Especially during a pandemic where these things change constantly. We promise not to send you any unrelated messages, Click here if youd like to unsubscribe from notifications about new complaints of EF Educational Tours. I finally reached an emergency contact at EF and was told to stay on our flights. EF Tours, however, did not want to refund all the money during the quarantine. According to the case, the defendants sold tours to public and private high school groups pursuant to a written contract of adhesion that contained what the complaint refers to as the No Public Health Emergency Cash Refund Clause. Under the clause, if an EF tour is canceled for public health issues or quarantine or threats of public health issues, the defendants will issue travel vouchers for the value of the money paid, excluding certain non-refundable fees, instead of providing cash refunds, the suit explains. What can we do with this company? However, I was never allowed to speak with management. I called to see if they would at least just do $1000 for both kids and they told me no. On December 7, 2020, Melissa Douglass filed a Second Amended Class Action Complaint against various EF Education First affiliates. EF Tours is demonstrating they have no regard for hard working families who cannot afford to donate almost $2,000 to their company. We were also promised to be able to be in walking distance from our hotels to the big cities in the countries we were staying in however in each country we were at minimum one hour away from the cities. We ended up in Quito, and learned the Houston group was now cancelled due to civil unrest. In June 2022, I accompanied my 9th grade daughter and a small group on EF tour to Galapagos & Ecuador. al., United States District Court for the Southern District of California Case No. They also facilitate communication between travelers and families in the event of an emergency at home. Travel can be a big adventure, like exploring someplace new for the first time. A more personalized on-tour experience. Of course with everything going on, this was canceled and rescheduled for July 2021. EF Educational Tours reviews 76 G GwenWil30 of Peoria, US Feb 22, 2023 3:34 pm EST Verified customer Fraud I booked a tour in 2022 to Greece through Girl Scouts of America for 2024. The company told me I can sell my voucher. The Global Travel Protection plan includes insured components that are underwritten by US Fire Insurance Company and cancellation fee waivers provided by EF Educational Tours. I will be submitted complaints for fraud everywhere including my credit card company and BBB. EFs Emergency Service & Support Team is available 24/7 to resolve any issue, from a missed flight to a lost passport to more serious on-tour incidents. This shows EF Tours has no regard for the emotional and physical well-being of children and only has their own financial self interest in mind. All of the complains are legit and yet school districts still send their kids on these tours with EF. Our school will be traveling with three other schools from different parts of the country. When I called about a refund for the extension being taken off I was told by customer service "They make the cost even out." If the case moves forward and settles, anyone affected should receive notice of the settlement with instructions on what to do next. Benefits include: Choice of departure date. By 10pm that evening we were given green light to go and assurance everything was safe and on track. This paves the way for the three named class representative plaintiffs to file a class certification motion so long as they can demonstrate the class is comprised of persons who suffered some variety of concrete injury for federal case or controversy jurisdictional purposes. B)there are about 1,000 people in the building and I have yet to see anyone that wasn't white as the driven snow. From: Emilia Hovestadt 321. Please download the PDF to view it: Download PDF. :? They need to be outted with their unfair business practices. We heard nothing from this company even after covid-19 hit usa and threatened travel. It was necessary for a family member to go to Costa Rica. This program is automatically included for all travelers and can be enacted at the group level for any reason, including terrorism, pandemics, or other world events. Live, unedited & independent traveler reviews. This is meant to help provide a safer tour experience for all travelers, and is a similar process to what many school districts implement for adults who volunteer in schools or chaperone school activities. 3. . Evidently, just before the drop deadline, the other boys in our group dropped out because of cost, and he's the lone boy traveling from our school with a group of girls. I was so angry but nothing was done about it. Has anybody seen anyone of color working in their offices? Is this your company? I did not cancel this trip! Policy terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Background checks take place through a secure process that is meant to specifically identify individuals who could present a risk to student travelers while on tour. We have represented to you [the EF Defendants] and our [McGrane PC direct] clients we will immediately transfer monies received in trust for them from you to them from our trust account, less, at most, $30 to cover wire transfer fees out. From day one when we arrived in London, it was to our shock that we were having three other groups combined with ours. We also were traveling to all the countries during the world cup. A copy of the demand letter can be viewed by visiting our UPDATES page. local tour guides including Blanca, Roseanna and others were so kind and polite. On Monday, April 20, 2020, Michael Hassen wrote to Richard Schirtzer regarding Natalia Grabovsky, etc., et. (Just this year I found out our group leader got something for a refund, but she never mentioned it or even helped me get my money back in 2018.thanks for that.) I would never recommend dealing with EF tours or there insurance company. I called EF and they directed me to the insurance company-which is an absolute rip off. Hence the lawsuit (in CA 2020, look it up). The defendants placed the clause in their 2019-2020 adhesion contracts despite being aware of the potentially calamitous effects of global public health emergencies that have long been predicted as very likely to occur; The contract was presented to consumers on a take it or leave it basis; Consumers were lulled into a false sense of security since trusted teachers acted as the middlemen between the students and EF, leading consumers to believe that EF had their best interest in mind; A public health emergency would likely result in EF not being able to schedule any future tours and could hinder the defendants ability to honor the travel vouchers; and. EF Explore America Call 888-333-9756 to enroll. So talking to the customer service representative, I asked how if we hadn't paid so much into the trip that they would be receiving that much back in fees. I hereby unconditionally and unequivocally waive any and all claims and demands for all damages, losses, costs, and expenses of any nature whatsoever (including attorneys fees) on account of or arising out of any and all personal injury, death, bodily injury, mental anguish, emotional distress, or property or other damage that I may suffer from any cause whatsoever related in any way to my participation in any EF [SWISS]-sponsored tour. Dedicated Emergency Service and Incident Response Teams Both teachers who are the guides have left our school district, have done no fundraising, and the price has increased on the trip since I initially booked it. Camp Lejeune residents now have the opportunity to claim compensation for harm suffered from contaminated water. My mom had to put hotel rooms for 30 students in her credit card. No one responded. I have reached out our tour consultant, Emilia Hovestadt and received the response below. Presently she is trying to get refunds for trip because of the imposed restrictions that cannot be met. On February 14, 2023, the District Court denied EF Tours third motion to dismiss, finding the class claims meritorious as pled. We were placed so far outside Sorrento that we only saw it at night and had to pay 20 euro each to get a cab back to the hotel because it was considered an"excursion." They cancelled it - TWICE! Once 30 days has passed and absent capitulation by the EF Defendants, the now-transferred case of Rochfort et. Which we were fine with (my nephew and myself). After getting her drivers license she has decided she would rather be making payments on a car instead of the trip and we proceeded to cancel the trip. We were offered a wait and see attitude for the following year 2021 . document.write(dt.getFullYear() ); Joining the EF family means you'll have the support of our community of educators, tour architects, operations wizards, and ever-curious explorers. v. EF etc. I will make sure and tell everyone I know not to take these tours. They also facilitate communication between travelers and families in the event of an emergency at home. RIP OFF!! All I know to do is make this issue public. Revised tours must depart within one year of the original tour. Due to several life altering disasters I had to cancel the trip 18 months in advance. We already had a group of 30 which was a lot, however once the other groups got added we had a total of 55 people and only one tour guide. EF Go Ahead Tours is a brand under the EF Tours group that offers both guided and fully customizable tours to destinations worldwide. New travelers traveling between October 1, 2023, and Sept 30, 2024, who enroll during the Early Enrollment period can cancel for any reason up to 14 days after enrollment for a full refund of 100% of the money paid to EF. You can select one based on your preferred continent/countries, timespan, budget, and other aspects like road/air travel. I will not let this go if need be I will take them to court and sue there asses. This program was created to provide the safest possible tour experience for our customers. The swimming area was not separated in any way from boat traffic, nor was my son warned about possible boat traffic. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD ON AN EF TRIP!! Before commenting, please review our comment policy. . This whole [California Consumer Legal Remedies Act's] use of unconscionability as a sword and not a shield is not a good deal from your side of this case. Help Center: Coverage and policy flexibility. I didn't think sharing was a big deal until I found out that he's expected to share a ben with a complete stranger. Still capitalizing from us by refusing to refund the total amount. steer clear of this scam! All Group Leaders, schools, and districts who travel with EF are automatically added as additional insureds under our $50 million General Liability Policy, whether or not the tour is considered a school event. On August 9, 2020, William McGrane filed and served a "PLAINTIFFS SUR-REPLY TO DEFENDANT EF EDUCATION FIRST INTERNATIONAL, AGS MOTION TO DISMISS FOR LACK OF PERSONAL JURISDICTION UNDER F.R.C.P. al. IT IS THE PROFESSIONAL OPINION OF MCGRANE PC THAT A SERIOUS RISK EXISTS THAT ACCEPTING SUCH OFFERS WITHOUT THE ADVICE OF SUCH LEGAL COUNSEL WILL WORK A FORFEITURE OF VALUABLE LEGAL RIGHTS. Payments made should be made to McGrane PC as trustee. The plan lists "quarantine" as a covered reason for a refund - no extra parameters. But guess what? I worked on the building and had to be in the offices every 3 months for 2 years. Pursuant toCalifornia Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 7.3(c)please take note that this webpage constitutes a paid advertisement for legal services. Russia is at war with Ukraine. In addition, and for future purposes, all communications with these persons must and should come exclusively through me or my co-counsel of record in the referenced matter. So, if you are not able to use the voucher or attend the rescheduled tour, as in my case, then you paid EF Tours THOUSANDS of dollars for nothing! In what universe is this considered acceptable?!?!?!? to a single room. About 3-4 months before our trip, and after we had already paid IN FULL, we were notified that because of our small group, our group leader had only signed 5 people up..hindsight tells me people saw what a rip off it was and didn't sign up to take it in the rear from EF. On May 15, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Richard Schirtzer stating: "Attached is the first amended complaint I had earlier informed you I would file on behalf of my clients. EF Educational Tours is keeping $700.00 as a cancellation fee. The first thing to keep in mind is that there are alcohol restrictions with these tours. There was a fellow passenger who had caused a few problems earlier in the trip and later on the trip, threatened me on the bus (literally cornered me in the back seat) and nothing was done. EF Go Ahead Tours Call 800-590-1161 . The travel company canceled tours for the 2020-2021 school year in light of the pandemic, and over the past year altered its refund policies. After only 3 days on tour Israel kicked everyone out because of Covid. For additional details regarding the insurance components of this plan, underwritten by US Fire Insurance Company, including coverage limits and a full list of exclusions, please visit this page. In a letter issued to one customer on March 10, 2020, the defendants refused to issue any cash refund at all. (EF SWISS Immunity Clause). var dt = new Date(); I asked for management and she stated there was no one I could speak with. Our trip was moved up 10 days without notice or inquiry as to whether or not we could make that change nor an offer to get on another trip. It isn't worth the hassle these people have created. Now she is moving on to college. Against my better judgement. I would love for someone from EF Tours to get back to me about my kid's flight home. We will promptly associate local counsel who are licensed to practice law in the District of Massachusetts and thereafter continue to pursue this case under Massachusetts state law for the benefit of everyone we represent except California citizens. To date I paid $1063 on this trip to Peru and canceling it over 1 year in advance due to unforeseen circumstances has cost me $560. Concerning those individuals who have opted to employ McGrane PC directly on a contingent, no direct fees/costs basis, McGrane PC has a fiduciary duty to protect them from inadvertently being stripped of their rights to participate in the pending class action against the EF Defendants by requiring the EF Defendants to negotiate payments through McGrane PC in such a way as to prevent the EF Defendants from even possibly disadvantaging McGrane PC's clients. This complaint was posted by a verified customer. UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 3:00 PM PDST May 15, 2020. Spring break trip with the school for my two boys to go to Greece and Italy this year. They saved $3800 a piece from babysitting, dog walking, plant watering! Before we will give you [the EF Defendants] wire transfer instructions and thereafter accept any monies on behalf of any of our clients, however, we [McGrane PC] will insist on a clear written agreement that our acceptance of such payments on their behalf is without prejudice to their rights to seek further legal recourse against the EF Defendants on any theory available to them in law, equity or by virtue of statute. I overlooked all that because it was time spent with my daughter. Travelers must pay in full or enroll in our Automatic Payment Plan at the time of program enrollment and must remain either paid in full or enrolled in our Automatic Payment Plan and in good financial standing at the time of cancellation to remain eligible. So whether youre searching for first-time tour prep tips or stories of experienced travelers, were here to help you plan for all those future momentsboth big and small. New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your inbox. Look, you can create any sort of rule book you like, but if we think it's misleading (and if I can't make it out how can I expect my clients to make it out) then some motion practice is going to be necessary to qualify exactly what putative class members are being asked to give up when they elect an option. When students go beyond the Why would I need to do the work for them? Trip delay coverage I also asked if I could speak to someone else about it she told me I could but I would be wasting my time because they would tell me the same thing. We had the insurance but they own that too. If so, I'd like to know.". ", Later on April 22, 2020, Mr. Schirtzer responded: "[T]hese vouchers that offer customers several different ways to utilize 100% of value of their previous payments can hardly be described as 'worthless.' Avoid at all costs! UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 2:00 PM PDST DECEMBER 7, 2020. I was told by the EF Tours representative that he could room with boys from other schools or upgrade (at an additional $90 per night!) By using this website you agree to our Cookies Policy. Coverage for baggage in cases of theft or delay. We had to accept them. They claim the $700.00 is money that was already spent to secure travel details. There is no way EF Tours incurred $560 in fees for a trip that was canceled a year in advance. Get a travel voucher for his own tour, no thank you, I paid for Global Protection plan i would like a refund. I am seeking a full refund, not a partial one. Filed against EF Institute for Cultural Exchange, Inc. and EF Education First International, AG, the lawsuit claims the tour providers have instituted an unfair cancellation policy that imposes an unreasonable limitation on cash refunds. Travelers missing any payment deadlines must pay any incurred late fees to qualify for this program. In addition to our standard Peace of Mind program, EF provides an exclusive COVID-19 Peace of Mind program for tours scheduled to depart between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2022, to account for situations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. If the revised tour has a higher price than the original tour, travelers will be required to pay the difference as a condition of traveling on the revised tour. The communication from EF Tours its grossly nonexistent and generic. Meet Carlos, an expert local guide The Future Travel Voucher is not a merchandise credit or a gift certificate and may not be redeemed for cash unless specifically noted on the voucher. Not helpful. On Thursday, March 26, 2020, at 5:59 PM PDST you [previously] wrote to Michael Hassen as follows: Michael, per our earlier conversation, I can confirm that my client is not requiring anyone to sign a release to obtain any of the offered options, including the cash refund option. The purpose of this letter is to confirm the accuracy of the above-quoted written representation before I undertake to advise McGrane PCs multiple individual clients (as well as putative class members in general) that, absent further advice from you to the contrary, they are now free to accept whatever consideration may be tendered them by either or both EFCAL or EFSWISS without prejudice to their future rights to participate in the referenced matter either as absent putative class members or as additional named putative class representative plaintiffs. They do not respond favorably. Illness and accident coverage Would it possible to help US have Better solution? Then, you can't get through on the phone. I cancelled my daughters trip to Greece. A copy of all relevant pleadings can be viewed by clicking on what appears to the left. I also was being charged late fees even though I changed my payment plan. 2022 . Work with EF to modify your groups current tour itinerary and dates, or, Cancel your tour and all travelers will receive a transferable Future Travel Voucher in the amount of all monies paid for the original tour, less the cost of any purchased Travel Protection plan, Cancel your tour with applicable fees under the Standard Cancellation Policy. Please be advised that each of my clients hereby withdraws any possible agreements they may have entered into with either of the two defendants in the referenced matters. Thank you, EF Gap Year Call 800-726-9746 to enroll. When you decide to travel with EF, we want you to feel secure in that decision. I have been to the offices in Boston (I work on the building from time to time) and it's a blizzard every time I go. Trip Cancellation coverage Account #6297341 She was contracted but not employed by EFgo ahead tours. I booked a tour in 2022 to Greece through Girl Scouts of America for 2024. NBC 5 Responds has received dozens of complaints from families who say EF Tours, a travel company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is charging them a cancellation fee to get their money. I did not and this was also info coming from the school and back though the student. Plaintiffs seek class certification, an injunction against EF Tours and an order requiring EF Tours to offer each class member the options required under 940 C.M.R. UPDATE ON EF CASES AS OF 9:00 AM PDST April 24, 2020, On April 22, 2020, William McGrane wrote to Richard Schirtzer advising Mr. Schirtzer that his clients, the EF Defendants' ". I feel like everything was rushed. My girlfriend and I had a tour to Israel but in March of 2020 (we arrived in Israel on March 7th). EF Tours company has gladly excepted the government stimulus hand out. Further, the defendants have relied on the public health emergency clause in consumers contracts to offer an alternative travel voucher option in addition to the cash offer, the case says. 1. I am self employed so I had to send a letter stating that my business went under and this had created a hardship. Go Ahead Tours is a brand under the EF Tours company has gladly excepted the government hand! Road/Air travel i 'd like to know. `` by 10pm that evening we were given green light to to. First affiliates accident coverage would it possible to help us have Better?. From day one when we arrived in London, it was time with... Be in the event of an emergency at home was so angry but was... Everyone out because of the imposed restrictions that can not be met months for 2 years the... Love for someone from EF Tours, however, did not and was... His own tour, no thank you, i paid for Global Protection plan i would like refund. 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