I do not own Hetalia Also, hope you enjoy! America beamed back at her, fully reassured that the woman hadnt been lying when shed said she meant no harm. These nations, these great old ones, have watched over mankind in secret for centuries. His clothes, too dirty and worn to be discernible, were drenched in sweat and brown with dust. America looked back down at the article. The people that she met always left her behind, always left her with no one but herself. Nevertheless, they must continue with their never ending lives. "You hear that, everyone?" ", As America watched, the old man began to shimmer and become transparent. After all," he laughed, throwing an arm around Canada, "we're brothers, right?". I'm America. Show me that I did not make a mistake that winter day. (Authors note: Such an original idea right guys?). That'smy God, that's horrible!" America cheered. inu A fanfic based off of "Memories of Old" By SliverAmyhestanimelover (I cant spell) so credits to the "Don't you want to know more about him?" I read some royal and historical aus, combined that with disney, added in Americas fear of ghosts for flavouring, and somehow created this. Then, she thought of all of the people who had come before, both strange and familiar, that had left or given up on her. He hides his pain from the other nations, not wanting them to think he is weak, to think that he isn't a hero. r/hetalia Bunny America and Bunny England posters. America witnessed the tragedies in the smoke, those grand temples overflowing with blood, the tepees burning, brutal massacres that made his stomach turn, cruel men on horses laughing as they shot indigenous families trying desperately to flee their huts. Heavily inspired by: United States v. Barnes, 617 F. Supp. There were a couple of moments where Lady Kirkland looked like she wanted to say something, but then thought better of it and didnt. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. "I'll bring the wine," France said with a wink. Prompt: Hurt/Comfort. Why was there a distinction between them and those who had originally lived on her land? "He visits on my birthday every year. Because his children had been much more perceptive than he had given them credit for, and all that blind faith, all that desire to meet their fathers, had been born out of a desperation to be proven wrong, to be reassured that no, it wasnt daddy who made mommy cry. vampire knight "I remember the smell. There had been several other attempts before that, but Jamestown was the first successful one. I wonder why that is? mused America out loud. He isn't call the melting pot of cultures for nothing. Who could have known a single knock on his door could have resulted in so much. At her touch, Lady Kirklands eyes shot up, locking onto her immediately. Blue, White, Red by George deValierAmerica and England/Britain |M| Angst/RomanceHuman AU. This is a story about these individuals. SOURCE. They fought over me for a while, but in the end England raised me. Estonia (Hetalia) Ukraine (Hetalia) Alternate Universe - Human Supernatural Elements Character Death Mystery Drama Romance Mental Health Issues Tolys dies unexpectedly and is approached by a grim reaper, Feliks. There is potentially a character for every . Alfred must retrieve the ominous being's head or lose his own. "I can bring the newest electronic games from my country," Japan offered. UNFINISHED. . ", "No, justjust reading." You see, whenever I went to the Mediterranean area of my country, I'd always stop by for a glass. Happy 4th of July, everyone! America gave a silent huff, confused as to why her cover wasnt fooling the woman. "Do you mean First Nation? Around her, the tall stocks of grass cradling her swayed gently in the breeze running through the field, filling her ears with the low hum of their leaves brushing together. What are you doing?" "Keep telling yourself that, Sky Eyes," the old man scoffed. Something about today seemed off. America cried out, covering his ears as he heard millions of screaming voices. England scoffed. Alfred overheard some of the humans talking about Gilbert's laugh, how it was creepy, how he must be possessed. "And can mortal man comprehend what they see?". It goes from there. "I call this meeting of the G8 into session. "That's Spain!" During that horrible winter, just as he thought he would freeze to death "You," he whispered in shock. 1777; The American Revolutionary War. Were similar in that respect, I suppose, Lady Kirkland continued. he laughed bitterly. I'll update the pairings as I go, though, since I've changed them around a bit in the chapters than what I had in my outline and I don't want to end up saying "Sorry" and delete a pairing someone was hoping for. Someone leaked the fact that nations exist. In the pipe's smoke, America saw scenes he had only heard about from his older siblings. "What the?" Blame the individuals, not the entire culture. Even Lady Kirkland had come looking for her and she wouldnt have done that if she hadnt wanted America around. I will have about 6 introductory chapters where I will world build your characters, kickstart the plot, and also give cool lore and let you chose the love interest. "You look troubled. General Hetalia cast No parings nations revealed sequel fic Set months after the event's of P.A. Michigan refuses to leave Toledo. You should come celebrate it, too. And this was, The crew of the Phoenix crew was a bit surprised by the Nautilus. There were battles, tribe versus tribe. AU, UKCan. Then, her eyes snapped to Americas bush. It was by no means safe, but it was all she had. "What bastard did this to you?". Was this lady like her? "That worries me even more," America muttered. Russia, and what may be his last night with his lover. Perhaps there you will meet the Great Spirit and we can speak again.". America/Female America (Hetalia) slight one sided america/prussia Alfred (America) Amelia (female America) Gilbert (Prussia) Songfic Obsession Unfinished Oneshot Song: Stan (Eminem) Non-Graphic Violence Swear Words a songfic about Gilbert's biggest fan, Alfred. In the smoke, America saw the snowy landscape with houses of ice. It's just a normal day for Alfred, the personification of the united states. He has to do it anyway. even a whisper by MeasuredGreece and Japan |T| RomanceJapan confesses to a sleeping Greece. kindating turning into.. real dating!?!?! Seek the sky with those fearless eyes. The Art of Being Emotionally Detached by Save the RaveFrance and England/Britain |T| RomanceIt took being boxed on the ear and getting his hand sliced open by a teacup for Francis Bonnefoy to realize he was in love. ", The blond blushed and looked away. He had his laptop out, studiously reading an article in Wikipedia on the Trail of Tears. She could feel every inch of its great expanse, and even felt the people who lived within her boundaries. All chapters are connected, but I'm trying to write them so they can be read individually, too, so you can skip around, and I changed my mind and decided to just go ahead and add in the other tags. Plot: England and France have been forced into marriage by their "bosses", at first England is hesitant but his secret feelings are q America - The bubbly, happy, hamburger loving nation. Finally the old man opened his eyes. Advertisement . America jolted, shocked at the hug. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite, and share. The smoke was suddenly gone, the motel room was clear. Mercy Me by GhostoftheMotifCanada and Prussia |T| PruCanThere had been a moment when Canada could have taken the shot, but he didnt. One day, in an ally, looking for food. as well as I will write a brief introduction to each drabble with some background for my headcanons regarding that time/setting/characters. America found herself leaning forward ever so slightly in order to get a closer look at her. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. CIA messes up again and now the whole world knows about the Nations! I need me more AmePan content like that. There's so much I want to ask you, so much I always wanted to tell you. "You weren't a country, and I don't get that sense from you even now.". ", "Youheyou mean" America's mouth hung open in shock. Just Wow. My tribes may be scattered, but you protect them now. Clinging to this discovery, America sets off to discover the truth behind the "nation-napping", which apparently is connected to a mysterious group known as the HCS. After a harsh day, England visits a bar he used to come to regularly. This is beautiful. One by one, those many tribes died or forgot their past. he cried out, seeing the dark-haired man walking beside Conquistadors. But with tensions running high, a dress shirt of stolen documents, and a sighting of the Grim Reaper, the official may be the least of their worries. England and France were already bickering. Alfred is an oblivious idiotwhat else is new? That was when I becamethis," he said, and gave a harsh cough that rattled his lungs. "You're always a part of me," he whispered. FAACE Family. Now they want to know who among them is the best maid. or, Hetalia and The Purge lore crossover with instead of them being the personifications of the counrtire they are mortal representations. Vietnam War; Vietnam-centric. I remember that! I am your past, and I can continue to exist in your future. ", America pulled off his backpack and yanked out a water bottle. Instead he takes a taxi to a little speck of a town. Wounded Knee, the Trail of Tears, the Bear River Massacre, the Battle of Little Robe Creek, the Long Walk, Potawatomi Trail of Death". "I've had a lot more problems lately. Un Arkansas drops turkeys. However, most Americans see the indigenous tribes as sacred heirlooms that should be honored and allowed full freedom in the expression of their cultures. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Native America leaned back and wiped the tears from the young country's peachy soft face. "Sky Eyeswhy do you keep calling me that? He picked it up, turned it around in his hands, and held it like a cherished treasure. "I know not all of it was your fault. . Tolys is schmoozing with the enemy, but currently he doesn't really care. Surely not, right? "I wonder if old man Native America shows up to other countries. Yes, there had been snow. He would have smiled if he didn't have a bad feeling about today. When she got close enough, she reached up and placed a hand on Lady Kirklands shoulder like shed seen other adults do when someone was upset. he cried out in desperation. He laughed weakly and leaned his head back onto the sand. Italy munched away on garlic bruschetta and offered some to Germany, who turned it down. Please mind the warnings; this fic will get very dark, Other ships will be added later; I just wanted to keep them a surprise, eventually there is a happy ending if you know the plot of the movie, The Art of Gifting (to Someone who Cant Accept a Gift for the Life of Them), i made Canada talk like a maritimer so be ready for that, Just two (mostly) happy boys falling in love, Minor France/Prussia/Spain (Hetalia) - Relationship. America was really bad at listening to her instincts. "The past is gone. All of the swirling questions in her head just made the girl even more confused, and America found herself scowling at the distant treeline in an attempt to concentrate on just one. Around her, the tall stocks of grass cradling her swayed gently in the breeze running through the field, filling her ears with the low hum of their leaves brushing together. I wont hurt you.. ", "I know," he sighed, used to hearing that all the time. With the new knowledge of y Massachusetts rebels against British tyranny. "We've all gone through it, why not him?" Languages were lost, religions suppressed, art smashed, fashion stripped naked and forced into cotton trousers. "We both learned a hard lesson. A Hetalia fanfiction. ", "No fair," Canada pouted. That was when I came.". The young country leaned forward to see the vision in the haze. A Simple Case of Mistaken Identity by ArchangelUnmeiAmerica, Canada, France and England |G/K| Hinted FrukOne supermarket, two small blond children wandering on their own, two frantic fathers. Toris has begun his new job as a caretaker at Markham Asylum. I love visiting her. Before thatbefore England". "It wasn't just you, Sky Eyes. America woke up only when the sun was high in the sky above her, bright and warm and welcoming as soon as she cracked open her eyes to the world. "Hey, stay with me," America urged, shaking the man slightly. But he didnt think consciousnesses complimented their own ass while walking to his seat at a world meeting. "I had no name, and now I have many. Instead the woman just waited patiently. "Yes, many came to seek the virgin land of America. The two came to a stop a couple of feet from Americas bush and the young girls breath caught in her throat. If so, was she the source of the bad feeling? Look at me! (Y/N) was confronted by a group of abusive [UPDATES ALMOST EVERYDAY] afraid But I never wanted that to happen. America is fading away, and it hurts. THAT is the America I love. ", "I already know," the old man assured gently. And that night, when Lady Kirkland returned to the Jamestown colony, she was accompanied by the little girl that no one had bothered to look for. Work Search: What was going to happen to her? America has had many roommates. She didnt, The man took the words as the dismissal they were and quickly left, leaving the lady standing in the middle of the field. With his helmet on, the motor roaring, and a rain of sand and pebbles all around him, he was blind and deaf to all but the arid path directly in front of him. This will be updated periodically so check back if youre interested! Ludwig is on edge since discovering that there are poachers still out there. We had many natural disasters, from the epic floods at the end of the Ice Age, which trapped my children in this New World, cut off from Asia, to fires, earthquakes, volcanoesyes, we had many problems, but it's the same for any nation. Wouldn't it be great if one of them were your husband? [ Rated PG-13 because I will be using foul language XD ]. This is a chose your own adventure fic with OCs. ", "Family?" It washed over her so suddenly, and was so unrecognizable, that it sent her heart into a pounding panic in her chest and pinned her in place. Others tribes were slaughtered down to the last man, woman, and child. But it just isn't meant to beAnother group of scientists finds the notes left by Joseph Fletcher and his subordinates, and decides that they just weren't adequate. ", France snickered softly too. He meets Mr. Kirkland. He began to reach his hand out to the infant, but he pulled back as he saw the curl of blond hair and blue eyes. No clouds in sight. I always dismissed them as growing pains, but stillpeople were affected. First published Mar 16, 2016 The country America has never had a representative. Title Origin: Based on the colonization of the New World. France and England then came. its still mpreg if the character identifies as male right? Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Panama, Mexico, Canada, many others, and yes, you too, my little Sky Eyes.". It was useless though. I wanted" His enthusiasm waned a little as he choked up with emotions. He could see it, the dead and the valiant lying broken across the front, floating in the sea, in uniforms of different colours and languages of different beliefs. What ifwhat if this was her only opportunity to What's your name? The hotel was only a thirty minute drive from Americas house. ", Russia chuckled with a fake smile. Those people had unsettled her and America had felt her skin crawl each time shed gone near them. Some of the colonists were voicing their concerns about a child running about, the man was saying, sounding slightly winded and short of breath. Marching head first to a new era, the personified nations have to look back at their past and make amends for their sins. At that, America frowned. A family of three passed by him, one of England's people. Hetalia: America and Native America OC, Rated T. America was enjoying his summer playtime by dirt biking through the Sonoran Desert. Blogging: Hetalia, Yu-Gi-Oh DM and an assortment of Canadian things. And that laugh. A subreddit by and for fans of the Hetalia anime/manga/web comic! Je m'appelle Francis"; they don't appear on the website and they were deleted with the author's original site blog). In other lands, my children began to fall to the Europeans, to their swords, guns, and diseases.". And what the hell is Russia doing walking around Alaska all smug like that? Hopefully I did well to show how, although some Native Americans can be bitter about the past genocidal attempts by the American government, those were just a few men in office and racist bastards with guns, not AMERICA. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What happens next. blue exorcist I owe that much to the old man. I should ask Mexico if he ever visits her. Stop!" enjoy this flufferiffic fanfic I wrote for 2/22 (twos-day) called Chilly Spring Nights . "Like you're any better!" *Also I hope you guys who try reading this dont mind, but I HC Germany as being on the spectrum, so I hope you dont mind :D. It was America, unsurprisingly, who let the secret slip. That is something that is well known. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. The nations, in their sheer collective idiocy, managed to blow their secret and now they have to deal with the aftermath. And then things began to go wrong. I wanted toto thank youfor saving me that day. (or: america was born a male with the exception of whats underneath his pants, and has never been intimately touched by another person his whole life.). At least my pipe isn't for tobacco.". That was why I rescued you that winter. Your brother Canada calls me First Nation. I wanted to see you again. In most nations, my children are still suppressed or have been entirely wiped out and forgotten. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II, (See the end of the work for more notes.). Maybe, she thought, if she sat there for long enough, the woman would simply go away. sure you saw her over here? she heard a strange voice ask. I wanted". Warning: Crack ficAlfred wasnt quite sure when he could start hearing voices. Something shivered through his arms until it felt like the air conditioner had blasted out snow. at first, it wasnt supposed to be a tightly-held secret. The kiss that awaits you - , . No one really questioned her appearance until you asked., The woman - Lady Kirkland, apparently - hummed knowingly before turning fully to the man. FascistSpain NaziGermany-, Singular: Chicary. Instead, they had both come to a silent understanding that only their kind could. Why had her feelings towards them changed? ", The old man nodded thoughtfully. he asked suspiciously. ", "Wait, what?" He knew it was foolish to think that that one moment had destroyed decades of sugar-sweet lies and joy-filled fantasies, elaborate excuses and cherished dreams. They were carved into reservations, and with that I lost my incorporeal form.". Now the nations have been forced to be public figures and deal with the consequences of the past in a historic event for humanity. As America stared in amazement at the infant wailing in the snow, Native America puffed away on his lengthy pipe. This is the se A collection of random sh*t written by me when its 3 In the morning o-0 America quickly handed him a glass of water. . America wiped his face, and for a moment he wondered if the whole thing was a hallucination, too much sun frying his brain. And said teenage boy intends to keep it that way. But when one day, everything the boys know gets uprooted, they have to rediscover a life they forgot they ever had. With the internet, people start to notice. Earth. Her thoughts raced by too fast for her to fixate on just one and it only increased her own frustration, so much so that she had to fight back the hot tears building behind her eyes. I have so many detailed headcanons that often I feel too overwhelmed to make them into multichapter fics, but I've found that writing them as single scenes is a lot easier. He should be watching everyone but his eyes are drawn to that one man and how he immediately brings his hand to a salute - not weakly, not overdone - just beautiful. "I still think it's a shame so much of my past is being forgotten, but I'm gonna try to be better. Italy cheered. A brutal winter. The young country jolted out of his reading. When Arthur Kirkland prepares to leave for college abroad, he stumbles across a notebook that he had created with an old friend whom he had lost touch with. The world reads its history books a lot differently when they can put a face behind those names. No, that one moment had simply been the last straw, the much-needed proof. Here, America gave my surviving children places to live. Completed hetaliaamerica aph aphstates +11 more # 9 France x England x Child Reader by Sofia.C.Ta 38.3K 924 10 Takes place on that island the Allies and Axis got trapped on during ww2. "Why does he visit you, but it took me almost running over him in the desert to finally see him? ), When a secret deal that was made centuries ago stating America's romance life to be off limits was broken by France it has the other nations competing for the americans affection. After all," he grinned broadly, "I'm the hero! Have fun re America, the joyful, albeit slightly dim nation was actually a very gifted singer-- not that anyone knew that. Apparently, this only makes their tense international relations even worse than they already were, while humans adapt and wars continue as usual. "And Portugal. But Alfred can figure that out for himself. You shoved the European invaders away one at a time, sometimes buying yourself new land like a whore, sometimes defeating others in blood. He still hates me. (Original by melodytran). ", "You can go check up on Columbia and Ecuador.". 1777; The American Revolutionary War. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/HetaliaAxisPowers. Prove to this old man that you are truly a hero. Nevertheless they're popular in fandom, mostly because many people don't like using the actual country names in fanfic. I just gotta prove it to the old man. if it is born in flames by MeasuredGreece and Japan |M| Drama/Hurt/ComfortAU. I am originally a spirit of the land. Only Japan saw the mood in his ally's face, but he wisely refrained from pointing it out. (Revamp of an old story under the same name.) Also all stories were written by a friend of mine. She always appears around here somewhere., At his words, the woman with him scowled, green eyes narrowing sharply. People wanted her. One century later, all of the remaining Nations have given up on finding them againexcept for America, who doggedly follows every lead he can get. ", "Mnnmaybe," Canada smiled. Her "You know him? Mississippi goes hunting with the president. Four days of non-stop paaaar-tay! The smoke shifted, and America saw a baby crying in the snow. Hetalia X Reader [The Married Life]! "Beer, burgers and bratwurst," Germany decided with a firm nod. Lemons from animes like It smelled of lingering cigarette smoke from some previous tenant and overwhelming deodorant spray from the motel staff in an attempt to mask the odor. So they decide to try againbut this time with five new victims Tolys seems happy and Matthew is a little lost. Im quite positive, another one answered lightly, growing closer and closer as it spoke. America likes to give gifts, and Lithuania likes to refuse them. But when the crew had boarded the ship, Russia was nowhere to be found. On February 21, there was an unsanctioned release of documents about the existence of personified nations by an independent group in the American government. "Youyou're Native America? . "Late in the year 1607, five hundred men of England came to these shores to make a colony. dangerous or scary, No, Lady Kirkland, the man answered. left kudos on this work! Was this lady like her? Estonia thought it interesting, especially when he met Prussia. . Oklahoma sings a song. Well, now you have it! Right? Hell get suspicious. ", "Yes, Thanksgiving Day," America cried out happily, watching the smoke form into a grand feast. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", She feltexposed. Yet, as they slowly gained their feet, that feeling had quickly melted away and morphed into somethingdifferent. Now they can guess why its always avoided and Alfred is never present. people wanted her. No, it wasn't America. ", "It reeks enough in here. They were a steadfast constant, always there to ensure the steady beat of her own heart, and had become just as familiar to her as the land beneath her feet. "UmI'd rather not be taken hostage by drug smugglers again," Canada sighed. The countries don't know who it is because he acts apposite to Amer California becomes the Mayor of Hell. Human AU. Facebook. "Drink up, dude." 21 Kudos: 124 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 2918 The Great Spirit indeed must be laughing at us, Sky Eyes." Could she sense America like America could her? "I'd rather we not talk about my virginity. Now the only fight is that of courts, politics, and family. Based on the game Ditzy Dice by Blushing Defeat. Surely not, right? Exposed and vulnerable and, The womans words were crisp, ringing clearly through the air and holding a sort of power that drew Americas attention straight to her, demanding she listen to and obey each word. She didnt "A country?" Everyone thinks he is a hero, but is he really? "Ya know, you shouldn't smoke. When I rescued you that winter, I saw your eyes shine like the endless expanse of the sky. "I'll get you help. However, they might cannot deal with the public backlash with their people and bosses. Now we live together. "I wanna visit South America, too. Theres no need to be frightened, the woman said after a few still moments. The Mathieu's were wonderful people. Hetalia: The Fifty Stars by Jade 35.4K 754 66 Massachusetts rebels against British tyranny. On the coast of what is now Virginia, in a fort they called Jamestown, I saw a nation trying to be born, barely formed and already dying. Some fell to their own greed, some flourished. Therefore, I am a spirit of you." He gave him clothes of deer hide and a headband with an eagle's feather. the young country cried out, his eyes wide in shock. Kansas holds a sex toy auction. the old man asked bitterly. Thanks for reading. New York has a rat infestation. You lead us all into the future. "I helped you to survive, and you repaid me by shoving me away, taking the lands I once watched over, slaughtering my people. Even other New World nations! A collection of short ficlets and drabbles that were originally posted on Tumblr over the years. The shock of hearing the voice was enough to snap America out of her terror long enough to duck into a nearby bush. A big thanks to everyone who sent me prompts! Matthew's secret admirer isn't so secret. ", "I get those still," America said softly. "We must remember the mistakes of the past lest we repeat them. Felt her skin crawl each time shed gone near them call this meeting of the crew! That feeling had quickly melted away and morphed into somethingdifferent America gave a harsh day, everything the know... And Matthew is a little as he heard millions of screaming voices a closer look at her touch, Kirklands... The mistakes of the past lest we repeat them each drabble with some background for my regarding. About today room was clear and Prussia |T| PruCanThere had been a moment when Canada could have known a knock. Had originally lived on her land `` you were n't a country, '' decided! Lost my incorporeal form. `` will be updated periodically so check back if youre interested distinction them... Their swords, guns, and share while, but is he really children places to live messes again... 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