Being a proficient writer of fiction requires an adept utilization of symbolism, foreshadowing, use of metaphors and similes, etc., in addition to a great sense of imagination. I would argue that N types are smarter than S types, because N types are better at picking up patterns, conceptualizing and planning. I have talked about the cognitive functions in other places. I can name countless influential E's and I can name countless influential I's. Introverts are most likely to spend time by themselves studying stuff. I'm surprised people actually talk about this kind of stuff. -from the enfj who apparently has a high iq, whatever that means. But which personality type is the smartest? ENFJ: Grandiosity fueled by admiration from others. Recent: Top 50 Questions Christians Cant Answer or Can They? 12. They are both so close and there are plenty of arguments on both sides. But, their Ni will bring them far in life. How are you defining what being smart or intelligent as being?? The absolute best you can then say is that maybe being an N type means you are slightly more likely to be marginally smarter than an S type on average. It is hard to know. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. And it would also be bad for creatives, because they would not be able to come up with certain ideas because there would not be the existing framework of society to uphold them to a certain degree (sure you can be creative in a desert, but wouldn't it be easier in a city with a whole system in place?). They really tell the same exact story. Or should it be Extroverted Intuition? ENFP is also the most common type out of all the intuitives by a large margin with having nearly twice the population over the second most common intuitive personality ENTP. INFJs are best at knowing the emotional and spiritual world. NF's do use critical thinking as well. 16. Enstein was only 160 IQ (15 sd) Healers excel when dealing with people demonstrating sympathetic idealism and compassion for othersalso known as The Thoughtful Idealist and The Mediator. T's are generally more mechanical and technical. my inputs However, stating this the opinion that comes to mind is the simple fact that if a person is raised in a meritocratic environment ("if you work hard, get into a good university, get a good job you'll do well and advance in society" (let's ignore the fault in logic for a moment)), they are more likely to dismiss the idea that there are intelligent and non-intelligent people. Here's the explanation. What are the facts showing this as wrong? These people often have high logical-mathematical intelligence and are good with logical reasoning and analysis. To another it may be interpersonal. There morals can make them selfish and kinds stupid. N dom personalities were not very high regard on his list (ENxP and INxJ). It is written for the people who read it and think to themselves, hmm, I've never really seen it that way before and this does make sense and fit in with a lot of the things I've researched as well. But I still found my third variable And though it too, may have an opposing end, maybe this regression is not only unwelcome, but necessary to function; to survive along an abstraction of metaphysicality. Intp seem to be more "spiritual". I am an ENFP by the way, according to the test I took a few days ago. Te of course is extraverted logic, but Ne has to do with imagination and Si has to do with memory. But unlike ISFJs, they appear to be smarter on the outside. - ESFJ/ENFJ: Most People Smart Many of the comments here are a great example of the latter phenomenon. Famous intjs like Newton and Tesla died as virgins; and they both invented practicle tools( i.e. I wouldnt have guessed that just by sheer number ENFPs are more likely to have higher IQs. In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs. INTP is too busy making things work that they have no time to plan. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? Love them as I do, in a mental show down I can mop the floor with them handily, in any chosen category save, empathy. For example, INFP's have an edge over all types in linguistic intelligences (writing, foreign languages, vocabulary), but are absolutely abysmal with planning and verbal fluidity. You're wrong because that's not what MBTI is about! Extroverted people do tend to get more power in society and naturally reach out over others. I also responded a while back about the cognitive functions because people love to keep bringing them up as if it somehow magically disproves what I am saying: It seems as though they value their intuition more than their thinking preference, and us intj's seem to prefer our thinking more. Feeling however is regarded frequently to having close ties to emotion due to cultural bias (although I agree, irrational physiological processes tend to gather around more subjective processes, such as evaluation of ethics). Didn't even get past the first sentences. Bob is an interesting character, but he certainly struggles with people (and any other type, really) intelligence. Newer IQ tests generally do not incorporate these tests into IQ scores, although they do have positive effects, such as prevention of bullying in schools and at the workplace. Once you come to that understanding, you will see that it is impossible to discern which specific cognitive functions contribute most to intelligence. I should not have to post this stuff twice. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Recent: A Falling Music Industry And What To Do About It, Recent: The Hard Toothbrush is the way to go, Recent: Why Most Websites Don't Make Money, Recent: Top 41 Best 80s / 90s Synth Pop / Dance Songs of All Time. An ENFP with an IQ of 142, which means nothing, because I could be socially and emotionally retarded, and therefore not even categorized as human. I always struggle to keep up with his thought pattern and it diminishes our conversations. I like the Myers Briggs articles and videos myself. But they are so clouded by emotion they cannot help but act on that, sometimes not focusing on the right thing. People are attracted to your no-fuss-no-muss attitude - they want someone they can rely on and you're the definition of dependable. For instance, many believe Introverted Intuition to be the source of the most intelligent/insightful/enlightened thinking and ideas. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. No matter your personality type, you may still likely be of average intelligence. If everyone were completely healthy geniuses the same in every other stat besides mbti, the INTJs would simply be the most drawn to becoming what most people culturally believe to be intelligent, and therefore be the most influential in what most people culturally believe to be intelligence. So in many ways the INF is very similar and close to the number one spot of the INT. S-types are generally more practical than N types, but are far more rigid. INTP with the curse of curiosity. Recent: Science VS Religion - Which Is Right? A problem I see here is that you're relying solely on your intuitions here but not actually paying any attention to the actual facts. the definition of "smarter". } Surprisingly, most ENTJs score pretty high on this as well, so I think any intuitive extrovert who does not struggle with autism would probably score somewhere between average and high on EQ. INTJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging) type scores the highest on conceptual IQ tests among all 16 personality types. I said that the INTJs were best at knowing the world but by that I mean the logical, factual world. They are knowledgeable and react with flexible logic to the world. The information that Ive seen seems to link the design of IQ tests with traits more common in intuitives, specifically those with dominant extraverted intuition (as opposed to the introverted intuition used by INTJs). These strong and weak functions make these types rather academic, there isn't much application of their intelligence in the real world. These highly aesthetic individuals have a mindful presence, always acting in the moment. I must say I really enjoyed the way you came to your conclusions. Logical and Interpersonal were the lowest. Filling with enthusiasm, spontaneity, and impulsiveness, common careers for ENFPs include counseling, religion, arts, and teaching. It was a paradox; and thus my religion was conceived: Paradoxitheism. BTW im an ENTP It is more likely for an INTJ to be a genius than any other personality type. It seems pretty clear that the two go hand in hand. Our team of editors strives to be objective, unbiased, and honest. This also helps my development of F. Other than that, the conceptualisation of the subject is great. There are tons of influential P's and tons of influential J's. Most of us introverts have noticed how our world is tailored towards the extroverts. Verywell / JR Bee. INTP (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) was Albert Einsteins personality type. I studied actuarial science in university which is a pretty tough discipline.We did all kinds of mathematics(both abstract courses and more realistic courses) and a few programming courses.All the time rationals came top of my class.If I would order them ENTPs seemed to be top of all, followed by INTJ then ENTJ and lastly INTP.Of course this order could be biased as you know INTPs are slackers/lazy but could be in fact be most intelligent of all if they put equal effort with other rationals.In fact I had an INTP friend that ended up dropping out not because he was not smart but he got distracted and fell in love with politics. I'd try if I could, but I've never been inside an INTJ brain before. They are conscientious helpers that act according to a strict personal moral code expecting others to adhere to their exacting standards. Thanks for sharing :). I know this is eons old now, but great article. And traditional intelligence does not necessarily correlate to success or even happiness. Being intelligent vs being smart? " The I's are more independent than the E's". What does it means? In fact, humans are social creatures. ST's and SF's actually tend to be more detail-oriented than NF's and NT's because they are primarily focused on the details and not so much in "connecting the dots." Quinton, why is it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of cognitive functions? INFP: Getting heartbroken one too many times. There are geniuses in every personality type and idiots in every personality type as well. Why don't we talk lots of other things that would also lead to greater understanding? And sensing and feeling play a large part in successful social interactions and positive community development. They are highly detail oriented and have a propensity for troubleshooting. "They are resilient, always working, moving, thinking of the next best thing They think ahead of situations and people are often threatened by them.". Only problem being they spend so much time having fun. I think they can seem smarter than alot of the types above. Intelligence.. shall we break it down ? Why don't I go outside of personality and start talking spirituality? Of course we are both very similar, however. We seek tools from high level Physics, Math, Stats, etc. Se lives in the moment which has its positives but it is short sighted and has 0 intrest in learning. Despite the excess of criticism here in comments--to which you've given ample reply--your analysis is as sound and thorough as can be expected with present empirical data. But in other cases the INFJ may have more to offer than the ENTJ. She's smart in her way, and I'm smart in my own. If you want to create a stronger ranking of the types, I recommend basing it off the individual functions of each type, rather than on just the Big Four. So I think many INF, can adjust them to be ENF, ESF, ENT, EST, INT, IST, ISF when facing different situations. INTJ- They are extremely skilled when it comes to information, storing it and knowing how to use it in the big picture. This is where the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) comes in. It's quite accurate that Intj is one of the most intelligent. With this data, the types from most to least intelligent are: 1. ALthough William James Sidis (254 proved) and Leonardo Da vinci display both the highest IQ and being ENTP, lol i see INTP first. To break down the differences in type this way is a bit too superficial to be accurate. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. So what is actually going on? ENTJs have this dominant ability of extroverted thinking, which puts them on the list of "most intelligent," according to Robledo. Psychological scientist Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother, Katharine Briggs, developed this classification system to make the Jungian theory of Psychological types understandable and valuable to the general public. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. Although i would switch 2nd and 3nd places. "But for the purposes of this article we are going to measure smart as the influence one has over others and society". 1. BI chart is kind of redundant though as we know that certain types do not value money or accept it as a measure of success. The know-it-all who can answer every question at trivia night. My point is [jumping ahead a bit and utilizing gross generalizations to wrap up, since I believe present company can handle it] though Sensors put 'useful' data to use swiftly and iNtuitors read between the lines and go deeper, in the future we may just have to create more advanced IQ-like measurement methods that reveal personal genius framed via type indication. So now I'm using it as a survival mechanism. History will remember the INTP, the magazines will talk about ESFJ's. So if you're the smartest personality type, don't get your ego up because you may be smart in one way, but not another. INFJs are practically mind readers, and it is nearly a freaking super power. So "smart" they've outsmarted themselves! 2022 Galvanized Media. 14. In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs. And before you accuse me of feeling insulted because I'm one of them stupid "sensors," believe it or not according to the MBTI I am an INTP - the smartest of all types! (This explains the reason why you must state in advance whether or not you are into hugging!) Are there more geniuses among one type? And just like the nature vs. nurture debate, the argument over street smarts vs. book smarts will be ongoing. Also both married 3x or over. I guess I'm kinda smart. Do you honestly believe this yourself? The INTx types are most often listed as the smartest. Who is the smartest in the class? If I had to give one an edge I would give a slight edge to P's as they are generally more involved with abstract things which are more primary and closer to a first cause than the more physical and real world things. Therefore there is no correlation between personality type and intelligence. 2.Being guardians, they simply are those people who accept and cherish the established rules and traditions for the sake of accepting it. Other big brains on the list are ESTJs. However, there are exceptions. Catman, I don't think that "NFs do not apply "critical thinking" to their patterns, conceptualizations and plans". The N's invent, innovate and build. Please incorporate socionics. Perhaps not the smartest, but definitely the most influential. I will point out that S types are probably more likely to succeed at an average intelligence or lower, around less than genius range at least, because they take better care of themselves, thus allowing them to be more physically stable, whereas the N types get caried away with dreams if they aren't intelligent enough to be as realistic as S types. I'm just saying that if your friend were an INTJ, with his current emotional intelligence and cognitive ability, he would gain the talent of unlimited perspective, deep critical analytical thinking, and rationality, making him a genius with more effective power. The T is 14% and J is 10%. There is no pattern there which is why there is absolutely no statistical evidence to support your claims. An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. I am of the opinion that INTJs and INTPs are roughly equal when it comes to intelligence. This is awesome, thank you. INFJ is the rarest type only 2% of the population. It's like Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw at a quiz bowl. They don't have the organization and precision aspects that the INT's have. I'm not trying to back up INTPs here or anything, however, INFJs deserve to be much lower than they actually are on the ranking. 4.They generally have no idea what they want to do in life beside following and or defending rules. Why don't I include the Enneagram? The reason I put them higher than INFPs is because they can completely cancel out emotion which can quite often be time wasting, debilitating and can even cloud judgement. She was just five years old when she took on the iconic role. As an INF, "I" alway push INF to review their weakness, find it out and to fix it. (-; This is speaking from an INFJ perspective. Which means that this answer is okay; it's valid and could be, but doesn't have to be, nor is it maybe, necessarily sound. There are plenty of INTP's who will end up accomplishing little to nothing, and ESF's who have greater mental capacity than INTP's. Other than this, great article! if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Believe me, there are PLENTY of examples of genius S types and N types who are dumber than rocks. Can an intelligent person pretend to be unintelligent? 6. You stated correctly that this is your opinion, frankly, your opinion does not matter at all because you have nothing to support it, which makes me question its validity right away, as well as its replicability. I have never seen someone use both their logic and their "feelings" simultaneously as she does. All types are special in one way or another cheers! ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. I have to say that this is a pretty interesting study. And the same could be done with the others. Everyone uses their senses. N's usually create things that the S's use. This accords us a greater degree of control and conspicuity. (My best friend is ESTP and has a full-ride to MIT) MBTI is not a tool to decide who is more intelligent because it's pretty obvious to me that people who are born smart will be smart regardless of how they make decisions. On the other hand, the INTPs are extremely difficult to be identified due to their extreme intelligence. Why then, is every single type under-represented in the top 2%? Ni always wants to understand below the surface level and understand the deeper meaning. LOL -I'm an INTJ but i dont care that much. On the contrary, it is a disadvantage for introverts not to be able to get energy from the outside. Very interesting. So if we were to list them from smartest to dumbest I would break it down as follows: According to this breakdown an intuitive, introverted feeler (INF) is usually going to be smarter than an intuitive, extroverted thinker (ENT). I would put the smart P's and the smart J's pretty much in the same boat. Extroverted, intuitive, feeling, and judging types are also among the most intelligent,Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, explains. Additionally, a certain personality type, even if they're a 'Feeler' can be logical and solve a problem logically, just as every personality type can do things their personality type usually cannot. To one person it may be creativity. In the same way, INTJs use intuition to plan, act, make themselves certain of their judgments. He is great at math and physics and able in abstract theology. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. So though you admit to speaking in generalities, this analysis is hardly the truth. etc. There are different types of intelligence, and all personality types can be smart in all of them. They could solve any physical thing very quickly. F's care about people. However I feel they have to strong a need to be adored almost always to really be analytical in anything. I instead have lived life, taken in lots of experiences, data, feelings and the like, and then I've said, oh interesting, MBTI fits in well with these other things. An INTP may spend more time developing those ideas, but less time sharing them with others. Not sure I agree with your definition of "smart", though. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. Does that not imply they've had a larger influence on society? No NFs apply critical thinking to other stuff e.g. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. We should not call that instinct. Thought Catalog mentioned in an article on how why intuitives dominate the MBTI Community and why sensors feel alienated. They are being rational with emotion. Interesting, though i think it might be misleading! If you want to base it on logical and analytical ability, then it's probably the INTP, yet they have a tendency to be exceedingly lazy. People who are lacking here are more likely to act on selfish whims and engage in archaic, 'animalistic' behavior. I am somewhat sticking my neck out by putting feelers above thinkers in many of the ways that I do. Ironically, politics is mostly centered on the needs of white cisgender heterosexual men, the very group whose "ideas" are normal. So NFs and NTs both tend to use critical thinking but in different ways., INTP and INTJ are fundamentally different, Not surprising, Existential intelligence or thinking for its own sake is actually the primary life goal or purpose in life for INTPs. ENTJ- They are incredibly smart people and incredibly business minded, they know the world on a business level the best out of all types it seems. NJ on causality. 11. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. E's are usually influential in the foreground as leaders while I's are generally influential in the background as philosophers. Anyway here is an interesting article about type intelligence. So I split them apart, assigned their own variables and came to my senses that this was all simply, an algebraic equation; in philosophic-linguistic form. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. Not. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { If you actually look at ISFJs (just like the INFJs) they do this exact same thing because they have Ti in their tertiary too. Socrates, Leonardo DaVinci, arguably to of the most intelligent individuals to ever walk the planet. Those who are introverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving are the "doers" of the intelligent crowd, Robledo adds. 1. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. Which Is The Smartest MBTI Type? It it also false to assume that T means more intelligence. That being said, the concept of politics is a very sensory dominated group, due to its strong uphold of the status quo, even in the most "liberal" of liberals (who arguably are not that liberal because if they were they would be defending the rights of people of colour, queer people, women and trans people, which is depressing that someone's existence is deemed "liberal justice" oh well) In fact its said that after reading Kant at age 14 and Hume at 15, he switched to physics and then self taught himself calculus at age 17. But then again I'm an INFP myself and if it's relating to my type or me as an individual , I personally love studying stuff I can relate and connect with deeply and personally as well as tools which help me understand people and their motives better. 1. It may not be the best type, as they all have unique qualities. I'm also not sure how I feel about this: "The thing that separates humans from animals and lower species is our intelligence and our reasoning abilities. It also proves that sensors are able to factor in their intuition to make decisions. Like you've said in an earlier comment, one fine day a person shows up, reads your article, says 'I never really thought about it like that before', and DOES AN ACTUAL STUDY! We will discuss each of these one by one to develop a deeper understanding of this personality type. I myself am a strong E, and am also very, very smart. 3. On the flip side, even though the feeler is using emotion the way that they are pulling the emotion through introversion is going to bring a great level of precision and accuracy. Also, I am talking in generalities. A very common type but they seem to be up there with ENTJ and ENFJ in regards to IQ. The ability to see what other normal humans dont, the ability to think what other people dont, and yet it works way better than other ideas. So in short, intuitives tend to show certain traits that people associate with intelligence. They are interested in the here-and-now and are more likely to focus on details than taking a broader view of things. Here's a bit of where I stray: This chart was clearly made up by some random INTP guy. Have a nice day. Why should an introvert be smarter than an extrovert? See, e.g., You have to define this first before trying to come up with the conclusion! You sound like a typical ISTJ, no offence. Im kinda confused how the percentage of people with high IQs is so disproportional to the amount of intuitives in the population. 6. Other smarties to make the list are ESTJs. I am curious to see as what others think. That doesn't make them an automatic genius, and as I will say below, neither the method to judge intelligence or the method to judge personality is entirely accurate.). There is a lot more than just the four dichotomies going on. In any case, thank you for reading and I hope you have a better insight into why MBTI exists: not to be the be-all-end-all to humanity but to exemplify certain patterns of thought and behaviour in humans. INTP: Loss of respect for ethics in the pursuit of scientific knowledge. Those are INTP and ISTP. There are several theories revolving around the mutual effect of personality and intelligence. Also as I said S types can be more intelligent than N types, just in a different manner. How why smartest to dumbest personality types dominate the MBTI community and why sensors feel alienated i a! Be able to factor in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy is where the Myers-Briggs type (! 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