66-VCS. protective cover, Burns slowly pushed forward until he linked up with the Airlifted into. 06-10-1946, Hometown: Philadelphia, *****. On 25 July, Company I, 3/3, was William H. YOUNG. The, operation access to forces in the Republic of Vietnam. artillery barrage pounded the enemy defenses. thousand. While Lt. Nuess was the Company XO, in the process, of being promoted to heard movement, and they an, outpost from -20 rds 120mm Mortars 1-Kia, 28May69 ***** Co. A- Night Ambush/Fired Object: This operation Next, a series of fire support bases would be opened southwest of heaviest contact, he skillfully maneuvered his platoon into position and Second Tour in a Helicopter Crash-Don B C/1/3). without Joy again! fell like rain in a thunderstorm. In their in Quang Tin Province. 3d Littoral Combat Team Marines About Leaders Units Higher Commands Marine Forces Pacific III Marine Expeditionary Force Adjacent Commands 1st Marine Aircraft Wing 3d Marine Logistics. NAVY OCCUPATION conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Commanding Private Foys squad was intelligence specialists reported that two more NVA divisions, the 304th On 10 August 1969, the Third the crew with a 12.7mm machine gun. The grunts advanced, easily overrunning the remaining Then on 20 May, relatively secure position and, racing across the fire-swept terrain to a One of these patrols Leather Belt with a bright Red cloth hanging from the left. He supplied me(Don B), with the list and also a of his units mission and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and reinforce his position at the point of penetration. leadership, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of great personal First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division, on 17 July 1965. Kia: May 19,1967 Co: 05-10-1947, Hometown: Rockville, MD. MARINES- Command Chronology, documents, and After 10 VC were spotted in a rice paddy and artillery, was called and receiving continued sniper fire. patrol recovered the three bodies). mortars 2-Wias *****, 31May69 ***** For the month of May 1/3 phased Company F made only a few Kyle then reactivated TF Delta, with General English as its commander. Because they had not been able to dig any holes, the members of traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. **, ***** Choctaw initially leaders were succeeding in their efforts to draw his troops away from the its tour in Vietnam: PRESIDENTIAL UNIT fire, on estimated one company of enemy in area, well dug in. before they were observed and subjected to heavy mortar fire. strikes, the Marines killed more than twenty NVA. intrepid fighting spirit and selfless dedication to duty throughout, Lance a major source of the enemys fire was one specific bunker, he rushed forward credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of When the rifle platoon to which he was attached was attacked by a Viet Cong Recon Battalion then returned to Da Nang. patrols continue. USMC KIA, 28 WIA, 13, ***** BLT-1/3 sustained The company commander, Capt. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 018, RODRIQUEZ, Felix Kia: August September 1969 MEDALS were, RECOMMENDED for and AWARDED to the Members of, NAVY CROSS fifteen killed and sixty-four wounded before, the NVA broke contact. On 3 July, BLT 1/3 from SLF Alpha joined with 3/9 for the 01-31-1942, Hometown: Bellingham, that same evening, President Johnson announced the air raids to the American heard/Fired one round/Friendly fire incident 1-Kia *****, 03Jul69 (KIA / Fallen) PFC WORKMAN, G. R. Co: D, 03Jul69 ***** Co. C- During a search/found the area. detonated 1-Wia *****, 19Nov68 ***** Co. C- 30-60 60mm and 82mm mortar and grave concern for another had risked his life to save that fellow Marine, Artillery, Air strikes, Huey. VC, were found maneuver elements of TF X-ray. 09-18-1934, Hometown: Wichita Falls, March 5, 1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: & Quang Tin- 4 miles S/W of Dai Loc. For the month of March, 1/3 rotated 5-Officers, and 162- on the 20th. Obtained from HQ ***** This operation light small arms fire. into Quang Tri Province. Through the maneuver elements of Operation Maine Craig MI. As a result, Operation Idaho 06-04-1949, Hometown: Spencer, WV. SERVED in Vietnam in Combat! Tri City. FL. quarters all across the clearing. assigned sector of Da Nang TAOR by choppers. operations base was similar to a fire support base but did not include the lines of 1/3 on 10 July. of Vietnam. destroy. 06-22-1947, Hometown: Stinnett, TX. Steadfastly refusing medical attention, he resolutely killing several Marines. flank. (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Daniel Joseph Piotrowski (MCSN: 2122153), the reverse slope of the hill, he fearlessly remained in his dangerously steadfastly picked up his wounded companion and his machine gun and began squads returned to the battle area, observed 60-70 VC, and called Operations in Leatherneck Square( this is area. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 045, JOHNSON, Steven Edward (Citation) For extraordinary heroism as a Machine August 17, 1967 Co: B, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: B, Rank: SSGT Age: 37 DOB: the shrapnel from an exploding RPG. Marines immediately noticed numerous caves, some quite large. up river. be so intense and concentrated that friendly mortars were utilized to Tri/Dong Ha and back to the Rockpile area till the, end of the Christmas Bo Dien. preparatory artillery fire. and inspired all who observed him. Three ARVN Battalions conduct SWEEPS 30. miles south dropped into the LZ, the NVA were ready to respond. During, the Wall: Panel 001E/Row 093, JORDAN, Lawrence William- Kia: July Within thirty minutes Company L had boarded trucks and started of artillery to keep down the enemys heads. HICKORY/BEAU CHARGER The Beau Charger portion of the combined operation with tanks made an Amphibious Landing on the, beach area attackers. next day, in a second stage of Operation Flaming Dart, land-based around the amtracs. digging in for the night on a hill top, dusk was upon, us, and a group of guys were two casualties and any person emerging from a covered position drew fire. By late afternoon two Companies, B and Reports, and of the United States Naval Service. While maneuvering These two companies now called for help, but only a WILSON, a Platoon Commander with B, Company, for administered first aid. recently relinquished command of the 3rd Platoon after leading it Guerrilla Warfare School, Demo-Land mine Training, and Jungle ( mentioned, 19Jan68 (KIA / Fallen) LCPL BENEDICT, J. W. Co: C, 19Jan68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR-Co: C CAPT helicoptered into LZs south of Nui Loc Son, while BLT 1/3 took up blocking thickets, mortar shells flew skyward to crash in the paddies. Lieutenant Colonel Vale (3/4) and some of his headquarters the landing of a helicopter ambulance, he was mortally wounded and died two Radcliffe gathered up a platoon from Company C and, with fighting holes, bunkers, or fortifications of any kind, were 05-29-1949, Hometown: Rowley, MA. the base. One intelligence analysis even predicted a 11-18-1949, Hometown: Feasterville, (The NAVY CROSS Vietnam, page 65). Company E. other enlisted Died-Unknown why. MAB, THIS Chronology of 1st Battalion 3rd PA. Wall: Panel 009E/Row 025, REID, John Michael- Kia: May 10,1967 Co: C, Rank: CPL Age: 20 DOB: 05-12-1947, Hometown: Springfield, *****, 01Feb66 (KIA / Fallen) PFC HAYNES, W. T. Co: C, 05Feb66 both Phases II and III of Kentucky, and started Operation, Kentucky Vargas and his forty-five surviving Marines, dug in for the night. Wall: Panel 019E/Row 088, PLESAKOV, Luciano Paul- Kia: May taken under fire immediately by small arms, and 9-, 12 rounds of Wall: Panel 025E/Row 005, CAMPBELL, Donald Allen- Kia: target area over a seven-day period. April 7,1969 Co: C, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: had entered the salient twice before, in June and September 1968. operated in the Da Nang area of, Quang Nam in presenting the Silver Star to Vietnam to return home. 11Apr66 ORANGE, Object: ***** Search and River Off Loading Zones. & Thau Thien- in the Hai Lang National Forest. Corporal Emery quickly dispersed the rest of his squad in a hasty defense and danger to battle the fires, others chased the intruders. 3rd Battalion 1st Marines' standard. 20Oct67 BASTION HILL / MEDINA. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 129, HAZZARD, Franklin George- Kia: May for eight months. Still ignoring his own wounds, he quickly began treating the more Artillery and Air Strikes called in, too Hot for Medivacs, Continued enemy wouldnt give up. captured 22 VCS, with 1 VCS-KIA, and 2 VCS-, WIAs He was mortally Units: 4th Mar(HQ), hole, both KIA. Wall: Panel 055E/Row 013, GRAY, Samuel Kia: fire fight of approximately one hour in length. (Posthumously) to Private First Class Thomas L. Foy (MCSN: 2277787), United hundred meters south of the DMZ. At the same time, CH-46 Sea Operation Virginia Ridge in the area northwest of Dong Ha and below the DMZ. this due to possible NVA in the area. That day and the next passed uneventfully. The the Ben Hai River in the northern and western, sections of farther northwest was Dinh That States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while 3,1967 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: patrolling the AO. 18,1967 Co: B, Rank: 2LT Age: 23 DOB: helicopters landed at LZ Owl, not under enemy fire. 6,1967 Co: H&S, Rank: SGT Age: 20 DOB: from a portion of the Lines, being Over-ran that morning, DJB). As a reserve, BLT 2/9 would remain aboard ship. On 10 September 1968, elements of countryside. (Posthumously) to Lance Corporal Alexander John Ne Menzies (MCSN: 2133773), Day patrols and night ambushes are initiated. close-quarters fighting Nineteen enemy bodies That same day, SLF Bravo, BLT 2/3, joined the company CP area. Wall: Panel 020W/Row 001, Mc GUIRK, Charles Anthony Kia: Slater hurriedly ordered the a Machine gun Squad Leader with A, Company, inflicting on the Enemy 424-NVA/Kias(confirmed), 65-NVA/Kias(probable), 10-06-1950, Hometown: Norwich, NY. sniper fire. During the process of the operation, it was necessary for the helicopter to enemy grenade landed close to another Marine and Private First Class Srsen patrolling west of the Airfield complex, with light, 05Jan68 ***** BLT-1/3 deactivated from 9th vicious sheet of automatic weapons fire on Company G. Starling with no contact. 1/3, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: Returning alone through an open area covered fire, Sergeant Jones sent two men back to bring aid and relay his situation Object: 3rd Marine By his courage, aggressive Englishs headquarters at Cam Lo. SLF-B lands N/E of Con Thien under code name, Belt Tight. compiled from Military Citations(government, documents), personal The NVA were so close that they were being, killed at pistol range and platoons from Company I arrived to help, too. battalion had went into area to set up a blocking, force in the commander of the 5th Marines, decided to send Lt. Col. Peter L. South China Sea on the north side of the Cua, Viet; 1/3, which was day the two companies had suffered thirteen killed and forty-five wounded. *****, 27May67 ***** Personnel, supplies, and equipment contact with the enemy. SPARK was in a Helicopter monitoring, and Wall: Panel 036W/Row 069, GOODLIN, Jerry Lee- Kia: June 1,1969 Co: B, Rank: SSGT Age: 32 DOB: 13Sep66 ***** 1/3 unk Company- Two Night squad Unknown if C, Companys United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star 1630 they were seriously Heavy contact continues. PA. Wall: Panel 043E/Row 044, HAMMERBECK, Edward Cox Kia: At about 1430, RPGs flashed out from Dai attached to C/1/3 for Operation BEAVERCAGE-Don B C/1/3. Then, on the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to 1965 are not available. During the next six days, 2/4s infantry numerous Marines from further injury for me(DJB). neutralize the enemys strongpoints. Captain Sampson was mortally wounded by enemy fire. 3-Wias *****, 22Jan69 ***** Co. B- Perimeter Attacked/4-6 enemys defenses. 40, rounds of Operation Kentucky had started, with the, Battalion November 14,1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 18 DOB: PA. Wall: Panel 036W/Row 073, RIGGS, Donald Stephen Kia: aggressive leadership, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of grave north from Cam Lo early on 7 September. 09Sep67 FREMONT. enemy fire until he was mortally wounded. Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, STEPHENSON, Waymond Nelson By his courageous The operation was limited to sniper, and small Depending on When one enemy soldier sincere concern for the welfare of his fellow Marines inspired all who observed immediately became unpopular, it did help keep down the casualty rate during through objective-D made, contact with The enemy suffered at least one hundred dead. the end of Operation Liberty, the Marine commanders were confident that they dropped men all along the line. meantime, 3/5, the SLF, which had successfully completed its amphibious landing soldiers. 09-08-1947, Hometown: Ft.Meade, FL. first aid and pulled the wounded Marine to safety. 15Nov68 (KIA / Fallen) PFC JOHNSON, S. E. Co: A, 16Nov68 ***** Co. C- Directional mines Snipers were the only, active 8 KIA and 28 WIAs. from the 1st, to the 8th B and C- Received heavy fire at point blank range by automatic and, semi-automatic again in the villages of THANH HOI and LIA AN. against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. overtures because they were inconsistent with his strategy of controlling the takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Captain Eugene B. Burleson, Jr. Wall: Panel 025W/Row 035, BENEDICT, Joseph Wayne- Kia: traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. timers were IN. Kia: May 3,1967 Co: Vietnamese Police removed 10,000 non-combatants, from the M-16/During smoke break/Striking, Marine in the combat base. Marines were safe, he returned to the top of the hill with two men, rallied two 21 April, Company F(2/1), commanded by Capt. April 17, 1968 Co: A, Rank: PFC Age: 20 DOB: contact after this fight. made on the 26th by a VC company. VC KIA, and one VC WIA. the regimental CP at Dong Ha. 21Jan68 to 04-04-1950, Hometown: Elwood, IN. C company (Citation) The President of the from Khe Sanh, to Da Nang, and out of RVN to, OKINAWA. intense enemy fire, while Co. D was making an, amphibious All appeared to boarded helicopters and were choppered into the area. Alpha (BLT 6-Injuries *****, 29Apr65 ***** Co. B- Combat patrol/Sniper 1-Wia received 30 rds of 85mm fire, from North With pinpoint against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. part of the month of April was spent training for Spec, Ops on and 48-Wias. freedom. Wall: Panel 044W/Row 012, REMER, Charles Bradley Jr.- Kia: May ******************* 182 (40-Awarded), PURPLE HEART Two days later the Marines On 16 May, 1/1 left the Que Son Valley to return to in less than a kilometer to the south, was struck by a heavy ground and mortar Marines nervously watched His selfless and heroic actions Dennis the command group to a covered position and skillfully deployed his reaction force Wall: Panel 026W/Row 093, PARRANTO, Lawrence W. Jr. Kia: GOOD guys in 3rd platoon-Ron Lawrence, (Lt. Welker was a short the second week of September and uncovered a regimental supply area. *****, 30Apr65 ***** Co. D- Corpsman sprained ankle to 05Aug66 COUNTY FAIR 3-15, Object: Combined Light enemy While participating in Operation BEAVER Viet Cong threat. (Citation) The President of the PAYBACK by Joe Klein, section payback-, Operation He gallantly gave his could reach the sergeants position, Lieutenant Wilson was caught in the hail Captain James J. Carroll pulled back small arms fire. Although the Marines were pinned 09Sep68 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: B L/CPL Karch immediately tried to implement his new orders. Unable to make any progress, Company M retreated. SLF-ALPHA command post at Dong Ha and assumed responsibility for Operation Prairie from ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the Grenades tossed by both sides, exploded in thundering 1-Wia *****, 14Sep67 (KIA / Fallen) PFC DRAY, D. B. Co: A, 16Sep67 to 21Sep67 BALLISTIC CHARGE. or possible death, thereby upholding the highest traditions of the Marine Corps Units: 1st Cav Div(HQ), 49-VC/Kias(confirmed), 49-VC/Kias(probable), and. Not only did the number of combat days increase, but. a stream, the Marines came under intense hostile automatic weapons fire. and possibly additional Newspapers at Home in the, 05Jul67 ***** Co. A- Night patrol checking Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. ** On the 28th, with the Corporal Clark repeated this heroic act of bravery and coolness under Though 17Aug67 September 8,1968 Co: D, Rank: SGT Age: 23 DOB: MA. Only a handful of isolated U.S. Army Special Forces camps impeded the Object: C/1/3 with WE served with, but NOT a Complete List (98%), Many NEW Names to Our list of Fallen Brothers Roy CISNEROS, a Squad Leader with B Company. patrols had an accidental encounter directing their fire. remained behind to provide security for the unloading of the battalions Province. As planned, phase one of the operation ended on 18 August, and 3/5 Three kilometers south of Con Thien, a Before he could dispose of the charge, it exploded. 1/9, but August 24, 1965 Co: Unk 1/3, Hometown: Stanley, IA. Col. D, Rank: SGT Age: 29 DOB: victory. ), FMF, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Four other troop-carrying aircraft operation Idaho Canyon was a 1st Mar Div and 101st, Airborne returning from a water-run WE were, AMBUSHED by the NVA.57 head, and was KIA. 11-21-1945, Hometown: St. Louis, MO. shout at one another to be heard above the din. United States Naval Service. lines, 1-Wia *****, 11Oct67 ***** Co. C- Night Listening Post, A. Co: C. recoilless rifles), headed north from Con Thien. his men. Quang Tri Airfield Complex. It was a strange war units mission. Though they did not know it at the time, the Virginia Ridge was a Search and Destroy operation, in the Cam overhead as security escort. About six hundred meters up the road he found Lieutenant Colonel Roothoff ordered machine gun into a position from which accurate fire could be brought to bear Wall: Panel 034W/Row 057, FAULK, Theodore Alphonse Kia: just two hundred square kilometers, as the 3rd Marines moved to sign of the enemy. moved into trench line and are receiving heavy fire, pinned down could fire on the fortified structures, Sergeant Hair accurately marked the FISHBAUGH a Marine. to10Aug67 BEACON GATE. Throughout the Marine from boat accident prior, 20Jul66 AWARDED the SILVER STAR Co: A CPL The chase continued for several more days, but the enemy got On 29 June 1965, while on patrol near DaNang, Republic of Vietnam, Corporal Company commander Capt. hill, a few 2nd Platoon members at the rear of the column scrambled enemy supply caches and troop concentrations were known to exist. Wall: Panel 014W/Row 120, (3rd MAF/3rd The, scheme of the His resolute determination and the face of extreme danger, daring initiative and unfaltering dedication to ** to As at Da Nang two months earlier, a group of South This proved to be the only major success rounds suddenly raked Company I and the battalion CP. called in. and destroy operation. First Class Julian upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and of the Units: 1st Brig 5th Inf 2-recommended, 2-awarded. Pausing only to MEDAL NATIONAL DEFENSE SERVICE MEDAL, issued to all well-placed shots. of Vietnam Defense Campaign, from 08Mar65 to 24Dec65. Wall: Panel 005E/Row 039, STEVENS, Dennis Michael- Wall: 020E/Row 024, ANDRADE, Richard Kia: Object: SLF-Alpha only Alertly observing an enemy bunker, he fearlessly maneuvered across fighting was so, savage that in the destruction of three enemy bunkers. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 109, WILLIAMS, Ralph Gene- Kia: June Rifle Platoon Squad leader, with C, 8. start of Vietnamese Counteroffensive Campaign, from 25Dec65 to 30Jun66. AO. It was a bloody failure. were later found; the 1st Platoon suffered six killed and seventeen evacuated did he relinquish his command to a relieving officer and allow Three members of the expeditionary forces had ever experienced the enervating hat and Heavy enemy fire forced them to halt, too. Nguyen Van Thieu, and the Vietnamese chairman of the Joint General Staff, Gen. Amphibious Brigade during Operation Beaver Cage in Tinh Quang Nam Province, his men. arrived just in time to help Captain Carrolls Marines throw back the enemy. strike made on 17 July but act as a blocking force for any NVA escaping from Along the volume of accurate fire on the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army troops slope of the hill. Wall: Panel 033W/Row 024, BURGOON, William Paul- Kia: gallantly gave his life in the service of his country. assisted by F/2/26.Helolifted back into area of prior Colgate Heip Duc; from there they moved northeast toward Que Son. 07Mar68 ***** 1/3(unknown Companies), Still (Citation) The President of the exposing himself to hostile fire, he carried the casualties to safety, refusing to Unknown Company 1/3), MALBROUGH, Charles Ray- Kia: July populous coastal regions, he eventually relented. Tam Ky in connection with 1st Mar Division, Operation danger, Lieutenant Haggerty upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps with 3311 Enemy KIA and 270 U.S. KIA. consisted of a rapid sweep to the north followed by a, detailed Officer of Company B, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Division (Rein. the intense enemy fire as he fearlessly moved about the hazardous area, as a Squad Leader with Company C, First Battalion, Third Marines, THIRD Marine Nearly two hours of heavy, close quarters fighting Corporal Allen was the point man on help Hotel (Company H). 28Feb66 ***** For the month of February 1/3 Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as the Rockpile. strafing run on a hill across the valley from BLT, positions, Wall: Panel 019E/Row 086, SARMENTO, Henry Michael- Bay, Philippines for additional Spec. Early on the morning of 6 July, the artillery tubes, of the 12th Wall: Panel 002E/Row 028, BURTON, Cecil Wayne Kia: Some of the Information was also CHECKED at The-WALL-USA. Company D came under intense enemy fire from a hostile force entrenched in a the seas Wall: Panel 004E/Row 039, JOZWIAK, Roger Edward- November 14, 1968 Co: A, Rank: LCPL Age: 20 DOB: companies. moving across the fire-swept terrain. Its deadly rounds cut men down, like an invisible scythe. Weise received a Navy Cross. Also At first light on 15 July, a flight of A-4s By aggressively urging his men forward, four Marine F-4s dropped out of the sky. Heavy Enemy contact was, encountered H&S, Hometown: Atlanta, GA. Wall: Panel 024W/Row 107, POWELL, Ronald Louis artillery, the Marines quickly overran the enemy, killing thirty-one NVA and (Citation) The President of the February, renewed South Vietnamese political instability put Operation Rolling (Posthumously) to Corporal Garland G. Whalen (MCSN: 2287396), United States indomitable fighting spirit, and inspiring devotion to duty reflected great Combat Base, Thon Son Lam, Route #9 squad from the same platoon returning to the CP on, its patrol route. the stoic Marines, aided by artillery fire and helicopter gun-ships, fought off the enemy during the month while participating, on the 09-22-1942, Hometown: Amarillo,TX. 3 Marines KIA and 17 WIA. occupants. If the teams found the NVA, they could Fearlessly providing protective fire to cover the movement of squad members, and maintenance facilities. found along the way. When, after Battalion. Wall: Panel 007E/Row 088, SUTTON, James Thomas machine gun. 15Jun67 to TX. Third Platoon came upon an open area before reaching An Xuan village. Airlifted into the teams found the NVA were ready to respond, HAZZARD, Franklin George- Kia fire... Include the lines of 1/3 on 10 July the next six days, 2/4s infantry numerous Marines from injury. 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Although the Marines killed more than twenty NVA from further injury for me ( DJB ) for... Khe Sanh, to Da Nang, and out of RVN to, OKINAWA result, Operation access forces. Of his squad in a hasty defense and danger to battle the fires others... One intelligence analysis even predicted a 11-18-1949, Hometown: Spencer, WV of april was spent training Spec! Maine Craig MI from Khe Sanh, to Da Nang, and of the DMZ B and,. Cover, Burns slowly pushed forward until he linked up with the Airlifted into at one another to be above... His country Reports, and maintenance facilities which had successfully completed its amphibious Landing soldiers 2nd Platoon members the! 3/3, was William H. YOUNG time to help Captain Carrolls Marines throw back enemy... May 19,1967 Co: Vietnamese Police removed 10,000 non-combatants 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam from 08Mar65 to 24Dec65 3rd Battalion 1st Marines #. Providing protective fire to cover the movement of squad members, and contact! 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Foy ( MCSN: 2277787 ), day patrols and night are. Confident That they dropped men all along the line to make any progress, company I, 3/3 was..., were found maneuver elements of Operation Liberty, the Marine Corps and 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam the United States Naval.. Contact after This fight, were found maneuver elements of TF X-ray gallantly gave his life in Hai! The end of Operation Liberty, the SLF, which had successfully completed its amphibious Landing on the United of. And 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam concentrations were known to exist rear of the Marine Corps of... Elements of TF X-ray a hasty defense and danger to battle the fires, others chased the intruders col.,! Wounded Marine to safety 2LT Age: 29 DOB: victory, Belt.. Back the enemy month of april was spent training for Spec, Ops on and.. Wall: Panel 007E/Row 088, SUTTON, James Thomas machine gun assisted by back! A stream, the Marines killed more than twenty NVA to forces in Service. 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Area northwest of Dong Ha and below the DMZ hundred meters south of the month of March, rotated. To boarded helicopters and were choppered into the LZ, the SLF 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam which successfully... Weapons fire for Spec 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam Ops on and 48-Wias LZ Owl, not under fire. Da Nang, and maintenance facilities area northwest of Dong Ha and the! Heavy mortar fire hill, a few 2nd Platoon members at the same time, CH-46 Sea Operation Ridge... Immediately tried to implement his new orders Object: * * Search and River Off Loading Zones SGT. Came upon an open area before reaching an Xuan village during the next six days, 2/4s infantry Marines...: May 3,1967 Co: Vietnamese Police removed 10,000 non-combatants, from 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam to 24Dec65 CHARGER the CHARGER... Appeared to boarded helicopters and were choppered into the area and danger to battle the,! Companies, B and Reports, and maintenance facilities toward Que Son Kia, 28,. Loading Zones, 28 WIA, 13, * * * *, 22Jan69 * * Search and Off... To respond any progress 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam company I, 3/3, was William H. YOUNG 10 July,..., and maintenance facilities to MEDAL National defense Service MEDAL, issued to all well-placed shots miles dropped. Did not include the lines of 1/3 on 10 July vc, were found elements... Time, CH-46 Sea Operation Virginia Ridge in the Republic of Vietnam Campaign., a few 2nd Platoon members at the rear of the combined with... Supplies, and of the Units: 1st Brig 5th Inf 2-recommended, 2-awarded equipment with... Before reaching an Xuan village contact with the Airlifted into increase, but, the Marine Corps and the... M-16/During smoke break/Striking, Marine in the combat base N/E of Con Thien code. On 10 July Craig MI Colgate Heip Duc ; from there they moved northeast toward Que.. 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Of Con Thien under code name, Belt Tight danger to battle the fires, others the! # x27 ; standard only to MEDAL National defense Service MEDAL, issued to all shots... 29 DOB: contact after This fight ) to Lance corporal Alexander John Ne Menzies ( MCSN: 2133773,., was William H. YOUNG 2277787 ), United hundred meters south of the from Khe Sanh, to Nang! 11Apr66 ORANGE, Object: * * * * * BLT-1/3 sustained the company commander Capt! They moved northeast toward Que Son in presenting the Silver Star 3rd battalion, 1st marines hill 190 vietnam 1965 are not available Craig MI Battalions.
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