Not one. In addition to that, within our own staff under my direction, Counsel to the President Mr. Dean has conducted a complete investigation and I can say categorically that his investigation indicates that no one in the White House staff, no one . Don't sign honor code: cheating You promise you wont tell anybody I showed you? . WebThis page is a transcript for "Lies". DAN GOLEMAN: A vital lie is a story that we concoct to protect ourselves from a painful truth, essentially. WOMAN: And yet I know there are some things that are so painful to face, and I know I couldnt have recovered without facing them. This transcript was entered on May 15, 2015. Discovery Regional Sports Networks May File For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Accused And Poker Face Forging New - And Old - Broadcast TV Path, Fox News Host Says Network Wont Let Him Cover Dominion Lawsuit, How AI And The Cloud Are Erasing The Borders In Making Movies And TV Shows. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] With no further input from the engineers, Thiokol managers made a list of reasons in favor of launching and faxed it to NASA. . In She was wondering where the hell her mother was, was what she was doing. Critics of the war were at first nervous nellies who wouldnt support their own fighting men. What seems to be instrumental in maintaining and eliciting society's truthfulness, however, is to remind people of their moral fiber. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The Challenger disaster cost Roger Boisjoly his job. WOMAN: A lot of things happened to, I think, protect me as a child that were lies, but they were used to protect me against finding out certain things about other family members, or about myself, or whatever. I've become fanatic about it. WebThe No. As to what deters lies, it turns out that the threat of punishment is an ineffective behavioral modifier. But it turned out to be a smoke screen. Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch admitted he knew his organization was spreading lies about the 2020 election results in a deposition for a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems made public Monday. Additionally, people may not always be aware of when they're lying or may not consider certain types of dishonesty to be "lies." Its all I knew. They lied to me. JOHN DEAN: I was uncomfortable with it. With compelling personal and academic findings, this book will change the way we see ourselves, our actions, and others. GIRL: Of course I was always taught by my parents that lying was wrong. LARRY BERMAN Johnson clearly above all else wanted to change the face of the American society. PAUL EKMAN: Its just as much a lie. ROGER BOISJOLY: There was not one engineer in that room the night before the launch that supported the decision to launch. I dont need to ask him every night, Did you get in trouble in school today? Most people would say if I had asked him that question and he said no that would be a lie. BILL MOYERS: He just told the press you had done a report. It wasnt that it was lying was the problem, it was who it was lying to and why. Hes only sending 50,000 over. Lifestyle. Using first person testimonials, the documentary shows a wide range of lying folks who were caught and forced to face the consequences. The documentary feature film will be titled (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies. Along with the Truth Box and the film, there will be a website to carry on the conversation of the project. By that I mean that we tend to lie more often once we get started. Explain. And we punish those who point out reality while rewarding those who provide us with the comfort of illusion. Now, on the other side of the card theres three spots. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] As Watergate unraveled, the rest of the Presidents men kept allegiance with their chief. It gets dangerous when it endures over a long period of time. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Even at the end after the tangled web untangled, when the last comer was turned to reveal a dead end, even at the end the lie remained to Lyndon Johnson vital. WebAccording to Ariely, who has been researching dishonesty for ten years (ever since he took a Mensa test on a flight and noticed that he was cheating and justifying his bad behavior The listener is part of the he. It is permissible, when national interest is at stake, to lie to your international adversary. It is not permissible to lie to your domestic rival for your own political fortune. People lie for various reasons, such as to avoid punishment, to gain advantage, or to protect someone's feelings. They will never see a situation in which lying is acceptable. WebHow to watch online, stream, rent or buy (Dis)Honesty: The Truth About Lies in Australia + release dates, reviews and trailers. And they started with this whole thing over this Dean Report that I was absolutely unwilling to do that. The issue is, were lives at stake? Reality is fearsome, but as weve learned in this series, experience tells us more fearsome yet is evading it. And so he consciously chose to deceive the American public on what it would take to achieve our goals in Vietnam. LYNDON B. JOHNSON: I believe theres a light at the end of what has been a long and lonely tunnel. You hadnt. So in the relentless search for evidence of progress, the Presidents men put the brightest gloss on the most dubious statistics. He salutes us and says, I only have to give you my name, rank and serial number. I mean, what did we learn from Watergate? ROGER BOISJOLY: : Mr. Mason said, We have to make a management decision. He turned to Bob Lund and asked him to take off his engineering hat and put on his management hat. NASA VOICE: Get roll program confirmed. Now, I believe thats that view is widely shared, and I actually believe in it also. Not all lies are equal or damaging. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] The belief had taken on a life of its own. BILL MOYERS: But you know, people who tell the truth in public, whistleblowers, usually get into trouble. As children we heard it from parents. This is not to say that lying should be rewarded, but that parents need to be honest with themselves about dishonesty and what it represents. Husband with wife, parents with kids. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] It cost a generation their idealism. [interviewing] What is a vital lie? The collective mind has its own blind spots. We did it to each other. This is not to say that lying should be rewarded, but that parents need to be honest with themselves about dishonesty and what it represents. Copyright 2006 - 2023 by CIStems, Inc., d.b.a. That has been worrisome to me and I've changed a lot." What kind of projects can I and can't I do? And if this IS the way it is, fine.. Huck lies about having family on the wreck in clear danger. And I know how little I knew. Its because they subscribe to the higher ideals of the group, the loftier mission. Its sort of the sum total of the things we wont look at. WebLifestyle Politics. It was a lie that I learned to tell myself so well, and so deeply imbedded, from babyhood. Rushmore. When should we protect each other from the truth? Hes the object of his own disgust, but if a life is at stake, then its proper. And then its very hard to reestablish it. You just run that one through. One of the Alsop brothers called you a bottom-dwelling slug.. Beyond our personal experiences, a cursory glance at public scandals ranging from Enron to Bernie Madoffto the recent "Deflategate" shows the prevalence of lies in our culture. Can you explain your conclusions using an algebraic argument? ROGER BOISJOLY: Now everybody in the whole world knew exactly what happened to the space shuttle Challenger. President, if you do this, if you Americanize the war, my recommendation is to go to the American public and let them know the seriousness of this. Johnson, being concerned with the politics of the decision, rejected that advice. Select Shopping. What do you mean by blind spots? The Truth Box is a booth containing a single stool, a screen and keyboard, sound muffling curtains, and a camera, all for people to tell their stories of a time when they lied. And they were very angry behind the scenes with that man, because he made something very simple that they were trying to make very difficult in the explanations to the press and the public. It involves the telling of lies, the withholding of information, and the twisting of the truth in order to gain an advantage and deceive others. Healing is different. Pres. BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Other Morton Thiokol engineers also argued against launch. However, if a person lies excessively and causes significant problems in their personal or professional lives, they may require professional help. Youre no longer one of us. People who blow the whistle generally dont do it because they want revenge or theyre angry personally. We just didnt do that. Asked to solve as many problems in set time. You just have to protect them. Nobodys going to say you shouldnt lie to the murderer. a fantastic little vignette. I know he believed the vital lie he had inherited, that the security of South Vietnam was critical to [he security of the United States. Inspired by the work of social scientist, Dan Ariely, the film Bill Moyers examines how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind. How do we make the world safe for truth telling? WebTranscript for the Piece Audio version of Why We Cheat: Stories of Dishonesty and Human Nature from Dan Ariely and Others. You may opt-out by. BILL MOYERS: Personally. Nixons staunchest foot soldier was the man who conceived the Watergate break-in, Gordon Liddy. Well, when he did that, he removed from NASA management all the technical-ese that they were trying to, you know, skirt around and confuse the public and the press with. BILL MOYERS: How do we do that? BILL MOYERS: After the Watergate break-in, did anybody in the White House consider telling the truth? It was stamped, Company Private, and never reached NASA. Once you the first time you tell a lie to the IRS, you think about it, you consider it, you consider the pros and cons. I havent been elected to anything, Im a staff man. Don't sign honor code: cheating, 2 - Les professions BILL MOYERS: Didnt the White House including the President inspire a lot of unflattering stories about you? The Congress, the GAO is investigating it, two committees on the Hill, three or four committees on the Hill. Follow this author to stay notified about their latest stories. WebThe No. BILL MOYERS: I hear you saying that nations practice self-deception just as families do. He also shared the particular delusion that victory might be cheap. We bring together scientific research, clips from (Dis)Honesty The Truth About Lies, and industry-specific content to create one-of-a-kind ethics presentations and series Speaking over the phone for our interview, Ariely says not to use white lies, however, for exclusively selfish reasons. JOHN DEAN: Well, Im sure some of them to this day feel that way. [to children] What is the worst lie you ever told? amir johnson shooting; lasalle hotel seattle. The top people. Council, in the meeting of the top advisors to the President are as susceptible to those forces as an alcoholic family. With compelling personal and academic findings, this book will change the way we see ourselves, our actions, and others. He's one of the most dangerous stories. 27. The public mind is often deceived by those who manipulate it, and it deceives itself, as well. Based mostly on the research of Dr. Dan Ariely, Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, this film explores how, when, and why people lie (see Don't fall into the trap of believing that one behaviour equals a lie Tips and Traps Series # 1: Believing one behaviour equals a lie. Posted by: Barnacle Bill the sailor at February 28, 2023 06:05 PM (vcOmj) BILL MOYERS: [voice-over] Boisjoly sent the memo to his boss. I was jetting around, trying to save the world, and where was my daughter? And then the war in Vietnam. Congress is murdering these contras by withdrawing the aid, and the only way I can save their lives is to lie to Congress.. Its a disaster, a horrible, terrible disaster, but not an accident. The space agency was under pressure to launch, pressure created by years of exaggerated expectations. Wed like people to be truthful. And this again IS a form of deception. In this broadcast well look at how deception has influenced some of the major events of our recent past, and how self-deception shapes our personal lives and the public mind. Mr. Murdoch, Father of Fox News and Father of Lies may be a GOAT Greatest of All Timein his chosen profession of reducing journalism to lies for the single purpose of appealing to the resentments and racism, hurt and lie-mongering of citizens in order to make profits. As we become more self-aware, we learn to spot our lies before we repeat them or they spiral out of control. MAGICIAN: Heres a card with some spots on it. Now, there are some arenas of life where you want people who are watchers, who are going to inform. Theres a loyalty within the peer group. LARRY BERMAN Everyone says, Wow, were lucky hes not doing that. I was never asked or polled, and it was clearly a management decision from that point. Its a lonely role. BILL MOYERS: [yoke-over] Boisjoly later testified what happened during that meeting. Very dangerous. The true values, the deep values. Theres no doubt that presidents do lie. In addition to speaking at the festival, he brought along the Truth Box. WebIn The (Honest) Truth About Dishonesty, Ariely shows why some things are easier to lie about, what keeps us honest, and how our (un)honesty actually depends on outside influence. Remember when Dwight Eisenhower made his wonderful speech about the dangers of the military industrial complex? Its the loss of trust. "Some lying is socially useful, but we do it too much in an undiscriminating way. And particularly with reference to the President of the United States . Its buried, it never goes up the line of command. DAN GOLEMAN: Any time you have a shared lie, a vital lie, in a group it survives because everyone is playing the game. Prove n=11n\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n}n=1n1 diverges by comparing with the series n=2an\sum_{n=2}^{\infty} a_{n}n=2an where (an)\left(a_{n}\right)(an) is the sequence (12,14,14,18,18,18,18,116,116,116,116,116,116,116,116,132,132,)\left(\frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{4}, \frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{8}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{16}, \frac{1}{32}, \frac{1}{32}, \dots\right)(21,41,41,81,81,81,81,161,161,161,161,161,161,161,161,321,321,). And I started to pull him. You know, the National Security. Hes lying to Congress, but hes basically saying in a rather diplomatic and beautifully done way, in terms of how he presents himself is that Congress is a murderer. DAN GOLEMAN: In therapy, the courage to finally speak the truth is a struggle to acknowledge reality. BILL MOYERS: Failure to look at the fearsome truth and the unwillingness to acknowledge the facts have been costly to our country. 1 Question Everyone Working in Dishonesty The Truth About Lies Transcript Should Know How to Answer. BILL MOYERS: Weve been talking for 15 years about the lessons of Watergate, but just recently we had a president who took his policy off the books went covert with it, went underground. Unwillingness to acknowledge reality it deceives itself, as well rewarding those who manipulate it, two on. Had done a report arenas of life where you want people who tell truth. Dwight Eisenhower made his wonderful speech about the dangers of the card three. [ yoke-over ] BOISJOLY later testified what happened to the President are susceptible! One engineer in that room the night before the launch that supported the decision, that... Unwillingness to acknowledge the facts have been costly to our country who provide us with the of. 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