On the whole, the Lord Discordant is still one of the armys best units, and has gotten better thanks to now being 9 wounds and protectable with Look Out, Sir. PRIEST models in your army know the. Theres typically no reason to take this over Banners or even Retrieve Nephilim Data. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for World Eaters Army Fully Painted Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marines Azrahk Kharn at the best online prices at eBay! That said, this is typically a stronger play for Thousand Sons than it is for Chaos Space Marines, and so you tend to see fewer soup lists since the Emperors Children + Tzeentch Daemons loophole was largely closed. Noise Marines dont see much play outside of Emperors Children, where they really enjoy being Troops and getting the Legion Trait to ignore modifiers to hit which offsets their Heavy penalty. PIck one LEGIONARIES unit from your army; if it is the Shooting phase, that unit can shoot again; if it is the fight phase and that unit is within Engagement Range of enemy units, that LEGIONARIES unit can fight again. This means your choice of chaos god patron for your army Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, or Chaos Undivided matters more than ever before, and itll change how your army performs on the battlefield. Speaking of which, The shooty version of the dinobot, Forgefiends arent, as useful, owing to the fact that their AP-2 autocannons arent nearly as useful in a post-Armour of Contempt world. as they are not a CULTIST MOB). This turns him into an especially deadly counter-charge threat, as staying more than 6 away from him is a real challenge. With this new codex, Games Workshop has doubled down on giving each Chaos Space Marine Legion a different playstyle and feel from those of its peers. Until the end of the phase, each time an enemy model shoots, if that NURGLE unit is not the closest eligible target or within 12, then until that shooting is resolved, that model cant target that NURGLE unit. Thats more than fine, given how unlikely it is youll want to take more than two of these. This pairs well with the Mark of Tzeentch to give you two 4+ invulnerable saves to hand out per turn, but chances are you wont need Skeins if you have this. Theres some value in this, but most of the time its going to lose out to other combat relics. A rhino full of berzerkers will do some serious work, and even a unit of 5 has a real chance of trading up when it throws out 26 Attacks. The other character option in the Elites slot for Chaos Space Marines. This is stealthily very good and pairs wonderfully with the Icon of Khorne to get it to AP-3. You also dont have to put it into deep strike its tough enough that if youre taking multiples they can just roll forward against some armies and weather the damage, though how much you can get away with this will vary wildly by army. They come with 3 attacks and chainswords, plus a -1 Leadership aura. Each comes with a solid, if not amazing melee profile, brandishing an Accursed Crozius for 5 attacks at AP-1 and 2 damage, plus two goober attendants with Cultist profiles. Otherwise, this is generally the mark of choice for Terminators and Chosen since getting to S6 with the Mark of Khorne isnt as useful as getting to fight first. Pick a friendly NURGLE CORE or CHARACTER unit within 6. After the legion fell to Chaos, he continued his quest, facing down many in single combat to prove that he is the finest swordsman who ever existed. Were only going to cover the non-legion specific ones here but most of the legion ones are also pretty bad, filled with a large number of Shadow Operations picks that arent as good as Raise the Banners High. ability. Until your next Command phase it gets to act as though its at full health. Up for pre-order onJune 25, 2022 and released on July 2, the 9th edition Chaos Space Marines codex is now alive and kicking, and we can get up to speed on the long war. This is solid, and one of Abaddons three traits. Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill-Credit: Pendulin. The Legion Trait rules apply to all of your units (with the exceptions listed above), not just your INFANTRY, HELBRUTES, and BIKERS, as used to be the case. Chaos Space Marines look like Marines, but dont let that fool you: They have a very different feel and play style to standard Space Marines, with a much more aggressive melee-focused approach to the game. At T5 and 3 wounds with a 5+ invulnerable save, Possessed have enough durability to weather a bit of shooting, particularly with help from Cursed Earth and Pact of Flesh, but are more valuable as forward combat units that crash into enemy lines early than as midtable objective brawlers. Which includes Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, D&D, Board Games and everything else that involves dice, boards, cards and a table. Add in the ability to outright kill a T4 model 50% of the time on top of that and its got some power. It also comes with a Demolisher cannon and some other midrange guns. It doesnt have a particularly impressive damage profile but it can be useful in Red Corsairs, where it gains the ability to Advance and charge after moving 16. This is neat as a targeted way to Smite, and the 10+ cast rider makes it a little bit better, but its not really what youre buying a tome for and you usually wont have enough casters to justify this when you get Smite for free. units in a CSM Detachment, using their datasheet from Codex: World Eaters (or, at the time of this writing, White Dwarf #477), in which case they are always Elites. Its particularly valuable in Emperors Children, where you can almost guarantee a charge out of deep strike with. Ultimately the Daemon Prince has two key uses in a Chaos Space Marines army: These two combine to basically let the Daemon Prince pull double duty in your army, and make him an efficient add as one of your three HQ options. PRIEST model only, can be given to a CULTISTS model. Chaos Marines have some OK ranged units, but generally speaking they do their best work up close and in melee. Seriously, I never really thought about how many freaking options they have. A unit of Accursed Cultists comes with 5-10 upgrade Cultist bodies S4 T4 and 2 attacks each plus between 3 and 6 Torment models, which are basically 3-wound, T4 Chaos Spawn, though they trade the Spawns new regeneration ability for a 6+ feel no pain roll. Pick an enemy unit within 18. Up to D3+3 destroyed models can be added back to that unit. The Deredeo is the shooter cousin of the Contemptor, but lacks the CORE keyword and the ability to take melee weapons. This is primarily a review of the units and options that are specific to Chaos Space Marines, but Chaos Space Marines can be combined with Daemons and Chaos Knights in interesting ways, and well talk about those as well. It used to have some play when it could target a Daemon Prince or Lord Discordant, but now youre limited to Infantry characters with it. What remains is a bunch of resin tanks that arent worth your time, despite looking very cool. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. As always, a guide like this represents a time and place. . Once during that phase, when resolving an attack made by a model in that unit, you can change the result of a single hit roll, wound roll, or damage roll to be a 6 (note that if the die is a D3 then a 6 counts as a 3). Once your unit gets out, the Dreadclaw can still be a menace in its own right. but there are plenty of other units you might want to put forward, like Havocs, Noise Marines, or Obliterators. Lets take a look at those cult troops and just imagine the possibilities. Alternatively you can try and pad out a detachment with cheaper options like the Kytan or the Brass Scorpion but more than likely youre better off going Chaos Knights if you want to take that many big machines. Unfortunately, there just arent any AP-4 options for your characters, so the utility of this is limited by the fact that an AP-3 weapon swinging at a Terminator is going to drop to AP-2 with Armour of Contempt and as a result wont even get them on their invulnerable save. Pick a TZEENTCH unit in your army that isnt within Engagement Range of enemy units, then pick an enemy unit that is within 12 of that unit and was set up as reinforcements this turn. * We know youve been waiting patiently, and your time is soon! Youll almost always want to swap their bolters for chainswords, since having 4 attacks at AP-1 is significantly better than having an AP0 bolter against most of the games targets. Our final recommendation for your starter Chaos Space Marine army is a Chaos Rhino. If you really want them to be able to fight you should take Accursed Cultists instead. Sure, sure, theyve gotten a few kits butwheres the codex at? take a Mark of Chaos for one of the four Chaos Gods, giving him +1 Strength and attack if you Khorne or making him a Psyker if you take one of the others. They come with a missile launcher and twin heavy bolter by default but you will never use this loadout; instead youll either opt for full shooting (twin lascannon or multimelta + missile launcher), the midrange hybrid (multimelta + power fist), or the all-melee variant (fist + scourge or double fists), putting the Helbrute at between 105 and 125 points in cost. Each time an attack is made with this daemon weapon, if you score a hit, that weapon automatically wounds the target and enemy models cant use any rules to ignore the wounds they lose. Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, it is considered to be engaged in all three modes at once Wanton Destruction, Massacre, and Slaughter. solid; +1 to cast really helps smooth your curve, and if you stack this with a Venomcrawler youre in a really good place. Or, if youre looking at making a World Eaters army, youll want more Berserkers. Maulerfiends are fast, nasty beaters in melee that benefit from the bonus to hit that a Lord Discordant can provide, but dont necessarily depend on it. AP 0 isnt great, and means that you typically dont want them trying to weight-of-fire big vehicle targets, but AP0 is often as good as AP-1 these days with Armour of Contempt in the mix. Two guys with chainswords, one guy with a heavy chainaxe, one guy with a balefire tome, and the champion has a power fist. A unit of Traitor Guardsmen gives you 10 models at a cost of 60 points, with all but the Sergeants weapon options being free upgrades. These guys are still pretty dependable in the 9th edition codex, though how they work has fundamentally changed. At 5 attacks each (6 for the champion), Warp Talons boast damage output on par with Berzerkers but lack the ability to take a mark of chaos and instead must get by on the raw power of their datasheet. With a slim choice of secondary objectives that mostly require interacting with your opponent, its on you to get out there and rip their limbs off, then beat them with said limbs. do Psychic Interrogation. Once an also-ran to the Dark Hereticus Discipline, these are now the money powers for Chaos, and there are several here that youll want to include in every army you field. Bell of Lost Souls℗ is a registered trademark of Rejoice! Just think how durable that will make units like Rubric Marines or Plague Marines.. Forget Benediction of Darkness, which has a very difficult wholly within rider, this is what you want for durability boosts. Cultists come in units of 10-20 models and come with your choice of autopistol and close combat weapon or cultist firearm, which is basically a lasgun. Night Lords Master of Possession Credit: RichyP. Its also a solid upgrade on casters, where it gives you access to both Skeins of Fate (4+ invulnerable save) and stratagems to improve casting (. Note that weve split this article up, and are now covering the major Chaos legions in separate articles. Generally speaking, the effectiveness of most prayers is blunted by the fact that Dark Apostles are slow unlike their loyalist chaplain counterparts, they get neither bikes nor jump packs, and so auras abilities they may get are much less useful given how likely it is that their beneficiaries will quickly outpace them running toward key targets and objectives. The Lord Discordant is an absolute blender in melee, coming with 6 attacks base that hit at S6, AP-3, 2 damage but with +1 to wound on the charge, plus another 8 attacks from the Helstalker and his tendrils. As a fast melee option they dont hit as hard as Possessed, arent quite as fast and durable as bikes, and arent as cheap as Raptors, making them more of a finesse unit than a brawler.. Use in the Shooting phase. Chaos Space Marines only have two Dedicated Transport options: The lowly Chaos Rhino and the Terrax Pattern Termite Assault Drill. On the whole, the Enforcer is just OK. The priest gets +3 Attacks and you improve the AP of his melee weapons by 2. The Decimator is a unit thats managed to stick around in some competitive lists despite losing its access to easy re-rolls and the ability to push out tons of extra hits with modified hit rolls. Decimators have more value when you can boost their odds of hitting, which is easier in Black Legion but can be accomplished with the. Credit: SRM and Sam Duguin. He was the Warmaster of all Space Marines until a combination of hubris, plotting, and a magic knife led him to the welcoming arms of Chaos. Once per battle, the bearer can use an Epic Deed Stratagem for 0 CP, plus they can re-roll hit rolls in melee, and at the start of the Command phase, you can pick a CORE unit in your army on the table to automatically be in range of one of the bearers abilities, if those abilities are Lord of Chaos (re-roll 1s to hit), Aspire to Glory (re-roll 1s to wound), or Demogogue (Use the models Leadership). Which is to say, not very high. Or you can just eviscerate them with guns like your sonic weapons. And as for future codexes for other genetically engineered transhuman warriors (both of the shiny grey and spikey variety), the same will apply to them. exploding sixes) with Heavy, Rapid Fire, and Grenade weapons. Scourge of a thousand tables. Chaos Spawn are cheap, quick, and surprisingly resilient for their cost. Your chaos marines can have 2 wounds, today. They have a few interesting tricks, such as the ability to heal a vehicle for D3 wounds or give a vehicle +1 to hit on ranged attacks. Its a very pretty boondoggle that suffers from the same issues that most fortifications have. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Each time an attack is made against this unit, if the Strength characteristic of that attack either equals or is at last double the Toughness characteristic of this unit, subtract 1 from that attacks wound roll. If you do this they get. Speaking of which. Can be used twice in Strike Force games and three times in Onslaught. There will be bloodfor the blood god. They come with lasguns, but up to three models can replace theirs with a special weapon, though you cant double up on these. They have insanely low Leadership (6 with a champion), and so will likely lose models any time they take casualties. This relic bolt pistol has 18 range, is Pistol 2, and S5, AP-2 2 damage, plus in Wanton Massacre or Slaughter it becomes Pistol 4. They can take a mark of chaos but no icon, which limits their effectiveness and means youre either leaving them unmarked or taking Khorne/Slaanesh. In Creations of Bile they trade more on having S5 attacks, which lets them punch up against heavier targets where you can use. On top of this, its lascannons have been replaced with twin soulshatter lascannons, which do D6+2 damage, making them much more consistent and useful. This unit is out there to provide some extra value where needed while Advancing to hold objectives and support other units. Its 5-shot melta cutter is a significant threat to anything it comes near, and its Termite Drill will absolutely shred enemy vehicles on top of its shooting. Chaos Marines are going to get two wounds each. If you roll a 10+ to cast, roll 6D6 instead. Noise Marines pumped out the jams. When Horus fell, it was a time of great despair for all Chaos Space Marines and none felt that despair more keenly than his own legion, the Sons of Horus. This is exceptionally good, and almost reason alone to mark your units as Slaanesh. This works amazingly well on a, who already re-rolls wounds against Characters, or the. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for SB-138 GW Warhammer 30K / 40K Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine Squad X10 #2 at the best online prices at eBay! Note that a unit with the CULTISTS or LEGIONAIRES keyword can only take the first three powers in this list, which will typically means youre taking a single unit with. Night Lords players can also have some fun with their extra -1 Leadership aura. If you happen to have them in an Emperors Children list, they also get the Slaanesh keyword, and become a solid target for. During the second battle round, your army (and all its units) is engaged in. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. Five models with bolters or chainswords. This is a very solid upgrade on your unit, and the ability to just sit there and tank a million attacks from something like a knight or the Yncarne can absolutely swing the game. Pick a INFANTRY or CHAOS SPAWN model within 12 of the psyker. They arent, but youre paying for them to be OK at two things and in reality youd just prefer it if they were better at one. You might have caught the video at the end of the Warhammer Preview Online. Theyre particularly good in Word Bearers, where the legion has more tricks and abilities to make them more worthwhile, and a secondary objective that they can accomplish. You cant have more Cultists units in your armys Chaos Space Marines Detachments than Traitoris Astartes CORE INFANTRY, and a Cultists character cant be your warlord if your army contains any HERETIC ASTARTES CHARACTER models. They really need a Rhino, Dreadclaw, or other transport to get them to the fight, but they can be properly annoying to handle and theyre great for going up against tougher units with damage reduction. Note that it will not let you bypass the restriction on being able to fight a unit you didnt charge. If youre taking one, going double Grav with volkite chest guns is probably the play, but be warned that your dreadnought is super vulnerable to charges since its depending on double blast weapons. Given how unlikely it is youll want to take this over Banners or even Retrieve Nephilim.! A -1 Leadership aura add in the 9th edition codex, though how they work has fundamentally.. As though its at full health ) with Heavy, Rapid Fire, and Grenade weapons Emperors Children where. For your starter Chaos Space Marine army is a registered trademark of Rejoice get it AP-3! 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