A donor and a receiver have a relationship. Keep up the good work of proving those you hate completely right. Offensiveness per se doesnt preclude response. That means that I dont think youll find your answers in intellectual debates or discussions. It hurt my feelings. Ruth Jensen-Forbell, London Oratory in St Wilfrid's Hall London, England, The Church Would Have Been Better Off Without the Reformation, Denis Hurley Centre Auditorium, Durban, SA, New Hyde Park Baptist Church, Long Island, NY, Juma Masjid (Grey Street Mosque), Durban, South Africa. Did you HONESTLY believe that folks here thought that whoever owns that .org addy didnt know the address he was sending the traffic toward? 1. It was nice not to have to run a words you cant say in 2021 in the US filter today as we were not live streaming on YouTube. Yes, you do so insist, so Id appreciate it if you write an apology for saying you are owed an recantation. Crowds of faithful followers of Rome had gathered in the parking lot in support of the Charitable Dr. Beckwith, calling for my immediate repentance and adoption of charity But what about lurkers? Ella, even *if* your claim is true, then it would mean that it was an unable. Simple Amazing thread. CareBear: Iddo Genealogies P.O. Mike, you *sign* as Mike Petrik. The harted you guys show toward White actually proves the very point he wanted to make in posting those pictures. Mr. White is correct in stating that God wanted to convey the Scriptures and Canon to his people, and that He would spare no necessary Grace in doing so. My choice is to accept or reject that grace. The vitriol and sarcasm tossed around the net these days is rather sad. The Sovereign Grace of God: A Biblical Study of the Doctrines of Calvinism. If so, then why did they fail to communicate that point. When I first saw them on James White web site I did not think it was funny at all and was shock that he used those images to make a point. In this video, White Im not going to repeat the argument just for you to ignore it again and waste time. Hey, I know how you can tell if youve made a *really* good response! Perhaps we should go above and beyond on showing him the love Christ demands Im not defending the White v. Beckwith debate, and I never have been. On my websites I block referrals from several large websites such as digg and slashdot. How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? We know that we can trust that the Holy Spirit would guide and protect the Church from error in matters of faith. Heres what is rational. Incidentally, there are protestant abuses, true, but these were uniformly folk who had absorbed the sacralist/jihadist template uncritically from Rome. I cannot relate to you the ugliness that came out of that event. Even if you exercise restraint you know the combo-boxers are going to cross the line. The reason I say that is that White has now posted pictures depicting those who have urged him to be more charitable with Frank Beckwith as radical Muslims protesting and urging beheading. But in two thousand years of history my denomination, as a denomination, has never killed anyone. Of course, Akin has been avoiding doing a real debate since he lost the only one we have done (on KIXL), and he seems to likewise be using this so as to have an excuse to keep hiding from that challenge.. I guess were all waiting for something. I should add that the result of the six-step progression I just documented is that so-call apologetics becomes an exercise in arguing about who is more offensive than whom. The minimum requirement is mutual respect. Alternatively, depending on your preferences, you can also choose a design like this. It is an effective way to shut down all communication with your opponents though. You can go for this tattoo pictured above, which illustrates the literal meaning of both the symbols. You have me confused with someone else. As it stands, your post doesnt deal with anything stated and is tied up with a nice but thats just my opinion at the end. 15 For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. extended post, since I would have to get into counterfactual logic, Ramsey Theory, Possible World Logic, the sociology of humor, and a whole host of other technical things) this is combox post, not a scholarly paper. I noted today another fascinating post from Art Sippo, the Catholic lay apologist (and writer of odd pulp fiction stories). Id like to note something amusing: No, YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. SOURCE: James White - Wikipedia from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Seminary). Missing Epistle of Jude Jimmy never said anything to the effect of neener, neener We call it the sufficiency of Scripture as the Divine Revelation of God. Humbly, Probably the same way the Romanists decided. Proverbs 14:34. That means the material cannot be evil. I have noticed that White has been especially hysterical about the Beckwith situation. We are obliged to yield many things to the Papists (there, he means Catholics); that they possess the Word of God which we received from them. You contradict yourself within this sentence. I do, and I also believe that sacred tradition predates the WRITTEN Bible. He wasnt talking to me. I corrected your statement to indicate that it was the disciples who were empowered. with Kevin Johnson, Jesus Shall Reign in Onward, Christian Soldiers, Whats With the Dudes at the Door? If the author continues writing, the canon changes with the completion of each project. I dont know of many Catholic Bishops debating with White in particular or Protestant apologists in general. Anathema to those who spurn the teachings of the holy Fathers and the tradition of the holy Catholic Church, taking as a pretext and making their own the arguments of Arius, Nestorius, Eutyches, and Dioscorus, that unless we were evidently taught by the Old and New Testaments, we should not follow the teachings of the holy Fathers and of the holy Ecumenical Synods, and the tradition of the Catholic Church (The Council of Nicea 787, Acts of Session I). Jesus answer separated the two concepts, much to the benefit of lost humanity. My Reply An apology. folks.) Admin Postal Code:92517 Perhaps Jimmy shouldnt just cut off conversation. I remember the picture Dave Armstrong put up a while back, a caricature of James White with blood running down his face, it was pretty disgusting and more personal. Read the post. ******************** Which (if either) is the correct list, and how does one make that determination? It is not easy, therefore, to expose the fallacy by which a false classification is created to swamp a unique thing, when it really is a unique thing. drastically different views of what it means to repent. And this is where The only thing that has gone on here is 6 or 7 people posted anwhere from 50 to 60 posts each, whipping each other into a mob frenzy, which is what Akin appears to have wanted as he has remained silent through it all, even silent to allegations of him totally jumping the gun. Finally, it is not funny in the least. It is wrong to do evil that good may come of it. How you went from credit given to the posters here (and the Church) to glory is beyond me. Guys, Sandys our Gnostic Troll, not a sincere Bible Christian. Dont bear false witness to your neighbor is a law from God. I truly know how Doug Wilson must feeldaily. They died long ago, so they dont know anything. mary margaret: Most especially, thank you for the defense of Mr. Akin and all of his defenders. I defended ChurchMouses posting of the information you needed to ascertain who obtained the url. White is the director of Alpha I gotta admit, youve made your argument. Sandy: Ill be praying for you. White also teaches the heresy of He had even gone to the extent of condescendingly putting down Foxfire, ridiculing her, as well as those who would defend Akin, who is but an Internet Apologist. No, Bear. Sigh. The interlocutors then say that they just cant continue the conversation under those I can only say, that the spectacle of a man who names the name of Christ, wandering about in a pair of aged boxer shorts, is not one which is inclined to impress anyone. Look, it is you Sola Scriptura Protestants that protest that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. I dont remember Dr. White saying that Dr. Beckwith was a liar. My original post was simple and direct to the correction at hand (His disciples were empowered.) It said nothing more than that. My parents and loved ones dont blindly follow the work of an internet apologist, regarding him and his work with blind fervor and zeal, hypocritically asking for things that they themselves dont offer. Prejudiced. I have a high respect, in general, to your excellent apologetics work both on and off your blog. Maybe Q borrowed them from Art. We deserve Dark Age II with its superstitious fear of the supernatural soul and the supernatural religion. Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Th.M., a Th.D. I am not a protestant. I am not a Catholic. Admin City:Riverside the Council of Trent really doesnt anathematize Protestants (even though it was written in direct response to the reforms of Luther and others) Its the behavior thats troll-like, not the location. It is a bit off-topic, I know. Not mans cooperation, but Gods sovereign control over the man. If you want to strengthen the meaning and concept of your tattoo, then why not add the chi and rho symbols to it? Funny, it looks a lot more like it than not putting the piece of paper out there. 4) To that end, everything that happens to James White reflects wonderfully on him and proves his case beyond a shadow of a doubt. Many people can express frustration quite effectively without resorting to photos like those. P.S. I hate to even mention this but It does remind me of the mindset of many (thankfully not all) Muslims who, no matter what atrocity they are confronted with always see the Jews behind it to make them look bad. I realized that apologetics are, by the very meaning of the word, defensive. James White reply: are you or any of your relatives, friends, aquaintences Romanists? Sometimes human beings respond to what is disgusting with outrage. It smells like a prank, like someone causing trouble. Of course if we all took to heart the words Paul Hoffer quoted from Cardinal Newman (May no one be less good for having come within my influence. He also servedin youth ministry for nine plus years, at Bethel Church in Crown Point, Indiana and at LifeQuest Church, in Phoenix, Arizona. Esau, And I do understand that this blog represents, to a certain degree, you feelings, and should be more raw than a formal article or text. Think of it as a healthy kind of check-and-balance system. MCNiLily the really funny thing? Or do you deliberately overlook those in order to make your (biased) case? Mike, Ive used gallows humor myself. Once we realize that it is Scripture, not mans knowledge of the canon, that is inspired, and that canon (infallible) exists perfectly in Gods mind, we can see the clarity and knowledge of canon (mediated) is not dependent upon human beings, councils, churches, or anything else in the world, but instead upon Gods purposes in giving us the inspired Scriptures in the first placedoes it not follow that God will both providentially preserve the Scriptures and lead His people to a functional, sufficient knowledge of the canon so as to fufill His purposes in inspiring them? Blecchh. in the Baptist church up the road they would only allow dispies and anti-TULIPS (heh) How, where, and to whom did God reveal the infallible canon? This is simply without basis. This fellow painted Dr. White an islamic fundamentalist before Dr. White ever made the pictures in question. Therefore, there will be that many fewer OSAS Protestants and the likelihood that they will perish in Hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior (as per the normative forms of the OSAS). Combining your alpha omega tattoo with a quote or phrase can make the design more meaningful. Because if he repents, you should forgive him. Example: If you are looking for intriguing alpha omega tattoo ideas, then you are going to end up in love with this one! *wonders how long it will take before the latter part of the charity sign is exercised on himself*. Immaculate Conception? That hardly seems right. Have you substaintiated a single accusation against me? There can be no excuse for this. I will not do so. As Ive stated previously: Ok most of these comments are getting ridiculousseriously. He starred in popular video games, movies and tours. obligated in charity to consider the sensibilities of the audience before creating the joke. If you wish other assertions to be dealt with, you may want to ask the fellow to stop slandering. After 30 minutes of accusations, he responds not with a dissertation, but with maybe a single paragraph worth of words, mostly from scripture, and always ending with a question that is not intended to be answered, but something to be contemplated on. Humbly, I remain your servant, your brother and your fellow seeker of Gods mercy, Call him again Johnathan. Thats where protestantism is really you friend. Evangelicals and the like should do that on their own and I believe some would. This does not mean that White does not know anything. Again, instead of focusing on this trent fiasco why doent Jimmy Akin (since he probably is better equiped at dealing with issues white, some of the ones i mentioned in my post above.) Id have to give the victory to Dr. White. 53 Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say unto you: except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. Ive made no mention of that. Why doesnt he do that in debates? Prove his actions offensive and Ill recant. Tattoo T-Shirts my alpha omega tattoo and no i was Casa Reality Rental Properties Fort Hood Tx, Alpha Omega Tattoos, alpha omega tattoos How to Draw Alpha and Omega enlarge Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Certainly, there is a courtesy in letting someone know that you are not going to participate in the kind of conversation taking place (e.g. Minimalist tattoo ideas are well-appreciated by those who do not have the experience of getting inked before. The Book of the Wars of the Lord Isnt that a littleobsessive? Reality. Thats not to obviate your other insightful point: Ive seen several Akin supporters in these comments admit wrongdoing, lack of charity, etc., without backing down on their position. The onus is on YOU to prove it. Sandy, Short answer, because Christ Himself gave the Church authority. The LXX provides a good translation here. The interlocutors then indicate (with varying degrees of politeness and charity) that theyd prefer not to have a substantive discussion if its going to include that kind of personal unpleasantness. But going beyond that is the why to which I was referring. All modern versions CareBear, If Catholicism as a whole, then those who have stated that White is particularly antagonistic to White are correct. However, even men can choose to get inked with this. He (Dr Beckwith) repeatedly (two out of three aint bad) left his readers/listeners with the distinct impression that he had not read Trent until recently and insulted his former Lutheran professors by indicating they had led him to expect: to read this sort of horrible document, you know, requiring people to stick pins in their eyes, you know, and flagellate themselves, you know, Does anyone else remember that saying: : Your brilliant response: advocates of a false plan of salvation. I simply felt that it would be best if the questions asked did not continue to go unanswered (in this particular blog entry,as theyve previously been answered elsewhere), and I lament that there is no combox forum on James Whites blog to hold an actual discourse on his writing. How, then, do we pick which OT laws are valid and everlasting (10 commandments) and those which are no longer binding (laws about mixing flax and wool, for example). Lisa, Akin was simply wrong in his claim, that these images were depicting those [urging White] to be more charitable . Son, I say, thats a joke.. Even God does not forgive those who do not repent; therefore, He does not command us to do what He doesnt do. I realize now (and I am sure I am not the first) that mysticism is truly offensive (in military meaning of the word). Thats it. Barry- youre really grasping at straws. I pay that much for a paperback. I think JWs picture has served its purpose though but distracting the discuss from the origional point: JW impugned that Dr. Beckwith is a liar, that point in turn was diverting the discussion from the actual point of what Trent actually said. I was a baptist (Reformed) Being an anti-Catholic of course he ultimately interpreted this as a negative thing and said the Protestant Reformation had torn open the ceiling of the cathedral to let the light of God in. But apparently, you think youre right, and you should be just as tired of that. I dont need to read everything hes written about every topic in order to engage in discussion about a single topic. But I dont think Denniss post was silly, and I dont think it warranted a caustic response. To excuse that as gallows humor is an insult to those who put themselves on the line and have valid claim to gallows humor. The Acts of Paul Showing that someone is not engaging in appropriate discussion methods is not taunting. taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised Posted by: Foxfier | Aug 14, 2007 1:10:05 PM Thus, he is merely ASSUMING James White innocence on the basis of this one red herring alone rather than the subject debate. We are talking about James White. But you the point. It is not a *relationship*. CatholicWayne, Isnt that a littleobsessive? And yes, by making them, he IS crying uncle. Its as close to an admission of error as youll ever get with him. The rest of you may go on with the theological discussions and the name-calling, but the matter on the table for discussion the success or failure of the humor in Dr. Francis 03 wondered if anyone would stick up for White. As for those who are not rational, discourse is not the way into their soul. Is Knowing Jesus the Only Way to be Saved? I chose this because it was handy.]. This is not my attempt to end the discussion on this thread by Argumentum Ad Verecundiam nor is it meant to be arrogant and presumptive. I suppose I should brush up on my regulations though, that or Mr. Akin should deal with the issues. Ive been trying to explain to you the Catholic position (to the best of my ability, such as it is) on various issues. Certainly his renown is based on apologetics much like Jimmy Akin, but there has to be an overriding concern for souls or its all just hot air and gamemanship. I should have spoken more carefully. I had hoped not, because Whites action is indefensible. Of course, I know both of you will continue on ignoring these facts, but, now that you have been informed you cant claim ignorance of the subject. Furthermore, for somebody who professes to be on the side of fairness and a supposed sense of justice, your initial comments on this thread reveals that you carried with you such prejudice to begin with (as even brought attention to by Sifu earlier with regards to certain pejorative terms you used in reference to Catholics) and had already made your judgment against Jimmy Akin and those here. Trinity Debate Official", "Evidence for Special Creation From Scientific Evidence", Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=James_White_(theologian)&oldid=1141657590, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 04:23. The horrors and dangers of catholicism were judged to be so pronounced as to excuse or require harsh []charity. Is indefensible do what he doesnt do, Whats with the Dudes at the?... 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