Their first time together happened thanks to a drunken haze and an erotic fever. He knows, knows hes going to stop here. It sounds tough. But be warned, careless villain. Kara! She screams, putting all the breath she has into the name. Even if Kara asked. Mxyzptlk was back. What are you doing? Mon-El asks, a smile on his face. But will it be worth it in the end? I wanted to tell you Lex was there but also that he never mentioned you. Tears begin to leak from her eyes, rolling down her cheeks and falling into her hands. She doesnt have an answer for the woman she left because of the reason she now holds in her arms. The two sisters, one defenseless as the other rearranges her features. But I dont want to put that much pressure on him. Okay, okay. Always, he promises, stepping to the side. You were home to me, Imra. Kara winces at his name, tears falling heavier. I am not ruining them! Lena shouts. So please, love me too., Mon-El, she starts, putting a soft hand on his cheek. Kara? The Paragons were the only ones left. She hauls her up, pushing her out of the hole. We all did! Like Cat., The Media Queen is her preferred title, but yes. Her back ached and her shoulders stung from the impact of the wall. Im sorry, Im just not.. At least let me write them a note saying not to come for me.. She made a vow to herself when she publicly stated the truth behind Dreamer, behind who she really was at heart. She can hear her talking to someone, and then a womans voice responding, so she silently waits on the balcony for their meeting to end. Cant bring herself to do it. Reminisce., She draws a shaky breath in, swallowing around the lump in her throat. Alex! Afraid Alex may be hurt, he wraps a stiff hand around her doorknob and breaks it off, kicking the door wide open in a flourish. She couldnt let that happen to Kara. Lena and Jonn had been brought to the Fortress of Solitude to set up shop and were already beginning their part. You should too. She turns to meet the rest of the group but Mon-El grabs her wrist, stopping her. Kara changes out of her suit in front of her sister, slipping on a pair of jeans and a casual button up. Then, Kara takes his hand and leads him towards the dune. Youve made a name for yourself that proves you to be better than your family. Winn begins calling her on her earpiece and she reluctantly answers. Supergirl said it was just an attack in her message., Sam raises an eyebrow at her, sipping her wine. But I believed in you. Kara sucks in a rushed breath. My father remarried and I got a step-sister, so in her eyes, Im sure it looked like she had been replaced. And Roger and Sarah are both concerned. It hasnt stopped. If someone found out, they would kill her. She has never said anything bad about you. She told me about the day Lex died, how she had to kill him herself. I was not aware the lab was going to be having visitors. Eve glances at Lena for direction. He takes her hand in his, the touch allowing Kara to float to the couch rather than walk. She is going to leave everyone she loves behind. She closes her eyes, letting the arm thats still looped in his stay. Now, the two heroes are in a training room, standing opposite of each other and bouncing on the balls of their feet. At least, he hasnt come back yet, has he? Alex shakes her head at her. You guys are such dorks.. A friendship was blossoming within the Paragons. Too old for the cultist king to get him so easily out of the way. He has a point. It hits her in the chest, exploding and sending her into the side of L-Corp. She feels her ribs crack, her lung puncture, and her leg snap. They are partners. She found time, made time if there wasnt any. He takes his other arm and drapes it across her collarbone, curling his fingers into her shoulder. His twenty minutes go by and Kara can feel him become more gentle, slowly lifting his body from hers. Alex and the rest of the team werent so sure. A tear slips down her cheek. Mxy nods. Kara grits her teeth, groaning as she pushes herself up from the ground. Lena had introduced it to her when she hosted a family game night, and the next time it was Alexs turn to host, she found a half-empty bottle on her own bar cart. Why do want to kill her?, I dont. I hate you! She hardly has time to close the door before Kara wraps her arms around her waist, pressing her head into Lenas stomach and sobbing. And yes, I can see you, Kara, Imra snarls. Just as you did the first time. I need to hear you say it, and I think you need to say it for yourself too.. Youre right. Couldnt let that lead the rest of her life. Before he leaves, Kara tells him that she loves him and says that she should have said it before. Lex smiles, turning to her slowly. She takes them out and drops them into the box, knowing it is happening all over for him. He pulls the first shirt out and stares at it; its his favorite. Her face tightens with uncertainty. But she doesnt. He may have, but what would the people believe if it came out? No, you didnt do anything, and honestly, I would really like an answer to that. William knows. Okay! Kara interrupts, covering his mouth with her fingers. Go back to the DEO, Supergirl, Alex orders, watching her sway. Im the one who shot you. Supergirl and the reporter are locked in a deadly fight within her mind, but eventually, Kara overcomes. Lena exhales, shaking her head as she stands from her desk. But she was never supposed todie. You must be of great importance to her., He is, Kara says, watching him. Kara Danvers wants to prove to her family that she is just as much of a cut throat viking as her older sister Alex. You werent opening it, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. Kara needs to greet her. Kara smiles, giving Alex a squeeze. Human. Kara, we had to rescue you from an ice block with Kryptonite that she put you in. She made sure we were safe. Im sorry if thats too honest. Alex just glances down at her sister, gives Lena a nod, and slips out the door silently. But its dangerous. You always will.. Winn, she gasps, reaching forward and prying the cuffs off that shackle him to the table. Her best friend betrayed her just like everyone else in her life, and the only way she knew how to handle it was to get back at them. Its a good thing Kara Danvers and Kate Kane exist. No need to go through the trouble of standing and inviting her in. I wont tell her.. You can make things I never would have thought could exist. He lies to Kara that he doesn't remember kissing her but admits he remembers in 2x10 (We Can Be Heroes). I mean, Supergirl and Superman cousins? She had just sent Rama Khan back to the Earth, and Kara was ready to congratulate her. Then whyd you save me?, She sucks in a breath, thinking. A voice coming toward them stops him in his tracks. Hey! Kara calls, walking over to them with her hand stretched out in front of her. What the hell? She whispers to herself, grabbing her clutch from the table and running out the doors. Today, our planet was briefly attacked by an outside source. He lets go of her skirt and reaches behind him, taking her ankles and crossing them so her legs are locked around his middle. And Im here. She wanted to be with her for the first few nights back, making sure she was stable. Kara is fully awake now and tries to pry him off her but he doesnt budge. Kara turns to him. Not the way that Kara does. Do you want to come in? Kara finds herself asking, wanting to be with him longer. If Alice had died and this Lena of yours never became your friend. Kara! Lena finally shouts, shoving her hands off her. is taking us to the DEO now, have everything ready for us., , Kara winces, then sighs. Lex shakes his head, frustrated. Dont you understand what youve done? Lena shouts, crumbling. Ive been looking for you. She had been struggling lately with the relationships in her life, and this hero sitting beside her seemed like a perfect model. Just, promise me that youll stop doing this., Lena shakes her head softly, looking down. Understatement of the year, but shes tried to have a good heart up until recently. But I cant do this knowing youre married. She had betrayed this woman in front of her. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works You wanted to see me?, Lena nods, suddenly unsure if she is doing the right thing. Several minutes go by before their ride approaches and they step on, taking it back to the city. Her brother held many positions. The Luthor coughs, grunting and wincing as he struggles to sit up on the metal exam table. That I wont ever be Kara again., Lena bites her lip, having to look away. Character Watching the sister walk, she steps out of the shadows, edging toward them. Thank you all for coming today, Lena announces, gesturing to the crowd in front of her. Kara, I cant walk. If I didnt, we would not be standing where we are today, and I would not be alive. She glances between both of the women standing on either side of her. Look at me, and feel me-. She takes one to her wardrobe and opens the door on the right, containing all of Mon-Els sweaters and shirts. What is this? He asks, pointing at them questionable. I cant believe youre here. Kara watches their interaction, her pulse quickening at the sense of something horrible about to happen. Shall we?. You set this up? Kara asks, her face inches from hers. She runs out onto the street and begins her flight to the bridge. And Im Lena Luthor. You know him, you like him. Lena, I dont think youre in the right headspace for self-independence. She shakes her head and squeezes them shut, then laughs, frustrated. I highly recommend that you guys check out that story before you read this one! Maybe because he was always holding them. If this was what it took for her to get back on good terms with Lena, she would do it. Did you ever finish reading it? He shakes his head. N-no. She would know why I did it. Not that Im bragging! He blurts quickly, touching her hand gently. Kara turns her head to shake but lets out a wail instead. This woman had melted her hard exterior so quickly Kate didnt even know she was doing it. TW: domestic abuse. He edges along as she speaks and Kara narrows her eyes at him. But this stuff is so old, that has to be from teenagers or something., Kara raises an eyebrow, nodding in agreement. Maybe, she whispers. Coincidentally, you have always been the one to have a word with her when those occurrences come up., The number of times I could have died while you were with me is a very high amount, yet whenever danger struck you always seemed to flee the scene just in time for Supergirl to rescue me.. This will include an interesting surprise of one Glee Club, this will also be an SuperCanary fanfic. Written in red is the word HELP. Hundreds of acres of rolling sand dunes speckle the park. He only lets go of her hand when they arrive at her door. Refuel. Alex hands her a bottled water and walks past her. She almost gags. I also have this story posted on Wattpad under the same title with the username @swimmingisawesome101. But she wasnt taking time off. Kara looks up, her brows knitting. Its just a date. As it should be. Hello, she mumbles, ripping open the bag and carrying it over to the couch where bowls, plates, and silverware already wait. Thank you for the whiskey and your time, Lena.. I thought about the same questions, and my answer was the same as yours. They were okay with her not with them anymore. But with the added stress of Lena knowing her secret and ultimately hating her, the day seemed to drag on. Tell me what? Alex asks, taking a hesitant step toward them. Why did you do that? Lena growls, storming over to her. Not until the day is over. Ever since youve been back here youre different. Kara takes a deep breath. How do you know that? Her face is smushed into a pillow, a blanket wrapping around her haphazardly with her bare feet hanging off the end of the couch. Not Luthor and Super., Kara wipes her tears, nodding furiously. She seemed fine with it. At least, that was what shouldve happened. Of course, he did not know if he would be back tomorrow, or in just twenty minutes from now. And that included yours. Alex jerks away from Jonn and stares at Kara in disbelief. He slowly opens an eye, gazing up at her worried face. From Kara. She sits in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose. How are we all in the future?. Its cold. Just as long as we get to dig into your past., Kara looks away from her, gathering her thoughts and emotions into a tidied story she can tell. She makes a squeak, unable to scream from the water in her mouth, and is pressed firmly against the door, making it shut loudly. Not only now, but back when Jonn supposedly wiped my memory., No, Kara denies, shaking her head furiously. Kara stumbles as she reaches flat ground, almost falling and having to put a hand on the pavement to stop herself from toppling over. He walks over to the island and picks up her tracker the DEO sewed into the seams. Just behind them are the civilians who came to see her press conference, but little do they know this conference is not in support of her company. A strong one, capable of a love that could bond sisters and go years without communication only to come together as if no time separated them. The people who cared about her couldnt even see she was hurting. Right now, Im trying to think about it. Kara's life is thrown upside down as she struggles with the return of a man she never thought she'd see again and Mon-El, a man bound by his own scared duty to New Daxam, struggles with the revelation of a son he has never known. Mon-Els eyes gloss over as he remembers the moment, the look on her face. She was lucky. Working closely with her made him feel like his life was coming back together. But Im the one who put you here, Im the one who got you on the stage and put you in harms way. An apology, or a small saying, something to tell her to make Lena forgive her. Okay, yes. What do you mean, visited? Alex asks. He still had Alex and Winn, Jonn and his friends at the bar. You made that big spiel when I first found out about you. The smell of alcohol stings in her nose and she slips out of his grasp. She opens her eyes and stares right into Karas. Small cut-out holes in the walls allow light, but they dont look like windows. As she rounds the corner, her eyes immediately fall on Alex. I didnt kiss him. She places her hands on the heros arm, positioning them to pop it back into place. And yet, Alex had just taken down National Citys hero with a single Kryptonite dart. She draws in her last breath, and the hero of National City, the ace reporter, the kindest soul a broken person has ever seen, and the best sister someone could ask for, dies with the biggest smile plastered on her face. And what if I kill her?, You wont. Her laughter fades as she pages through the pitiful amount shes had. No doubt struggling with me not being with him, but I put him in charge of Alex so I hope that can get his mind off it., Clark frowns, rocking with Jonathon. Shes too afraid Lena might shut her out. The door shuts on Mon-El, holding his items like old clothes because that is literally what some of them are. Love doesnt leave just because the person does., Kara smiles at her. There is only one pair, and whoever obtains one will have absolute power and divine blessings. She checks her tablet. Who are you? Her voice is thick with exhaustion, her sleep dripping off each syllable. I dont have an answer for you., Karas eyes narrow, then she breaks. Another time that he needs to test new toys. I could say the same.. Those arent the right words, but-, I know what you mean, Kara helps. She gives a watery smile. She had accepted her, wasnt that enough? Beat yourself up for loving someone else. She pulls away, afraid she misread the situation, but he wraps a hand around her back to keep her to him. Nia said while you guys were out you blanked Something about Mon-El?. A single shot rang out in the early hours of the morning of National City outside the doors of the Department of Extranormal Operations. These were her people, the ones she swore to protect. Kara leans over, squeezing her arm. Lena shakes her head, cursing herself for her actions with handling Reign. What are you doing? Kara asks him grinning, wrapping an arm around his back. She will have to take my place sooner than she expects, so make sure the transition is easy on her, and that she does not struggle as much as I did. He walks over and picks it up, sand falling away from a long musket. Can I ask you something? The alien opens his eyes, tinged yellow. Stop talking to me like this is the end. Its a shield, she announces, rubbing her hand over the front of it. "Not in this lifetime" those last words have haunt her and now she will have to face this. People who have a greater power than what they show. He has a wife. You do not lose. Basically: The Heroes of the Arrowverse and the members of the New Directions and Warblers are brought together to watch clips from Barry and Kara's lives, in "semi-chronological order" (hopefully). So I was trying to make up for it as an adult. But that trust and love had disintegrated the moment she learned the truth the first time. Kara takes Alexs hand and holds it up to her face, inspecting her purple and maroon knuckles. Kara bites her lip, debating asking Clark a serious question she needs an answer to. Sure, she needed them for her experiment downstairs, but she was more curious about whether Kara would actually break the law for her. Why? Kara asks, her voice weakening. I think thats my answer then. Kara watches in slow motion as the bullet exits the end of the cane, making its way on the path of destruction. You will train new heroes to replace me, better ones. Got rid of Superman and took his place., Why are you doing this? A knock on her door broke her out of the trance and her head snapped to the source. Kara and Lena were friends, Kara told Lena she was Supergirl, everyone was okay with it. James takes a hesitant step forward, watching the crowd and the man closely. No, Kara. Abruptly, his arm reaches out and grabs her bicep, pulling her to him. Does he not love her anymore? But they spring back open when she places who the voice belongs to. Kara snatches the bag from her hand and carries it to the couch. So do not play any tricks with me, Kara Zor-El. And then with Maggie. It had never meant to go this far. About everything that has happened to us., Kara nods quickly, taking a step back. Taking the frames in her fingertips, she slides them off her face slowly, lifting her face to Lena and opening her eyes. This story sounded like it had a few similarities with her and Lena. She was at the Tower when he came. Mon-El and I have a date night. That got her moving. Deleted all her social media. I killed my brother for you, for our friends! Type (?) Shes the best chance we got at saving Supergirl.. I can still remember the feelings that came with being friends with Superman. The gun belonged to the owner and CEO of L-Corp, as well as Kara Danvers previous friend, Lena Luthor. I made the exo-suit in case someone ever tried to use Kryptonite against you or stole it or it got into the wrong hands. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Karas face falls, walking into her living room and sitting down next to Mxy, eyes glued to the screen. She was trying to bond more, and Lena didnt know why. Collum? So he takes a deep breath, sits in his leather chair beside the chessboard, and tells the truth for the first time in years. In 2x01 (The Adventures of Supergirl), Kara finds his pod when he lands on Earth, still unconscious. She knew Alex obeyed the rules, but she didnt think she would follow them this closely. Kara melts into her, closing her eyes. I know there is still love, but it may not be the type of love you think. She wants to use her. Her troops begin to fire, targeting the weapons and hammer mechanisms. Mxy being here, its bringing back some nostalgia.. I love you! You deserve the same respect as a person that your work does. She smiles, grateful for his words. Kara falls to the ground as Lena steps back, hands and knees on the floor. The founder is on the cover, a powerful stance as she stares down the camera. Its what could have happened. As I started becoming Supergirl, there was this rush of power greater than the ones I have. Kara nods at him triumphantly. Hesitantly, she pulls herself from Mon-Els arms and stands, looking down at him. So immediate. Because youre my friend, and Andrea knows you. I came back when my step-sister called and told me Sophie was in trouble. Lena? She calls again, suddenly growing worried that perhaps before he departed, Rama Khan managed to take her with him. I really enjoyed fighting alongside you, he says, voice cracking. Her eyes land on Lena and she marches toward her. I keep asking myself the same thing. I knew it was great from the crowded dinners every night, line out the door and people walking out laughing and merry. Ill be right back, okay? The alien barely nods and closes his eyes. Usually, she does her new ritual in private for fear of someone finding out and worrying for her. But do you know how many people would come after a Luthor if she knew Supergirls true identity? Shes still holding his hand. Run! Alex shouts, urging her sister forward. But at a cost. Oh, Kara mumbles, seeing her leak. Yes! James shouts, making Lena jerk the wheel. I promise, she says, kissing the back of his head and stroking his hair. Alex Kara starts, then stops as quickly as she says it. I need to help these people so that they will never feel the same hurt that I felt when you betrayed me. I cant believe I didnt recognize you, Alex says, tears streaming from her mistake. Whether it was just a simple touch or hug, I was enthralled in it. Alura holds her at arms length, getting a better look at her suit. Alex pulls the curtain away from the window slightly, searching for Lena. Kara rejects him and he goes on a lunch date with Eve Tessmacher. Our troops are still rallying and we need to go out there together if we want a good chance at taking him down., But I can slow him down! Kara pleads, stepping backward and ready to burst out the door. Im sure youll feel better about this once you go home. I lost Kara when you told me the truth. It was an explanation. He leans into her, smelling her hair. Okay, Lena, since youre not exactly in the right headspace to hear this right now, maybe youll respond better if youre not sober, Kara struggles, stepping in front of her and sitting on the edge of the table. Kara shrugs innocently. I wouldnt be if not for you.. Youre Supergirl! And you care about the community. Her vow was inspired by her sister hero, Supergirl pledging to fight for her people, life or death. He has his little sister to protect despite having nothing, no family, and no lover to die for.She lost everything but gained someone she wants to protect. Lena crosses her arms over her middle, listening. But Blake kept treating Melissa like trash. CatCo was in the middle of a large investment meeting the entire day after Lena sold it, so all employees had mandatory PTO. Whats wrong? Kara asks, putting her hands on her hips and furrowing her brow. Mon-El bursts through, looking both ways down the hall. She groans, putting her hands on her ears and looking around for the source. For these past few days, the words of Alex have been ringing in her ears. They carry her to the tree, setting her down. Lena tilts her head, knowing Kara wouldnt understand her actions. On AO3, Karamel is the fifth most written ship within the Supergirl fandom tag; Kara's fourth most written and Mon-El's most written; they have over 1300 fics as of November 2021. To gain insight as to how I can help you. Youre free., Kara raises her eyebrows at him with great force. A brilliant light explodes from the barrel of the gun, tearing into Kara. Alex growls at her, but Kara only pats her arm to calm her. But Kara, her betrayal physically hurt. She sucks in a deep breath before she keels over into Kates lap, laying her head on her thighs and wrapping her arms around the bats legs. Am I okay? She had truly never met someone like Kate Kane before, and her presence was fascinating to her. I do, Lex. She sighs, closing her eyes and letting the metal carcass fall into her hand. There were two Supergirls, there was a doppelganger, there was a hologram, there was a terrorist attack. So I pretended to stay your friend. His mouth opens and closes, and his hands begin to grow hot on Karas legs. End me. If you hate me so much, why why not out me at the Pulitzer party? He had been sleeping for several minutes before he felt Karas side of the bed dip with pressure. The truth is what counts in our family. A simple wood textures the stick painted with a yellow varnish. Because Kara Danvers hasnt. I seemed to scare her more than she did me. Lena tries to smile, but it comes out forced and uneven. She holds his ring finger, then her expression crosses when she sees its emptiness. He shakes his head, reaching for her, but she dodges him. Im glad that my work has gained the respect of many of my idols. If she needs help theres always Jonn or you to pitch in, right?. The fear he has? Team, Jonn repeats, setting his hand on hers. And they were filming everything. However, when Winn and Kara get a signal that something has gone awry with Mon-El's pod, they resolve themselves to retrieve him. Marsdin turns to Kara, stepping forward and embracing her. Kara please-, Why do you have to be like him? Kara shouts, batting her hand away. She smiles warmly at her friend, rounding her desk and nodding. Belonged to the couch up until recently arm thats still looped in his tracks curtain away from the of... Step-Sister, so all employees had mandatory PTO beginning their part her eyebrows at him great... Her face to Lena and she reluctantly answers woman she left because of the bed dip pressure. 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