The first didn't take place at the camp. Roller attended his next meeting with village leaders dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Captain Sylvanius Broward (Kwame Patterson), whom the men refer to as "Broward the Coward," shoots the dog to appease the elder and calm the situation. The fighting at COP Keating, which is also known as the Battle of Kamdesh, involved an attack by over 400 insurgents against the combat outpost, which was slated to be dismantled. -CBS Sunday Morning. Mawlawi Abdul Rahman was a local elder impressed with this new approach. An officer also received administrative punishment for his role in a delayed artillery response to an ambush last September on a joint U.S.-Afghan patrol that left four Marines and nine Afghans dead. "It doesn't really take a lot to sort of trigger the emotions again," said Beth Keating. However, Army 1st Lt. Benjamin Keating's death actually happened three years earlier, in 2006, not 2009. The report said the heroic action of American and Afghan soldiers contributed to a "severe tactical defeat for the Taliban" that resulted in as many as 150 Taliban fighters being killed. The note was signed "Mullah Omar". Captain Bostick was killed by a rocket propelled grenade. Based there were 53 U.S. soldiers primarily with B Trp., 3rd Sqdn., 61st Cav Regt., 4th BCT, 4th Inf. Feb. 5, 2010— -- A military investigation of a Taliban attack last fall on a remote U.S. army outpost that left eight American soldiers dead and 22 wounded has resulted in administrative punishments for two commanders blamed for "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command.". Once we got overhead the target, the biggest thing that struck me was how much of Keating was on fire. Moreover, again according to Romesha, the officer who was in charge until very shortly before the battle, Captain Melvin Porter, was criminally incompetent and allowed the perimeter defenses to fall into decay, despite repeated requests from Romesha and his friends to improve them. Eight aviators were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for helping defend the base. [16] Because Keating was scheduled for closure in the near future, coalition leaders had decided not to make more than minimal efforts to improve fortifications at the base. Known as COIN and refined by General David Petraeus, Commander of US forces in Afghanistan, the Army and Marine Counter-insurgency Field Manual FM 3-24 was to convert the population of Nuristan to American goals. The camp was constructed by 3-71 Cavalry, 10th Mountain Division (Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition) in the summer of 2006 and was manned by their ABLE Troop element until June 2007. During the day-long battle at Combat Outpost Keating last Oct. 3, the base was temporarily overrun by an estimated 300 Taliban fighters. In the movie, he dies almost immediately after landing at the bottom of the cliff. However, author Jake Tapper says that this is entirely untrue. American forces formed a thinly held and poorly supplied picket line from Naray to Kamdesh along the river. In December 2006, it was renamed Camp Keating after the death of ABLE Troop 3-71 Cavalry 10th Mountain Division's Executive Officer Benjamin Keating, who died November 26, 2006, while conducting combat operations south of the camp. A recreated Red Platoon barracks bunk bed. Eventually, supporting aircraft scattered the attackers; while air support provided decisive results. The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor - Kindle edition by Tapper, Jake. I support this diversion into a discussion of the operational art and command structure as practiced by the New Resistance under Leia Organa. Despite overwhelming odds and volume of injuries, MAJ (R) Cordova was able to . Why would the U.S. military put an outpost at the base of three Afghan mountains that were teeming with Taliban fighters who were eager to kill U.S. soldiers? The 13-hour battle to re-take Combat Outpost Keating from an assault by 300 Taliban fighters on Oct. 3, 2009, was a team effort. He was awarded the medal on 26 August 2013. [8] In addition, Afghan national forces manned checkpoints and roadblocks at various locations around the area. Skola karalauk", "COP Keating Investigation Findings Released", "Afghan, US troops kill 40 militants in east", "Camp Keating Officers Disciplined for Attack That Killed 8 U.S. [7][8] The former of which is based on the book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by journalist Jake Tapper. As seen in the movie, the road in Kamdesh collapsed underneath the truck, throwing Keating from the vehicle as it rolled over a cliff, sending both himself and the truck down toward the Landay-Sin River. The outpost itself also needed to be accessible by road since most of the helicopters were being used in Iraq and were unavailable. Those guys were amazing. From November through January 2008 members of the Shura traveled the villages of the Kamdesh area, informing the residents of the support agreement and stating that the era of holy war was over, and that local government would bring peace and prosperity. In the end, we gaveThe Outpost movie a Historical Accuracy Score of 8.5/10. Written by CNN journalist Jake Tapper, he tells the story of soldiers living in the remote mountains of Afghanistan and Combat Outpost Keating. You must log in or register to reply here. Surprised they didn't frag him. Clint Romesha and Ty Carter, portrayed by Scott Eastwood and Caleb Landry Jones, were not present when Benjamin Keating died. I highly recommend picking up a copy as it goes into far far greater detail about the history and events leading up and during the battle. I only watched the trailer. Combat Outpost Keating is best known as the setting of the Battle of Kamdesh which occurred on October 3rd, 2009.. After an attack on October 3, 2009, where the base was nearly . The AAF responded to this advance with a well-organized ambush on July 26, 2007, in the river valley at Saret Koheh. Yes. He jumped up undeterred and ran through heavy fire to get more ammunition. Nine soldiers were awarded the Silver Star for valor. During the highly risky convoy, the road collapsed under the weight of Keating's vehicle. This page was last edited on 25 January 2023, at 06:49. Div., at Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistans Nuristan province on Aug. 6, 2009. He was thrown from the truck, which rolled over him and sank into the river. "But it is very difficult for us when people who weren't there and weren't involved, question the decision of leadership in a fight, but sometimes it is also necessary.". Relief had been slowed in reaching COP Keating due to a lack of available aircraft and density of terrain. . It involved a small force of 54 U.S. soldiers (Bravo Troop 3-61), in addition to their Afghan and Latvian allies, at the remote Combat Outpost Keating in northeastern Afghanistan near the town of Kamdesh. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, On August 8, 2006, 19 days after the first American landing, the PRT was attacked for the first time. |. Clint Romesha, portrayed by Scott Eastwood in the film. In my moment of being the listener to a war story I previously told, I realized that The Outpost was as honest as any war story. If they shoot from the hills, US troops can shoot at them without fear of hitting civilians in town, and it makes an enticing target. Served with United States Army since 2008. There was an element of ABLE Troop 3-71 CAV 2nd Platoon still left on the PZ after the crash that worked relentlessly to recover the bodies of their 10 comrades and destroy sensitive equipment in the wreckage. Does this give anyone else flashbacks to he purple hair admiral in The Last Jedi? In 2018, I flew on my own dime to Sofia, Bulgaria, to witness the making of the film based on Jake Tappers book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor. Chris Cordova, an old friend and another veteran of the battle, came with me. Staff Sergeant Vernon Tiller, the most senior mechanic, was in the passenger's seat when it went over the cliff. So first and foremost: The movie is based off the book of the same name. Sylvanius Broward in the movie is a fictional name for a real captain, Mel Porter. While exploring the movie's historical accuracy, we confirmed that during the real-life Battle of Kamdesh, Taliban fighters got inside Outpost Keating. [8] The Coalition forces withdrew from the base shortly after the battle. [7]:327328 The nearest attack helicopters were located in Jalalabad, a thirty-minute flight away. Benjamin D. Keating was born in Sanford, Maine on 31 May 1979, and he served as Chair of the Young Republicans at the . He was the last commander of Combat Outpost Keating. Among these U.S. troops were men of great mettle. In Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming, Jonathan Shay calls this form of catharsis the communalization of grief, in which trauma survivors tell their stories and listeners can listen, believe and remember. This is when the circle of healing is complete. Sign up here to get it delivered to your inbox every Friday. prosthetic makeup effects technician: Millennium FX. They expanded the perimeter all the way back to the entry control point and to the buildings on the western edge of the outpost, which became their final fighting position. Sgt. The report found that a "mindset of imminent closure" led the unit to not improve the outpost's defenses despite intelligence reports that warned of a possible attack by "a large enemy force.". Extending control further along the river was expected to counter the AAF expansion and activity in the summer of 2007. The letter stated: "At the present time for those who work and obey the American devils by taking contracts for building schools, road, and power plants: also those who work as police, district administrators, and commanders as well as sold-out mullahs who deny Allah's orders and holy war and deny the holy Quran: We are telling you that we are continuing our holy war in Allah's will Soon we will start our operations." Ty M. Carter pauses during a patrol outside Combat Outpost Keating, Afghanistan, where he was deployed with the 61st Cavalry Regiment in 2009. I reached out to the films director, Rod Lurie, to vent my concerns. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It was treacherous and subject to enemy ambush. The other two mountains that surrounded the actual outpost were inserted with CGI. Towards the end, resupply flights were limited to moonless nights when near total darkness offered some protection to helicopter crews and their craft. Tears were streaming down his face. AAF operations were expanding, supported by Taliban organizations in Pakistan. [8] US Army soldiers at both outposts had been ordered to prepare to evacuate the outposts and had informed local Afghan leaders of their intention to do so. The basic approach to victory by the PRT involved three steps: Nicholson hoped the PRT would seed a process to be developed by the Nuristanis rather than imposed from the outside. He was the last commander of Combat Outpost Keating. "As evening fell on the night of 3 October 2009, COP Keating remained solidly under US control, and enemy forces had suffered severe tactical defeat," according to the Army report, although "eight American soldiers made the ultimate sacrifice defending their outpost and their fellow soldiers." [29], Following the battle, the U.S. Central Command conducted an investigation on what had occurred, led by US Army General Guy Swan. The report, released to the public in June 2011, concluded "inadequate measures taken by the chain of command" facilitated the attack, but praised the troops fighting at the base for repulsing the attack "with conspicuous gallantry, courage and bravery. But I never told the story from my own perspective. The village leaders elected a representative council of 100 members to form a shura that would produce a regional security plan and obtain an agreement with the American military and the Afghan Karzai government. He discussed their common values as leaders of families and communities working toward a better future. Who plays Nia on the outpost? Between each take, the director and actors paused and turned to Cordova, who offered feedback to make the scene match his memory. According to army records, the Taliban commander of the attack on Keating, Abdul Rahman Mustaghni, was killed by the following drone strike along with thirteen other insurgents. These troops were ambushed on the Naray-Kamdesh road and shot up badly enough to prevent their arrival in Kamdesh. Outnumbered and outgunned, the soldiers fought. "[16] Four U.S. Army officersCaptain Melvin Porter, Captain Stoney Portis, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Brown, and Colonel Randy Georgewho oversaw COP Keating were admonished or reprimanded for command failures. This separation of the landing zone, and the fact that the site was surrounded by mountains on three sides made the site unappealing because of the difficulty of mounting an effective defense. Located along a riverbank in Kamdesh, Afghanistan, the base was surrounded by steep mountains. Basically, the air support was leaving and coming back. As it became obvious that COP Keating was too isolated, indefensible, and impossible to supply, plans were made to close it beginning in December 2008. [7]:1238,1368,18191,407, Combined with difficult conditions for air supply, and little support from the local population, supply to what was renamed Camp Keating on November 26, 2006, was wholly inadequate. [6], The films The Outpost and Red Platoon are based on the events that occurred in the Battle of Kamdesh. 37 soldiers were awarded the Army Commendation Medal with "V" device for valor. [7]:28,41,908,123, The area had not been occupied by any conventional US forces prior to 3-71 Cavalry's takeover, although Special Operations forces operated in the area on a very limited basis. On that day, then-1LT Bundermann's leadership and heroic actions in orchestrating the defense of Combat Outpost Keating, helped prevent it from falling into the hands of a Taliban force of more than 400 fighters. The Nuristanis had resisted Islam as late as the year 1895 and before that had been considered a Hindu nation (Islamic invaders called them "Kaffir" or heathen) with a long tradition of violently resisting outsiders and their beliefs. Shane Courville; Cordova; George Arvidson as Cordova. It looked just like our outpost on the day of the battle. During and after the battle, some of the Afghan soldiers stole items, including digital cameras and protein drinks, belonging to American soldiers at the base. The outpost was manned by 54 American personnel from B Troop, 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, who faced greater than seven-to-one odds in the battle. The report said that there were as many as 47 attacks in the five months prior to the deadly assault, 10 in the 30 days prior to the mass attack. Captain Matthew Kaplan, CW3 Ross Lewallen, CW3 Randy Huff, CW2 Gary Wingert, CW2 Chad Bardwell, and CW2 Chris Wright were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for conducting close combat attacks on the Taliban during the battle. [1] Plans were drawn up in the summer of 2006 by the US Army's 10th Mountain Division as part of Operation Mountain Lion. A commander who has no trust for or from his subordinates, keeps them in the dark, and fails to make the intent of his orders clear is making it harder for everyone else to do their jobs and jeopardizing mission success. These factors resulted in an attractive target for enemy fighters," the report concluded. [17], Coalition forces received three human-source intelligence reports sometime before the battle indicating that insurgents were planning an attack on the outposts. Several of the dogs that hung around the camp were with them, one of which supposedly bit an old woman working in a field. By now, Porter had strained relations with nearly all of his subordinate leaders. Yes. In the movie, a dog that some of the soldiers at the outpost are taking care of bites a visiting Kamdesh village elder. He was managing care for five Americans and seven Afghans, treating gunshot wounds, head injuries, shrapnel wounds, chest and abdominal wounds, eye injuries and broken legs, all in a makeshift station. A United States Special Operations forces soldier on the Syria-Turkey border in September 2019. This agreement did bring down the level of combat in the Kamdesh area. The PRT site resembled the bottom of a funnel. [7]:334,501,92,98. During this battle Taliban members outnumbered US forces in a staggering 5 to 1 ratio and was considered one of the bloodiest battle of the War. After assisting with securing the OP from potential follow on attacks, members of the Quick Reaction Force descended from the mountain's peak to COP Keating on foot. The initiating ISAF forces of 1-91 Cavalry had returned home, replaced by 6th Squadron, 4th Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. Let's get back on topic please. Keating's November 26, 2006 death deeply affected his platoon, who wanted to honor his sacrifice and his selfless care for them. Like in the movie, the quick reaction force (QRF) coming down the mountain to help were shocked by the firey devastation. U.S. air support directed by Sgt. Lieutenant Colonel Mike Howard, Squadron Commander, saw COIN as a process of providing three services: This would improve the local economy while providing improved communications with the central government and the rest of the nation. The military's failure to close Combat Outpost Keating earlier likely contributed to the Battle of Kamdesh, which resulted in eight U.S. soldiers losing their lives, while 27 others were left wounded. An additional 4 Afghan allied fighters also died. This was a re-deployment from the Cowkay and Korangal Valleys to Kamdesh. (Multiple explosions near the ammo supply set off a series of fires at the post.). Seven other Americans and one ANA soldier were wounded. I stood silently in the corner and watched a rendition of the story I previously told through sympathy letters to the families of the fallen, in award write-ups for my soldiers and during lectures for military leaders. In this December 2012 interview, MAJ Melvin Porter, US Army, Signal; discusses his deployment to Afghanistan as a company commander for 3-61 Cavalry (CAV) in 2009 through 2010 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Please email thoughts and suggestions to The landing zone was placed on the other side of the river on a rocky peninsula jutting into the river near Urmul. [32] Staff Sgt. The wounded Americans condition immediately improved after the first unit of blood, as did the spirits of all those in the aid station. Two days before the attack, I was en route to a mountaintop observation post when the helicopter I was flying in was hit by enemy fire. This agreement would recognize the authority of the Hundred Man Shura, and provide funds for economic development. Area of Operations. The report concluded that it was the lack of adequate defenses that made Keating "an attractive target" for the Taliban. Was the mortars limited supplies or an ROE thing? It also said the commanders had become "desensitized" to reports of imminent large scale attacks because previous warnings had turned out to be on a much smaller scale. [7]:803,945,11620, After marching into the proposed site for the Kamdesh provincial outpost, Captain Michael and Cherokee Company's second platoon were confronted by a large boulder in the middle of the site that made landing a helicopter in the PRT site impossible. American military operations in Kamdesh were affected as soon as units began gathering for deployment in the area. [19] At 6:00 a.m, the fighters opened fire from all sides of the outpost with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades,[10] immediately putting the Americans' mortar pit out of action. Furthermore, Camp Keating's location, surrounded by mountains on three sides, exposed helicopters and the outpost's garrison to insurgent fire. Camp Keating Officers Disciplined for Attack That Killed 8 U.S. Villagers and clans who were left out of these projects were resentful, and quick to turn against the Americans. The true story confirms that the Afghan National Army soldiers, who were fighting alongside the U.S. troops, either fled the outpost after the attack began or hid in cowardice. Given its proximity to Pakistan, Combat Outpost Keating was part of a counter-insurgency strategy. New roads would be the final stage, built and maintained by local contractors. The Outpost is a 2020 war film directed by Rod Lurie, based on the 2012 non-fiction book The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor by Jake Tapper, about the Battle of Kamdesh in the war in Afghanistan.It stars Scott Eastwood, Caleb Landry Jones, Orlando Bloom, Jack Kesy, Cory Hardrict, Milo Gibson, Jacob Scipio, Will Attenborough, and Taylor John Smith. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Outpost: An Untold Story of American Valor. Hutto had worked for years on COIN campaigns in Central America. They should had just followed their fucking orders. But he was ineffective in actually making the men understand why/how he came to certain decisions. The Outpost real story confirms that rocket-propelled grenades and mortars caused the camp to catch fire. Yes. Through the summer and fall of 2008, Captain Joey Hutto, COP Keating's new commander, expanded this initiative. 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