Lola insists she has had enough trouble trying to trade with other communities. Strand and Alicia implore Daniel to be the man that he wanted Ofelia to see and Daniel has several flashbacks of Ofelia, including embracing Ofelia after her death. Daniel questions why Riley would reveal the location of the bunker now so close to the end. Daniel digs his handcuffs into the side of the man's neck so hard that his jugular vein is ruptured before he dies. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. Later, Virginia orders Hill over the radio to surrender and bring Grace and Daniel back to Lawton. A humble man who keeps to himself and shelters his family. He tells Daniel she is alive and holed up in a hotel down the coast. She climbs up the ladder and leaves. Daniel mockingly tells the Ranger that this is happening to him because you always handcuff a person in the back, not the front like the man had done with Daniel. When the National Guard arrives at the neighborhood, Daniel peers out a window and says that "it's already too late". Strand approaches with a gun drawn and orders her to step away. Dakota runs up and says she recalls Virginia saying that the enemy went underground. After Madison escapes the Safe Zone for a brief venture out into the Dead Zone, she openly confides in Daniel what she saw. However, no one listens to Virginia and she orders her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. Luciana asks Daniel in Spanish if he's sure and Daniel tells her that he is, rather pointedly stating that he's not a liar. Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Daniel calls Strand and Madison over so the crew can fix the fence. The flames barely start to touch Daniel's feet as he watches the cellar burn, entranced. Strand shoots Daniel in the chin in front of Lola. Finally, Daniel lowers his gun and agrees. Madison tells him the ranch was overrun and Ofelia saved them, but she got bit. Daniel reaches the group and starts shooting more of John's men. Daniel and Strand sit in Strands car as a herd crosses the road ahead. TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA . The next morning, Daniel notices Grace is succumbing to her illness as Morgan radios her. Daniel, Grace, Sarah, Luciana, June, and Wes were rounded up by the rangers and held in the Lawton town jail as bargaining chips for Virginia as she attempts to get her sister back. When Lola is murdered and Daniel discovers her body, he becomes saddened by her death, and he putsOfelias rosary in Lolas hand, showing how much he cared for her. Rollie claims they found the location of the bunker where the cult is holding Alicia, so the group can take shelter there. Daniel explains it was about Liza and Griselda to which Daniel expresses sympathy to Travis stating what he did for Liza was merciful and that one day Chris will understand why he shot her. Dante notices the commotion and grills Daniel about his background. Travis beats Andrew viciously in return, while Liza tends to Ofelia's gunshot wound, successfully stabilizing her. Lola and Madison were both leaders and sometimes did not see eye to eye on each others views. Strand escapes, while Lola escorts Daniel out of the room. They find fresh bullet rounds by a gas station. They then manage to find shelter inside an abandoned restaurant. He is thinking about Ofelia but she tells him the world is gone in every direction. A while later, Daniel reunites with the rest of the group and Althea shows them the bodies of the people Virginia killed. Grace then reveals she wishes she could help Morgan more but Daniel assures her she already has. Lola first appears when the group evaluates Daniel, a newcomer, with Lola ruling he is going to lose his leg. Daniel reveals to Luciana that Strand had tried to convince him that Charlie is Ofelia and continue what Luciana had started. Strand helps Efran treat Everado's wound. Daniel is carrying guilt of killing 96 people to be specific. Later, after reuniting with Victor, he appears to be somewhat saddened to learn of Nick's death. Lola Guerrero was a major character in the third season. There's just something about . Daniel doesn't believe him. Suddenly, they spot Luciana among Virginia's people so Daniel radios the group to abandon the plan while Strand goes to talk to Virginia. Deeply saddened by the death of her close friend, she is instilled with a desire for revenge. Tess asks Daniel if the coast is clear. He reminds Strand that he once shot him in the face and left him for dead on a dam which he rigged with explosives. Madison suggests they make the first trade in five days at the trading post in Mexicali. When everyone doubts Alicia's claims about seeing a little girl and needing to go back to the Tower for her, Daniel is the first to jump to his friend's defense, remembering how awful it had felt when people had doubted him. Daniel and Nick don't interact much after they first meet, but they have a stable relationship. She insists she needs more janitors to help keep the water clean. When the group boards the Abigail, it seems that Ofelia and Daniels relationship is at relatively good terms again. Daniel and Lola rush to the pump room to determine why the dam water is flowing the wrong way. Moments later, Daniel invites them inside. He is also revealed to be the lookout for the caravan alongside Dwight, whom he has formed a close bond and spends time playing chess. Later, Daniel attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. Upon the beginning of apocalypse, Lola stayed at her post and supported nearby communities as best as she could, providing medications and water to the needed. When no one answers, they beat Daniel up and Virginia decides to kill Grace. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across. He tells her he is better now before asking about Ofelia. Luciana reassures Daniel that he just needs a little help and that if they stick together, they'll be fine. He is aware of a rig made to shoot him when he opens a door, so he taps it and dodges the bullets, taking the keys to a car from a walker that emerges before heading out with a bunch of new supplies and Skidmark. "We have no water to spare," she tells Madison. she asks. After the war, he moved to Los Angeles with his wife where he owns and operates a barber shop. Strand finally admits that she left the hotel while he was still there. Daniel then joins the group on their mission to help people to honor Ofelia's memory. Due to their native language being Spanish, the two often use it to converse with each other. Daniel is first shown boarding the Abigail as Los Angeles is being firebombed by military jet planes with him noting the massive destruction taking place. You will rot here, like the dead, Ofelia is dead. Daniel tells Nick he will leave the medicine up to him. He gives him a necklace that belonged to his wife. Kneeling down and taking Alicia's hand, Daniel promises that he will see her again before getting called away by Sherry. Efran loads Daniel into a rickshaw and peddles through town, expertly dodging Infected along the way. Daniel questions Chris on how he learned how to fish with him explaining he used to do it when he was younger. It's the usual suspects when Daniel Salazar (Rubn Blades) gets to the bottom of a walker whodunit in Sunday's Fear the Walking Dead. Madison says Ofelia saved Alicia's life, and Daniel asks where Alicia is. When one of the Infected notices him, he flees and hides under a car. Daniel serves soup to Morgan. He is left considerably shaken as Celia tries to get him to contemplate making peace with the dead. She is infuriated. Strand's group and Sherry's group start to leave Valley Town. In Grace's dream, Daniel is living in Valley Town as a barber and is seen finishing a haircut for Victor Strand, his close friend much to Grace's pleasure and surprise. Unknown Daniel later walks casually towards the command post and seeks the sentinels' attention. He searches the premises of Celia's home and discovers she keeps walkers in her basement as she believes they are still alive but changed. Daniel states that Alicia had helped him to see things more clearly and he can't leave her to try to do this on her own so he's going with her. Daniel continues to interrogate Nick, who is covering for Troy. He tells his enforcer he was picking a fight with a killer. End date: ___ ____. Daniel aids their efforts. When the two reunite once more, Daniel appears to despise Victor, refusing to give him the plane that he needs in order to help Alicia, Al, and the rest of the group, as he believes every time Victor helps people, it only makes things worse. They are welcoming new people to the community. Lola's crew secures the gate just as the rioters arrive. Ofelia starts to peel the skin off of her face. In his adulthood, he was coerced into the notorious Sombra Negra, a highly-confidential and extremely brutal pro-junta vigilante death squad who is directly backed by the CIA to carry out ruthless extra-judicial tortures, assassinations and murders in the Salvadoran Civil War. When she hesitates, he asks if she thinks the traitors in Tank Town should die. Strand desperately explains people can change and gets Daniel to help him better tune the radio. Daniel says he doesn't know if he burned his daughter alive and begs forgiveness from Efran. Nick finally says that Jake led the herd to the ranch after learning that Nick killed his father. Strand is shocked to see Daniel. Daniel and a group break open the fence and use the horses to lead the massive herd to ambush Virginia and take their supplies while the rest moves into the gulch. She realizes the entrance in unprotected. In the video tape, an irritated Daniel asks her "why are you interviewing me? After Adams shoots Ofelia, however, it can be assumed that Daniel detests him and was not opposed to Travis's assault of him. Daniel attempts to shoot at the mob, but Efran orders him to stop. According to Ofelia, Daniel once told her that all of their relatives are dead in El Salvador. But then I found my true calling," replies Efran, shaking his flask of alcohol. The strangers claim that Vida is having pregnancy complications. Lola is one of five main characters in Fear to die in the season they were introduced, the others being. When searching for supplies in the crash site of Flight 462, he shows Daniel what to grab in order to treat Ofelia's gunshot wound, which he appreciates. Continuing his interrogation, Daniel wonders why Riley would stay alive if destruction is the whole point, to which the latter replies that it's only to see their faces when everything turns to ash. She promises to read more about his condition and return. Sarah is hesitant, but Luciana points out Daniel was right about Rollie, so he must have really heard the coordinates on the radio as well. Alicia tells Daniel to free them and then to go down and warn everyone to get away from the herd. When Reed turns after death. Daniel supposedly agrees to Ofelia's decision to use him as a hostage to free Griselda and Madison's son Nick. Daniel first appears when the group decides to dock the boat at an island to lose being spotted by a nearby hostile boat. Daniel is devastated. They argue over whether to stay or not and eventually decide to stay, where they'll deal with the walkers and Virginia. Late 20s to Early 30s She tells them they've come for water. While he doesn't physically appear, Daniel appears in a flashback as a hallucination to Ofelia while she is nearly passed out, insisting she stay awake. At the dam, Daniel and Lola discusses their plans now that Dante is dead. Later, as Wes prepares to execute a captured Strand and Alicia, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes' two guards. Hearing this, Daniel suddenly realizes something, and asks Luciana for her gun in Spanish. For other pages with the same name, see: Walking Dead Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Lola and Efran are close friends and work together to provide water to the needy behind Dante's back. On the day after Ofelia's death, Daniel seems to have mostly forgiven Madison. He turns on Dante and his men, killing J.C. and two guards. Daniel believes Nick did not kill Ofelia but insists someone led the horde to the Ranch. At night, Daniel and Grace's transmission gives out because their truck is too heavy with supplies. Daniel lays down, laughing. When a riot erupts after the people of Los Angeles think the police are randomly killing people, unaware of how the emerging infection spreads and affects people, Travis Manawa, Liza Ortiz, and their son Chris, enter a shop. As Daniel goes on, Strand reveals that he had locked June, Grace and Wendell on the top floor after Mo's escape and that when they're freed and on their side, Daniel will have to relent. This deeply upsets Daniel. Lola is disappointed, saying this place is perfect for him. they shout. He is highly adept with firearms and hand to hand combat. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. Andrew reappears and threatens Daniel with a gun. Daniel then is radioed back by Strand, who begs him to bring the instruments back. Lola could be filling the void in Daniel's heart as Ofelia is at the ranch with Madison. In this episode, titled "100," we find out how Daniel Salazar survived the fire he set . She needs him and is worried his hope will only lead to heartbreak. In the headquarters of the dam, Lola and Daniel debate plans for preparing for attacks. Logan tells Daniel and the group the gasoline is going bad and that Clayton wrote down an oil rig location. Daniel and Chris have a stable relationship. When Luciana finally hands him the gun, Daniel executes Rollie without hesitation. She leaves as he leads them away. He is reluctant to trust her because of Strand, but Madison reveals Walker helped her and now they need Daniel's help. Luciana is surprised Riley would divulge this information, but Rollie nonchalantly comments that it's easy to get a true believer to talk when you separate them from their leader. Daniel goes straight to asking about Ofelia. Strand and Charlie then arrive in a truck with the plane in the back. Daniel insists he did not raise a soldier. "100" He says hes going to the warehouse, but Strand offers to take Daniel in at Lawton and keep an eye on him. Daniel opens the door, letting looters come in but they leave the six alone. A herd of walkers approaches the dam. People argue as suspicions mount against each other. Daniel insists that he will go with Griselda, to which Bethany readily agrees. "Ofelia will always be my daughter, no matter what that man had her do," Daniel said. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. Their relationship seems to be seriously strained at "Cobalt", as after Ofelia sees him torturing Andrew, she runs out of the house crying, and he tells Madison that she may never understand why he had to do it. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. He tells him that his cat, Skidmark, likes him. Lola is first seen when Daniel takes Madison's group to Lola's office. The leader elects there is nothing here. The next day, Daniel arrives with the caravan at the mall. In "Breathe With Me", a concerned Luciana continues to look after Daniel and reassures him that they will continue working together on his problems. Liza, where is my wife?Daniel to Liza about Griselda's whereabouts. Daniel tells his interrogator that he was glad to see everyone together. However, after Daniel realizes that Rollie is a traitor, he asks Luciana for her gun and she gives it to him after a moment of hesitation, allowing Daniel to kill Rollie for his betrayal. Efran hands Lola, who is the doctor, a blade and Daniel knows what she is about to do. Lola elects they will deal with them later. He punches Efran repeatedly and commands him to confess. Daniel has released some two thousand undead, forcing the soldiers into defense and creating a distraction for his party. Madison is surprised to see Daniel is alive. At first Daniel and Victor have a more or less good relationship with Daniel being grateful for Victor saving the group and bringing them to his yacht, the Abigail. Later, two dam janitors, Pablito and Everardo discover Daniel while cleaning out corpses from a sewage pipe. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. Daniel hears the gunshot that killed Liza as he sits with a sleeping Ofelia. Although Daniel doesn't know who was broadcasting, he is certain that he recognizes the voice. Daniel admits he is looking for her. If she trades with Madison, there will be bloodshed. Daniel says goodbye to Charlie and Morgan and tells them not to worry, and rides off with Strand while taking Skidmark with him. An Infected attacks Daniel, and he is nearly overpowered, but he is saved when a bolt of lightning strikes the Infected. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Daniel wants Nick to admit it so he can "get justice for his dead daughter." He plans to use Travis' phone in their house so he can contact his cousin to pick them up tomorrow. A few years after her death, Daniel admits to Charlie that he hadn't been able to let Ofelia go or let himself say goodbye. Ofelia Salazar was a major character in the first, second, and third seasons. Daniel tells Madison to keep talking to Vida as a distraction as he attempts to loose the binds. The only thing that he didn't tell her was which man he was in the tale. He then questions Dante's methods. The group enters the two remaining vehicles and heads east, Daniel in the back of the truck with Liza and Ofelia. He subsequently came unhinged for a time and nearly killed himself. "She's waiting for you," Strand lies. After heading inside Travis' house, they are attacked by an undead Peter Dawson. Lola is appalledby his decision. The crowd disperses when an Infected herd approaches. Suddenly, she gets a call over the radio from the convoy about losing the oil fields and updates Daniel. Strand guns them down. Daniel suggests they post guards at the dam's entryways and use the explosives as a bargaining chip, threatening to blow up the dam if the Proctors don't negotiate with them. When they get there and Victor reveals that he lied, Daniel leaves him to die by zombies. Finally, Nick covers for Troy by claiming that Jake Otto was the one who lead the herd to the ranch, to which Daniel finally lets him go, despite not believing him. Unable to take the pain in his legs, Daniel passes out. However, Daniel sees him as a good person since he is aware he has a relationship with his daughter. As they ascend a stairwell, Daniel kills a Ranger that he encounters and continues on alone to take out anyone that heard the shot while Strand and Alicia hang back. She encounters the Proctors executing her workers and opens fire on them, killing several Proctors. She clarifies this by saying that she understands the new world and her father- and that they are "cruel.". Daniel reassures Alicia that he's fine and she orders him to warn the others with Strand giving Daniel directions to where he can find June, Grace and Wendell. Daniel then prioritizes June checking Charlie out over her treating his own injuries. Back at the dam, they rush inside. As viewers have seen in the Season 7 return of Fear the Walking Dead, Arno holds a pretty mean grudge against Alicia Clark (Alycia Debnam-Carey). Daniel elected to remain on the boat with his daughter once the boat docked, still suspicious of Strands intentions. Daniel finds Dante interrogating Efran. Instead of seeing the infected, he hallucinates all of the people he has killed when Griselda emerges from the crowd and smiles. Daniel ultimately accepts Strand's offer and departs with him. At a pit stop on the way to the Rosarito Beach Hotel, Strand questions how Daniel survived the fire. J.C. tells him someone is robbing them. Daniel kills another Ranger, but Alicia nearly collapses from her illness and Strand insists upon getting her to the infirmary for treatment rather than continuing up. He notices dam water pumping in the wrong direction. He infers that Daniel is a "sombra negra" and was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military. Later, Victor betrays Daniel and the dam to the Proctors and shoots him in under the chin, and the bullet passes through his right cheek. Lucy volunteers to scout the area with Wes, Alicia and Al. Daniel, Charlie and Skidmark rush back into the car and slowly drive away. However, Daniel doesn't believe him and claims Strand just wants the plane for himself because he is always self-serving. He admits she could use that advice and then reveals he has to leave to take care of something. It is likely that this event led to his involvement with the Salvadoran junta. He takes out some shaves, which Adams immediately recognizes as a torture attempt and discloses her location in an attempt to avoid being tortured. Daniel doesn't believe him. Aside from familial relationships, Madison and Daniel seemingly have the strongest relationship out of anyone in the main group. Daniel observes the people they are helping. Daniel orders them to leave, but is persuaded by his wife Griselda to keep them inside due to the riot outside. Angered, Vida threatens to shoot Madison. Madison tells Daniel about what she saw outside the curfew zone. Efran admonishes Daniel for shooting at the crowd. They walk past the wreckage of the truck putting down infected. Strand is visibly surprised to see Daniel still alive after the destruction of the dam. At one point, Madison referred to Lola as Daniels "little fool". Walkers claw at the gate to Valley Town and reach the tunnel entrance. "I'm immortal.". Because he does not make it out in time to reunite with his family, they think he perished in the fire when in reality he was able to escape. Lola picks a neighborhood for the next water distribution run. At one point, Daniel snaps that he's sorry that Luciana is all alone in the world, but she is not his daughter. In the frenzy, he is overwhelmed by their numbers, and is punched several times in the face and subdued. Later, Vida brings back a tied Madison to the group. Daniel takes Madison's group to Lola's office. Daniel vows to look after Charlie for the little time that she has left, even refusing to leave her side to help Strand and Alicia retake the Tower from Wes' forces. Lola insists, there is nothing left to discuss. While under the leadership of Dante Esquivel, he briefly re-embraces his cruel nature, but ultimately turns on Dante and his men, saving his allies from certain death, demonstrating that he will never harm the innocent again and that he is ready to kill a threat without any hesitation. Their relationship is seemingly over when the two are separated during the Abigail Estate fire, however when the two are reunited after Ofelia's death, Daniel harbors a great amount of rage towards Madison, and even points his gun at her. Daniel eats in the cafeteria. He goes on to state that he is aware Daniel's group thinks the cult is insane, but assures him that it's only the beginning, as the phoenix will rise quicker than he thinks. As Ofelia says her farewells to her parents, Daniel tells her that he can't guess how long he will be away. As the confused Ranger questions Wes, Daniel comes up behind him and begins strangling the man with his handcuffs. At the last moment, however, Daniel is denied leave and the soldiers take Nicholas instead. Efran stops their work to say a prayer before driving a nail into an Infected's skull. At the dam, Lola orders Daniel to pretend that he met her when he came begging for work. Inside, they find Daniel and his family. Moments later, the rafts depart with everyone but Alicia who decides to stay behind. They spot a number of infected approaching which sends the group into a chaotic sprint in different directions. Daniel is extremely cautious around those he does not trust, such as Victor Strand and appears to be highly skilled at identifying a potential threat from body language and social cues. Starting out in Los Angeles in season 1 and then quickly moving to Mexico in season 2, Fear the Walking Dead 's core group has been on quite the journey over the years. In "The Beginning", Luciana at first doubts Daniel about the coordinates on the radio due to his ongoing psychological problems. However, Wes threatens to kill Alicia if he does and Daniel is forced to watch as Alicia tries and fails to talk Wes down before Strand kills Wes with his sword, convinced that Wes wasn't going to stand down. He also found and adopted a cat naming him Skidmark. "By taking others," Daniel says. She then tells him to wait as she goes to find Efran. Fear The Walking Dead season 8 will premiere on AMC and AMC+ in 2023. It isn't until "Divine Providence" that Daniel finally remembers and accepts the truth, snapping out of it. Daniel sends off Madison and Strand in a water tanker provided by Lola. She was portrayed by Lisandra Tena. Daniel laps up the water. In addition, he discloses information about the civil war in the 80s and what he had to do to survive to him. Adams tells him more about his experience with the infected and how he still hears the screams of those in the arena. Daniel does his best to comfort Ofelia as she starts crying. When Lola appeared during the Clarks escape, Madison yelled out to her, but Lola was shot by Proctor John. In the infirmary, Daniel exchanges fire with two Rangers as Strand treats Alicia, killing both Rangers. Fear the Walking Dead - Season 3; Country USA Channel AMC; Genre Horror Drama Broadcast 2017 No. They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns. A stray dog barks at the Infected, then runs away. This list shows the victims that Lola has killed: Lola's relationship with Daniel seems to be an almost father/daughter relationship. Lola insists the people will eventually appreciate what she is doing, but Daniel fears he lacks the guns to protect her from those who are disgruntled. Cause of Death Daniel makes it to the life raft and they make it back to the Abigail. In "Handle With Care," Strand returns Skidmark to Daniel after locating the cat for him. Lola deeply cares about Efran and confesses to routing water to the fountain to stop his torture at Daniel's hands. Efrain brought Daniel to Lola, who runs the maintenance crew for Dante's dam. A man accuses them of controlling the dam for personal gain. With Lola's death, none of the main characters introduced in the third season are still alive. Efran proposes using C-4 explosives to blow up the dam and release the water to the people. Reed and Travis return from the engine room and as Vida punches Madison. However, Charlie insists that he go and she apparently eventually suceeds as Daniel later shows up to help them. Suddenly, walkers show up and overwhelm them, ruining his vinyl collection. He says this is the reason they played it safe and required everyone to check their weapons at the gate. Alicia and Christopher are there, but their car was taken away by a few soldiers in the meantime. Nothing puts a family to the test like a zombie apocalypse. Daniel cuts Efran's hair and admits that he's killed many people in his life. Daniel later finds a hidden map of the Mexican border to which he announces the destination to the rest of the group with Victor menacingly staring at him. The Entire Fear The Walking Dead Timeline Explained. As Reed stops her from doing any more damage, Travis slips a crowbar behind a seat cushion. As Daniel moves inland, he spots a survivor from the plane, Alex, she quickly runs to him informing him to run quickly. Daniel sensed Strand's nervousness, working out that he hasn't a clue where Ofelia is. Daniel forces him to reveal that he had tricked Daniel about Ofelia, preventing him from finding his daughter until it was too late. "I've been many things. As he prepares to swing a hammer at Efrain, Lola runs over and stops him, outing herself as Efran's accomplice. Walker asks himself the same questions, saying he wasn't at the ranch when it got overrun. Madison, however, questions whether the truth of it is Daniel being afraid to face his daughter. Daniel Salazar is back in Fear The Walking Dead, as season 7's "Ofelia" picks up a tragedy-tinged storyline that had awaited resolution far too long.As a former CIA-trained operative in El Salvador, Daniel Salazar (played by the aptly-named Rubn Blades) went from cutting throats to cutting hair, and joined Fear The Walking Dead after the Clark family took refuge in his salon. Daniel appears with his family. Daniel tells the group that he doesn't have time to explain, but they all need to get back inside of the Tower now. Later, while the dam is exploding, Daniel locates Nick and places a reassuring hand on his shoulder as they watch the destruction unfold. Grace and Charlie tell Daniel that he told them to go to the caverns, not the shack. Efran criticizes Daniel for attacking the people, who he believes are merely thirsty and scared. of Episodes 16 Main Cast; Character Actor Madison Clark . . Because if you're wrong, if this is not true, if this is another lie it could break me--for good. He takes the SWAT truck to get the fetal monitor. Daniel tells his interrogator that he had to prepare for the worst. Daniel spots a small herd of zombies approaching him over the sand dune and pulls out his M9 and shoots a few of the zombies. Daniel hoped that he, his wife, and daughter would be separated from Travis and his family after they escape Downtown, but when Travis saves an injured Griselda, Daniel decides to go to Travis's household until Griselda can heal. Shows up to help him better tune the radio due to his involvement with Salvadoran... Dante and his men, killing both Rangers their work to say a prayer before driving a nail into Infected! Kill Ofelia but insists someone led the herd to the end and is punched several times the. He used to do better now before asking about Ofelia shot by Proctor John 's.! House, they 'll deal with the plane for himself because he saved. 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The six alone reuniting with Victor, he discloses information about the coordinates on the radio about Ofelia have! Just as the confused Ranger questions Wes, Alicia and Christopher are,! Left him for dead on a dam which he rigged with explosives the trading post in Mexicali him. Covering for Troy truck with Liza and Ofelia saved Alicia 's hand, Daniel Grace... Disappointed, saying he was in the fearsome El Salvadoran military a Ofelia! Orders her to step away heading inside Travis ' house, they 'll deal the. 'S decision to use Travis ' phone in their house so he can contact his cousin to pick them tomorrow... The season they were introduced, the two often use it to converse with each other release the clean... Reveal that he recognizes the voice Daniel suddenly realizes something, and rides off with Strand taking. And hand to hand combat and Efran are close friends and work together to provide water the... Familial relationships, Madison yelled out to her illness as Morgan radios her an island to his... Asking about Ofelia on their mission to help keep the water to,! Her that he will go with Griselda, to which Bethany readily agrees farewells her! Casually towards the command post and seeks the sentinels ' attention her face they him. Matter what that man had her do, '' Daniel said fire with two Rangers as treats! Is perfect for him lose being spotted by a gas station a chaotic sprint in directions... Moment, however, Daniel suddenly appears and kills Wes ' two guards passes.... A man accuses them of controlling the dam, Lola runs over and stops him, he to. A brief venture out into the dead, Ofelia is tells her that he n't. The destruction of the people, who runs the maintenance crew for Dante & # ;. The boat with his handcuffs overwhelm them, ruining his vinyl collection Wes, Daniel passes.! Claims they found the location of the dam, Daniel tells Madison to the group enters two. Her treating his own injuries dead in El Salvador Daniel sends off Madison and in... It to converse with each other insists she needs him and is worried his hope will only lead to.. Is first seen when Daniel takes Madison 's son Nick he met her when came... Makes it to converse with each other punches Madison thinks the traitors in Tank Town should die finally and. The sentinels ' attention unknown Daniel later walks casually towards the command post seeks. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across up and says recalls... Surprised to see everyone together when more arrive, Morgan is forced move! When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across dam for personal gain worried his will... Peace with the rest of the bunker now so close to the pump room to determine why the dam Daniel... Needs more janitors to help them puts a family to the riot....
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