Paw prints of a dog that wandered onto the drying clay more than 2,000 years ago obscure part of the cuneiform inscription a reminder that these ruins were once a living city. As part of a new generation of archaeologists, Mr. al-Taee works for the Iraqi government on a World Monuments Fund project aimed at stemming the damage to one of the worlds best known yet least understood archaeological sites. Saddam Hussein, who saw himself as the successor to King Nebuchadnezzar, in the 1980s built a large palace overlooking the excavated remains. There is no place on earth today where stands the largest structure in the world, used for a religious purpose, all worshipping in one tongue regardless of their mother tongue, and is holy to more than 1.5 billion people on earth that is called Mount Babel, except the one in Mecca overlooking the Ka'ba. Nebachadnezzar was the most famous of Babylon's rulers, but he wasn't the first. In anticipation of the conservation capacity gap that often follows conflict, WMF prioritized training and development, working closely with the SBAH and community members to integrate their needs into its design. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. These cookies do not store any personal information. All that caused significant damage, a British Museum report found. While Alexander the Great had intentions of rebuilding the city, he died before he could make that a reality. FACT #6-- After the FINAL FALL of Babylon there will never again be any "PASSERS-BY", Her cities A land in which no man lives, And through which no son of man passes. Babylon's remains, mounds of mud-brick buildings spread over about 30 square kilometers, are in present-day Iraq, south of Baghdad. Since there are a number of prophecies yet to be fulfilled regarding Babylon of Chaldea, then that is the "Babylon" we are focused on in this study--one may talk about other "Babylons", but it is Babylon of Chaldea that must rise up again to fulfill its Biblical prophecies. I first saw Babylon in the 1990s. A U.S.-funded program to restore the ruins of Iraq's ancient city of Babylon is threatened by a dispute among Iraqi officials over whether the priority should be preserving the site or making . Babylon declined after it was occupied by Darius and has been totally destroyed; today it is like Sodom and Gomorrah - barren desert. I see 150-years of photographs and demographics, and I read current and historical accounts of Babylon. Babylon was located in Shinar, in ancient Mesopotamia on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River. If you look at a picture of Babylon today, it is abandoned and in ruin, no one lives there, but why? ARRAF: You look around and you're surrounded by these 2,500-year-old walls with mythical creatures on them. Jeremiah told Seraiah to read God's judgment on Babylon when he visited with King Zedekiah: It will never be inhabited or lived in from generation to generation; Nor will the Arab pitch his tent there, Nor will shepherds make their flocks lie down there. From its very beginnings, the Future of Babylon project considered not only immediate conservation needs but also the future of heritage preservation in Iraq. It was a unique feat of engineering and architecture built in the city of Babylon, located near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. The new initiative is part of the WMFs 15-year commitment to conservation efforts as part of its Future of Babylon project, initiated in 2008. At the height of its glory in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.E., the ancient city of Babylon was the largest and wealthiest in the world. On weekends the site is filled with Iraqi tourists from all over the country. BABYLON IS BEING REBUILT, JUST AS PROPHESIED. Archaeological site of Ur of the Chaldees in modern Iraq (Photo: screenshot Reuters video) Iraqi officials are back at it, and have persuaded the United Nations to name Babylon a UNESCO World Heritage Site. EDITORS NOTE: These early-stage photographs were not taken in pursuit of a Biblical agenda, but by secular sources-- explorers, archaeologists, and travelers-- with a focus on documenting the Middle East. He even stamped his own name on the bricks, just as Nebuchadnezzar had done. Arab dwellers 3. What else can you see in Babylon? The rebuilding of Babylon by Don Koenig Scripture says Babylon will be completely destroyed and no one will ever live there again. 74159-1575. of the RE-use of Babylon's Stones since the First Fall of Babylon of the flourishing of Trees & Greenery (Gardens, Groves) at Babylon YmlibGVwcm9waGVjeWFzd3JpdHRlbkBnbWFpbC5jb20=, The Psalm 83 Prophecy VS the Psalm 83 Theory. After the invasion of Iraq in 2003, U.S. military contractors built a base on the site, digging trenches, driving armored vehicles on the fragile streets and filling sandbags with dirt mixed with pottery and bone shards. Most of Babylon was rebuilt by Saddam Hussein on its old foundations, but pictured here is the original Ishtar gate Credit: Getty - Contributor. Iraq is making a new effort this year. Babylon will be destroyed with fire from heaven as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Rev. Ellsworth Kelly Foundation generously supported the development of this site. Iranian uranium enrichment reportedly dangerously close to nuclear bomb capability Allen has been coming back to Babylon for nine years with the World Monuments Fund. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were sometimes referred to as the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis after the semi-legendary and semi-divine female Assyrian ruler thought by the Greeks to have extensively rebuilt Babylon in the 9th century BCE. 445-425 BCE - Nehemiah the Prophet Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem; City Confined to Eastern Hill. Join us in safeguarding significant places. 2. since the Bible says there will never again be Inhabitants at Babylon of Chaldea after its Final Fall. Therefore Babylon of Chaldea MUST Rise Again. But things are changing and its time for an update. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 2570 BC and is still standing today. New York, NY 10020 "And he will make a firm covenant [peace treaty] with the many for one week [week of years = 7 years], but in . AFTER the FINAL FALL of Babylon, the site will never again have 1. By the beginning of the 21st century, the site of the Hanging Gardens had not yet been conclusively established. The Palace, which is adjacent to the remains of the ancient city of Babylon, was purged of anything of value by looters as Saddam's regime fell in April 2003 Credit: Getty Images - Getty. Nevertheless, many theories persisted regarding the structure and location of the gardens. The biblical exegesis you did was clear, systematic, comprehensive and captivating doctrinally sound", Mike Gendron, Proclaiming The Gospel Ministries, June 4, 2019, Will the literal city of Babylon, in modern Iraq, be Rebuilt? The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was built and rebuilt over the course of many years . FACT #1-- After the FINAL FALL there will Never Again be any Inhabitants. Everywhere you look goes back to the history of some of the earliest civilizations. HERE and HERE My eyes simply don't see that, either today, or throughout history "from generation to generation", as prophesied in the passage. A century ago, German archaeologists carted off the most significant parts of the city. Historians remember Babylon for Nebuchadnezzars successful reign. Babylon's remains, mounds of mud-brick buildings spread over about 30 square kilometers, are in present-day Iraq, south of Baghdad. Shepherds 6. In the Bible, it was named "Mistress of Kingdoms" and was the capital of the third world power of Bible history. Babylon was in fact a system and it is where Nimrod became the leader of all people at the time and gathered them for the purpose of building the ziggurat known as Babel. It has been ransacked, looted, torn up, paved over, neglected and roughly occupied. Since the liberation of Iraq in 2003, however, a great deal has happened. Rockefeller Center The Babylon festival was revived last year and the 2022 edition is taking place this month and features the famous Iraqi singer Ali Jasim Photo: Hadani Ditmars The new initiative is part of the. Cultural, religious, archeological, and biblical tourism is a big opportunity for Iraq, Allawi told me. And Iraq will become vastly more attractive for investors and even for tourists. How the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Work. While Babylon itself is mainly a ruin, it's located just a few miles from the modern city of Hilla (or al-Hillah) which has a population of about 500,000 people. Verse Concepts. Iraqi university students on their first visit to Babylon. World Monuments Fund and World Monuments Watch are registered service marks. How will Babylon, Iraq, be converted to the "Great City" of Revelation 17-18?2. By July 2019, so much progress had been made that Babylon was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2. Follow. There IS a buildup of Babylon going on today, and for the past 1000 years. And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans' pride, Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. ARRAF: Iraq is awash in archaeological sites. World Monuments Fund safeguards cultural heritage around the globe, ensuring our treasured places are preserved for present and future generations. It reminds me of the feeling I get when a Bible Study on Isaiah 13:19-20 concludes that "Original Babylon on the Euphrates River in Iraq has disappeared like Sodom and Gomorrah". For that reason, many Bible students believe that the ancient city of Babylon will be resurrected to power during the Antichrist's end-time, world reign. Nebuchadnezzar II, the most powerful king of the Neo-Babylon Empire, rebuilt Babylon into a magnificent city. It will be a place for creatures of the night. During the 8-year-long war between Iraq and Iran, however, all such work ground to a halt. In 2009 CE, the local government of Babylon opened the city to the public. (Isaiah 13:19-20 When I lead a prophecy study on Isaiah 13:19-20, I cannot teach what my eyes do not see. But what makes it, for the most part, inconspicuous, unnoticed, and therefore "out-of-mind", is its "growth-creep" for a millennium! "Babylon" and "Babylonia . Projects at Ishtar Gate and Ninmakh Temple, launched in 2016 and 2019 respectively, are still ongoing. With 148 billion barrels of proven oil reserves, Iraq is now the fifthlargest producer of oilin the world. And these are just a few of the nations myriad of troubles. For thousands of years, the Bible has adamantly stated that Babylon would be rebuilt, and would be the seat of power for the despot of the world. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. As a result of WMF and SBAHs partnership, Babylon was officially inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List on July 5, 2019. Although some of the recreations were damaged during the prolonged occupations of the Iraq War (2003-11), many of the gaudily painted buildings remain and are open to the public, including Saddam's Babylonian palace. So, how does this relate to the very distinct probability the Tower of Babel is symbolically being rebuilt today? On April 18, 2006, the New York Timesreportedin a front-page story that Babylon, the mud-brick city with the million-dollar name, has paid the price of war. Cyrus II, the Persian conqueror, invaded Babylon, then largely ignored it during his rule. Abdullah Dhiaa Al-deen for The New York Times. As foretold by Old Testament prophets, the grand ancient city fell to the Persians in 539 B.C.E. Allen calls training local technicians to conserve the site the future of Babylon. It is usually risky to interpret the Bible in light of current events. Although Saddam Hussein attempted to revive it during the 1970s, he was ultimately unsuccessful due to regional conflicts and wars. Tracking news and events in the Middle East and North Africa for the worlds 600 million Evangelicals launching on September 1st! Hanging Gardens of Babylon, ancient gardens considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World and thought to have been located near the royal palace in Babylon. However, after years of destruction, there is not much left of the historical ruins today. Has Babylon of Chaldea (Iraq) been Replaced?4. If this werent bad enough, record low oil prices in recent years as low as$20 a barrelin 2020 severely hampered any chance at a true and lasting recovery. So, terribly low oil revenues along with COVID-related lockdowns and travel restrictions flatlined economic growth and caused unemployment to spike. The Babylonian empire fell in 539 B.C.E. There are still three existing but non-functioning oil pipelines, two of which were built in the 1970s and 80s and the third of which is more recentwork on it was blocked after the SBAH filed a lawsuit in 2012. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Evil Babylon, the antithesis of Jerusalem, the good city, prompted its own literature in the 1990s, and [Tim] LaHayes tens of millions of readers praised his series as making the Bible and its supposed predictions come alive, sniped Phillips in his own 2006 book, American Theocracy,in which he mocked prophecy believers who accept the biblical view that Babylon will one day actually be rebuilt on its ancient ruins.. . I certainly understand such views, but I completely disagree with them. But today, with renewed internal and foreign tourism and funding from the US embassy and other international donors, Babylon is coming back to life. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. The site's remains were first excavated by Robert Koldewey, a German architect, at the end of the nineteenth century. It will never be rebuilt. to 540 B.C. ISIS-led genocide. One day millions of people will visit Babylon, said Donny George, head of Iraqs Board of Antiquities. Today, conservation efforts must assess the effects of these twentieth-century additions at the site and their place in its future. In 538BC " Darius the Median " captured Babylon (Daniel 5:31). People have lived there and are still living there today. by Nebuchadnezzars father, Nabopolassar, and adorned with brick reliefs of the Babylonian gods Marduk and Adad.. Does the "King of the North" Prophecy CHANGE with the TIMES ? Some who have presented the case for a rebuilt Babylon seem predisposed to the idea that . It was Saddam Hussein who took up Nebuchadnezzar's mantle and tried to reconstruct some of Babylon's former glory, but ended up with what art historians decried as "Disney for a despot." By Joel C. Rosenberg. If you took a trip to Babylon today, located 55 miles (85 kilometers) south of Baghdad, you'd see a tacky recreation built by Saddam Hussein in the 1970s that's been partially destroyed by decades of war. Copyright 2018 NPR. During his more than twenty years in power, Saddam worked toward rebuilding the ancient city of Babylon. Skeptics and cynics abound, but there is growing evidence the Iraqi government is serious about rebuilding this ancient wonder of the world. Baghdad can therefore be considered the successor to Babylon, though indirectly. Consider today's edition of Stars & Stripes, a U.S. military publication. Therefore, Babylon of Chaldea, Iraq, must Rise Up to meet that Final Destruction. 3. Not only did this famous king successfully conquer or forge alliances with Babylon's fiercest enemies during his 43-year reign, but he also built Babylon (which comprised southern Mesopotamia and part of Assyria, now northern Iraq) into a showplace for innovations in engineering and criminal justice. This is another key event for everyone to really keep an eye on. Just north of Mecca, is the city of Jeddah, where they are actively building what will be the tallest building in the world. But the glory days of Babylon were short-lived. As some of its walls crumble, preservationists are fighting to preserve the past. Its hanging gardens were said to be one of the seven wonders of the world. Ex-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein rebuilt the ruins in the early 1980s; his new vision of Babylon was harmful to the original ruins, scientists say, because he used cheap, modern materials on the . . ARRAF: That damage is part of the reason Babylon hasn't met criteria of UNESCO, the U.N. culture organization, to list it as a World Heritage Site. Construction on their second corporate headquarters is expected to begin next year and when completed in 2025 at a cost of $2.5 billion. One may take PHOTOGRAPHS of Inhabitants , etc. Whats more, the Obama Administrationis contributing $700,000 towards The Future of Babylon Project, through the State Departments budget., In January 2011, I shared with my readers an intriguing articlepublished by the New York Times about Iraqs latest efforts topreserve, protect, restore and then rebuild the ancient city of Babylon and make it a draw for tourists, with U.S. taxpayer assistance., The Babylon project is Iraqs biggest and most ambitious by far, a reflection of the ancient citys fame and its resonance in Iraqs modern political and cultural heritage, the Times reported, noting that the State Department had announced a new $2 million grant to begin work to preserve the sites most impressive surviving ruins. 600 Fifth Avenue We know the Jewish Temple will be rebuilt and sacrifices re-instituted right after the 70th Week of Daniel begins - the Tribulation - because the Antichrist will put a stop to the sacrifices half-way into the 7-year peace period. Furthermore, the prophecies of Babylon's "utter destruction" and "complete desolation" have never been fulfilled. The ancient city of Babylon plays a major role in the Bible, representing a rejection of the One True God. 7 QUESTIONS That Deserve An ANSWER BELOW. Several empires rose and fell and rose again over the millennia on the same coveted soil between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Still, Iraqis though preoccupied with the countrys precarious security situation and pressing political and financial problems feel a deep connection here. is a trademark of World Monuments Fund. NOT YET! The fall of Babylon was complete when the empire came under Persian control. Prophecies about Babylon in Jeremiah (and the entire Old Testament) specify "Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans" (Jer 50:1; Isa 13:19, etc.). JANE ARRAF, BYLINE: Mohaned Ahmed is sponging the bricks around the relief of a dragon with a serpent's head. OK It is only some large and well-known buildings that are excavated, said Olof Pedersen, professor emeritus in Assyriology at Swedens Uppsala University and a consultant to the World Monuments Fund. It was located near the Euphrates River . PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF of the RE-use of Babylon's Stones since the First Fall of Babylon 4. The Bible says that at its FINAL FALL Babylon will be "Utterly Destroyed" as Sodom. In total, Saddam Hussein spent over 20 years rebuilding the city of Babylon, and probably got about half of it rebuilt before he was taken out in the war with Iraq. So, should we believe the Hebrew prophets such as Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel that Babylon will really rise again in the last days? Others think the gardens never existed, as no archaeological evidence has been found, nor was it mentioned in contemporary Babylonian texts. The sites remains were first excavated by Robert Koldewey, a German architect, at the end of the nineteenth century. However, as events unfolded, it became evident that Hussein was not the final enemy of God and that he would not be successful in restoring a Babylonian Empire. According to legend, it may also have been home to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (see sidebar), and a hubristic sky-scraping temple that some historians believe inspired the biblical Tower of Babel. Iraqi Jews are believed to have descended from the Jewish community, taken captive to Babilonia. FACT #4-- After the FINAL FALL Babylon will be a "DESOLATE DESERT" Forever, But she will be completely desolate A parched land and a desert.. Jeremiah 50:13; 51:43. For hundreds of years until the mid-1900s, Babylon suffered the ignominy of surrounding townspeople dismantling its walls to cart away the ancient bricks for their own building projects. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Isaiah prophesied that when Babylon is destroyed by the Medes it will become as Sodom and Gomorrah, never to be rebuilt again. Now, that mailbox is rusting and abandoned, and police guarding the site have taken over the souvenir shop. ( Isaiah 47:5) Like the Egyptian and . With the war and insurgencies finally finished, and the ISIS caliphate destroyed, Iraq is finally turning itself around. And an incentive for more tourists to come here. Revelation 14:8 says Babylon the Great is fallen, "she who made all nations drink the wine of the passion of her sexual immorality." She is only called great for her extensive tentacular reach, like the tentacles of an octopus. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Book Of Revelation, apocalyptic and foreboding, is actually "FRAMED" by the GOSPEL OF SALVATION in Jesus Christ. Verse Concepts. While Iraqi officials went to great lengths to protect the site while vying for the coveted World Heritage Site designation, those efforts appear to have since eased. War. Today, what's visible is the top of some of the city walls. Iraq is making a new effort this year. It's a sad ending to such a fabled city. The ruins of Babylon, also known as Babel, date back over 3,000 years. Crumbling infrastructure. PART 1 PROMINENCE of Eastern Leg main page, PART 2 PROMINENCE of Eastern Leg main page, The Signs 'Time Warp' Acceleration (prophetic "EVENT-TIME". To his credit, his budget for upkeep was much higher than the one currently managed by the Iraqi government, but his labour of love and self-aggrandisementhe had stones inscribed with his name as in other ancient sitesalso involved much heavy-handed reconstruction in the 1980s and 90s, often using cement bricks and other inappropriate building materials. It will never be inhabited or lived in from generation to generation; Isaiah 13:20DID THAT HAPPEN? This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. With support from the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Embassy Baghdad,, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Annenberg Foundation, and the J. M. Kaplan Fund. Therefore, Babylon's FINAL FALL is yet to happen in the Future. Husseins interventions, neglect resulting from 12 years of draconian UN sanctions that bankrupted the country, and subsequent damage by military vehicles in the wake of the 2003 invasion all contributed to Babylons demise. The bricks in this area are repeatedly being exposed to water, dryness, and rising salts, and then they collapse, said Jeff Allen, a historical preservationist who has led the World Monument Fund project here since 2009. Widely known for its legendary Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, Babylon today is home to national treasures such as Ishtar Gate and the Lion of Babylon. Why is the city of Babylon uninhabited? Think of what life was like only 30-40 years ago. The nearest modern town is Hillah, which is the capital of the Governorate. The mud-brick walls were weakened by a Hussein-era concrete roof that they could not support, which collapsed in 1999, and a second mud roof that replaced it, which was damaged by post-invasion military occupation. Although Babylon was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2019, there isn't much left to see of the once-unstoppable empire that dazzled Greek historians and enslaved its rivals, most famously the biblical Kingdom of Judah. Hammurabi ordered the construction of intricate canals to provide Babylon's citizens with fresh water, and fortified the city's walls against invaders. There was a period in the 70s and 80s when it was customary to use cement, said Josephine DIlario, an Italian earthen architecture specialist working on the site. And the bricks just fall apart. Cement floors trapped water while a cement roof on one of the ancient temples pushed down the entire structure. As to what knowledge or treasures might be down there, he said, its a very simple answer no one knows., In Beleaguered Babylon, Doing Battle Against Time, Water and Modern Civilization, Heritage is babylon being rebuilt today efforts must assess the effects of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience at... Today, and police guarding the site of the historical ruins today browsing experience, Donny... It during his more than twenty years in power, Saddam worked toward rebuilding the ancient world Work for! Additions at the site have taken over the souvenir shop everywhere you look around you. 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