees the world for what it really is. I think Serge is talking about a guy (maybe himself) who always has to leave after making love, who is afraid to say I love you because it implies a commitment. The song has been covered by many, many artists. The next morning Gainsbourg had finished two songs that went on to be famous: Bonnie and Clyde (which he went on to record with Bardot and release in 1968), and Je taime moi non plus.. Colette. PDF Reprises des chansons de Serge Gainsbourg, Enregistrement public au Thtre Le Palace, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Je_t%27aime_moi_non_plus&oldid=200929270, Article contenant un appel traduction en anglais, Page pointant vers des bases relatives la musique, Article utilisant le modle Dictionnaires inactif, Page utilisant le modle Autorit inactif, Portail:poque contemporaine/Articles lis, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Arrangements et direction dorchestre: Arthur Greenslade. Ds sa diffusion la radio, le scandale clate:Gunter Sachs, mari de Bardot, menace immdiatement de poursuites en justice. Its quite fascinating really. Gainsbourg, frustr de l'interdiction de l'enregistrement prcdent, demande Birkin d'interprter la chanson avec lui. Cette phrase dment lintention libertine prte la chanson. Lorsque fin 1967, Brigitte Bardot demande Serge de lui crire la plus belle chanson d'amour qu'il puisse imaginer. More than ever we need the simplicity of feeling and love and the comfort and safety it provides as fleeting or ethereal it may be. The rocking quality of the melody (rocking back and forth) always reminded me of the rocking of a boat on the water as well. Picasso est communiste, moi non plus. bonne continuation et courage si tu travailles . Thank you! I feel that me neither is a denial in wonderment of the feelings. What a lovely write-up and analysis thank you. As I remember my own mixed emotions with love in the nineteen sixties, there was almost an understanding among some that there was a tremendous risk to say I love you. [39][40] Cervantes' record label Butterfly Records released the disco rendition as "Je t'aime" by an all-female disco group Saint Tropez in August 1977,[39][40] the first disco rendition of the song,[41] as part of the album of the same name, Je T'aime (1977). Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! In 1976, Gainsbourg directed Birkin in an erotic film of the same name. Now as an older man I say how foolish, to deny love is as unthinkable as to deny ones need for air or food. Yes this is a wonderful song isnt it? Yes it is a wonderful song isnt it? Fin 1967, Brigitte Bardot demande Serge Gainsbourg de lui crire la plus belle chanson damour quil puisse imaginer. Bardot broke off the affair, but did later divorce her husband. Et si lautre vous fait subir la mme chose, il souffre probablement du mme manque de confiance. Une nouvelle histoire d'amour commence. . So I think its appropriate that this is the version of the song that has had enduring popularity, and I also really love the idea that Serge asked Jane to sing it an octave higher so that the song would sound different than Brigittes version. Bogart initially rejected the idea. Serge Gainsbourg - Je Taime Moi Non Plus (album: Jane Birkin/Serge Gainsbourg) [Intro] C F G F C F G C F - Je t'aime je t'aime G Oh oui je t'aime F Em - Moi non plus Dm C - Oh mon amour F G F Em Dm - Comme la vague irrsolue G C F G Je vais, je vais et je viens Am F G Entre tes reins C Am Je vais et je viens F Dm . Sil sagit dune premire dclaration, la personne qui rpond moi non plus peut le faire pour deux raisons. Est-ce que vous vous sentez bien, compris(e) et valoris(e) par votre partenaire? The guy who comes in and goes out, like the waves, whereas the woman is a desert island (with the double entendre) that remains constant. Consider also his infatuation and intimidation with / by Bardot. , Now, what of the titular lines I love you. Hahahaha yes the breathy whispers and sound effects communicate the gist of the song for sure. Je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Et je me retiens Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je te rejoins Refrain L'amour physique est sans issue Je vais, je vais et je viens Entre tes reins Je vais et je viens Et je me retiens Non ! Mais l cest vous-mme que vous leurrez car vous naccepteriez pas de rester dans une relation si complique si vous nprouviez rien. Cela dsigne en effet, de lextrieur, les couples qui passent leur temps se sparer et se remettre ensemble, se dchirer sans cesse. good as it played. Me neither. ? ONE STORMY NIGHT, Ill definitely check out Mystic Moods Orchestra Ill be sure to take my birth control though just in case!! En 1968, Serge Gainsbourg tourne avec Jane Birkin, une jeune actrice britannique, dans le film Slogan. Jai particulirement apprci cet article/ blog. L'objet du scandale: un duo en rles mineurs. She agreed to go on a date with him. Toutefois, ces tudes montrent que linfidlit fminine est en augmentation ces. , Gainsbourg rpond: Sans conteste le Vatican. French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the songs popularity and controversy after the jump. [29], Je t'aime has been sampled in many other songs, including: "A Fair Affair (Je T'Aime)" by Misty Oldland;[32] "Guitar Song" by Texas,[33] and a version of "Breathe" in Kylie Minogue's 2003 Money Can't Buy concert at the Hammersmith Apollo in London. Bardot pleaded with Gainsbourg not to release it. Your email address will not be published. Also, she starts by saying I love you three times and he replies Me niether? The first parody was written in 1970 by Gainsbourg himself and Marcel Mithois. On est en plein dans ce paradoxe que constitue cette frontire si fine entre lamour et la haine. Sur la couverture d'origine figurait la mention Interdit aux moins de 21ans. I would still love to know what was being thought of when the phrase moi non plus was penned but your interpretation is very thought provoking. The British reggae legend tells the story of his #1 hit "Close To You," talks about his groundbreaking Shabba Ranks collaboration "Housecall," and discusses his latest project with Robin Trower. Really kind of you do all that! Trs choqu, le quotidienIl Giornale dItaliacrit dans ses colonnes: En lespace de trois ou quatre minutes, Gainsbourg et Jane Birkin mettent autant de soupirs, de plaintes et de grognements quun troupeau dlphants en train de saccoupler. Cela expliquerait pourquoi vous continuez. Aimer dans une relation base sur le je taime moi non plus est une source dangoisse permanente. Lhomme avec lequel vous tes a des ractions, des mots et des, Nous sommes dans une socit du Tout Tout de suite ! Sylvie Simmons, Serge Gainsbourg: A Fistful of Gitanes, 2001[5], The eroticism was declared offensive. On s'loigne, on communique moins, on s'engueule. This song stumped me a bit when I was translating it; I had to read some interviews with Serge to really get a handle on it. Ive enjoyed this song since I first heard instrumental versions of it as a child in the 70s the melody alone is fascinating. I understand the people thinking that he loves her (whatever is the reason: different pace of love/hate in a relationship at a certain time, too shy to say it, teasing her, etc), but I still prefer, as it makes more sense, to interpretate it as he does not believe she loves him and he doesnt love her too. Fayez, Hi Fayez my pleasure. [8] She said: "I only sang it because I didn't want anybody else to sing it", jealous at the thought of his sharing a recording studio with someone else. Perhaps that is why Gainsbourg calls it an anti-f*** song because its about both partners having a beautiful experience together, rather than anything crass. Regarded as one of the most important figures in French popular music, he was renowned for his often provocative and scandalous releases, as well as his diverse artistic output, which embodied genres ranging from jazz, chanson, pop and y-y, to reggae, funk, rock, electronic and disco music. [4] The single had a plain cover, with the words "Interdit aux moins de 21 ans" (forbidden to those under 21),[10] and the record company changed the label from Philips to its subsidiary Fontana. Tu es la vague, moi l'ile Nue Tu vas tu vas et tu Viens Entre mes reins Tu vas et tu viens Entre mes reins Et je Te re-Joins-Je t'aime je t'aime Oh oui et je t'aime! At first glance, the vocabulary is very simple. I wasnt alive in the late 60s but I imagine that placing that level of import on a womans pleasure was not a common theme in art. je vais je vais et je viens entre tes reins et je me retiens tu va et tu viens entre mes reins tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins et je te rejoins- je t'aime je t'aime oh, oui je t'aime ! Really Gainsbourg is just saying it this way because it rhymes entre tes reins is not a common French expression. I think its definitely a song open to interpretations, and the human body as a force of nature like the waves is definitely a theme that I pick up here. I think you did a great job. In 1969, the Hollywood 101 Strings Orchestra released a 7-inch record single (on A/S Records label) with two versions: the A-side featured a fully instrumental recording while the B-side had sexually suggestive vocalizations done by Bebe Bardon. Lobjet de cette passion, la personne aime, devient alors galement objet de souffrance. Je te hais parce que je taime. After the date, Bardot called him and insisted that he write her the most beautiful love song you can imagine to make amends for his poor performance on the date. Dtre incapable de sortir de cette spirale infernale. when, on occasion, I heard this beautiful song, I would feel Thank you for commenting. Additionally, I like that this song captures the lilting rhythm of male/female physical love. I like that song too. Le single est interdit la vente dans certains pays, tandis que la maison de disques de Gainsbourg, Philips, prfre remplacer le titre sur l'album dont il est extrait par La Chanson de Slogan[9]. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sincerely, The original pick up of this expression (Dali), clearly wanted to mean it is not true what the other say. Comment retrouver la complicit des dbuts dans son couple ? You could probably include this in a PhD thesis on love songs. I am glad I found moi non plus oh mon amour. irrsolue: irresolute, vacillating, undecided. Elle est comme une longue plainte intrieure, une souffrance contenue. The rawness of song is beautiful. For the first time in my life, I write a love song and it's taken badly. "Paranoid" reflects a feeling Black Sabbath bass player Geezer Butler often felt after using drugs. Officiellement rendu son auteur, Gainsbourg en confie l'exploitation Disc AZ[9]. Je taime, je taime, oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Je vais, je vais et je viens entre tes reins, Je taime, je taime oh, oui je taimemoi non plus, Oh mon amour tu es la vague, moi lle nue, Tu vas, tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins, Oh mon amour lamour physique est sans issue. la suite de cela les radios italiennes l'interdisent sur leurs ondes le 25 aot 1969, puis les sudoises le 10 septembre et, enfin, les espagnoles le 13 septembre. l'amour physique est sans issue je vais et je viens entre tes reins je vais et je viens et je me retiens non ! Paroles Serge Gainsbourg Comment cela a-t-il t interprt lpoque? Et si la clbre citation Entre lamour et la haine, il ny a quun pas tait vraie? [22] By 1996, it sold 6 million copies worldwide. A 1989 track by Kenny G, "Going Home," is the unofficial national closing song in China. I get the feeling that the woman would *always* be there for the guy, but the guy wouldnt (necessarily) be there for her. Marqus par les rles de plaisir des couplets et le ct volontairement provocateur du refrain, certains auditeurs non francophones nont pas saisi le sens du vers cl : Lamour physique est sans issue . Cet amour absolu donne limpression de ne pas pouvoir se passer de lautre. On pourrait penser que les choses ont chang entre les hommes et les femmes. Well it is based on a comment made by Salvador Dali, who was comparing himself to Picasso. [18] Mercury Records, the US distributor, faced criticism that the song was "obscene" and there was limited airplay, limiting US sales to around 150,000. Kathi, I Never heard a French song! There is both a juxtaposition of the pure church organ sounds and Janes erotic heavy breathing, and a conflation of these two sounds. Serge Gainsbourg originally wrote Je taime moi non plus in order to seduce Brigitte Bardot who was married at the time to German businessman Gunter Sachs. I love this song ! For more erotic music check out The Mystic Moods Orchestra . Tu maimes mais je ne sais pas te comprendre. Lastuce grammaticale du titre inspire par une dclaration de Salvador Dali Picasso est espagnol, moi aussi ; Picasso est un gnie, moi aussi ; Picasso est communiste, moi non plus est entre dans le langage courant, devenant une expression consacre. . Entre tes reins. Ecriture de lettre par crivaine publique, suis-moi, je te suis, fuis-moi, je te suis, Lettre damour sensuelle et torride pour faire natre le dsir, 10 ides de cadeaux pour les noces de cuir : 2 ans de mariage, Manque de considration dans le couple : 15 signes rvlateurs, 20 choses quun manipulateur dteste et que vous devriez savoir, Mauvaises raisons dune sparation : 14 raisons qui nen sont pas, Se faire pardonner par sa copine : la mthode, Les 7 signes dune relation toxique en couple. I really do not imagine the majority of songs recorded have a deep meaning but are of the minute.Nothing wrong there and Jane Birkin has many good songs to her credit. French lyrics, the best English translation and analysis of the song's popularity and controversy after the jump. Officiellement rendue son auteur, Gainsbourg en confie lexploitation une autre boite de production. Et ce paradoxe ronge car on passe tour tour de lamour la haine et inversement. Kodos!! Funny that his love for Bardot was not enduring while is love for Jane Birkin lasted much longer. This is naturally being led by instinct, beyond thought, the body is an incredible instrument and higher states of consciousness take over with 2 in love, with sports and meditation , with medianic rapport too. I agree, great analysis. Il ny aura pas dautre diffusion la radio, le disque ne sortira pas et cest la rupture sentimentale. L'orchestre est enregistr Londres, le duo est nouveau enregistr Paris et dans le mme studio. For the first time in my life, I write a love song and its taken badly. He began a passionate love affair with Birkin, who was 18 years his junior, and asked her to record the song with him. I heard this song in 1968 in a town in Ardmore, Pa Years before no one told me I wish I knew. I ended up here as I was searching for news and an article titled At 85 Bardot still Turns Heads caught me. [38] The SummerMoroder rendition was produced by Moroder and Pete Bellotte. Dailleurs, ralit plus que mythe? [29] The first covers were instrumentals, "Love at first sight", after the original was banned;[29] the first version by a British group named Sounds Nice (featuring Tim Mycroft on keyboard) became a top 20 hit. This is how I was introduced to French music. the color of the organ, the rocking (like Sitting on the Dock) is not for me a useful reference: Sex in love is allowing self to be carried away (into the sky) both partners for maximum climax, unite; I follow her. Absolutely ! My pleasure, Im glad that you enjoyed it! je vais je vais et je viens entre tes reins et je me retiens tu va et tu viens entre mes reins tu vas et tu viens entre mes reins et je te rejoins- je t'aime. First question: Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson appeared in videos for what artist? L'enregistrement est diffus le lendemain 12h30 sur Europe 1. Its a macho stereotype. Gainsbourg le r-enregistre donc avec sa nouvelle compagne Jane Birkin en 1969, et le titre sera notamment n1 au Royaume-Uni. When the version with Bardot was recorded, the French press reported that it was an "audio vrit". [35], Zvonimir Levai 'eva' and Ivica Lako 'Laky', members of the Croatian antitelevision late night talk show Nightmare Stage, performed a live version of the song as part of a spoof singing competition during the show's airing. It reminds me of some of the great Leonard Cohen songs. [10] Birkin says Gainsbourg called the Pope "our greatest PR man". The duet reached number one in the UK, the first foreign language song to do so, and number two in Ireland, but was banned . This line seems to be referring to physical love for its own sake. I am very happy to read an interpretation & thoughtful analysis of the song from a womans perspective. Moi non plus. Dans ce cas, lexpression voque les hauts et les bas rythmant le couple : on saime mais on se dispute, parfois mme on se fait du mal. .) Elle va la chanter une octave plus haut que Bardot[2], ce qui, ml aux soupirs explicites et la voix grave de Gainsbourg, donne au morceau une teinte d'innocence dvoye et renforce le trouble ressenti par l'auditeur[3]. Son mari accepte quelle ait un, Lamour nous fait vivre des sensations fortes au quotidien, passion, sentiments, attachement, une personne amoureuse fait face des motions qui lui donnent des papillons dans le ventre. Thank-you for writing this. Le disque sort en fvrier 1969. Still a very sexy and stimulating song even at my age!! This article is about the song. Paroles Je T'aime Moi Non Plus, Traduction Shakira - Bzrp Music Sessions #53 - Bizarrap, Traduction Lift Me Up (Wakanda Forever) - Rihanna, Traduction People (Check On Me) - Libianca, Traduction Die for You (Remix) - The Weeknd, Traduction Piu Bella Cosa - Eros Ramazzotti, Traduction Somewhere Only We Know - Keane, Paroles.net dispose dun accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la, A l'occasion de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2022, dcouvrez, Chanson manquante pour "Serge Gainsbourg" ? ) word choice: in this context nue means deserted or barren Gainsbourg a... The 70s the melody alone is fascinating moi non plus est une source dangoisse permanente bass! Par votre partenaire source dangoisse permanente Gainsbourg directed Birkin in an erotic film of the songs and... Aime, devient alors galement objet de souffrance reins et je me (. Puisse imaginer: in this context nue je vais et je viens entre tes reins signification deserted or barren pas dautre diffusion radio! 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