3. to be accountable for documents and funds 1. reject the offer in accordance with his duty of due diligence Proper agency disclosures have been made. 4. abandonment by the broker, which of the following actions would be a violation of anti trust laws? 2. dual agency On February 1st, Phil was killed in an automobile accident. 3. buy and sell property in his own name Cara is sitting at an open house at one of her listed properties. 1. oral 2. implicity A. 3. revocation When Ralph dies, his daughter (also a broker) inherits the brokerage business. 2. revoke the licenses of both brokers 2. keep the info confidential because the event occurred off site 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. 4. his broker, a broker obtains an open listing on a piece of property. All other statements are false), Which of these situations would MOST LIKELY trigger the need to present a WREAB? Salesperson Rupert finds a ready, willing, and able buyer for Jon's home. 1. one commission for the exclusive right to sell agreement 1. the signature of the owner of the property 3. disposition of money to the buyer 2. no, so long as the farm sells at or above the list price 4. impermissible, unless approved by the local board of realtors, impermissible, unless the brother is licensed, the relationship between a seller and a listing broker is that of a(n): 4. none of the above, Seller Smith signs a listing with Broker Jones to sell a parcel of land for $65,000. 3, two brokers agree to charge the same commission rate on all property listed by their offices. This could be an example of (negligent omission, negligent misrepresentation, willful omission, willful misrepresentation), Which of these do you think would LEAST LIKELY be considered a material fact that must be disclosed to a buyer customer? Is Steve's listing still active? 4. none of the above, who is intermediary between a buyer and a seller? 4. to be loyal to the client, which of the following choices would terminate a buyer broker agreement? (1 person Gloria, 2 people Gloria and Dan, 20 people Gloria and the other licensees, or 21 people Gloria Dan and other licensees), Which is LEAST LIKELY to be a consequence of undisclosed dual agency? How many people represent Susan? 2. it should be immediately given to broker bob 3. a special listing Renegotiate Ralph's current listings However, the property is later sold by another broker. 1. the listing remains in effect 1. accept or reject offers for the seller 1. permissible, as long as the brother had contractual competency It is required for residential and commercial transactions, Which of the following discussions would MOST LIKELY be considered substantial contact between an agent and prospective buyer? 4. none of the above, A salesperson receives an earnest money deposit check on Monday while working with Broker Allen. You are buyers agent for Doris, who is getting ready to make an offer on Clydes property. 4. either 1 or 2, a salesperson lists a home, but the house burns down prior to receiving an offer. (Ann who is selling her moms house to settle her estate, bob who is selling a property he owns to a coworker, Cathy who is selling her shirt of a condo to co owner Dave, Devin who is selling his 10 unit apt building). 2. renunciation 4. give it to the seller, it would not be considered commingling of funds if: at what point should a seller give the residential property and owners association disclosure statement to a buyer? 4. none of the above, Seller Chaney rejects three offers, all of which were $2,500 below the list price. 2. seller Chris is: A full price offer is made without contingencies. 2. a thankful buyer 1. hold the second offer until the first offer closes 3. when the property is sold 4. description of the property, if a broker has an exclusive right to sell listing, which of the following statements is incorrect? 4. both 1 & 3, A seller lists her house with a broker for $189,500. 1. yes, because the agreement was in force when harry bought the property You have a buyer client who asks you directly whether there are any known sex offenders in the area. 1. mark must split his commission with bert and gail Advise the probate court of her intent to assume responsibility for the listing agreements 4. wilma must file a notice of abandonment, a general agency empowers the agent to: 2. permissible, so long as the seller agrees 1. an open listing 1. an oral agreement 1. that the current owner has HIV 1. subagency 1. 2. yes, if the broker promises to ensure such funds will be available at closing 3. the broker may cancel the listing if he chooses 2. incorrect, because the agreement is valid for a reasonable amount of time 1. the couple should file a discrimination suit against tom, the owner of the property 3. the salesperson that obtained the listing This situation could involve all of the following agency relationships except: yes this information could affect Doris negotiating position, What information would probably NOT be considered confidential? Which of the following listings would best serve Mr. Hardcase's interests? 1. obedience 1. jan The sales agreement is signed. The seller indicates to the broker that the offer would be acceptable if it were submitted in writing. 1. co brokers Samuels can only purchase the property after informing Puckett of the zoning change 1. an appreciative seller 3. not valid unless its in writing 4. universal agency, Jon lists his home with Paul. (before the buyer makes an offer, before the buyer walks through the house, before the sellers accepts the offers, before the transaction closes), which of these do you think would least likely be considered a material fact that must be disclosed to a buyer? How much money would a sales person receive for her 60 percent share in the 10 percent commission? B. 2. 3. What should you do? 2. the cooperating broker could be a subagent to the seller 0000003074 00000 n 4. all of the above, A broker accepts an exclusive right-to-sell listing. 3. upon tom's acceptance of petes offer of the option 0000036923 00000 n C. Jan and Jenny 2. general agency 2. definite termination date However the listing agent recognized the early signs of termite infestation. bob who is selling a property he owns to a coworker. 2. cancel the contract, but only with written permission from the buyer (buyers broker does not disclose to the seller customer that the buyer just filed for bankruptcy, that the seller customer that the buyer is paying him a bonus, to the buyer customer that the seller is his brother, listing broker does not disclose to the buyer customer that the seller is getting transferred out of state), a listing broker does not disclose to the buyer customer that the seller is getting transferred out of state, intentional failure to disclose material facts, deliberate misstatements made with the intent to deceive, false statement made unintentionally with no intent to deceive, careless failure to disclose required information, Broker Brenda has been working with buyer client ben to negotiate an agreement to buy Lisas property. 4. either 2 or 3, give chaney another offer that she is sure to reject, which of the following agreements is lease likely to specify a commission rate? Martin is a salesman for Broker Doe. However, a few days later, Harry spots a property for sale while driving home from work. (agreement of sale, as is addendum, listing agreement, residential property owners association disclosure statement), Residential Property Owners Association Disclosure Statement, All of the following should be disclosed to a prospective buyer if known by the seller except (if a convicted sexual predator lives in a neighboring house, material defects in the wall septic or sewer, underground storage tanks on the property, whether there is history of infestation), if a convicted sexual predator lives in a neighboring house, a seller completes a residential property and owners association disclosure statement that states that there are no conditions in the property that are in need of repair. (Jane can tell Maggie that the seller is desperate to sell, Jane is not obligated to assist Maggie during contract negotiations, Jane must protect the best interest of her client Maggie, sponsoring broker Evan is a dual agent), Jane is not obligated to assist Maggie during contract negotiations. (Section 475.215 (2), Florida Statutes) A broker may hold multiple broker's licenses and can work as a broker in multiple real estate companies. 2. the broker is only an agent for the seller In fact the roof has a leak that her seller client never told her about. To minimize these risks, you need to contact a specialist in real estate for legal assistance. 2. jim, a broker, advertises that his firm will only represent buyers The seller tells the broker that if necessary, she will accept $185,000. Which statement is true? 3. death of the principal 1. mutual agreement Who, if anyone would be considered a dual agent in this scenario? transactional brokerage is NOT PERMITTED in NC), A broker is helping her mother find a new home. 2250 3. the listing agreement I. Seller's Broker: A broker who lists a property, or a salesperson who is licensed to the listing broker, represents the Seller and acts on behalf of the Seller. 1. jones has contracted for the services of martin (general, limited, special, universal), which of these is NOT a duty that a licensee acting as a dual agent owes to his buyer client? 4. only mark earned a commission, A broker takes a listing and the owner later tells him that the roof leaks. 2. exclusive authorization to sell (advising the buyer on his best negotiation price, completing information on the buyers offer to purchase jans property, referring the buyer to another brokerage firm, responding to the buyers questions about the property at an open house), advising the buyer on his best negotiation price, Which situation would LEAST LIKELY be considered a material fact that a broker must disclose to a customer? 1125 1. leasing property 1. earning interest for the broker 1. the broker had found a buyer and has earned his commission For this transaction, W is entitled to receive, To be entitled to collect a real estate commission, a broker must be able to prove all of the following EXCEPT that he or she, A broker lists a property for sale at $100,000 with a 5 percent commission, and he later obtains a verbal offer to purchase the property from a prospective buyer. However, Jenny finds a suitable property on her own. 2. the listing broker has exercised due care and loyalty to his principal Based on these facts, the real estate professional will be treated by the IRS as 3. condemnation of the property 9500 A broker represents a buyer. 1. if the selling agent changes brokers What type of listing should the broker acquire? Buyer John, insisting on anonymity, has Salesperson Joan make an offer using her own name as the prospective buyer. this agreement is: 3. exclusive right to sell listing (the boundary line of the property subject to the transaction is in dispute, the current resident has aids, a murder of a previous resident occurred 3 years, the neighboring property is a group home for developmentally disable adults), the boundary line of the property subject to the transaction is in dispute, Broker Julie is showing a listed property when a buyer customer asks about the condition of the roof. 4. all of the above, if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be: Peter signs a listing contact with ABC realty to sell his property. While Smith is out of the country, the Mayor announces a development plan that will include Smith's land (causing it to double in value). Which type of listing should she AVOID signing? 4. the salesperson is not a party to the agreement, buyer broker agreement terms may be disclosed to customers, all of the following are examples of dual agency except: T/F A personal representative who creates a pattern of sales does not need a real estate license. 2. one half of the agreed upon commission 3. a claimant Is this legal? 2. executory 1. is common practice State the null and alternative hypotheses from the perspective of road-safety groups. 6. However, Sally subsequently falls on hard times. According to Article 1 of the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Association of Real (2) Family members or other interest. 1. should be withheld from any prospective buyer 1. the commission is split between all brokers that have an open listing for the property Broker E tells the landowner that she can sell the lots. 8. What should Ben do with the earnest money that he received with the offer to purchase? All of the following statements could be true about this action, except: 1. disclosed orally prior to negotiations This statement could be interpreted as: The relationship between the property owner and the associated brokers at Hannah Smith Realty could best be described as (buyer subagency, designated agency, dual agency, seller subagency), seller subagency (all other brokers would be subagents of Broker Hannah to the seller). real estate broker, regardless of whether he or she is an employee for purposes of the Real Estate Law, or an independent contractor of the real estate broker for federal and state income tax reporting purposes. 3. if the seller dies prior to receiving an offer from a ready, willing, and able buyer Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! in order to collect a commission on the sale, he must provide which of the following details? In this situation, which of the following statements is true? Prior to acceptance, the listing broker discovers a zoning change that will affect the value of the property. (criminal prosecution, liability for damages due to a rescinded transaction, loss or suspension of license, loss of a commission associated with the transaction), Pam a broker at Rob Realty is the designated agent for Brians property. 4. when the licensee has substantive discussions about specific property, when the licensee has substantive discussions about specific property, the listing broker discovers that a property's value has been adversely affected by proposed construction of a new plant. The listed commission is 6.5 percent of the selling price. 3. cancel the contract, but with liability to the broker for any expenses 7. When must Garrick disclose to Richard that he represents the buyer? 3. a confidential relationship 3. casper owes 3 commissions 2. there is a formal representation 2. a customer Albans, NY Closing in 4 weeks. what should the broker do? Over the course of the afternoon, four prospective buyers visit, and Cara allows them to walk through the property on their own. 1. file legal notice of her intent to assume responsibility for the brokerage business disclose any know lead based paint hazards, the residential property and owners association disclosure statement does NOT ask the seller to comment on (the condition of septic tanks or drain fields, the presence of hazards such as asbestos, the square footage of the lot, whether there's a history of infestation), who is obligated to complete a residential property and owners association disclosure statement? 0000002700 00000 n The standard deviation of daily demand was derived from examining prescriptions filled over the past three months and was found to be 800 capsules. 2. is in violation of anti trust laws 1. obedience 3. sam, because he terminated the agreement 0 4. buy the property quickly, sell the property before the foreclosure is completed, in a real estate transaction, which of the following facts must an agent disclose to his principal? 4. void, Seller Jones gives Martin an exclusive listing to sell his property. 2. if the property is destroyed by fire What event will create a seller agency relationship between Lisa and one of the brokers? 1. express (the area in which the buyer wants to look, the maximum mortgage amount the buyer can afford, the name of the buyers dog, the style of house the buyer prefers), the maximum mortgage amount the buyer can afford. (Lisa signs agency disclosure form, Lisa tells a broker that she thinks she would like to work with them, Lisa signs a listing contract, Lisa signs a broker buyer contract), Lisa signs a listing contract (created when the principal signs a listing contract). 2. non functioning furnace 3. yes, regardless of whether jon is the client 1. no, because the commission was over 6% 4. none of the above, Broker Lynch has an exclusive listing to sell Jones' hardware store for a $4,500 commission. The seller listed with Broker C and the house ended up selling for $76,000. 3. her broker Both have authorized dual agency. Jenny's salesperson delivers the downpayment to Jan's salesperson. In this situation, the broker would be entitled to, A landowner subdivides his acreage and offers the lots for sale. 2. exclusive agency listing 3. foster must only pay ruotolo, and ruotolo will split the fee with gray 1. open listing 4. yes, assuming that gwen is in breach, Harry hires David to be his buyer-broker. 4. negotiated between buyer and seller, a seller entered into a valid contract with a buyer. the seller has a right to: 0000002270 00000 n This is referred to as a, A sales person may advertise a property for sale only if he or she, b. uses the employing brokers name in the advertisement. 1. an open listing Which of the following statements is true about this situation? 2. the broker holds an earnest money check, as requested by the offeror, after acceptance by the offeree 2. wilma may terminate the listing In which of the following forms is this required seller disclosure found? Where would the salesperson obtain approval for such an arrangement? What type of listing did Sam have? after closing, lynch will receive his commission from: 2. set by the realty board Which type of agent has the greatest authority? Can Jon terminate the contract? 4. general, which of the following persons would likely not be an agent? From work dies, his daughter ( also a broker is helping her mother find a new home you. An earnest money deposit check on Monday while working with broker C and the owner later tells him that roof..., who is selling a property he owns to a coworker of these situations MOST... Likely trigger the need to contact a specialist in real estate for legal assistance a dual agent in situation... Is getting ready to make an offer using her own persons would NOT. Lisa and one of her listed properties where would the salesperson obtain approval for if a salesperson lists a property, she cannot be: an arrangement allows them walk! Few days later, Harry spots a property for sale while driving home from.... 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