I thought the clip of the funeral > was very intimate in that it was very clo >, Yes, I posted it exactly as I found it so that you could see the videos had been banned/removed. The Color Purple appearing during the Inauguration represents a Unification of Left and Right under one Unified Corrupt Establishment. Credit: Rumble. 237 views, 1 likes, 5 loves, 12 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Harris Funeral Directors: Homegoing Service for Minister Beatrice Lee Wiggins. > Im sorry. 16 February 2023 . And that was the last time these people were seen live in their true form. Now watch what happens, up pops Agent Smith, to replace the person you were just having a conversation with to attack you because all truths threaten the Matrix. Interesting reactions and a fun mystery, but there has never been any evidence as to what they actually said or who they were from. Really he is a Billionaire and Top "Elite" that does not give a Fuck About You. The Symbolism has Always been in Front of Everyone. Media and Government Lies Exposed by Everyday Australians, Find out whos behind these crimes against humanity, If you want to stop the UN and WEF stealing your homes, land, wealth and freedoms take control NOW and join the thousands of Australians making a difference at AustraliaOne. ', Soros: Online Trump Supporters Will Be Entirely 'Silenced' By 2020. Be great if we knew what they actually said, from a solid source like Trump himself. Biden finally has a country to rebuild, and it's not America. Some of those tributes have included a curious "code word". Youll see that they are safe, and they are effective. Firstly, George Bush Sr. does NOT get a pass. As he courageously fought for life, former President George H.W. by Why would there be this super secret envelope revealing something huge on a mega televised event like this? This is your Financial Bible | This is the Quantum Financial System Manual of GESARA-NESARA & XRP ~ February 27, 2023, BREAKING NEWS: USA, Canada & Switzerland 3 US Law Enforcement Agencies Activated ~ February 27, 2023, BQQQQQQQM Boycotting Cannibalism: Foods Containing Dead Fetal Cells - February 27, 2023, Military Arrests Gates Foundation Members ~ February 27, 2023, Charlie Ward: Huge Trump Decode - We Can't Wait For All the Truth! Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Email. Not a single person looked shocked from the envelopes. He had opted for a cyanide pill - cyancallium.-Bush had confessed to everything.Numbers were coded on the envelopes.-After the funeral, the White Hat military contacted the elites directly and instructed them to use the numbers to get into a secure database of hidden files that contained information about all the atrocities committed by the Deep State cabal.-These included files full of videos, evidence and sealed indictments against the Vatican, the UN, NATO, the CIA, the FBI, Rockefeller, Rothschild and the U.S. political elite.-Military intelligence had collected all phone and computer data, text messages and e-mails from everyone who had received that envelope.-They were all informed that George H. . Bush was a traitor - an informant for the military.-Bush had admitted everything.-And that was the last time these people were seen live in their true form.-The four couples who received that letter have long since passed away.-Since then we have seen their holographic images, CGI, clones and masked actors.-By the way, they did not succeed in assassinating President Kennedy.-He knew about their plans and had sent a double for the event in Dallas that day.-But he was forced to spend the rest of his life in anonymity until last year.-Yet behind the scenes, he had been actively involved in the development of the Great Plan to destroy evil. Banks seizing authority. Just a few Months Later George Floyd Happens. Let me summarize it neatly. Singer of the National Anthem, Lady Gaga, to ring in the 46th President of the United States. First Migrant facility for children opens under Biden. It is dramatic because many of them looked worried and pissed. By the time a lot of people discover this Truth it will be Too Late. More friendly censorship, Covid and the Vax are meant to kill long term, not short term. I do not want to give law enforcement a black eye, yet it seems Capitol Police were part of the plan to That's a lot of viewers! Conscious Thought: Driven by Intelligent Awareness, Ep. The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs). BUSH. This moment will go down in history as a turning point in the fight of good vs. evil. Heh. Third Shot may be needed to combat new Coronavirus variants, Bill Gates says, Waitress says she was fired from NYC eatery for not getting COVID vaccine, Biden Administration looks to FEMA to help combat Domestic Terrorism in wake of Capitol Attack. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. He will face execution by firing squad. September 7-18: Sunspot Observatory shut down by the Feds with zero explanation, zero leaks. MID 2020 GITMO UPDATE: On March 15 2020 at 4:3 am TRUDEAU was served a CRIMINAL INDICTMENT BY THE US for Corporate & Financial Crimes. Gettr/radiopatriot * TRUTHsocial/Radiopatriot. this is definition of nothingburger. "There was no TV and there was a bucket to go to the toilet in. 2728a IMF Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, But The Opposite Will Happen March 18, 2022, THEY KNOW EVERYTHING. They have collectively joined Forces against The People and the Last Administration. Because it was dropped. COVID-19 "Vaccine" is All About Consent. Corruption. Nevertheless, I'll play along. This is just silly. I read or heard on a video of White hatters that the envelopes were personal to each person as far as Their crimes. "That code word was CAVU," she said. CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors are DYING LIKE FLIES after COVID injections! "To help our society to 'build back better', inclusion of the vulnerable must also entail efforts to promote their active participation." Correct the Record? People are getting Tired of the Bullshit and of the Brainwashing. White Supremacy is a Red Herring. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Mission Statement works very well on the grounds of Vaccine Depopulation. Because fuck that British actor. Report profane or abusive content. The whole world burning down their economies for an obviously FF pandemic, forcing vaccines on us and a full on NWO rollout nothing ever came of this. The Top 1% of Humanity fears a Unified 99%. It appears they were shocked that they were going to be exposed for something, whether it is pedophilia or whatever. The "New Deadly COVID Strain" in the UK, and just Newly Arrived in US, is a Cover for those who would will fall sick to COVID Vaccines. This is exactly what Ive been suspecting. The video is very interesting, Jeb looks shook. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I guess nobody does know for sure, what we do know is 2 years later and nothing specific to that funeral or the people who received those envelopes has occured. I wonder what is in this letter. Please pardon my duplication. It was the family recipe for sourdough bread. They were terrified. The Internet, Your ability to Communicate and Spread Information, is one of the most powerful weapons to Undermine and even Destroy their Narratives. Hey y'all. A Doa Ana County Detention Center officer facing Termination for Declining a COVID-19 Vaccination is suing county manager Fernando Macias and detention center officials over Mandatory Vaccination Mandate. He has Openly and Publicly declared Depopulation through vaccination on a couple of occasions now. Id take one for the team with Hilary to see what was in the envelop. Theres got to be some sort of explanation. Not financially, but Spiritually. A huge secret kept form the sheep..but then deliver it when theres heaps of cameras. Each of them found on their chair in the church the program of the funeral ceremony, and inside was an envelope with President Bush's business card and a text signed by his own hand that said: -. Bushs White House". Human NPCs. READ NEXT: The curious case of the star who barely plays for . Pentagon officials told the Times that, throughout the 1980s, military and civilian intelligence were worried that a nest of homosexuals high in the Reagan and Bush administrations might have been penetrated by Soviet agents.- The situation about GameStop (GME) and Melvin Capital going up in flames is not about the Money. It was all chess pieces on the board and part of the Grand Plan. October 6, 2018: Kavanaugh is confirmed for SCOTUS seat, November 28, 2018: the Miami Herald publishes its first of a series of articles on Epstein, Perversion of Justice, by Julie Brown. Facts suggest the Wuhan Flu was developed by US factions, MAGNIFICENT MERCOLA: Safety Data for Hep B Vax for Newborns Exposed, EXPLOSIVE Arizona Election Fraud Testimony with Links to National Election Fraud, Bosi the Brave, Australia's True Leader, Tells It Like It Is, Off the charts! ModeRNA. They have to hide that Depopulation is happening through Vaccination. H.A.A.R.P. I'm sorry." - George Bush.<br> _______<br>The numbers (keys) were encoded on the envelope and after the military (White Helmets) connected them directly and told them to use the numbers to log into a secure hidden file database that held all the information on ALL CABALA/DEEP STATE atrocities > including VATICAN, UN. Today we will sing, pray, and study Lessons on Calling For Life In the World from Luke 4:1-14. They are feckless, weak, and no longer relevant. A real conspiracy against The People. Did you intend to write different messages? If so, You could very well be on to something I hadnt thought of. Now people are injecting Experimental Gene Therapy "Vaccines" into their body. Lots of corruption in DC we charge other countries for there actions humanitarian ills but we have much crooked criminals corruption in the electorate. Supposedly from Bush 41. ", Reminder: Bill Gates owns A Patent (WO2020060606) which involves a Centralized Blockchain-based Crypto-Currency. Imagine if people from Three Whole Generations ago witnessed the behavior of Today's Generation. It is all in there. CNN: Dont Be Alarmed if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine. Lin Wood: "If Pence is arrested, @SecPompeo will save the election. https://news.artnet.com/app/news-upload/2019/08/Petrina-Ryan-Kleid-War-Games.jpg. Encoded on the envelope were Numbers ( keys) & after the Military ( White HATS) connected them directly & told them to use the numbers to enter a secure hidden Files database that kept all the Information on ALL the Atrocities of the CABAL/ DEEP STATE regimen> including VATICAN ,UN. They Do Not want the masses to know the Truth. The same may also be True for words as such as 'Vaccine,' 'COVID-19,' and 'Bill Gates. Michelle is more than happy to pal around and take candies from George W. "One version from envelopes: They know everything. They Forfeit their body to Gene Therapy, Risk of Future Health and All Liability. Bush last month received mysterious envelopes hidden in their programs, allegedly informing them that they are under indictment, Janda asserted that George W. Bush met at the When they got a note, That fell out of their funeral programs at Old Bush's funeral. The George Bush Sr Funeral. Why is there zero footage of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon on 9/11? Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all corona vaccination studies and call for co-signing the petition. It was a message from George H.W. People are getting . They are feckless,weak, and no longer relevant. Mark Zuckerberg is an example of a "Human Being" with an Extraterrestrial Consciousness that has taken over. China. Social Media censorship and manipulation. Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Under Arrest By Capitol Marshalls During Biden Inauguration - These are the same Capitol Marshals she was being escorted by during the Impeachment. I have watched the whole thing. LIVE VIDEO SHOWING WASHINGTON D.C. ARRESTS AND RESCUING CHILDREN UNDER NEATH THE TUNNELS IN DC. Ukraine Has Now Listed Joe Biden WANTED on Class A Felony Charges. George Laura Jeb Michelle Barack and Joe Biden , Hillary and Bill all received the/a message . Even Richard Nixon, who seemed like quite an old man at his death in 1994, made it only to 81. You know that UFO" that "crashed" in Michigan a few days ago? All of them are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. But he was forced to spend the rest of his life in anonymity until last year. I thought the clip of the funeral was very 'intimate' in that it was very close and seemed so private and personal. Rule 2 does apply throughout the rest of this thread. Look closely and follow the trail of 6uild 6ack 6etter. Whatever Laura showed Jeb, Jeb knew INSTANTLY what it was and he instinctively looked in the direction of his father's coffin. Employees can band together and Hire a Lawyer to Represent the Entire Group. Funeral. The Vaccine isn't what it seems. People have beenpretendingto behappy sustaining a fake existence, even as thei Time to face thefact.. ..that the Wuhan flu was created in China is questionable. People who Receive this "Vaccine" are Signing an Invisible Contract. "We had a bed and a table. Antifa. If you Use the Words Trump, ANTIFA, Congress and Riot in your Post Headline it will be Heavily Attacked by Bots and Shills Policing Reddit. Lets Cut to the Chase: Bill Gates wants to Legally Kill as many Human Beings as possible with his Money and Investments. There are a lot of people with money and power stopping this. Again, it is possible. I knew Jeb very well in his younger days, and he was always smiling and friendly. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. Laura Bush looked positively horrified. Fall of Notre Dame. A Total of 3,150 out of 112,807 Recipients of the COVID Vaccine are "Unable to perform normal Daily Activities, Unable to Work, Required Care from Doctor or Health Care Professional. In an attempt to "Fact-Check," CNN hurt itself in its Confusion. 178 million with Trump in Ohio. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. Some citizens' complacency toward these le A new AP/NORC poll shows that support among Americans - of all political persuasion - for continued involvement in the Russia/Ukraine war continues to crater, suggesting increasing political risk for politicians who continue to toe the Biden Administ WoW! Posted on 01/21/2021 8:59:44 PM PST by BlackFemaleArmyColonel. It appears to be at George H.W. Congressional Report Reveals Manufacturers 'Knowingly' Sold Toxin-Tainted Baby Food. "Don't forget there these Vaccines are unlikely to completely Sterilize a Population they're Very Likely to have an effect which works in a Percentage say 60 or 70 Percent." I'm Sorry." | George Bush Funeral . It ALL comes back to Dominion Systems Inc. H.A.A.R.P. And nothing ever became of this lol sad but They win (if it was something), I bet the message was from Trump, warning them of how he is possession of very delicate info involving the rest of them that is why he is getting reelected. The phase "build back better" is a global open declaration of 666 and to control the Human Being. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a Fifth Generation warfare attacks a country from the ground up, from within, by infiltration, not invasion. You are a Human Being. get buried in the same coffin he used in Skull & Bones ceremonies? He is a coward & will sing like a bird & confess ALL.". she just opened it I think he already saw or was unknown seem they were gonna act respectful wait till after --- they know all --- CHILD TRAFFICKING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, BIRTH CERTIFICATES, FORIGIEN ENTITIES the lis goes on and on and on its why . After his execution. A New Normal. Freighter Evergreen getting stuck was Leaked in Advance. The Covid-19 "Vaccines" are for Depopulation and Worsening the "Pandemic." 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