We offer a full school curriculum for both Junior High School and High School. Then I thought how fortunate any young person would be to spend time with these great mentors. Many but not all the things said about this place are true. Each students study skills and academic strengths are assessed to set up their own specific Academic Plan and class schedule which meets the needs of the student. 5 Ways To Help Your Son With Cell Phone addiction, How Cell Phones are Producing Anxiety Amongst Teenage Girls, Top 10 Reason Teenage Girls Need To Take A Break From Their Cell Phone, Family Conflict/Relationship Difficulties, Involvement with the Juvenile Justice System. ERA is very much abusive. Parents: PLEASE do research before sending your child to a residential treatment center. Its clear where the money goes in this facility and its not to upkeep the property or ensure the best of the best care. The entire staff has a scam they work together when parents are searching for a safe place their child could get inpatient therapy. The accusations of verbal abuse drugging children and social isolation are very real. If you are in an urgent situation and need help call 911. Designed by RED DigitalMarketing| Powered byYdraw. In fact, we sent our daughter to ERA when she was struggling. I on the other hand was left with the short end of the stick, being an introvert by nature and coming from a middle class family. When i was finally able to tell my parents what was happening I was pulled immediately. Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah helps teens overcome abuse, depression, anxiety, phone addiction, behavioral health, and lack of respect for authority. Eagle Ranch is a nonprofit organization assisting families in crisis through outpatient counseling as well as group homes on 315 acres in Flowery Branch. Just my opinion. , The counselors assigned to you in the program act like they care about you when you begin going there. I feel for those kids I really do, the living conditions in our cottages were disgusting if we complained they got mad at us. I entered this program at 17 1/2. I Was With A Group At The Time Called Pod 3. For every 1 kid this place thinks it helps there are 10 more out there it has made life pretty difficult for. Student progress through the program by completing packets which are the equivalent to levels. Anyone who says this place saved them is a prime example of the program doing exactly what they intended. , Was at ERA for 7 months and witnessed many children be restrained by several adults at once. They only gave you 5 pars of underwear and you were only allowed to do laundry once a week. I left about three weeks later. Designed by RED DigitalMarketing| Powered byYdraw, To Everyone at ERA: I had to tell you this, but two days ago I got accepted into business school (Carlson School of Management) at the University of Minnesota!! It is a FILTHY TORTURE facility. Why do they do things like that its a tact so you cant explain what really happens on a daily at era. Eagle Ranch Academy Can Help. If you let it continue, it could create a much deeper issue. Allegations of abuse that have been reported by survivors include: violent reatraints, solitary confinement as punishment, dehumanization of the teenagers there, and widespread brainwashing/cult-like techniques. I have severe trauma, trust issues and memory loss from ERA. ERA never provided me with an Enrollment Agreement. Before founding ERA, Dave worked as a football coach with his brother at Utah State. ERA vehemenently denies any association with WWASP, however, it is a common practice for WWASP programs to close and reopen under new names on the same property. Staff, especially their beloved academic coordinator (Meghan P), were degrading and dehumanizing. The Discovery Packet I Was Given To Be Completed Had An Assignment Called An Amnesty Which Was A Letter I Had To Read To My Parents On The phone That Was A Recount Of Not Only All The Drugs I Did, But Also All My Sexual Expericnces Using The Words Intercourse, Or Heavy Petting And Wether I Gaved Or Recived It, How Old I Was WHen It Happened, And Where I Was When It Happened. And each one ended with her saying something along the lines of me needing to admit to all the drugs I did. I was brought to tears everyday. When his staff was re-assigned, the previous progress was rescinded. Eagle Ranch is a co-ed facility with a stated capacity of 52 students. Kelly Jo Miller was the Program Director of ERA. Teens Overcoming Abuse ERA avoids a behavioral modification program that sets your childs expectations up incorrectly. There are many options when it comes to getting help for your teen, the struggle is choosing the right one. The Facility Staff swears you will be in contact with your child!!! Some of the staff here are the best/nicest people in the world but beware of the true administration of this business, there is nothing caring about them when it comes down to you as a person and not a customer. I was made to believe that I was all my mistakes that I had made. It wasnt something I desired to ever do. With cell phones come all of the fun stuff. Like One Girl There Named Seneca Who Was Mentally Ill And May Actually Be Mentally Retarded But Despite That She Was There For More Than A Year On The First Packet. I Feel Like Eagle Ranch And AA After It Stole My Childhood In That It Encouraged Isolation From My Peers. Adults who have experienced child abuse or neglect are two and a half times more likely to have severe depression and six times more likely to suffer from PTSD than adults who have not suffered neglect or abuse. I was forced to surrender my diaries & journals where i recorded my abusers heinous acts. . At Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George, Utah, were here to help you and your teenager cope and work through the issues at hand. Do not send your children here. I learned a lot working at Eagle ranch academy. And boy when I was finally able to tell my parents about the two abusive relationships and 3 separate rape incidents without being interrupted, my parents were furious. Not all the people here are bad or out to hurt people, I think they sincerely believe in what they are doing. I was verbally abused on the daily by my peers, in fact I still have nightmares and anxiety attacks over the tramma I experienced their. Eagle Ranch Academ y in St. George, Utah helps teens overcome abuse, depression, anxiety, phone addiction, behavioral health, and lack of respect for authority. Paul Arslanian is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Eagle Ranch Academy. Prison wouldnt come close to this place, it wouldve been a luxury to the kids that are stuck in that place HELL ON EARTH!!!! Untreated depression can lead to emotional, behavioral and future health problems. (They actually call them pods for some reason) the staff (and even kids) would be verbally abusive to me and pretty much every one at some point in their stay. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO EAGLE RANCH ACADEMY!!! Because of this, my son will not be able to graduate on time after spending over a year at ERA. , which is a reportedly abusive (and now-closed) behavior-modification program located nearby in St. George. I was terrified. Some People Sat, It Was Called Sitting, On Their Discovery Packet. It was frustrating to both my son and myself. At ERA we offer a team of professionals in a safe, loving, and nurturing environment. If you want your child to get help I would send them to a prison before I would send them here. That PLACE NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED AND SHUT DOWN AND THE OWNER AND STAFF NEED TO BE IN PRISON. And Thats The Only Time We Speak And Thats Only Things She Asks Then She Looks At Me Like Im Lying. If a child or teenager suffers from cell phone addiction, it could have negative implications on brain development as the human brain isnt fully developed until around the age of 25. When I turned 18, I legally signed out of the program against the wishes of my parents who had absolutely no idea the kind of place this was to live in everyday. Dont put your loved one in this place. Forgot account? (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id="typef_orm", b="https://embed.typeform.com/"; if(!gi.call(d,id)) { js=ce.call(d,"script"); js.id=id; js.src=b+"embed.js"; q=gt.call(d,"script")[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } })(). Eagle Ranch Academy/Coral Sands Academys Academic Program is nationally recognized and fully accredited through Cognia, formly AdvancED. While mind you wearing nothing but these sandals and a pear of socks, which get wet and cold in no time, as well as just a t shirt and thin basketball shorts. In 2000, Dave sued the university after he fired for hiring his brother, Paul Arslanian, as offensive coordinator against the president of the schools wishes. The same release of dopamine is similar to the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters that happens when drugs are used (drugabuse.gov). Our admissions counselors have spent a lifetime working with young people and their parents. Channel 2 investigative reporter Mark Winne spoke exclusively with former houseparents at Eagle Ranch who say their own children were abused and the facility wasn't equipped to protect them.. ERA is very much abusive. I Isolated To Stay Sober Because I Thought Smoking Weed Again. Atleast that is what our daughter was forced to eat.. Im sure other kids have had to eat garbage. I've done the party life for years- every drug, every drink, divorced children, used by males, dealt with abuse and rape. Since Circle of Hope opened in 2006, at least 15 people said they reported abuse at the ranch to at least six local, state and federal agencies in Missouri, an NBC News investigation found, based . I was forbidden from attending my aunts funeral. Create new account . She is also the Vice President/Owner of Journeys Adolescent Services, which is a teen transport/escort company which is hired to kidnap children and take them to these types of programs. Im 22 years old now and Ive blocked out two years of my life from my mind. No direction, prescription or additional medication was provided. The interventions were nuts. ERA is a waste of money, they administration are liars and will try to scam you out of money. My daughter watched younger kids trying to commit suicide there bc they want to talk and see their parents. Part of my sons packet required use of the computer and printer, however the pod lost those privileges and my son was denied the ability to continue his progress. Im just saying what I saw and what happend to me. not important (WWASP Survivors), 3/4/2014: (SURVIVOR) If you think taking away shoes and socks making kids walk on hot pavement to eat every meal to where me and others had blister on our feet is right. Not only do we have all of the required core classes, we have an extensive list of electives, and Honors and Advanced Placement classes. I have built upon my horrible experience and made a career out of making sure that what happened to me does not happen again. ERA doesnt provide enough information to give informed consent to medication changes. Your once compliant child may start to feel like a stranger. I could go on about the things that happened there.and can only imagine whats going on now. I wasnt there for drugs, in fact I had never smoked or drank at all in high school, my parents knew that too, being from Utah and LDS. I was forced to wear prison sandals. These are just some of the things that went on while i was there. I've been through a lot in my life. Just my opinion. Victor (Google Reviews), 2016: (SURVIVOR) The counselors assigned to you in the program act like they care about you when you begin going there. Let me explain what that really means.. Atleast that is what our daughter was forced to eat.. Im sure other kids have had to eat garbage. ERA badgered my parents on the daily to pay them money for things that I never got, (I.e 17 therapy sessions, immunizations, and medications and also off campus trips.) All transcripts and diplomas are through Coral Sands Academy, which will transfer anywhere as a private, digital learning academy. Eagle Ranch Academy is CARF accredited, to offer therapy for troubled teens. The world is not based on a reward system. Would Make Me Do Heroin. It was a mistake that I have gotten over and accepted as a speed bump in my life. Hi, I am a female and I am 14 years old. Its our work to help parents and teens get their lives back on track. (They actually call them pods for some reason) the staff (and even kids) would be verbally abusive to me and pretty much every one at some point in their stay. Expect your child to be fed the cheapest food, be watched by staff that have no other qualification other than warm blood and if you have insurance expect them to charge them $800 a day! You cant really clean up after the 13 other people that live there but they would say it was up to us to keep it clean. I have severe trauma, trust issues and memory loss from ERA. Hope this review is useful to you. EatSleepDrive (Google Reviews), 11/24/2015: (SURVIVOR) I am a former student from ERA. Stories written by students at Eagle Ranch Academy. I on the other hand was left with the short end of the stick, being an introvert by nature and coming from a middle class family. I did everything for anyone but my self I came to ERA for sneaking out, self mutilating, being violent and defiant, for manipulating, and lying. Creating a more real life experience, with a choice based program. Eagle Ranch Academy was founded in 2005 by two brothers, Paul and Dave Arslanian. Many programs are fluffed up with sports or animals not ERA. I was told by everyone 24/7 that being gay was a sick lifestyle and i was accused 24/7 of only pretending to want to live as a woman as a means of crying out for pity and attention. To any defenders of this place please dont contact me in search of an argument. The Staff Members Wouldnt Sign Her Packet For Here To Move On To The Next One. -Former Female ERA Program and HS Graduate, Letter from an ERA Graduate and her Mother. She denied me any interaction with my parents although I earned phone calls home. SERVICE: I will give back to others because I have been given much. If you think that your teen may suffer from an addiction to their cell phone, the team at Eagle Ranch Academy in St. George Utah has different rehabilitation options to help. Only After I Completed That Assignment And Got My Packet Signed By All Nine Staff Members Could I Move On To The Next Packet, And Get Shoes That wernt bob Barker Flip Flops And Socks. The program is located as 115 W 1470 S, St. George, UT 84770, which is the former location of Brightway Adolescent Hospital which was a notoriously abusive (and now-closed) WWASP program. ERA vehemenently denies any association with WWASP, however, it is a common practice for WWASP programs to close and reopen under new names on the same property. Child/adolescent abuse or neglect is an uncomfortable topic and hard to relive as a young person. Its clear where the money goes in this facility and its not to upkeep the property or ensure the best of the best care. I was Forcefully taken in the middle of the night handcuffed and put on a plain and mind you i had never even gone to jail or had problems with law. read more 5 Ways To Help Your Son With Cell Phone addiction BULLSHIT ! Telling me what I should and shouldnt say. The abuse is real. These people would literally tell me they had me all figured out and told me they new things about me better than I did myself. This is all an act, its a business and the only real interest here is making money. Teenagers at Eagle Ranch Academy are also forced to participate in a series of seminars (see, ), which are used by many behavior-modification programs (including the notoriously abusive. Some may benefit from this program, glad for them, but do not expect anything but hooks and more hooks in their contract. They give up much of their own time and have taken their responsibility as ERA team members very seriously. There are better options, PLEASE consider them before sending you kid to ERA. Former Student (WWASP Survivors), 2015: (PARENT) This place was terrible, my child complained of abuse and when I finally pulled him out of there he had bruises and was extremely malnourished! People that say abuse does not go on here anger me. My Aunt Who To This Day Will Only Ask Me Inappropriately At Family Parties If Im On Drugs. Heres how we do it. That Was The Point. Persistent mental health problems are too common in these cases. ERA is the BEST., Before we placed my daughter in Eagle Ranch Academy, she was a wreck on the verge of self destruction wanting to commit suicide. He Ran Up And Grabed the Back Of My Neck, Threaten To Make Me Eat Carpet, Called Me Names. They go no where ive done it hundreds of times before while there and I dont care to any more.you can think or say what you want If it worked for you thats great. I was forced to do military level calisthenics when i was underweight and with fragile double joined elbows. It is. I was brought to tears everyday. Anxiety is becoming an increasingly common disorder among teenagers and statistically. Channel 2 investigative reporter Mark Winne spoke exclusively with former houseparents at Eagle Ranch who say their own children were abused and the facility wasn't equipped to protect them.. In fact, we sent our daughter to ERA when she was struggling. Eagle Ranch is abusive! According to the organization's. And She Told Us Storys Of Having Fell Down Stairs And We Heard Storys Of How Her Dad Would Beat Her Phisically When She Was A Baby. No case information was exchanged between counselors when one quit and another took over. No case information was exchanged between counselors when one quit and another took over. On December 30, 1927, the province of Curic was divided between the Province of Colchagua and the Province of Talca. There is ZERO COMMUNICATION with you and your child. Along With The Students And Myself One Time Too. One of my female friends was forced to live in a cardboard box for 3 weeks straight. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 3245S0500X with license number 12753 (UT). Address J-55, Romeral, Maule, Chile. ERA badgered my parents on the daily to pay them money for things that I never got, (I.e 17 therapy sessions, immunizations, and medications and also off campus trips.) Ive seen children be degraded and treated as subhuman or non-working. The unexpected visit was when I was finally able to talk to my parent one on one with out Shannon breathing down my neck. My daughter watched younger kids trying to commit suicide there bc they want to talk and see their parents. I was forbidden from attending my aunts funeral. I have spoken to both agencies and confirmed ERA is not accredited by either. I Wish My Dad Would Have Inspired Me To Be More Interested In Activities And Taught Me Why Being Good Was Important But He Didnt Really And Mom Sets Bad Examples. She previously worked at. This place and any place like it are wrong in so many ways. She Was To Put All Her Belongings In A Large Trash Bag And Take It With Her Everywhere She Went. Ive seen children be degraded and treated as subhuman or non-working. Let me explain what that really means.. Only After I Completed That Assignment And Got My Packet Signed By All Nine Staff Members Could I Move On To The Next Packet, And Get Shoes That wernt bob Barker Flip Flops And Socks. Information Packet 1-888-698-7095 Discover how the Eagle Ranch Academy Program can help your struggling teenager! Me and 90% of the kids sent to ERA dont need treatment they need LOVE to be showed they are cared about not shipped of to people whos true intention is to make a buck . This place considers them a Choice Based program. While I was Walking Down The Hall, He Made Sound Effects For My Footsteps Behind Me That Where To Make Me Literally Sound Like A Stupid Cartoon Character, And Kept Calling Me Billy Badass. This is not necessarily an accident. Parents askWhat is the success rate of Eagle Ranch Academy? I was denied the use of the bathroom one day and ended up peeing my pants after being denied for 4 hours. (Which happened to people almost daily in our twice a day sessions of group therapy)while I was there I was put on various medications including anti phsycotics and anti depressants. I had been openly transgender and received 24/7 psychological torture and dehumanization. Get real!!!! Seneca Was Already Predisposed Enough To Homelessness. I was never given the opportunity to read, ask questions or sign the Enrollment Agreement. At Eagle Ranch Academy, we have partnered with Coral Sands Academy to offer state of the art technology and a comprehensive list of course offerings. I was forced to have a shaved head and share a bedroom alone with an older boy who had confessed to and had been caught raping another male student. Opening a door to potentially dangerous implications on your curious troubled teenager. All Rehabs And My Own Family Made Me Feel Like A Criminal. Eagle Ranch Academy is the most unique and complete full service Residential Treatment Center and Youth Development Program for teenage boys and girls anywhere. You dont have to do it alone. Michelle Wenell, a Behavior Analyst, found ERA to be the best residential treatment center for her child. Amazing place to work. ERA help teens overcome abuse, depression, anxiety, gaming or phone problems, behavior health, and lack of respect for authority. Expect your child to be fed the cheapest food, be watched by staff that have no other qualification other than warm blood and if you have insurance expect them to charge them $800 a day! We help troubled teens create internal core values that become natural for them to stick to, despite the struggles or poor choices they have made in the past. Depression is real, it is not as simple as Just get up and do something different. That information should be easy to get. AS for the owners of this place that you trusted so much i maybe talked to them 2 or three times the entire time i live there saw a therapist 4 or 5. I was forced to wear prison sandals. This place claims to no longer have any ties with WWASPS but the seminar i attended and the level system the children must endure say otherwise! The NPI number of Eagle Ranch Academy is 1003014648 and was assigned on July 2007. That PLACE NEEDS TO BE INVESTIGATED AND SHUT DOWN AND THE OWNER AND STAFF NEED TO BE IN PRISON. I was never given the opportunity to read, ask questions or sign the Enrollment Agreement. He Told Me To Be Queit I Said Fuck You. I was terrified. I remember at one point in my stay I was made to stand up in front of a room full of people and be verbally dismantled, being told I dont love my family and I was selfish and a brat for my choices I had made in the past. My mother was forced to pay a $75,000 ransom to bring me home. kIds are walking around sick with swine flu, athletes foot, food poisoning and if your child throws away food they dont eat they are punished by the psycho cook and forced to eat cold oatmeal for three days. So that ruled out ever telling her what was going on in my heart. Eagle Ranch Academy is reported by many survivors to be an abusive program. There is feces in the bathroom soap dispensers, my daughter saw writing in blood on a wall. The program is tough but your child will greatly benefit from the rigor. I had been openly transgender and received 24/7 psychological torture and dehumanization. I was brutally beaten by my male peer roommates and then punished by staff for upsetting my attackers. Dont put your loved one in this place. Plus Code X875+PR Los Quenes, Romeral, Chile organization which promotes the theories of founder L. Ron Hubbard regarding substance abuse treatment and addiction at Utah State. Ive never seen a single student leave and get better what so ever. ESTERO FAVIO. Letter from an ERA Graduate and her Mother. I dont believe they even have an updated list of the staff. My parents were going through a divorce and as a last ditch effort to save their marriage they decided to put the blame for their marital issues on me. In addition, the program model, jargon and methodology of ERA is very similar (if not identical in some ways) to the WWASP Program model. Katherine Benson worked as the Assisstant Program Director of ERA. No child should be denied shoes, or the bathroom, or communication with their parents. ! Anonymous, 2/18/2017: (SURVIVOR) Back In 2011 I Was Sent To Eagle Ranch To Simulate Jail. Eagle Ranch Academy is a provider established in St George, Utah operating as a Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Facility with a focus in substance abuse treatment, children . It is a great place to send a struggling teen. This is just a SMALL account of my horrific ordeal. on our success to Troubled Teens. organization, although ERA vehemenently denies these allegations. On the day when they first kidnapped me. I began to believe even more that I was my illness. For this reason, Eagle Ranch Academy is suspected of having connections to WWASP. I wanted so badly to talk to a professional, and even sent letters home asking for the ability to talk with my counsilor on site. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO EAGLE RANCH ACADEMY!!! Multiple phone calls and emails have been left unanswered. They would play favorites with kids with well to do parents. I was a decent kid, i had a solid friend group, good grades in school, a job, and played on the soccer team. I ha a very difficult time expressing my feelings, from watching a girl be cut down and told she was an idiot for feeling the way she did. This place and any place like it are wrong in so many ways. ! , Back In 2011 I Was Sent To Eagle Ranch To Simulate Jail. 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Kaiser Wilhelm Speech A Place In The Sun, Adelaide College Of Music, Habitual Traffic Offender Jail Time In Sc, La Taqueria Nutrition Information, Articles E