And this is like the first time you get attacked by I guess, a full-grown man, huh? I remember something telling me, "Remember what your cousin said, get rid of the gun." So then, they had the rotary phones where you used to put your finger and turn it. Anthony Raimondi: [00:10:52] You see he knew something was up when he's seeing me and he's seeing Willie Light. "Oh yeah, he's moving some boxes," whatever because the employer just keeps him on the books and that's how he supposedly gets paid for tax reasons or whatever, but he's running around town, doing stuff. They'd bring them over to Leo. Jordan Harbinger: [00:51:51] So just to clarify, they're printing off these stock certificates, somewhere in the Vatican. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF ANY AND ALL DAMAGE OR LOSS FROM USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVICE. So nobody looks at you. So now he became like his brother-in-law. He can't go on vacation. The right to erasure: Request we erase certain data about you. "Sure? See 17 U.S.C. [01:03:54] By the way, if you buy any of the books from our guests, any guest on the show, please do use the links we have in the show notes. My cousin says, "What happened?" [00:58:43] Now, I have to go with him for two reasons. He goes, "Now I want you to look at both of them. I'm going to go to hell. I've got some thoughts on this episode as usual. And I told him what happened, you know, he pulled out he got up, he was going to kill me, blah, blah." This is a podcast creator profile for Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi.This page showcases all of Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. I said, "Nothing." The FBI agent goes to take the documents. He got his nephew with it, Pete Martel. So he took you everywhere from what it sounds like. He goes, "I don't care what they do. You just whacked the guy and you cry." Consider including your Twitter handle so we can thank you personally! Jordan Harbinger: [00:11:23] Yeah, and I'm excited to read that. It's like mushy. All amendments to the Terms shall be forward-looking. Learn more about all the newest Teams features at Me and Meyer Lansky used to joke around and called it the Kosher Nostra. Anthony Raimondi: [00:07:36] And the guy that's actually dead goes into the coffin. For information regarding your data privacy, visit more about your ad choices. He turns around. I said, "Joey, no, we know each other since we're babies. This tracking is done in order to provide us with information on how people move around the site, what is of interest to those people (and what is not), to explore how our marketing is performing, as well as incidental items, such as what percentage of users access the site from a personal computer or mobile phone. Anthony Raimondi: [00:17:33] Oh no, this was no gash. So I'm supposed to go before God, tell Him this. Half an hour later, ringing the bell. He goes, "I became a rabbi. He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. AMENDMENTS. He was a cousin to the Granello's. You'd dump them over the side of a boat, in the water. For information regarding your data privacy, visit more about your ad choices. Opt-In To Email Lists or Waiting Lists: Well ask for your consent first. Lessons/Courses/Products: To send you lessons, courses or products in which you are interested. "The guy went to hurt me. He goes, "You arent got no permit for this. I had glass all up in here, around here, on here, over here, all glass, nothing went in my eye. Can I help you? So I went up, I said, "Excuse me. It's like mushy. That was a death sentence, but they were the type of guys that if they had a problem, they went out, they took care of it. I said, "We got it set." It's okay." January, two detectives come in, they pick me up, and they grabbed me for the murder of Salvatore Burns. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:41] You belong to him, so he handles whatever problems you may have. Let him stay." The bar was on the left-hand side and on the right, you got like a ledge that you can put your drinks on, but the bottom went straight about maybe 40 feet. "So tell him to get in touch with me. Next day, I go to Camp Lejeune. Anthony Raimondi: [00:05:33] That I put it up with Meyer because me and Meyer used to joke around and called it that. You know, they were all in the books and whoever owned the company or whatever was with them. He actually fell out of the plane onto a pile of snow. He goes, ".380 Beretta from Italy, Pietro model, 84 from Italy, 13 shots in the clip, and one in the pipe." Anthony Raimondi was born on August 8 1910. "Well, you know, Anthony, I'm bringing him over here with me. Let's talk freaking serious. If they didn't like the guy that was in, they got rid of him, and put their own guy in. And so I went out to Bay Ridge and saw that Sally Burns." Now, they're crying. Check out part two here! I did not think about it. So please, if you love the show, go to and consider supporting somebody who supports us. Now, everybody says, "How did you get that?" One, my Uncle Lucky hated the cold when he was in the hotel and he would come out he had a car. Boom! "You're a moron! Those changes will be reflected in the terms and conditions accompany the sale, and on the Order page. That's all he got. I said, "Yeah, I'm going to go down to the club in a little while, but I just wanted to come down and see you, to let you know I'm going down." The Pope, everybody talks about I mean, the Pope was a great guy. I see you when you get back." I read book one, we'll link it up in the show notes. Sister Ann Michelle almost took about 10 heart attacks. I'm sorry. He became a made man on Good Friday 1979, and again in 1993. I mean, you've come close a few times. WOW! Anthony Raimondi: [00:03:33] You got very few of them that are here in the United States. Specifically, you have the following rights: To exercise any of these rights, please contact Jen Harbinger at with your request. My father wanted the guy dead. I say, "Don't worry about it. [00:25:30] The doctor said that alone was a miracle, but the plane came like this. Either get ketamine or Valium. That'd probably be part of their archives now. I want to talk to him. Okay. I even shook down the Tunnel, Peter Gatien's joint. Jordan Harbinger: [00:32:59] Its like the aristocrats, right? In this book, he tells of rampant corruption, payoffs, and bribes and of treachery and deceit and assassinations in the Vatican and . My cousin was coming up, everybody was coming up to see me, my uncle my father was looking for blood. That's what the Vatican's worth. And then it turned down again to the other door. Anthony Raimondi: [00:18:23] Oh no, I didn't want to be close with these kids even if they want to be friends right now. So he puts you on the record to cover yourself with the tax department. I had everything on me right at the Bergen Street station house. 1821 S Bascom Ave #174 The Ciserillos moved away. They were all in on it, the stock forge. Vatican City is huge." They had kind of like real jobs, but they also had their fake jobs, right? eBook. He said, "Don't worry about it." Okay, my cousin, Mac, my Uncle Sal, my father was there, and Meyer was around at the time. That's where I met Captain Amiel Bass. I was on the bus going to Atlanta from the bus to the plane and led to the penitentiary. Nothing wrong with them." ; The many creative ways mobsters have gotten . He goes, "Maybe Anthony took off with the money." I've seen him on top of the plane. Of course, I stuck him right here and I ripped open his whole arm. I go into the Diplomat. Anthony Raimondi: [00:22:51] Our real name is Lucania, not Luciano. But I don't want to take his other eye out and then he had his friend Bowser who thought he was such a tough guy when I went there and this is in book two and I did what I had to do and the union stopped all the work that he was doing there. He shot him in the head. I said, "Yes, you could." The Company retains all right, title and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to the Content. [00:12:51] But these men, you never knew what they did. I say, "Yeah, I could get somebody." It's all family here, my cousin, uncles, everybody. He says, "When we die, we're going to go before God. lead to affiliate programs for which The Jordan Harbinger Show receives compensation. My cousin calls me over to the table. Note that if in your notification you knowingly misrepresent that the material or activity is infringing, you may be liable for any damages, including any costs and attorneys fees, incurred by us or the alleged infringer as the result of our relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity as detailed in the notification. PROHIBITED USES. They said, "That guy is Sally Burns." You agree not to attempt any unauthorized access to any part or component of the Website. If you believe that anything on the Website or Service infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement with our Designated Agent as set forth below. [00:23:55] And now back to Anthony Raimondi on The Jordan Harbinger Show. It really didn't faze me, it didn't register maybe it didn't register. They just backed up. Go about living your life. BY VISITING THE WEBSITE, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS OF USE. That's his boss in New York. Let me tell you he was a piece of work, this guy. I still got the first scar right over here where he hit me with the gun. The Youth Offenders Act doesn't phase that because it's a civil rights violation. And I figured something was going to happen. The assassination of the Pope. This is part two of a two-part episode. Should we sell this site or the Company, your personal information will be transferred to the new owner. This Sally Burns. If I would've went with another family or another crew of guys or whatever you want to call it or something could have happened to me, at least over here, I'm being a watch. You're managing the cadaver club, which also sounds like the most mafia thing ever. There was no problem. We reserve the right to employ separate counsel and assume the exclusive defense and control of the settlement and disposition of any claim that is subject to indemnification by you. Anthony is a former enforcer for the Colombo crime family who claims to be the nephew of the late Lucky Luciano. You know, anything goes to me. He says, "Get down here." Jordan Harbinger: [00:18:01] Did you end up graduating from high school or did you leave school early? They're very nice. And they got married, but Lucky was my grandfather's cousin. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:51] Same thing. [00:21:36] Like I met this woman, Barbara, Barbara Maggio or Maggiore or something like that. [00:34:58] Now, they see the car. You pay cash and you get on the plane. That's all for free over at And I knew that's when you knew they had something. Search Reddit posts and comments - see average sentiment, top terms, activity per day and more [01:05:15] Now, there are more ways to be a team with Microsoft Teams. That night they sent me to Atlanta. Do you understand? TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, OR LOST DATA, REGARDLESS OF THE FORESEEABILITY OF THOSE DAMAGES) ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS OR SERVICES PROVIDED TO YOU BY COMPANY. Jordan Harbinger: [00:09:29] And is that like a monthly collection? The right to data portability: Ask us to provide your personal data we have for export. It glided like this through the block. He says, "You know, we've got to kill him in a kosher way." They were found like skeleton hands or whatever, all on the roofs and all over the place. 512(c)(3) for the requirements of a proper infringement notification. They made sure that you were the right guy. I don't know how it happened." They're all involved in something. They say, "We got to see grandpa." This is great for business, great for personal reasons. Although Peter might want to give me an argument about it. But we can get into that whenever you want to. I go down to Monte's Restaurant and I leave the gun in the car. They're their own country." This is my first time." THERE ARE PROVISIONS BELOW CONSTITUTING A WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WE OR ANY OF THE INDEMNIFIED PARTIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DELAY OR FAILURE IN PERFORMANCE RESULTING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FROM ANY EVENT OF FORCE MAJEURE OR OTHER CAUSE BEYOND OUR OR THEIR CONTROL INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ACTS OF GOD, WAR, EQUIPMENT AND TECHNICAL FAILURES, ELECTRICAL POWER FAILURES OR FLUCTUATIONS, STRIKES, LABOR DISPUTES, RIOTS, CIVIL DISTURBANCES, SHORTAGES OF LABOR OR MATERIALS, NATURAL DISASTERS, GOVERNMENTAL ACTIONS, ORDERS OF DOMESTIC OR FOREIGN COURTS OR TRIBUNALS, OR NON-PERFORMANCE OF THIRD PARTIES. Company may make certain software available to you from the Website. No, everything is in-house. What are you kidding me?" He goes, "Do you understand what I'm saying?" Everybody's saying, "Where am I? And there was a dance floor. This guy's going." Or was it like, "If I piss off everyone enough, they'll just kick me out and I'll get my way and work with my uncles"? All I remember, I was crawling out of the place. Check out part one here! Sign up for Six-Minute Networking our free networking and relationship development mini course at! Like this show? Jordan Harbinger: [00:27:43] So you obviously remember that for your entire life. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi's new podcast credits. So Pope John Paul I gets elected, one, two, three. We are located in the United States. [00:29:34] As I started getting older, then they'd say go over to Fifth Avenue. Gambling, right? "Go ahead." You agree that any arbitration or court proceeding shall be limited to the dispute between us and you, individually. It was all loaded with stocks. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Had to be heated. One question guys, ok. What do I get?" I got women out here. He'll kill you and take your life. My Uncle Joe, my Uncle Nino, my Uncle Sal. Puts it in. I mean, they have bazooka, they have hand grenades. Do any of you have specifics about him yet? Jordan Harbinger: [00:33:32] So this guy comes in there looking for you or looking for something. I guarantee you. We leave. I said, "This guy got a lot of muscle." What else should I freaking do? I see Mac, "Hey, cousin Mac, wait a minute." The parties may litigate in court to compel arbitration, to stay proceeding pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator. And if he doesn't want you made, you arent getting made." Then they could charge you with everything. He took me everywhere with him every time he came into the United States. So my grandfather says, "Come, let's talk. If, for whatever reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term or condition in these Terms of Use to be unenforceable, all other terms and conditions will remain unaffected and in full force and effect. "All right, finish your route." If you know somebody who loves mafia stories or just wild tales like these, well, please do share this episode with them. Me, I'm over by the window. You agree not to duplicate, imitate, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, sell, transfer, assign, license, sub-license, publicly perform, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content, nor to help or assist third parties in doing the same. I don't care how big or small you are. How this kid lived is beyond me but he died the next day. He was born into the world of organized crime. He goes, "All right, come on." Opt-In To Email Lists or Waiting Lists: 36 months (24 months for Waiting Lists). It was the first time I had fired a gun in my life. So I called up with a bunch of guys that worked close to me, that were involved, and we went right to the airport. ", [00:40:05] I take off with my cousin's car and I drive to Third Avenue. Paperback. I'm going to do this. He did it. And they took two other wise guys with you. And he's going to pull that. Come join us, you'll be in smart company. And she's over here, "Now, everybody under the desks. One of them crashed Staten Island in Miller Field. They go down. Nothing went in my eye. I'm going to take the cuffs off you. He goes, "Where's the detective?" There's no " He goes, "If you look at the body, whatever and you look for the head, you can't tell if it was a man or woman. [00:47:58] We went into the diner. Anthony Raimondai makes bold claims about being a mafia hitman and killing 450 people in Vietnam. But before I get into that, here's a preview of my conversation with Austin Meyer. "It's in the canal.". He found out what happened to Pete Martel, he goes by the name of Pete Rayo and Petey Matsa, they call him. They can't prosecute or give you a big time. Anthony Salvatore Luciano Raimondi has been a gangster for much of his life, beginning when he was just thirteen years old. "What do you mean you shot him?" Anthony Raimondi: [00:41:24] I didn't think about it. My cousin goes and heard about it. Definitely, it did. He didn't get somebody else to do his own work. He says, "What are you doing?" This kid was the only survivor. You throw them in concrete, this is what they will do. The plane didn't come shooting through the block. This is 75 and it's still going on. What happened?" Jordan Harbinger: [00:11:14] That makes sense. Jordan Harbinger LLC (the COMPANY) welcomes to you (the WEBSITE or SERVICE) and any other websites operated by the Company. I'm like, "Oh yeah, two guys in one coffin, save money." Listen to me, you have no idea. [00:04:51] Now they're just making guys because "I'm going out with your sister." He said, "Did you got rid of the gun?" Company reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. So he said, "Just keep on running the business.". [00:42:12] So Joe tells Little Vincent, he goes, "Go down to the place and see what you can find out." So you go to see the guy and then you put them in the hospital. "What are you f*cking nuts?" Visit Amazon Author Central There is a stipulation, the state, the city and the Feds have what's called the Youth Offenders Act up to the age of 24, anything you do, you're considered as a youth offender. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE OR ANY OF ITS CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVERS THAT HOST SUCH CONTENT ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS OR ARE FULLY FUNCTIONAL, ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. His arm was ripped off. [00:37:05] So I'm thinking just let me go see Joey D and Sally D. They had a bar on Union Street and Third Avenue. He goes, "The bodies on the floor. You got to dig the well before you get thirsty. You may contact Jen Harbinger at with any questions or requests you have about these policies or your personal data. Maybe he got shot and killed. I drove. I came back. They double-parked. Remember what I say." Can it be? Never said anything. "Are you f*cking kidding me?" ", [00:39:22] I go home. When everybody's seen that they all backed up. Why wouldn't he want to get in touch with me?" I go down. [00:26:17] And I told everybody, and everybody said I was crazy. They went to their house, knocked on the door, and you know what? He goes, "This kid isnt going to run away with the money.". They came down on us like this, four cars. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi's Creator Profile. They thought they were two tough guys, but they were two brothers in the school together. Like for stories like this, some of the kids that probably were the that I was the worst to and that were the worst to me in elementary school are some of my closest friends now because kids do stupid shit all the time. We're all family over here. He was a hundred years old when he died." SEVERABILITY; WAIVER. All disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. They're all sitting there. They all got up every morning and went down to the piers. Is that what you mean? They couldn't pass with the truck. "Yeah, sure. He goes, "I'm giving you a copy." Where are the slips and everything?" Why not? So after that, you kind of go straight back into the family business and you've got some pretty serious problems, it's not just securities fraud. Anthony Raimondi: [00:56:37] They're still over there. And I'm walking. Anthony Salvatore Luciano Raimondi has been a gangster for much of his life, beginning when he was just thirteen years old. He goes, "Look at this kid. It's just the body. I had a shylock business back then. Pope Paul VI, he had three kids. Any user who voluntarily signs up for more information or who purchases a product, service or program through the Website, is agreeing to both the terms of this Agreement and the accompanying Terms and Conditions of Purchase where applicable with respect to such product, service or program. I can shake them down in a thousand different ways with this guy. And it was a funny thing. Jordan Harbinger: [00:00:00] This podcast is brought to you by Microsoft Teams. Somebody is going out with your aunt, somebody going out with your uncle. First, my father goes like this, "Come here." If you have any questions about this, please contact us. Anthony Raimondi: [00:52:04] He made a perfect forged copy and they were selling. Anthony Raimondi: [00:10:08] They're not going to hand you the cash like that. Anthony Raimondi: [00:45:23] Yeah. I think that stuff, why not? Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:01] Nice. I said, "Yeah, I know, some guy screwed me up, but I'm doing better." My cousin put a smirk on his face. He goes, "Tell him what I said." Stabbed me twice over here. You're going to come in there and eat with us like regular people. Anthony Raimondi: [00:05:22] Totally different ball game. Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Don't say anything. [00:48:36] Now there are more ways to be a team with Microsoft Teams. We are considered a country within a country. We were in Gerry Lang's Lincoln. He was in the cigarette business. I don't know who this guy is." Stop! MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL PROVISIONS. Campbell, CA 95008-2357 We keep your personal data for different periods of time depending on the reason it was gathered in the first place. The burden of proving that any Content does not violate any laws or third party rights rests solely with you. I remember this as clear as I see you. As a business, we collect personal data from you in a number of ways including: Opt-In To Email Lists or waiting lists: Your name and email address. [00:15:35] Sure enough the next day, Raymond with the pin day, I asked him to stop. I said, "Yeah, I'm fine." Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:55] Okay. So they were a lot of nonsense, so I said, "You know what I want out of the contract." I said, "What?" You represent and agree that you own, have full rights to or otherwise control all User-Generated Content that you submit or send to us, that such User-Generated Content is accurate and truthful and does not violate these Terms of Use, or our Privacy Policy. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability. Okay. You are also prohibited from posting any portion of the Content in either print or digital format, included on any other website, social media page, or in a networked computer environment for any purpose. I go back home, get changed, put my clothes on everything. Websites like ours must have a legal basis for collecting information from individuals located in the European Union. He hit me again after that. Austin Meyer: [01:02:47] The patent claims to own the idea of one computer, checking another computer to see if the computer program is allowed to run. Company respects your privacy and permits you to control the treatment of your personal information. Everybody is there. I thought it was cadaver club . Anthony Raimondi: [00:03:25] The Black Hand can be referred this way, if they don't get you, they'll kill your whole family. A LEGAL basis for collecting information from individuals located in the hotel and 's... Here 's a civil rights violation Well, you know, we know other! Day, Raymond with the tax department when everybody 's seen that they all backed.. Shake them down in a Kosher way. else to do his own work anthony:... I mean, they got rid of the gun in my life civil and/or liability... And then it turned down again to the FOLLOWING terms of USE amend these terms at any.! Gun? the water made, you know what I want out of the late Lucky Luciano grandfather says ``! Put them in the United States the guy that 's actually dead goes into the world organized. With my cousin, Mac, my father was there, and again in 1993 they pick up! 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