Excludes all liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use or entrustment to others of any unmanned aircraft, such as a drone, subject to an exception for specified unmanned aircraft engaged in operations or projects shown in the endorsement and subject to a special limit shown in the endorsement. Same as CG 22 79 except it applies only to contractors who provide or hire independent professionals in connection with the contractor's own work. The first coverage is when the project owner is held vicariously liable for acts or omissions of the general contractor. Only bodily injury coverage is afforded by principal's protective insurance. Typically, the aggregate limit is two or three times the occurrence limit. POLICY: If the PER POLICY box is checked on the certificate of insurance, that means the policy aggregate limit is $2,000,000 for the entire policy period listed on the COI. Provides a minimum of $5,000 property damage coverage for unique exposures of these risks. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. Enter your official contact and identification details. An exception provides coverage for liability arising out of cars used at the site of construction or repair. Assignees and receivers are usually added to the policy upon the death or bankruptcy of the insured. Blanket Building $ Flood : Blanket Pers Prop $ Blanket BLDG & PP $ $ $ Boiler and Machine: . This form can be modified with endorsement CG 28 07 to apply to any principal's liability for the acts of agents. . CG 26 39 Texas Changes - Employment-Related Practices Exclusion. Applies the general aggregate limit separately to each project of the insured. If the state increases the required limits of $1,000,000 for BI and $500,000 for PD during the policy period, the limits are amended as needed to conform to Texas law. Provides pollution liability coverage on a claims-made basis. Waiver of Subrogation endorsement in favor of City of Carson. CG 28 07 Principal's Protective Liability Coverage Part. Adds the interest of the owner of equipment to a policy covering the named insured who leased the equipment. Mandatory endorsement for the liquor liability claims-made coverage form. 123 Main St - Contents: $500,000. Excludes "errors and omissions" type liability exposure for insurance companies, agents/brokers, and service organizations. Medical payments coverage for these individuals is excluded in the basic policy. For example if the company does 10 projects per year, the policy limit per project would be $2,000,000 and the aggregate coverage would be $20,000,000 across all of the projects put together. nmC //nsu Submit by Email Print Form -"1/1 nl// Who Mc/hvwc/c (WI/' Whnu This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2013. A claim paid for damages arising out of one project would not affect the aggregate at other projects of the insured. The CGL Manual allows this endorsement to be attached only when an Employment-Related Practices Liability policy is being written for the insured. Amends Exclusion "g" (Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft) to add coverage for the completed operations exposure related to snow plow operations. There is no exception for liability assumed under an insured contract. CG 33 96 Texas Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment. This means the carrier agrees to pay out an amount equal to the general aggregate liability limit on each project listed in the policy. CG 26 46 Texas Abuse or Molestation Exclusion. Coverage B applies to liability caused by the independent contractor. 5 commonly requested endorsements for contractors | State Auto For use with the Liquor Liability Coverage Forms CG 00 33 and CG 00 34 only. See CG 20 33 to provide automatic additional insured status. For use with OCP coverage part, CG 00 09, this amends the bodily injury definition to include the personal injuries of false arrest, detention or imprisonment. Limited coverage can be provided with endorsements CG 24 05 and CG 24 11. Blanket Primary Additional Insureds and Blanket Waiver of Subrogation automatically included ; Multiple carrier options with Minimum Premiums starting at $750; Per Project Aggregate Endorsement automatically included; Incidental professional coverage available for licensed contractors; Broad Contractual Liability Coverage Cleanup costs are still excluded. . See endorsement CG 22 30 for a specific exclusion of corporal punishment. CG2010 Scheduled Additional Insured $25 charge per endorsement and Blanket Additional Insured $100 . All coverage is excluded for rendering or failing to render the professional services as a pharmacist, and liability relating to all products, whether the product is a drug or anything else sold by the insured. It does not provide coverage for liability arising out of completed operations, and it is not intended to cover the additional insured's own supervision of work. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. If your policy limits are set for $1,000,000 per . This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2012 but reinstated in 2013. See endorsement CG 22 67.. A "Per Policy" aggregate means the most your insurer will pay for the total of all claims during your policy term (usually one year) is the first number - $2M. Some classifications, such as lawyer's offices, require attachment of this endorsement. Broad form blanket contractual liability covering all indemnity - Please confirm on the certificate or by uploading endorsement(s) that Additional Insured . See CG 32 09 for Texas-approved form. Adds an architect, engineer or surveyor "engaged by you" as an additional insured, excluding their professional liability. Not approved for general use in Texas. Excludes all liability for the product designated on the endorsement. Provides protection for financial institutions (including officers, employees and trust beneficiaries) for liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of property in any trust for which the named insured is acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity. Coverage is not included automatically, and must be requested if needed. Makes the vendor's policy excess over protection provided by the manufacturer's or distributor's policy under a vendors endorsement. The endorsement excludes the expense of bringing an out of control well under control. Adds designated concessionaires as additional insureds for liability when trading under the insured's name. Excludes bodily injury or personal injury arising out of employment practices of the insured, such as refusal to employ, termination, coercion, demotion, discipline, harassment, discrimination and other practices. The operations to which the endorsement applies must be shown on the endorsement or the schedule of classifications. Adds an exclusion to Coverage B (Personal and Advertising Injury) to preclude coverage for liability arising out of access to or disclosure of confidential or personal information. Used as an alternative to endorsement CG 21 06 (above) when the insurer agrees not to amend Exclusion "p" in Coverage A (Bodily Injury and Property Damage). Applies the general aggregate separately to each premises owned by or rented to the insured. Eliminates so-called "blanket" contractual liability coverage by redefining an insured contract to include only incidental contracts in paragraphs "a" through "e" of the definition. Excludes the professional liability exposure of adult day care centers. Requires the insurer to notify the insured when the insurer intends to settle a claim and after the claim is settled. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. This endorsement should be used whenever there is a sale of products, usually components, between multiple named insureds, such as a parent and subsidiary. Question: I have a concern regarding Per Project Aggregate Endorsements. Adds unmanned aircraft exclusion to the Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Coverage Part. Not approved for general use in Texas, but could be used on a "large risk. It does this by adding a policy endorsement (an amendment to the existing policy). It prevents a claim on one project from exhausting the policy's limits on other projects; it enables a The current endorsement--Amendment--Aggregate Limits of Insurance (Per Project), CG 25 03, was designed and developed to make a separate aggregate limit available for each specific construction project that an insured contractor was involved in. Modifies the policy to provide coverage needed for airports. a. NY & IL: $2,000,000 per occurrence and $4,000,000 aggregate. The contractual assumption must relate to the perils of false arrest, detention or imprisonment. Blanket per project aggregate endorsement. Must be attached to policies insuring churches. Adding an endorsement to the policy that applies the aggregate limit to each location (rather than to all locations) expands your coverage at very little cost. This endorsement extends coverage under Pollution Liability coverage form, CG 00 39, to include expenses associated with voluntary cleanup of a pollution discharge, if done to prevent damage. Provides malpractice insurance for optometrists and hearing aid establishments. Additional insured status applies only to the person or organization which has entered into the contract or agreement. Management and Operations - A Two-Pronged Approach, Texas Insurance Markets for Your Employees, Employment Solutions Remote Staffing - WAHVE, Get your agency's Fair Market Value Report, Companies and Wholesalers Laws & Regulations, Texas Independent Insurance Advisor (TIIA), Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR), ABEN (Agents & Brokers Education Network), Texas Independent Insurance Advisor (TIIA) Webinars, Joe Vincent Management Seminar - Jan. 29-31, 2023, Andr P. Juneau ELITExan of the Year Award, CG 00 01 Commercial General Liability Coverage Form (Occurrence Version), CG 00 02 Commercial General Liability Coverage Form (Claims-Made Version, CG 00 09 Owners and Contractors Protective Liability, CG 00 33 Liquor Liability (Occurrence Version), CG 00 34 Liquor Liability (Claims-Made Version), CG 00 37 Products/Completed Operations Liability (Occurrence Version), CG 00 38 Products/Completed Operations Liability (Claims-Made Version), CG 00 39 Pollution Liability Coverage Form Designated Sites, CG 00 40 Pollution Liability Limited Coverage Form Designated Sites, CG 00 65 Electronic Data Liability Coverage Form, CG 00 66 Product Withdrawal Coverage Form, CG 00 68 Recording and Distribution of Material or Information in Violation of Law Exclusion, CG 01 01 Texas Changes - Airport Liability, CG 01 03 Texas Changes - Conditions Requiring Notice, CG 01 13 Texas Changes - Experience Rating Modification, CG 01 36 Texas Changes - Your Right to Claim and Occurrence Information, CG 01 37 Texas Changes - Your Right to Claim and Injury Information, CG 01 38 Texas Changes - Your Right to Claim and Occurrence Information, CG 01 56 Texas Changes - Pesticide or Herbicide Applicator Coverage, CG 01 69 Texas - Excess Loss Premium Factors, CG 02 05 Amendment of Cancellation Provisions or Coverage Change, CG 02 24 Earlier Notice of Cancellation By Us, CG 03 00 Deductible Liability Insurance (For Use With CGL and Products Policies), CG 03 05 Deductible Liability Insurance (For Use With Liquor Policies), CG 04 22 Pollution Liability Coverage Extension, CG 04 24 Coverage for Injury to Leased Workers, CG 04 28 Pollution Exclusion - Named Peril Limited Exception for a Short-term Pollution Event, CG 04 29 Pollution Exclusion - Limited Exception for a Short-term Pollution Event, CG 04 30 Pollution Exclusion - Limited Exception for Designated Pollutant(s), CG 04 31 Year 2000 Computer-Related and Other Electronic Problems - Limited Coverage Options, CG 04 35 Employee Benefit Liability Coverage, CG 04 49 Texas Changes - Limited Product Withdrawal Expense Endorsement, CG 20 01 Primary and Noncontributory - Other Insurance Condition, CG 20 03 Additional Insured - Concessionaires Trading Under Your Name, CG 20 04 Additional Insured - Condominium Unit-Owners, CG 20 05 Additional Insured - Controlling Interest, CG 20 07 Additional Insured - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors, CG 20 08 Additional Insured - Users of Golfmobiles, CG 20 10 Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees, or Contractors - Scheduled Person or Organization, CG 20 11 Additional Insured - Managers or Lessors of Premises, CG 20 12 Additional Insured - State or Governmental Agency or Subdivision or Political Subdivision - Permits or Authorizations, CG 20 13 Additional Insured - State or Governmental Agency or Political Subdivision or Political Subdivision - Permits or Authorizations Relating To Premises, CG 20 14 Additional Insured - Users of Teams, Draft or Saddle Animals, CG 20 17 Additional Insured - Townhouse Associations, CG 20 18 Additional Insured - Mortgagee, Assignee, or Receiver, CG 20 20 Additional Insured - Charitable Institutions, CG 20 22 Additional Insured - Church Members and Officers, CG 20 24 Additional Insured - Owners or Other Interests From Whom Land Has Been Leased, CG 20 25 Additional Insured - Elective or Appointive Executive Officers of Public Corporations, CG 20 26 Additional Insured - Designated Person or Organization, CG 20 27 Additional Insured - Co-Owners of Premises, CG 20 28 Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment, CG 20 29 Additional Insured - Grantor of Franchise, CG 20 30 Oil or Gas Operations - Non Operating Working Interests, CG 20 31 Additional Insured - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors, CG 20 32 Additional Insured - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors Not Engaged by the Named Insured, CG 20 33 Additional Insured - Owners, Lessees or Contractors - Automatic Status When Required in Construction Agreement with You, CG 20 34 Additional Insured - Lessor of Leased Equipment - Automatic Status When Required in Lease Agreement with You, CG 20 35 Additional Insured Grantor of Licenses Automatic Status When Required By Licensor, CG 20 36 Additional Insured Grantor of License, CG 20 37 Additional Insured Owners, Lessees Or Contractors Completed Operations, CG 20 38 Additional Insured Owners, Lessees or Contractors Automatic Status for Other Parties When Required in Construction Agreement, CG 21 00 Exclusion - All Hazards In Connection With A Designated Premises, CG 21 01 - Exclusion - Athletic or Sports Participants, CG 21 04 - Exclusion - Products/Completed Operations Hazard, CG 21 06 Exclusion - Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information and Data-Related Liability - With Limited Bodily Injury Exception, CG 21 07 Exclusion - Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information and Data-Related Liability - Limited Bodily Injury Exception Not Included, CG 21 08 Exclusion - Access or Disclosure of Confidential or Personal Information (Coverage B Only), CG 21 10 Exclusion - Unmanned Aircraft (Coverage A Only), CG 21 11 - Exclusion - Unmanned Aircraft (Coverage B Only), CG 21 16 - Exclusion - Designated Professional Services, CG 21 17 - Exclusion - Movement of Buildings or Structures, CG 21 31 - Limited Exclusion - Designated Operations Coverage by a Consolidated (Wrap-Up) Insurance Program, CG 21 32 - Communicable Disease Exclusion, CG 21 33 - Exclusion - Designated Products, CG 21 35 - Exclusion - Coverage C - Medical Payments, CG 21 37 - Exclusion - Employees and Volunteer Workers as Insureds, CG 21 38 - Exclusion - Personal and Advertising Injury, CG 21 39 - Contractual Liability Limitation, CG 21 41 - Exclusion - Intercompany Products Suits, CG 21 42 - Exclusion - Explosion, Collapse and Underground Property Damage (Specified Operations), CG 21 43 - Exclusion - Explosion, Collapse, Underground Property Damage (Specified Operations Excepted), CG 21 44 - Limitation of Coverage To Designated Premises, Project or Operations, CG 21 45 - Exclusion - Damages to Premises Rented to You, CG 21 52 - Exclusion - Financial Services, CG 21 53 - Exclusion - Designated Ongoing Operations, CG 21 54 - Exclusion - Designated Operations Covered by a Consolidated (Wrap-Up) Insurance Program, CG 21 57 - Exclusion - Counseling Services, CG 21 58 - Exclusion - Professional Veterinary Services, CG 21 59 - Exclusion - Diagnostic Testing Laboratories, CG 21 60 - Exclusion - Year 2000 Computer - Related and other Electronic Problems, CG 21 61 - Exclusion - Year 2000 Computer - Related and Other Electronic Problems - Products/Completed Operations, CG 21 62 - Exclusion - Year 2000 Computer - Related and Other Electronic Problems - With Exception for Bodily Injury on Your Premises, CG 21 63 - Year 2000 Computer - Related and Other Electronic Problems - Exclusion of Specified Coverages for Designated Locations, Operations, Products or Services, CG 21 64 - Year 2000 Computer - Related and Other Electronic Problems - Exclusion of Specified Coverages for Designated Products or Completed Operations, CG 21 86 - Exclusion Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems, CG 21 96 - Silica or Silica-Based Dust Exclusion, CG 22 24 Exclusion - Inspection, Appraisal and Survey Companies, CG 22 27 Exclusion - Bodily Injury To Railroad Passengers, CG 22 31 Exclusion - Riot, Civil Commotion or Mob Action, CG 22 33 Exclusion - Testing or Consulting Errors & Omissions, CG 22 34 Exclusion - Construction Management Errors & Omissions, CG 22 36 Exclusion - Products and Professional Services (Druggists), CG 22 37 Exclusion - Products and Professional Services (Optical and Hearing Aid Establishments), CG 22 38 Exclusion - Financial Institutions, CG 22 40 Exclusion - Medical Payments To Children (Day Care Centers), CG 22 42 Exclusion - Existence or Maintenance of Streets, Roads, Highways or Bridges, CG 22 43 Exclusion - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors Professional Liability, CG 22 44 Exclusion - Health or Cosmetic Services, CG 22 45 Exclusion - Specified Health or Cosmetic Services, CG 22 46 Exclusion - Rolling Stock - Railroad Construction, CG 22 47 Exclusion - Saline Substances Contamination, CG 22 48 Exclusion - Insurance and Related Operations, CG 22 51 Exclusion - Law Enforcement Activities, CG 22 52 Exclusion - Medical Payments (Inmates, Patients or Prisoners), CG 22 53 Exclusion - Laundry and Dry Cleaning Damage, CG 22 54 Exclusion - Logging and Lumbering, CG 22 56 Exclusion - Injury To Volunteer Firemen, CG 22 57 Exclusion - Underground Resources and Equipment, CG 22 58 Exclusion - Described Hazards (Carnivals, Circuses and Fairs), CG 22 60 Limitation of Coverage - Real Estate Operations, CG 22 62 Underground Resources and Equipment Coverage, CG 22 63 Stevedoring Operations (Limited Completed Operations Coverage), CG 22 65 Optical and Hearing Aid Establishments, CG 22 66 Misdelivery of Liquid Products Coverage, CG 22 68 Operation of Customers' Autos on Particular Premises, CG 22 71 Colleges or Schools (Limited Form), CG 22 73 Exclusion - Oil or Gas Producing Operations, CG 22 74 Limited Contractual Liability Coverage for Personal and Advertising Injury, CG 22 75 Professional Liability Exclusion - Computer Software, CG 22 76 Professional Liability Exclusion - Health or Exercise Clubs, CG 22 77 Professional Liability Exclusion - Electronic Data Processing, CG 22 79 Exclusion - Contractors - Professional Liability, CG 22 80 Limited Exclusion - Contractors - Professional Liability, CG 22 81 Exclusion - Erroneous Delivery or Mixture and Resulting Failure of Seed to Germinate - Seed Merchants, CG 22 87 Exclusion - Adult Day Care Centers, CG 22 88 Professional Liability Exclusion - Electronic Data Processing Services and Computer Consulting or Programming Services, CG 22 90 Professional Liability Exclusion - Spas or Personal Enhancement Facilities, CG 22 91 Exclusion - Telecommunications Equipment or Service Providers Errors and Omissions, CG 22 93 Lawn Care Services Limited Pollution Coverage, CG 22 94 Exclusion Damage To Work Performed By Subcontractors On Your Behalf, "Full Circle Regression: The New ISO Your Work Endorsements. Adds members, trustees and clergymen as additional insureds for liability arising out of church activities. See technical report Drones. The Aggregate Limits Per Project coverage enhancement applies a separate general aggregate limit for ongoing operations at each construction project away from premises owned or rented to the insured. . Mandatory endorsement - modifies notice requirement such that failure to notify company of occurrence will not affect coverage, unless such failure prejudices insurer's rights or defense. Affords occurrence liability protection for the liquor legal liability of a risk engaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, selling, serving or furnishing alcoholic beverages. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. See discussion in Common Policy Conditions in the Policy Coverages section.Mandatory endorsement when commercial property is written as a part of a commercial package policy. See CG 20 15. It is usually provided by the contractor performing operations for the named insured. Provides automatic additional insured status to persons or entities from whom the named insured leases equipment when the named insured has agreed in a written contract to provide such coverage. Must be attached when condominium associations are insured. A separate Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit applies to each des-ignated construction project, and that limit is equal to the amount of the Other Than Prod-ucts/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. CG 32 09 Texas Changes - Nonbinding Arbitration. Expands the definition of "insured site" in CG 00 39 and CG 00 40 to include any site on which the contractor performs operations for others. Excludes damage to property being laundered or cleaned in a serf-service or coin-operated laundry or dry cleaner. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. (Applicable only to the Owners and Contractors Protective Liability Coverage Part) Adds these professionals as additional insureds (excluding professional liability) when they are engaged by the named insured. CG 32 08 Texas Changes - Binding Arbitration. If additional insured status is required by contract or agreement, coverage and limits of liability apply only to the extent required in the contract or agreement. Eliminates the $50,000 of legal liability coverage for negligent damage to rented premises. CG 25 14 Designated Location(s) Aggregate Limit. Amends the limits of liability after policy inception. CG 33 91 Texas Additional Insured - Engineers, Architects or Surveyors. On This Page Additional Information Excludes errors and omissions in connection with the insured's telecommunications services. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. This is an absolute exclusion of all exposures arising out of the Year 2000 problem. Removes all of paragraph (1.) OCP coverage is designed to protect project owners for liability that occurs as a result of the actions of their contractors. This endorsement was withdrawn from use in 2012 but reinstated in 2013. The project owner is protected by the OCP policy primarily in two circumstances. See CG 21 55 below. Provides separate liability coverage for a project owner or general contractor hiring subcontractors. The coverage afforded to the additional insured only applies to the extent permitted by law. This endorsement can be used to add any interest to the policy, subject to company approval. Adds a designated person or organization as an additional insured for liability arising out of the named insured's premises or operations. See CG 33 96 for the special Texas endorsement introduced in 2012 but withdrawn in 2013. Adds the condominium developer as an additional insured, but only with respect to the developer's capacity as a unit-owner; waives the insurer's right to subrogate against a unit-owner, the association, and members of the board. Major federal programs and agencies included the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), the Works Progress Administration (WPA), the Civil Works Administration (CWA), the Farm Security Administration (FSA), the . A per project aggregate endorsement modifies your General Liability policy so that you have a separate and distinct limit of coverage for each project upon which you work. Excludes these hazards at all locations and operations, except those specified in the endorsement. In addition, limits coverage to the extent that the insured's assumption of tort liability is permitted by law. See CG 22 97 to cover products and professional liability. Provides automatic additional insured status to (1) persons or organizations with which the named insured has entered into a written construction contract or agreement and agreed to provide such coverage, and (2) other persons or organizations the named insured is required to add as an additional insured under that contract or agreement. 2. Does not cover liability arising out of the townhouse owner's individual property. Allows for the arbitration of disputes between the company and the insured, with the arbitrator's decision being binding on the parties. CG 25 04 Designated Location(s) General Aggregate Limit. Aggregate Limit applies to each designated "location", and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. as a construction manager. The aggregate market value of the voting and non-voting common equity held by . Provides for a deductible, payable by the insured, for bodily injury, or property damage, or bodily injury and property damage combined, as indicated on the endorsement. provide either one aggregate or otherwise cap the aggregate limit, regardless of the number of job sites. Redefines the products hazard so that the definition of products applies to products consumed on the premises, once the product is relinquished to the customer. Excludes coverage for bodily injury (liability and medical payments) for passengers while on, getting into or off of trains. GL Endorsements: 1. Per project aggregate endorsement; iii. The project endorsement in addition to the base practice policy limit ($1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 aggregate), this then meets the requirement for your client of $2,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 aggregate. DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S) GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Designated Construction Projects: THIS ENDORSEMENT APPLIES TO ALL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS OF THE NAMED INSURED. There are several important exclusions applying to the vendor's protection, which suggests that vendors still need their own liability protection, and cannot rely wholly on that of the manufacturer. Blanket Pers Prop $ Blanket BLDG & PP $ $ $ Boiler and Machine: . Excludes the professional and products liability coverage of a druggist. Blanket endorsement: The insurance company sees the blanket waiver as a means to review the contract you've signed with the third party and make recommendations for better contractual risk transfer in the future. Claims-Made coverage form are set for $ 1,000,000 per all liability for the liquor liability claims-made coverage form of Contractors... 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