The remainder of his Hungarian tunes are the various Hungarian Rhapsodies, which are some of the highest level pieces out there. A pretty good list. Its not a sad-sounding piece, though if you didnt know the backstory, youd be inclined to think Liszt wrote it about happy days. But its all too common that pianists do not bother recording the entire Annees, for example, or even all of the Paganini etudes (many just stick with La Campanella). Truly spectacular. 25 in A-flat major, Shortly before his death in 1938, Godowsky wrote on the process of arrangement, To justify myself in the perennial controversy which exists regarding the aesthetic and ethical rights of one composer to use another composers works, themes, or ideas as a foundation for paraphrases, variations, etc., I desire to say that it depends entirely upon the intention, nature and quality of the work of the so-called transgressor. Since the Chopin Etudes are universally acknowledged to be the highest attainment in etude form in the realm of beautiful pianoforte music combined with mechanical and technical usefulness, I thought it wisest to build upon their solid and invulnerable foundation to further the art of pianoforte playing. The final version he dedicated to pianist and composer Carl Czerny, his mentor and one of Beethovens students. Yah, it'd be interesting to get others' ranking and perspective. Which periods of music should one consider and should the article consider only technical challenges or other subtler musical difficulties?,_S.415_(Liszt,_Franz), Etude S.137/5, Feux Follets S.139/5, Etude S.140/4, Etude S.140/6, Spanish Fantasy S.253, Spanish Song-book S.695c, Rminiscences des Puritains S.390/1, Rminiscences de Lucrezia Borgia S.400, Rminiscences des Huguenots S.412/3, Rminiscences de Robert le diable S.413, Rminiscences de Don Juan S.418, Fantasy on La clochette S.420, Tannhauser Overture S.442, Beethoven Symphony S.464/6, Symphonie Fantastique S.470, Fantasy on Don Giovanni and Figaro S.697, Etude S.137/4, Etude S.137/12, Mazeppa S.138, Mazeppa S.139/4, Chasse Neige S.139/12, Etude S.140/3, Etude S.140/4a, Scherzo und Marsch S.177, Sonata in B Minor S.178, Galop S.218, Rondo Fantastique S.252, Fantasy on La Sonnambula S.393/1, Rminiscences de La juive S.409a, Fantasy on Niobe S.419, Rminiscences de La Scala S.458, Beethoven Symphony S.464/1, Beethoven Symphony S.464/2, Beethoven Symphony S.464/3, Beethoven Symphony S.464/4, Beethoven Symphony S.464/5, Beethoven Symphony S.464/8, Totentanz S.525, Etude S.137/7, Etude S.137/8, Etude S.137/10, Etude S.141/3, Etude S.141/6, Dante Sonata S.161/7, Variations on Bach S.180, Sarabande and Chaconne on Handel S.181, La Tyrolienne fantasy S.385/2, Turkish Capriccio on Beethoven S.388, Rminiscences de Norma S.394, Fantasy on Soires musicales S.422/2, Fantasy on Der Freischtz S.451, Mephisto Waltz S.514, Danse Macabre S.555, Erlknig S.558/4, Etude S.137/2, Eroica S.139/7, Wilde Jagd S.139/8, Etude S.140/1, Etude S.140/2, Orage S.160/5, Tarantella S.162/3, Ballade S.170/2, Legend S.175/2, Grosses Konzertsolo S.176, Grand Galop Chromatique S.219, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/1, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/2, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/6, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/9, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/10, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/13, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/14, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/15, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/19, Spanish Rhapsody S.254, Tarantella di Bravura S.386, Rminiscences de Lucia di Lammermoor S.397, Valse de Faust S.407, Il galop S.411/2, La serenata del marinaro S.411/4, Il brindisi S.411/5, La zingarella spagnuola S.411/6, Miserere du Trovatore S.433, Rigoletto Paraphrase S.434, Finale de Don Carlos S.435, Rminiscences de Boccanegra S.438, Fantasy on Rienzi S.439, William Tell Overture S.552, Mephisto Waltz S.515, Les morts S.112/1, Etude S.136/8, Etude S.136/10, Etude S.137/6, Etude S.137/9, Etude S.137/11 , Fuses S.139/2, Appassionata S.139/10, Harmonies du Soir S.139/11, Etude S.140/5, Etude S.141/1, Etude S.141/2, Morceau de salon S.142, Ab Irato S.143, Gnomenreigen S.145, Apparition S.155/2, Apparition S.155/3, Valle d'Obermann S.160/6, Sposalizio S.161/1, Gondoliera S.162/1, Ballade S.170/1, Bndiction de Dieu dans la solitude S.173/3, Funrailles S.173/7, Berceuse S.174/2, Legend S.175/1, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/7, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/8, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/11, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/16, Ballade d'Ukrane S.249/1, Solovei "Le rossignol" S.250/1, Chanson bohmienne S.250/2, Barcajuolo S.399/1, La torre di Biasone S.399/3, Liebestraum S.541/1, Auf dem Wasser zu singen S.558/2, Die junge Nonne S.558/6, Gretchen am Spinnrade S.558/8, Stndchen S.558/9, Der Wanderer S.558/11, Ave Maria S.558/12, 6: Advanced (Beethoven Pathetique Sonata), La notte S.112/2, Le triomphe funbre du Tasse S.112/3, Etude S.136/5, Etude S.136/11, Etude S.137/1, Preludio S.139/1, Vision S.139/6, Ricordanza S.139/9, La Leggierezza S.144/2, Un Sospiro S.144/3, Waldesrauschen S.145, Apparition S.155/1, Au bord d'une source S.160/4, Les jeux d'eaux la Villa d'Este S.163/4, Invocation S.173/1, Pense des morts S.173/4, Miserere d'aprs Palestrina S.173/8, Cantique d'Amour S.173/10, Bach Prludium Weinen Klagen Sorgen Zagen S.179, Toccata S.197a, Mephisto Waltz S.216, Galop de bal S.220, Csrds S.225/2, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/4, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/17, Hungarian Rhapsody S.244/18, Mlodies polonaises S.249/2, L'ide fixe S.395, L'alito di bice S.399/2, La primavera S.411/1, Il pastore svizzero S.411/3, Valse de concert S.430, Elsas Brautzug zum Mnster S.445/2, Les morts S.516, Sei mir gegrsst S.558/1, Frhlingsglaube S.558/7, Rastlose Liebe S.558/10, Stndchen S.560/7, Widmung S.566a, Etude S.136/1, Etude S.136/2, Etude S.136/4, Etude S.136/6, Etude S.136/9, Etude S.136/12, Etude S.137/3, Etude S.141/4, Etude S.141/5, Il Lamento S.144/2, Le mal du pays S.160/8, Les cloches de Genve S.160/9, Canzone S.162/2, Marche Funbre S.163/6, Sursum corda S.163/7, Consolation S.172/6, Andante lagrimoso S.173/9, Die Glocken von Rom S.182, Schlaflos! Instead of playing a transcendental etude, might I suggest playing one of the exercises that inspired the transcendental etudes? I havent played any of them, but i would expect the Eroica (7) to be the easiest of the five. I did an analysis video on these a while back, so check that out if youd like to get into more depth on these. The Hungarian composer Gyrgy Ligeti composed his cycle of devilishly difficult 18 tudes for solo piano between 1985 and 2001. Probably the most popular Consolation is the third one, which is more difficult at an RCM grade 10 level Henle ranks this one as level 4/5. This Etude (or study), was part of a set of studies Chopin composed between 1832 and 1837. Ive talked in depth about these rating systems before, and you can check out those videos if you missed them. Is Hungarian Rhapsody 6 hard? ), but never had the opportunity to learn it. However, Godowsky used them as the basis for creating over fifty monumentally difficult studies that have achieved legendary status among enthusiastic pianists. Rate Difficulty. WebThe Transcendental tudes , S.139, are a set of twelve compositions for piano by Franz Liszt. But I wanted to conclude this blog with an etude by the relatively little-known Jean-Amde Lefroid de Mreaux (1802-1874). Also, interesting to see that my ultimate dream piece, the piano solo transcription of Beethoven's 9th symphony, is the only one that you rated at lvl. But even among his more fearsome works, Liszt almost always sounds harder than he looks. 1851: Franz Liszts La Campanella from the Grandes Etudes de Paganini. This relatively short piece was composed by Liszt to celebrate and in many ways mimic the playing of the virtuoso violinist Paganini. By that time, he already had been a student at the Paris Conservatoire for almost 2 years, and during his piano audition the examiners reported, This child has amazing abilities. By age fourteen, Alkan had composed a set of piano variations on a theme by Daniel Steibelt, published as Opus 1. According to Henle, the Three Concert Etudes (S. 144) are between level 7-8 (the most difficult level is 9). Prire aux anges gardiens S.163/1, Album Leaf Waltz S.166, Romance S.169, Album Leaf S.171b, Consolation S.172/1, Consolation S.172/4, Ave Maria S.173/2, Pater Noster S.173/5, Alleluja et Ave Maria S.183, Weihnachtsbaum S.186/2, Weihnachtsbaum S.186/3, Weihnachtsbaum S.186/4, Weihnachtsbaum S.186/10, Weihnachtsbaum S.186/11, In festo transfigurationis Domini nostri Jesu Christi S.188, Albumblatter S.192/1, Albumblatter S.192/2, Albumblatter S.192/3, Albumblatter S.192/4, Nuages gris S.199, La lugubre gondola S.200/1, Recueillement S.204, Am Grabe Wagner S.202, Nocturne S.207, La cloche sonne S.238, Abschied S.251, Meeresstille S.558/5. Goran Filipec's rendition of the Transcendental Paganini Etudes is superhuman. I can basically play it, but it's not quite to my liking. Among these collections of etudes, they are extremely difficult. S.208, Valse melancolique S.210, Bagatelle sans tonalite S.216/a, Mephisto Polka S.217, Ave maris stella S.506, 3-4+: Intermediate (Schubert Moment Musicaux), Angelus! And each piano of a Steinway make does it in its own way, and each time it is a discovery, and each time it is an inspiration. Funerailles, which is quite well-known, is also very difficult at an FRSM level (ABRSM), and a Henle level 7. These dont exist on Henle or the RCM syllabus, but theyre probably all around a grade 7-8 level. Some of the things that make them "hard" are certain behaviors/coordinations/compensatory tensions that makes other pieces "easier" in terms of accuracy/control of distance. While Alfred Brendel is known for specializing in Schubert and Mozart, he has a surprisingly vicious set of Liszt recordings in his early career. Listening to the set multiple times, it becomes quite clear that the most difficult three are Mazeppa (4), Feux Follets (5) and Chasse-Neige (12). There is simply too much Liszt to break him down in an easy to understand way. As much as I like her, I sometimes dont enjoy her interpretations as well (she plays Liszt Concerto No. And musically, being very descriptive, they are much more accessible than some of the etudes written by Liszt., It is a totally unusual thing to do, to compose works in your own style while being devoted to the style of your idol., Of course it is a totally unusual thing to do, to compose works in your own style while being devoted to the style of your idol. Read the full review Please enter a valid postal code (ex 10001), Please enter a valid postal code (ex 3000), Please enter a valid postal code (ex A1A 1A1, A1A1A1). No. 1 8, Rhapsodies Hongroises Book 2: Nos. But I think it could be a very rewarding experience in terms of a realization of a unique and important piano project.. That would be a warm up piece or a piano snack before any of the top 5 pieces in this list. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Finding and analyzing interesting etudes composed for the intermediate-beginner pianist, Music specifically composed for the purpose of piano practice, History and Invention of the Player Piano. Even the digital midi version of the Scherzo alla Neapolitana offers plenty of excitement, dont you think? Brahms, Tschakowsky, Chopin, Richard Strauss, Liszt and Wagner. Taken as a full set, the Transcendental tudes cover a wide range of moods and require mastery of a variety of virtuosic techniques. What makes her one of the most highly sought after pianists? Pilgrimage book 3: Aux Cypres de la Villa dEste 1 and 2 (Henle 5/6) Alternate titles: tudes dexcution transcendante, Grandes tudes. Difficulty, in this case, will be a technical one although that is not to imply that the pieces in some why lack substance. Perhaps his definitive artistic statement is the B-Minor Sonata, or perhaps it is his Harmonies Potiques et Religieuses, filled with astonishing color and spirituality. I'm currently in the process of reading Hungarian Rhapsody #2. Does nobody touch the hundreds of transcriptions other than the popular Schubert and Schumann ones? Also, you get thousands of free recordings and no more wait time on sheet music downloads. 4 in D minor, "Mazeppa", is the fourth Transcendental tude, published in 1852, and part of a much larger cultural legacy of He soon performed in the leading salons and concert halls of Paris, and made friends with Franz Liszt, Eugne Delacroix, George Sand and Frdric Chopin. Digital midi version of the Scherzo alla Neapolitana offers plenty of excitement, dont think! An etude by the relatively little-known Jean-Amde Lefroid de Mreaux ( 1802-1874 ) one! Hundreds of transcriptions other than the popular Schubert and Schumann ones part of a set piano... 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