Mom! The smile faded from Emmas face and she pushed her glasses up to hide her discomfort, before she sighed. Oh, uh, yeah. She tends to use hover spells, conjuring ropes or belts, and banishing spells. Im so glad youre on time., Hi, yeah, of course, Emma stumbled over her words a bit, never used to praise from an adult. Without saying a word, she shut the door as if she couldnt hear me. What do you mean? You can see them? Emma asked quietly, still not having moved from her precarious position. Never mind, Im being sillyitll be good. The first year went a little too hard and shot up far too quickly on her fourth run up the tower. It was still one of the events she was most upset with her mother over, Mother taking that away from her, even if Mother didnt realize how much she took away. She can turn into a cat.. How must Emma feel now? Now, Neal pulled out a deck of yellow cards. I do not have anyone I wish to leave the funds to. I didnt mean to bring up bad memories., August sighed and waved off her apologies, Its alright, I hadnt realized you didnt know about the curse. He ran his fingers through his hair, I think Dad hoped you might know something about breaking it.. They stared at each other for a moment before there was a thump from both Emmas trunk and Reginas book hitting the floor. Also, most of these potions, until you reach O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s have some flexibility with timing. I dont care! Emma shouted, before she turned around and started running for the door. Emma hastily moved on to her main excuse, Oh, well, I still dont think I can gowherever you live., Oh! he hit his forehead lightly. She nodded agreement. Mother? Grumbling she pulled the cloak off of her head, before freezing in case someone saw her head suddenly appear. He was looking intently in the northern corner before banking and switching to a drifting pattern, looking to survey the whole field. If you can please pay half upfront and the rest once youve seen the work and are satisfied. Regina pulled out her money pouch and counted out the first payment. I know its still a couple months away, but I fear by then it might be too late., Do you really think I can help? Emma asked, unable to keep her doubts to herself. Not very good poison-er if I have to ask you to make it, are you? he replied with a cheeky grin. Reginas restrained relief brought Emma down from her excitement. 3, 2, 1, lets go! the captain called as they all flew out onto the pitch. In the south, people obsessed over college football, a little too much. The thestral broke away from the others and came right up to her, snuffling for treats. She turned in her seat to get away and pulled out her wand out, Hey, watch it!. She felt herself flush, Maybe, but I dont know if I can get new ones. The ones she had were a donation and they did exactly get to be choosey about them. Her and the opposing seeker were shoulder to shoulder now, not jostling as hard as they might for fear of catching themselves on the ground only a foot or two away. Then she made the correct circling gesture, Expecto Patronum!. Henry was not there and my heart skipped a beat, but then I remembered that he went to play with his friends whose family rented the room next to ours. The room was filled, floor to ceiling, in rows that went back further than she could see. Because we just miss the heck out of Lils., Lilys eyes widened and she glanced quickly at Emma to check her reaction, Dad!, Emma still felt that small punch in the gut from when people assumed she had parents. Grundrans eyes were fixated on the flask and he reached for it automatically. Now that I know that, lets see if we can translate any of those skills over to Exploding Snap, speaking of, shouldnt you have faster reflexes?, Emma narrowed her eyes in mock offense, Give me a bat and Ill show you how fast my reflexes are., Neal held up his hands in mock surrender, Understood. Do you have any sisters or brothers?. Youve never called yourself anything but Emma Swan. Snow wasnt exactly a common first name, even in the wizarding world. She desired a better teacher, but little did she know, Maleficent had way more to offer her than magic tricks. She extended her left hand and he placed the thin stick of wood into it. Regardless, now she could actually see that he was looking pale and sweaty, under his casual attitude. NSFW at the end. Everyone was dressed up like McGonagall and the others inside the bank in long robes, pointy hats, and a variety of other odd clothing combinations shed never seen. It turned again, heading straight into the middle of the field. Emma spent her time studying the map Leroy had given her showing how to get from the house to the mine. Weve got plenty of time, dont have a manticore.. All that was left of her Papi. Also, David and Mary Margaret were physically holding Ruby back, each with a gripe on to an arm as Ruby tried to move towards Emma. Was it an owl of one of her friends? Papi taught me. Emma, where are you going! She quickly chased after her, trying to catch up to the other girl. My brain was clouded by alcohol and we really needed to stop. She stared straight ahead. No, Regina said so resolutely, even the stubborn beater didnt push her further. I hadnt thought youd noticed. They all shook their heads. Whats got you so hot and bothered?. His gaze was more careful than she had ever seen it, which unsettled her more than she would have liked. He looked far more desperate than angry, Hey, blondie. It is bullshit., Regina gave her an exasperated look Emma had seen dozens of times before. Okay, I will, Emma said, smiling at the older witch. I get that Gold is some sort of mystical potions master, but would it kill him to provide some more guidance than the bare minimum the textbook gives? Okay, over here. Regina took a deep breath and laid her hand on his arm. Im right here. Emma said quickly, her voice sounding close. Regina dreamed of becoming a heart surgeon like her mother her entire life. She turned around and faced the tall red headed boy that was apparently speaking to her, Yeah, whats it to you?, Hey, the four-year Slytherin put his hands up, No need to be like that. Regina nodded to madame Pince when the older witch passed. Lily explained more about how shed been at the store when those guys had come in trying to brag to the girls they were with and how exactly shed managed to piss them off so much. Are you sure? Regina asked doubtfully, Emma didnt seem to be holding on very tightly. There are a number of magical horse breeds. Im she panted. Emma, honey, are you sure its a good idea? Mom asked and I couldn't help, but roll my eyes. Some parents found the sport too dangerous for their kids or too distracting when it came to keeping up with classworkthat was why all teams needed specific permission to take on a first year player. Carpe Retractum! Cora cast causing a rope of light wrapped around her and began to pull Regina towards her mother. A couple of guys had gotten into a row at the next table over about their Quidditch teams. McGonagall smiled, Then I bid you a good day and I will see you at the Welcome Feast on the first day., A lot of Emmas continued anxiety vanished at that, Theres going to be a feast?, McGonagall gave her a rare smile. Thats what youre focusing on?, Emma felt a strangely warm sensation when she realized that, whatever Regina thought of her speech, it clearly hadnt changed Reginas opinion of her too much. As this event has most unfortunately occurred, we hereby relinquish this package to you. Like I said, the waiting is boring. Unless you hold the heart, you cannot give direct commands. Emma tensed ever so slightly when he stepped closer, freezing. What are you doing here?. It was a lighter wood than most brooms Emma had seen before, but she could tell, despite the unusual style, it was a work of art. As if in a haze Emma went in, noticing that the curtains were open in this room and the light filtered in through the dusty gave it an otherworldly look even more so than the other rooms had. She knew she wasnt able to fully hide all the uncomfortable emotions and questions this was bringing up for her, but she was grateful no one called her on any of it. You cant even tell when someone isnt interested, can you?, The mans face went red and he reached for his wand, Why you little b. Emma realized shed always had that on her. I pulled back as soon as I realized. No, wait. Kathryn was the closest thing Regina had to a real friend here. Emma pointed her wand above her head in unison with Ms. Sapphire and began to turn it in a circle as she says, Excito Pro Tempus. Emma felt the magic build up as she spoke, just as with any other spell, and a jet of blue light leaves her wand to hit the middle of the star. If two people cast the spell before, Im sure we can help break it, Mary Margaret said thoughtfully. Did you get this from Madame Pomfrey or did you make it yourself? Kathryn pressed, although she stayed where she was and didnt try to grab for the bottle. It was late morning on the twenty-eighth. You ready? Emma asked as Regina pulled on her googles. Unfortunately, the next fifth days in a row Emma came in and Neal was nowhere in sight. In light of this standoff, both cautiously made their way back to the entrance with their brooms. A not exactly uncomfortable silence descended, as they wound their way between the dark shelves of the Restriction section. Emma was just glad that the other girl hadnt noticed she was crying. This is a privilege I wouldnt afford any other first year, he stared at her again, as if he could see her thoughts. Regina was very grateful for the privacy and she said an early good night to the others, too exhausted to continue talking to them and brought up her wall to the sitting room soon after arriving. McGonagall climbed into a silver cart that pulled up and Emma scrambled in behind her, while the goblin took a stance at the front. Good, Regina said, before pushing Emma back against the tree and chasing after for another kiss. She gritted her teeth as she turned, arching around to cut it off at an angle as it flew, up and right, with Faris following closely from behind as Regina came from the left. Emma just shook her head without looking up or making any other noises. Regina, I can tell theres something youre not telling me. Regina had been in shock and deveastated, but after winter break, it had been worse. Emma stood up too fast and almost lost her balance, but I supported her with my shoulders. She walked quickly out of the room and didnt look back. Shit! I hissed and ran to turn off the oven. Then you are all set.. Good evening Ms.! In fact, she didnt say anything until Emma got to the third step. And some wouldnt even care about the muggles., She created a special spell. This was followed by a few others their year asking for simple potionsones shed made for friends beforeNerve Steadying, Wideye, Dreamless sleep. I realized I was holding Emma as soon as I gained consciousness. She had been hurt because Ruby wouldnt tell her what about. Granny hates anyone political, let alone people as deep in it as Cora Navar., Thats why I was a bit nervous having her for a tutor. You look less intimidating, I added quickly and she threw a pillow at me. Youre right, Id have at least gone for a mug., Neal grinned, I thought so, you would never stoop to such a low level as this.. Maybe then Lily will tell us more about her school. That type still flew very well over here though and it was the broom style Regina felt most comfortable on. Do you want to sit?. Mary Margaret Blanchard. Yeah, sure. Hows your summer going?, Alright, Emma said, she still couldnt figure out why Ms. Sapphire would be here and it was making her tense. Not like the". The following morning, we intentionally slept in. Perhaps, she should sit down first, Flitwick suggested. I dont want you to tutor me., Regina let out a small sigh of relief until Lance continued, I was hoping you could make me a potion?, Of everything shed expected him to say, that wasnt it. Which constellations do you know?. He was going to regret ever asking for her help. Regina ushered them into the room and Tamara spoke up skeptically, This doesnt seem like a very secret place to hide Dark artefacts., I believe she enjoyed the thought of having it close by but hidden, it amused her to think of how close they often were to her secret and yet they did not know it, Regina admitted as she walked across the room to the large fireplace on the opposite wall from the door they came through. You still want to stick to your story now?, Lily seemed to want to argue with her, continue to push her own story, but something in Emmas expression convinced her it wouldnt work. I let out an annoyed sigh which was more audible than I wanted to and then I caught Henrys pleading eyes before I met Emmas hopeful gaze. And its hard to see or hear the metronome clock by Golds desk., Oh, yes, I can see if youre not next to it Here, Gold keeps spare smaller ones in one of his closets in the main classroom. Marco continued, Everything ended up being such a mess. Um- no, Im Regina Mills, I said, trying to concentrate despite my headache. Finally, on the sixth day, she plucked up her courage to ask one of the other workers. Because the other spell wouldnt work right on a baby.. Her hair looked ridiculous from the cloaks hood and she grinned, So Ravenclaw of you, missing meals to read., Regina rolled her eyes, but a small smile creeped out. It was the fourth night we drifted off tangled around each other. Regina forced her hands to be still as she asked, I was wondering if I could book a dungeon slot regularly? Of the spell, I dont want to say the wrong thing, Emma explained, feeling very foolish for even asking, but not wanting to mess up even more. Ruby smiled, Yeah, this is my friend: Emma Swan. Protego Duo would be useful for you to know, since its more powerful than the one covered in Charms. Emma backed up a couple steps, Let me demonstrate.. Well, I heard there was a book in the Restricted section that curses that took away your ability to use magic., Now Regina looked concerned, her voice was quiet but firm, Why would you want that book, Emma?, Emma noticed the change in the other girl, but didnt know the cause. She opened the window as the Lucas grey owl flew in, dropping an envelope on her bed and perching on a chair. After sharing a look, both burst into laughter. Regina flipped through more pages. They seem to mostly be treating this like a hosting an exchange student, which is weird but not bad. He nodded, Oh, thats nice. Regina had never had passion fruit tea before, so she expected it was supposed to taste as flowery as it did. The blue lights flow into the figures lying still on their beds until the cave is once more only lit by torches. They both looked back just in time to see the teens emerge and spot them. In Ravenclaw, I can teach myself, learn how to escape her grasp, without becoming like her. He finally drew one out, holding it delicately, before hopping off the stool and heading down the rows of little cubbies. Remember how I said its my secret? There are all sorts of stereotypes about the houses, but I wouldnt pay them much mind if I were you. However, she much preferred her school robes or her riding clothes, as she was not so worried about ruining them. I know you think that perhaps you arent Emma White, but you must understand that regardless of your parentage, you are most definitely a witch. She continued to speak before Emma could protest that, And as such, you would be taken care of by the Hogwarts scholarship fund., They sat in silence for a while before Emma couldnt keep the question to herself any longer, I know you said my parents died, but how? Everyone was nervous for the Sorting, even after finding out all it required was putting on an old hat. Next table over about their Quidditch teams she didnt say anything until emma got to the third step she in. 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