Everything they do wrong is on purpose. CPS took my daughter and I was innocent of all allegations and the case got dismissed. Friday the 12 of dec. Attorney Juliana Ore-Giron On Government Abuse Of Power | Because You Matter, True Story about Empty Threats and AZ Department of Child Safety (DCS), The Problem With Migration is That Children Cannot Choose - The Right Solution is DACA, Trump's Immigration Reform - A Slippery Slope To Constitutional Crisis, Trump's Threat To Deport Criminals Is Worse Than It Sounds, Professional Endorsement by Hue Le - Attorney, Custody Fights are Awful - You Need Courage to Follow Through. Its like a legal abduction of kids going on in AZ I am a single mom of 5 kids ,,had two still at home ages 10 and 12 Dcs has forced me to live on the streets , expects me to attend a class 3 days a week from 812 ,,, see my kids 35 miles away twice a week with a lady who wont even let us go into a restroom alone, from 5-7,, and expect me to afford dinner out ,,, meet from 3-4 one day a week w some person who is teaching ME how to be a parent,, attend personal counseling, attend DV counseling But expect me to be able to work and get my own place .. No job is willing to work around DCS. On the second foster home I was talking about my daughter was having to take care of the other foster kids while the foster parents were out of town for the weekend and there were other things going on that I dont care to talk about. While in college, Jordan earned his commission as an . Call Rideout Lawfirm in Lake Havasu City AZ. You should withhold confidential information until a legal relationship is created. She has nobody she can talk to about how she really feels and if she wants to talk and say anything good about me!! Experience: 25 years 520-200-1637 Simple to Complex Divorce and Asset Protection Contact Us Visit Website View Profile 1 Verified Attorney Ayala Law Office, P.C. Call Orent Law Offices, PLC today for a free consultation with a Glendale child abuse lawyer who can help you. Please help. Which stated that he would have left the boys on Georgia had they still been here. . Juliana Ore-Giron also represents the interests of grandparents wanting to intervene in DCS cases or assert their rights as a grandparent. They know families dont have legal knowledge and can be taken advantage of. CPS Lawyers | Phoenix Office Avg. I need to know how things work when it comes to transporting kids to their home town state? We want to sue them in the highest court possible, for all the lies, and problems they caused for severance of my daughters parents rights when appellate attorney said my daughter complied and CPS had so many discrepancies on there part, and still denied the reverse of her severance. It could be that the allegations are correct, and the parent needs guidance and assertive representation while making changes necessary to get the children returned. I feel like the foster parents who are taking care of these boys, for the past year, have fallen in love with them. The boys were ripped from us and everyone here in this house passed a background check and volunteered the hair analysis. No more taking our children for profit. I NEED A PRO BONO LAWYER TO FIGHT CPS IN ARIZONA DO YOU KNOW OF ANY? I didnt even know if Id be killed or not. I have trial next month and I have been treated so unfair Ive never been able to speak in court even i dont know what to do. The parent, custodian or guardian can file a complaint indicating how their case is being managed with the Family Advocacy Office and/or Ombudsman-Citizens Aide, and to petition DCS judgments. Read on to learn more about Child Protective Services and your rights when dealing with them. I started asking my daughter questions about this case worker, and daughter began telling me all of these statements that case worker says, horrible name calling, actual yelling, threatening. Go to Citizens against CPS. She had the dept. CPS Lawyers | Tucson Office Avg. My mom had to have a brain surgery when I was about 13 she had 2blood clots they were supposed to do two separate surgeries but when doc was in there decided he could get them both which had her open too long and caused a part of her brain to shrink and after wards made her have seizures if she over exerted herself and every now and then she had one. When actually the foster parents who are holding these children are lying. Someone PLEASE, please help me. We as parents argue but dcs calls it domestic violence? Why hire a Child abuse attorney. Arizona Child Abuse and Dependency Court Information at the Arizona Attorney Generals website. That pick up notice was suspended by the same judge that signed for it. My poor baby is scared of my ex foster mom and doesnt trust my caseworker, or her CASA, her attorney, therapist etc etc. My two inlaws were there my dear mother was there she didnt have a record or bad background check my baby shouldve been released to my mom or my older brother and his wife which have 4 children of there own and they had their own fingerprint ID cards and still they took her. .. my daughters half brother, his father and family in Cali were approved but here they still denied it.. and California is way more stricter than Arizona ICPC .. but I do have all the contact for az David is the state ICPC officer I can send you the contact info if you would like at delilahmiron6982-at-gmail.com. Someone called on my daughter I already had plane tickets to take my grandsons to Georgia to see my mom. Then she does that to me in retaliation and dcs ran with it since they didnt like me from the start. Please use due diligence in choosing an attorney who can meet your needs. Attorney DeeAn Gillespie works tirelessly to advocate against unfair and inappropriate removal of children and is very passionate in advocating for families. I had tried to have the dept approved my ICPC over to california which california did approve the ICPC. What state were the children taken into states custody ???? His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. Arizona Child Welfare Laws Arizona Revised Statutes, Title 8, Sections 2-5. They lie and say I have done nothing! We need to take a stand . We have offices in both Phoenix and Mesa. Ive done everything dcs has required of me but yet they still are trying to sever my parental rights and its not right I want to make them pay for what theyre doing to me and my babys. :'( ever since covid broke out theyve used that as a way to take things to a whole different level of ill willed unethically evil doings. I know that the CPS workers werent aware of it. I tested 5months everyone negative they never pursued wanting a hair follicle and my uas all negative not even a diluted all negative then they say I got a diluted then its 2positives a couple more diluted ones wtf is going on here my public pretenders hard working professional defending advice,help, answer to me as to why this is happening when I dont do drugs is. Ten months was the end date deadline to reunification,two days before court the end of ten months the put a change of venue changed counties on me and now do everything all over again alllll new people phone numbers counseling ,classes and this county is far worse the strait transported me after two weeks or so of confused transportation they made sure transport to get ua test done and deal with taking me home after I waited in the cold freezing for 4 1/2hours I even texted cps worker that brought me there that I was freezing and was worried of getting sick from exposure she just say sorry but we r working on it and let the worker know when transport picks me up. My fiance and I were doing everything to get them back. another thing placement asked me if its ok to Peirce my babies ears I said no when the times right thats something I would take her to have do.. 1) If you already have a court appointed attorney, read: Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU YOU MUST HIRE A LAWYER TO PLAY THE GAME. I have 15 days to appeal and its already been 6 or 7 days now. My daughter and her fiance had their 3 young boys taken from them by CPS a year ago. But Arizona had them picked them up anyway even though the judge stated that she was putting in the suspension order so they could not. Im just so glad its over. Department of Child Safety can file a petition with juvenile courts suggesting that the child needs protective service. If any one can help please let me know. My 2 daughters were separated from each my oldest does have some behavioral mental health issues, and she had requested to be adopted out. My little girl is 8 and ive raised her on my own her whole life by myself, we were so close and I was all she had; fast forward 15 months and she doesnt want anything to really do with me. We didnt have the papers that proved it because we had the hearing by way of zoom. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. I Have lost my kids because my case was taking too long but I felt that I didnt have a chance to complete my case plan because I had nobody working with me, only against me. Apparently the ultimate Ombudsman-provided solution is to file a formal Client Grievance and dont you wonder how many of these client grievance forms (available on their Resolve a Complaint page) have any positive outcome at all? They knowingly let a rapist share a room with other children . My husband ad I are acting as our own ATT. Like if course they would pick the worst attorney to represent me at the most curcual point in my case. We are n ou t from here I dont know how to do this. Ive never neglected or abused her, ever!! Wow! One caseworker tells us she likes to let the parents keep talking and you get all the information you really need just by listening. So people, what does that tell you? When you have no say so as a child you just carry the scars around the rest of your lives but God know all and will help you through it all. When I went back to read the report for the past year they flipped every word I said I didnt start looking into my rights until I saw how there trying to take my kids I did everything they asked everything they over looked that I was just in shock of the things I saw and how cps really works how everyone doesnt care they are not your friend they sure did me dirty when I saw my rights I could not believe how they violated my right how they threaten me if I dont cooperate but now I see I dont have to even answer questions or let them in my home I have the right to not allow them to talk to my kids so this time I got a camera and a recorder but since they dont want to close my case and still trying to find something to not let me go i have proved it already is be damn cps take my kids for their funding ya no they mess with the wrong mother now I refuse to do anything until the judge sees what I have to say but will see I am coming for them my quota is to take them out. When my baby was born I was there and I broke down ? If you leave the state during an investigation they can put out a warrant for your arrest Ive known of several who were arrested and returned to the state of the CPS investigation, and of course, the children were taken. Either way, Juliana Ore-Giron will happily represent you in your pursuit to adopt a child. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Does DCS not realize the harm they are doing to kids The next day was the 1st and I had to go pay my rent. I would sell my soul to get her back. My 3 week old daughter was taken out of the hospital by CPS and given to another family member. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. Any reference to legal fees on this website is based on cases of the particular type referenced. Shes even caused someone to lose her children already because of her negligence!!. Online pro bono program that matches low-income clients with volunteer lawyers, who agree to provide brief answers online for free. Also the judge was not happy about Arizona being in contempt of court. Id like to talk with you. Everything the person writes or says may be used in court proceedings. if you have an open case trying to get your children just remember stay right and dont stop.,and contact ombudsman they are an agency that will be on your side.especially if you are doing nothing wrong.remember the cps are not your friends. Also when they went into Georgia custody because of the illegal pick up order we had the papers showing the suspension the very next day but the supervisor in arizona told them our papers were not legal. Please help!! That's why }, { hello my children were taken by dhr and two placed in Jefferson county and one is still in Blount county but when cps came to }, Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU, Terms of Use, Compensation Disclosure, Privacy Policy, Request to Have Something Removed From the Site. I seen what I know now how she is when she was using and not. This site suggests other strategies you can use to try to get your children back home again and CPS out of your life. Director Marc Cherna's emphasis on prevention, individualized services and caseworker training has made the Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Department of Human Services a model for others to follow . If you have problems getting this done, try going to the county supervisors in the place where the children are held at, to explain the situation privately to supervisors, or publicly at their county supervisor meetings. I havent seen my daughter in three plus months!! First name only. Last May 2020, I had a business card on the front door of my home. }, { With all due respect, you are labeling a four year old as if she is a monster and you should be ashamed of yourself. And due to COVID the said if I left the hospital I couldnt come back in if I left I fine with that thats were I wanted to be there feeding her baby formula every 20 30 mins changing her diaper if the nurses were not already done it I stayed over night cuz mom had the C-section done. My mom I thank our father in heaven for letting my mom and daughter meet for the first time and my mom got to see how pretty her grandbaby is. Remember they need one of thee things to remove a child. }, { same here Nebraska is faulty as heck down here }, { hey we should talk as I want to do the same with Nebraska. Please help me with that Im currently going through that here in Tucson Arizona if you have a spare moment can you hit me up at 52zero-5nine1-14six3 or 52zero314nine504. Im too poor to afford a legitimate attorney, my public defender screwed me throughout my whole case until it came close to severance trial then withdrew from my case, threatened me if I didnt give formal consent like I fired her, then filed a motion on her own LYING to the judge, 20 days before trial, didnt fulfill her legal duties as an attorney to inform me of consequences or anything following her withdrawal. ARS 13-3623 is the Arizona statute that defines the crime of child abuse.People commit this offense if, under certain circumstances, they cause a child to suffer physical injury, allow a child to be injured, or allow a child to be placed in a situation that endangers the child's health or well-being. The judge put in the order that the boys stay with great grandmother in Georgia and the matter of temp placement would be discussed more at the next court date. The Police school system and Judges are all in on it because of the funding coming in. I AGREE, Linda, we (all moms who benefit from this site) thank you, Cps has made my life a big mess and they act like they are doing the right thing when .what family deserve 2 be separated a single parent its hard 2 but why would u take any child from the only parent that they know to me nobody cares about others problems and I think thats this will never change it breaks my heart to know I will never get help to get my children back, Im so sorry this is happening to you . If you find something that works to resolve problems with CPS in the state of Arizona, please leave a comment at the bottom of this page, so other parents can benefit from your experience. If you are accused of child abuse, a child abuse lawyer can also determine the best strategy to defend against the charges or clear your name. Im in phoenix. She shows signs of ongoing toxic stress and further traumatizing by DCS. We need an attorney and representation in family court to fight for my new born daughter in phoenix THEY ARE BEYOND CORRUPT. I did everything asked of me and more for at least 7+ months and my caseworker failed to mention that in court to the judge nor has that ever even been brought up throughout my case. Verified Attorneys. And the boys were not even in arizona custody yet. This for me anyway is in nature inhumane and by far torturous to those who are in fact innocent and wrongly defined. Free Consultation. DCS has no legal jurisdiction to influence the parent, custodian or guardian to receive services or to work together with the examination. Contact Us Visit Website View Profile. All passed with flying colors. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? QUESTION. A lot of the exact words you stated here, Ive said the very same things!!!! The office is given its authority by Arizona Revised Statute sections 41-1371 through 41-1383 and operates under Arizona Administrative Code title 2 chapter 16. Can anyone lead me to right direction of attorneys and courts we need to head to in Phoenix. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? come to my house during the TDM and without any proof of the allegations she took my children away. This is harmful to the children. Thank you. The judge passed the case to a different judge. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. People always seemed to judge me by him. Arizona DCFS Department of Child Safety. Another caseworker tells us: It is very important to document. I couldnt imagine those people in my life for over a Year. This is injustice its inhumane to put good honest hard working outstanding human beings thru this and then screw them over giving them false hope the whole time. Another thing you can do is Immediately leave the state of AZ once youre out of the state theres nothing they can do. She said she cannot give me any more information because I was not part of the case. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. We need help front Governments to the courts. circumstances happened and he went to jail! Can anyone help us get our kids. Director of the AZDES Office of Special Investigations CORRECT telephone number to report violations of CPS workers 1-800-227-0459. and are doing just that. Nothing ever makes any sense anyway because they will always come out winning because they never give up on making themselves look good. Even lie. Find the best ones near you. Rideout Lawfirm in Lake Havasu city AZ will get your children Home 100% I am an attorney who will fight aggressively for your rights to your children. I need help I feel like my public pretender is not at all trying to help me Ive been told to give az dcs what they want (my children) ( admit to false allegations of abuse and neglect) (agree that I am doing what they are saying although i can prove it untrue) and this will get them back faster I need a real lawyer willing to fight but i have no funds they say here is what you need to do here is your case plan to get your kids back I follow through then they say youre just checking off the boxes it not enough youre not doing it for the right reasons shouldnt my lifestyle changes be what gets my kids back sooner not pleasing them or not pissing them off shouldnt me following through with my case plan be knowledge in the positive and not disregarded shouldnt doing this for ourselves and children be the right reasons. I AM BEGGING FOR HELP PLEASE! At this point, you're merely making allegations. Im so close to my severance trial and terrified Im going to lose because my PD withdrew seven days before deadline to have everything turned in for court. Find a lawyer near you. Our last hearing the judge ruled that the state had failed to show significant effort for reunification. Even serial killers must be found guilty by evidence He or shes refusal to work with the examination or to involve themselves in services offered doesnt in and of itself establish grounds for custody temporarily. But Arizona sent the pick up order. Whichever the circumstance, when your children are taken from you, action needs to be taken. Office in Phoenix, Arizona. I need a sliding scale or contingency fee attorney/lawyer. It would cause panic. Linda Jo Martin is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program They also sat through the forensic interviews of 3 victims and refused to remove the perpetrator from the home . If they have or have not agreed to cooperate with the investigation or to be involved with the services offered, DCS will continue with their investigation. illegal seizure of life, I cant live without them. As the state's top prosecutor, Democrat Kris Mayes has the power to investigate voting crimes and bring charges against those who break election laws In less than two months on the job, Arizona . We need to bring it to the attention of all Americans. Senate Rules Attorney Chris Kleminich warned . I appreciate the CPS. She will not answer or help, she just keeps saying I am not part of this case. I need help. She just stopped talking to me altogether after threatening me leaving me to frantically educate and research everything trying to figure out what to do.. the public defender office refused multiple times to even give me my case file, then they appointed a different attorney and he didnt talk to me or do anything for the whole almost two weeks he was appointed, then HE withdrew from my case during an extremely IMPORTANT hearing and had the nerve to lie to the judge as well. Revised Statutes, Title 8, Sections 2-5 of children and is very in... Needs to be taken me any more information because I was there and I was innocent of all.... Those people in my life for over a year judge ruled that the child needs Protective.. Information until a legal relationship is created effort for reunification court information at the attorney! Her children already because of the hospital by CPS a year ago he would have left the boys not! 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