However, these are all unconfirmed rumors. On and on. They also think you get that way from your upbringing, especially with your father. Makes no sense at all. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! The family knew something was wrong. Resident of Delphi in 1984-85 at minimum. Only if he had sent this much audio to one of the girls phones after the crime. Highly suspicious and the states that are responsible are more interested in getting into pissing contests as opposed to finding her. They talked to Ron and he allowed them to park on her land. I dont know what these names mean. Here's what we've learned and what remains unclear: Two people appear to be conflated here in your article as Mr. X. Delphi residents and those closely following the case were stunned when, on April 22, 2019, the Indiana State Police announced the case was moving in a "new direction." Law enforcement released a very brief video clip of the main suspect walking along the bridge, and a revamped version of the audio clip released in 2017 that said, "Guys . Its odd how there is that other photo of what looks like BG sitting on park bench. I would like to email this , as it is not particularly relevant to the comments on this page. Hence, following Occams, our theory is the best explanation of the facts. They said, Hes just a decoy. But we dont know what that means. An officer confronted Kline about knowing that Libby was at a sleepover the night before her disappearance and communicating with her. Guilty until proven innocent! 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. There are neighbors separated by acreage. I just like to take this opportunity to thank the Mods in making this subreddit Delphimurders readable again and to the posters who post informative, well thought out COMMENTS. How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia and needing a change of clothes? not sure I agree . It was dusty and disheveled. It says they are looking for photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, film, etc. There are many cases of homicides or attempted homicides in the same category. You learn which rumors have promise and which have not panned out. This GPS device showed that his phone had been at the CPS building from 12-5 on the day of the murders. How about getting your moneys worth? I am trying to be vague. Could be something more nefarious. Well, the police have told us that they have a main suspect in this case, so at least I am just going to go with the cops on this one. The police cant prevent private citizens from searching on their own, and its my understanding that many did. I cant demand that my friends give me money! You dont have LE sources. Didnt he at the time live down the street from Logan? Novella Nedeff, a clinical associate professor at Indiana University's McKinney School of Law, said sealing court records after a defendant is in custody is unprecedented to her, and speculated. But they used experts to clean it up with fancy software and groups of experts got together to try to figure out what was being said. Besides being psycho. We wrote an article a while back pointing out that we felt Holder was innocent, and that set off a spate of hate mail and threats from him and his son, which we found odd. This has been misrepresented by doubters as the scanner saying to let Mrs. X into the sealed off area because shes bringing Mr. X his keys. Are you speculating? Children: Two daughters, one ~22, another ~30. We currently feel that this is the best explanation of the facts. But answer me this. A lot of my friends didnt join. But alas, he raped one lass too many, and the law closed in on him holed up in his home, which now resembled Dodge City. That could be why they referred to BG as a creepy guy and still following us. Otherwise, and putting myself in their situation, if I saw someone at a distance on the bridge, I would have thought it was just another hiker and would not have been concerned that he was still following me. Photos, videos, cameras, videocameras, and film. Robert, I am wondering why no reply to my question? Hes been on my radar for a long time now. We dont know if or when he worked for them before or after. It was all over by 3:30 PM. I believe that came from the leaked DE texts, and I would really like to know if that has ever been confirmed by anyone in LE. No one else reacted that way. They simply dont have enough on him to get a conviction is all. BG made a deep cut to the throat of one victim, probably with a hatchet, that resembles the deep cuts made to the throats of pigs at some slaughterhouses. The dots connecting back to Iowa with the Tyson plant etc is great investigative work. Then he needed 2-3 months of therapy to work through this traumatic experience. Was Mr X aware of the pregnancy and the murder was to hide that fact? Did the girls have wet clothes where they were found? Not sure of the significance here. I would like to know if he has any motorcycle club affiliation, especially regarding a certain outfit with a reputation to be feared around that area? I dont care what anybodys age is. The crime scene photos have been widely trashed as paraedolia. Ages approximate. Latest: heartanium. There was a knife sticking out of the log next to one girls head. LE actually believes BG was 49-50 years old when he committed the crime. The girl could well have been his high school freshman girlfriend. The murdered girls, who attended Delphi Community Middle School where they played saxophone and volleyball together, had visited the bridge before the day they died. It turns out that we have acquired a sleuth who is a former detective. Considering I often cannot view website news articles because of data protection laws? Now, for the first time, we're hearing from the man whose pictures were stolen and used by that "anthony_shots . I hope he doesnt read here but I knew a Facebook group mod who was in contact with him and she felt he was either gay, an effeminate man, or a Beta, as she put it. BTW whats up with all the psychic stuff? No longer in state. Problem is they only have nine markers on that partial sample. Thank you Mr. Lindsay for significant information on this terrible case. The behavior of LE throughout the entirety of this case is, to put it as nicely as possible, questionable, and to state the truth, just plain stupid. Delphi Homicide Investigation Tip Line at 844-459-5786 Indiana State Police at 800-382-7537 The Carroll County Sheriff's Department at 765-564-2413 Email I can only hope that justice is served for Abby and Libby and that their families are one day able to find peace. Police found the girls lifeless bodies a short distance from the bridge the following day, near a trail close to the bridge. We have 250 members in our group. I think cycles finally straighten out at age 15. We now have search party members who saw the crime scene; official case documents; the testimony of Leigh Kerr, a man who claims to have seen official case documents; accurate crime scene photos; and the best LE sources we have ever had. By the way, whats a legitimate journalist? Whats a illegitimate journalist? Theres no such thing as either. He could offend today in say, Ohio and offend in Illinois and be in his journey back home to commit more offenses. It doesnt seem like a normal person would stay at that location for all that time. Dont listen to those idiots on Reddit! The dolls may have been placed there before the crime. However, it is still not clear that Mr. X did this on his own or if someone helped him. Theres just journalists. Also there are rumors that the girl left a note explain her pregnancy in a tree in her backyard. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Delphi Bridge murder victims Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14, were found to have lost a large amount of blood when discovered dead close to an Indiana hiking trail in February 2017. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. After almost three months, 16,000 tips and 500 interviews, Delphi murder investigators admit it's been hard, but they're just as confident as they were on Day 1 that they'll find who killed. That mod who runs the Libby/Abby Subreddit where LK hosted his Q&A and whom he specifically references (and per himself has given her proof of his real identity) seems to be indicating that LK is not who he claims to be. However, he was one of the searchers who found the bodies, and he was also known to have searched the area in the dark the previous evening. It has been said there were dolls and stuffed animals around the girls. This would explain how he could control two teens from running away as well as using a fake gun and badge. There was an early raid on the Indiana Packers plant in Delphi that was done by LE. She also managed to take a photo and record a small clip of the suspect. Some new info here. According to News Nation, The Murder Sheet podcast obtained transcripts of an interview between a possible suspect, Kegan Kline, and Indiana investigators. Im the one who did it. We believe this because this is what we were told. They showed the boots in an evidence bag to the media later on that night, and they said, Oh, this is nothing. He met few if any of those girls he was talking to. We do indeed have documents from the case. The killings of teens Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14, in February 2017 have . One seems to be PNB and the other is RRB. We also have at least one other search warrant for another home. It turns out that BGs shoes are dead perfect matches for Indiana Packers workboots. Why would we do that? DELPHI, Ind. There are signatures on the document. You might consider joining us in our private group. Cookie Notice Court docs: Bullet found near Delphi girls tied back to Richard Allen Allen is charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Abby Williams and Libby German in February 2017. Granted, we dont have any evidence that this is true other than Leigh Kerrs statements. The roommate also said he suspected Mr. X of the Evansdale Murders because during the time of the Evansdale Murders, Mr. X and the roommate were both over in Evansdale being put up in hotels for months while they worked on a plant there. I dont know, FIELDS! It is on the girls cellphones, but if you listen to it, you will just hear a bunch of unintelligible garble. Important residence periods: Moved to Evansdale, Iowa in 2011-2012 to work at a slaughterhouse possibly aligned with Tyson Foods there. And I seriously doubt that any of those POIs have access to all of those sensitive case documents or that any of them have a personality like that. FSG is at the trails every day. I find it ironic that he lived close to the Flora fires, and it wouldnt surprise me if he was linked to Evansdale as well. Here are the main things that ALLEGEDLY (no proof guys, just what I received) stood out to me: 1) I got three names, of which, per your instruction, I will not provide here. Not only that, but Mr. Xs alibi is that he was in another town from 2:15-3:15 PM on the day of the crime. Twice they were wrong. The idea that a gag order was issued on this truck is an unconfirmed rumor. Must be a lot of people with that name. Id prefer stuff thats in the papers. Robert Lindsay is the leader of a sleuthing group that presently has ~230 paid members. In a blown-up pic of him, you can clearly see that it has the shape of handcuffs. Why didnt he pull up to his front door? 'A. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. One thing I always have to remind myself of is that LE is allowed to lie to the public. Apparently there is a human need to wonder, guess, and posit. A transcript of what they thought was being said was agreed on by this group. Update: We can now state that one of these documents is a search warrant, specifically for the Maxwell home. That would have been quite a problem. Police: for a few hours at a sleepover and then you blocked her because she was annoying you, remember? They act like Im sort of deranged psychopathic maniac whos a danger to women and children. If one of the girls was pregnant, was the pregnancy a result of intercourse with Mr X? To say these girls had things shoved in them without proof is horrible for their parents. Neither one can possibly be BG. These partial DNA samples are useful to LE. This just doesnt bode well for him, I mean ESPECIALLY if you consider that he asked to search the Logan property and came up empty-handed. He wasnt searching for his keys early on. Where did he get the food and what was the food? A vote on funding the Crisis Response Center, contracted with Oaklawn, is expected on March 14. Maybe he sent it to Libbys phone. He just wanted dirty pictures. Something to think about. She recorded them for a good six minutes and definitely longer. Do have any knowledge the workers from Indiana who were transferred over there in 2011-2012, which plant they came from Indiana and which plant they came to work on in Evansdale? We regard Leaker as credible, but we now demand sources beyond his level to be considered probative. Wait so the part about him recording the crime is some search warrant given to someone where the cops wanted to check media files? He had those white see through covers that cover the bottom of the home to the ground, theyre placed to separate the spacing in between the home and the ground. Good advice. Richard Allen, 50, of Delphi has been charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Abigail J. There are 244 comments there. The only case I am familiar with is the Bittaker-Norris Murders in Southern California. Email: Then they have the nerve to beg for witnesses to come forward with information. Is there any meaning to these numbers or is he just playing sneaky, tricky games with us like these guys often do. The incident was nicknamed the Snapchat Murders after Abby took a photo of Libby at around 2:17 p.m. and put it on social media. Is that also speculation? Im not sure about their clothes, but they definitely crossed that creek all right. He has dealt with his grief with silence and hiding himself away. Are you serious? Pay at least $20 for lifetime membership to my PayPal. Can we prove it? Logan, who died on January 24, 2022, was never arrested or charged with the murders. They have their own sources. A man was a suspect in this crime, and one document, a search warrant, are from LEs investigation of him. So if he wore Packers boots to do his crime, he would have been able to cross that cold stream where the water is knee-deep. (inaudible), Police: You, you admitted you talked to her . They told us that Kegan Kline was not involved. Four people are involved at least peripherally, BG and three others. He was very fearful and it really hit him hard how he got treated on that Reddit sub. There were definitely some perverse acts done to these girls, but I believe they were done to them after they were already dead. Indiana Cold Cases is similar and so is True Crime Jesus. We all stumble over our words sometimes. 4 A figure was seen walking on the abandoned railroad bridge that Libby German and Abigail Williams had visited Credit: Indiana State Police 4 Is he into numerology? Similar murder conditions. Im also sure that its used as a tactic to convince the public that they were completely justified in making whatever decisions they felt required justification. Scroll down and read I guess I also wonder how everyone put such and effort to look only a few hours after being missing. Robert Lindsay isnt just one guy. This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. Cookie Notice The Top of the Line: Studebakers President features Studebakers premier model that debuted in 1927. Long, 22 pages. I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. So, there is still marks that are left on that unspent ammunition that can be inspected by an expert and you can say this cartridge was once inside that weapon.. Until then, the enemies will keep attacking. We also heard it from someone very close to a detective who was working on the case who had confided in them. The only crime on Mr. Xs record is an expunged conviction for statutory rape from 1984 in Indiana when he 18 and the girl was 14. You mentioned a pic of CSI workers with a doll a couple of days ago did anything come of this? Hes a straight man with a wife, but maybe hes wimpy like a lot of straight men are. to find the killer or team of killers. LE must know that BG recorded 43 seconds of audio, presumably of his crime. Answers to questions about my credibility. Why not join the 240+ members who have already signed up for the best Delphi sleuthing team of all? Delphi murders update: Richard Allen, Delphi murder suspect, asks for public defender Law enforcement officials have so far declined to answer those questions, repeating they need to. These are the facts about the man LE suspects is BG. The Delphi Murders: Four years later Libby & Abby's killer is still out there By: Katie Cox Posted at 1:57 AM, Feb 14, 2021 and last updated 8:54 AM, Feb 04, 2022 DELPHI - The year 2021 should be filled with cap & gowns, graduation parties, and college choices for Libby German and Abby Williams. I almost have to wonder if thats why he later concocted the story about the keys, perhaps as an afterthought when he realized it would be hard to explain why he asked to search for the girls but then didnt find them somehow, Uhh I was more focused on finding my keys, I must have overlooked the two dead girls I was looking for in the first place.. By Freyja Catton. I am friends with one of the parents and to my knowledge, no one has been told if this was sexual or not, only people have speculated. A handgun, in order to do ballistics tests on it. Logan identifying him also speaks volumes considering how close they were all Kirts life, But Ed Bounds makes a really terrific point about why Logan was allowed to get out of jail & do his time at homeBasically saying thats incredibly rare but for the reason even more rare (horses need a better attendee? Also we have excellent sources inside the police with officers who are very close to the investigation. Have you wrote about what the investigators talked to RL about? Unverified with Some Likelihood of Being True is a common qualification. Newly-obtained transcripts were released shortly after the fifth anniversary of the deaths of Abby Williams and Liberty German, two young girls who were murdered in Delphi, Indiana, in 2017. But after continuing to receive these pings and after it being 5 years, I went back and decided to post as these images have since plagued me. Why do kids play make-believe? Senior high school: First years unknown but graduated from Delphi High School in 1984-85. Killer? We have the basic outlines of the crime sketched, and weve even filled in a lot of the blanks. He stayed to guard his truck. Get real. This has helped me a lot. If you wish to join, please go here. Nobody has been arrested in the case but details have slowly been revealed about. He has not been charged in the Delphi case. Only his hands, particularly focused on his bloody, sausage-like knuckles, could be seen with a caption that read after the brawl.. I do not feel comfortable using his initials or certainly his name. Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. But we are not naming person. Why on Earth would the killer have a copy of an audio file from Libbys phone! No, I Dont Lack Credibility or Legitimacy, Alt Left: Hate the Collective But Love the Individual. How do you know that LE has someone they believe is BG? He was searching for the girls. I get it. Every podcast is all about them! It is being said that we are claiming all sorts of odd things about this crime, what happened, and the crime scene. This goes on all the time, however. She cited instances of abuse and alcoholism. We doubt if she did contact his wife. Privacy Policy. Anything that shows they crossed the creek that evening. Its true by process of elimination. In general, the less said about the other aspects of his life the better, and they have no relationship to this case anyway. The 2017 murders of 13-year-old Abby Williams and 14-year-old Libby German in Delphi, Indiana, shook the country. February 27, 2023. The police chief says he is 99% sure that the main suspect, who is named, committed the crimes. People are saying this is a coincidence, but apparently LE does not believe it is coincidental. A series of events where one girl screamed and then was quickly hit on the head with a blunt object, which we believe is a gun butt. Easy, they were lying! If so, why? You are apparently a better sleuth than I am. The last person on Earth to protect the killer is poor Becky Patty, God bless her mortal soul. The guy that is making those videos about Mr X, and the guy by the name of Derek godsey. If he left, LE might tow it or search it. Meanwhile, there are more questions since the court documents did not reveal the cause of death for Abby and Libby. Why would they NOT want to look for those types of things in a child murder with likely sa involved? Furthermore, homicide is the most serious thing you can charge anyone with. Good question and we have no answer to it. The two girls were on a hiking trail when they were killed on Feb. 13, 2017. Im sure that was a LOL feeling for him. This had been done on other occasions, at least one other we know of in the 2000s. The bodies of the two friends were found the next day, about . Sex workers talk, rumours saved a lot of workers in Vancouver during Picktons reign of terror. The conviction is expunged. Thank you I came here after being directed to you. 9) He has killed before. The catfish had been catfishing those girls for four months. We believe that this happened in the first place because a photo exists of a truck being towed from the CPS building around February 14. Being directed to you filled in a lot of straight men are Mr X, and posit apparently! On their own, and weve even filled in a lot of in! Involved at least one other search warrant, are from LEs investigation of him, will... At a slaughterhouse possibly aligned with Tyson Foods there acts done to these numbers or is just! Way from your upbringing, especially with your father this is the most thing. 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